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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Follow Follow was entertaining earlier, they think they are widely despised because of their success etc :lol:


Join Date: 01-08-2006

Staggered by the hatred against us

Obviously it goes without saying that the tarriers hate us with a passion, however, what has really struck me here in this whole pantomime is the deep routed hatred from all quarters

I was looking on the St Johnstone www.weareperth.co.uk forum and boy do they hate us.


Other clubs are exactly the same. Why?

Is it because we are the most successful club and they all want to see us fail because of jealousy?

Or have the tarriers with typewriters and the TV Tarriers woven such a spell of hatred against us, that everyone from other clubs has bought into their evil shite?

Whatever the reason, I didnt expect such hatred from ALL quarters

We must remember this when we emerge from the darkness.

No one likes us we dont care!!!!

is it because they know if we go they become an irrelevant footnote in Scottish football history
IMO it comes with being the most successful club in the country. If the same situation had to happen to the likes of Man Utd, who has dominated the English game for a while, then fans of all the other clubs would love it.

I don't buy into it being anything to do with tarriers, they are hated aswell, but not on the same scale due to success.


Join Date: 11-05-2008

Re: Staggered by the hatred against us

I post on another football forum where it is made up of mainly 'Diddy' supporters. They have a thread on Rangers in Administartion that is now at page 1,200+ , more than 30,000 replies and over 2,000,000 views.

They are not only totally obsessed by us they hate us...Hate us with a passion that rivals the tarriers hatred of us.

I said recently i would be travelling next season but i am now seriously reconsidering this. We have to look after No.1 as they sure as hell wont.

They don't want us punished for wrongdoings...They want us dead and gone and make no mistake about it!!!


Join Date: 29-07-2006

Re: Staggered by the hatred against us

The **** have whipped up such a storm over ebt's that supporters of other clubs now believe the financial doping clap trap coming from the manky mob.make no mistake this is the final push to push us into oblivion


Join Date: 11-05-2008

Re: Staggered by the hatred against us

You could not be further from the truth..It has nothing to do with the tarriers. I have seen the Manky b*****ds try to join in elsewhere and they are quickly chased for being 'Different cheek of the same arse'.

The Diddies see this as a chance to finish us off and then hopefully finish celtic as they will change the voting system. Their ultimate goal is shared gate money and shared TV revenue etc.

This really will be a battle to the end and if we lose we will find it difficult to get back to where we are as they will do all in their power to keep us down. They could not care less about Scottish Football or its standing in Europe.

Some of these idiots think by killing off Scotlands biggest club with the biggest travelling support they will increase crowds..Increase their own finances. It is actually quite frightening just how misguided they are!!

:lol: :lol:

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""We are well progressed with a plan that is designed to bring both fan ownership and long term financial stability to the club, without reliance on funding from either a bank or a benefactor. We do not believe we can separate the sporting integrity of our league from the sustainable future of our club; the two go hand in hand."

It would have been nice - if highly surprising - for Motherwell to come out and say no Newco but the above gives me hope we'll do the right thing.

I don't think any of us who post regularly on here and are reasonably intelligent chaps think for one minute that any SPL club should come out and say 'NO to Newco'. They'd obviously need 24hr protection at their ground, and the chairman of a club who said that would merely be in line for threats, abuse, dodgy e-mails... you name it.

Motherwell seem to have sat on the fence here, but that's exactly what they should be doing. This isn't the time to come out and say NO to something that they rightly point out in their statement they are still in the dark about.

Johnston's comments, and indeed Danny Lennon's were un-necessary, and ill-judged. My understanding is that the SPL chairmen genuinely don't know what the hell to do - it's a mess, and doesn't look like being cleared up anytime soon... and the clock is ticking. The other clubs are (to a large degree) in the same boat as us... waiting for something to actually happen at Ibrox from Haudit & Daudit that gives us some idea of what the hell is actually going to end up happening at that place.

Edited by pozbaird
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When no one want to buy Rangers

And the outlook's grim and grey

And the clock is slowly ticking

Towards their final day.

And tins of Hampden Whitewash

Won't make it go away.

Remember, remember, remember, remember

Remember remember, remembeeeeeeeeeer:


When the blogs and fans point and laugh

About tax and EBTs

And there's all those awkward questions

Upon the BBC

But you still lie about protecting

The league's "integrity"

Remember, remember, remember, remember

Remember remember, remembeeeeeeeeeer:


When the admins do a runner

And Rangers finally die

And you get told to stick it

From TV company Sky

And just like Norwich City

SPL tells you "goodbye!"

Remember, remember, remember, remember

Remember remember, remember:


Remember, 'member, 'member what a cockwomble Doncaster you are!

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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The quality of your posts is inverse to the character and image count therein

You fucking hack, "From TV company Sky," for f**k's sake.

Edited by Swampy
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If ? ........IF ??????.........I think that is no longer in any doubt. The police should have been breaking down doors this morning and making arrests. They should be starting at the top and making a wee call to 8A Easter Belmont Road, Edinburgh.(this was the address displayed on one of the letters relating to Murray's EBT on last night's prog.)

As an aside, DM no longer stays there. Think he's down in Barnton now (a stones throw from Easter Belmont Road).

By the way....what a street!! The houses are all massive, every one of them gated to keep the 'plebs' from getting anywhere near.

I've seen Murrays old pad......and if that was 8A, f**k knows how big 8 must be!

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After Cockwomble was shown-up for not pressing-on with the investigation:

Chris McLaughlin ‏@BBCchrismclaug

BBC Scotland has learned the #SPL has set a deadline for #Rangers administrators to provide info they need on possible dual contracts

Chris McLaughlin ‏@BBCchrismclaug

No date given for deadline, but I'm told next couple of weeks could be crucial. If #Rangers don't comply, sanctions could follow

No date. Hmmmm...

AND - if Rangers do not comply with this unseen date - then the SPL could consider imposing...................sanctions.

That'll have them shitting themselves for sure.dry.gif

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As an aside, DM no longer stays there. Think he's down in Barnton now (a stones throw from Easter Belmont Road).

By the way....what a street!! The houses are all massive, every one of them gated to keep the 'plebs' from getting anywhere near.

I've seen Murrays old pad......and if that was 8A, f**k knows how big 8 must be!

8A.....Must be a flat, maybe he got an exchange after putting a card in the ice cream vans window.

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They have no shame. We need to keep flinging back at them, every time they come up with this sh1t, "Why then did you try to leave the SPL and join an English league?", and in light of that attempt,"Explain why we should do you any favours now, or even feel the smallest piece of sympathy for your team's situation"

Are we likely to hear them say, "Yes, we wrong to try to do that and we are sorry" ?

It's up to fan groups in particular to barrack the press because they've as much right to have their voices heard as any Rangers fan group. Indeed more, considering this "we must have Rangers or Scottish football will die" garbage is being done in their name!

Time for some of those facts and figures showing the lie to the claims of dropped gates without Rangers to be put out by those with the clout to make it a story. If Aberdeen's goalie can get in the news for saying "stuff them, let the cheats die" it should be a doddle for the likes of the Dons Trust to manage it.

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Apologies if someone has already asked this. What I don't understand is why, if Rangers thought EBTs were legal and above board, they felt they had to keep them quiet and hide them from the SPL/SFA.

It did show up in their accounts and the accounts were signed off. ............. or so we are told.

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The fastest way to get famous Cockwomble ND to show up in Google is probably Twitter. Use a #Cockwomble hash tag and a Neil Doncaster hash tag and also link to Cockwomble.org.

The world needs to know.

If you search for Cockwombe images in google then Doncaster's smarmy puss is on page 4 thanks to P&B.

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Apologies if someone has already asked this. What I don't understand is why, if Rangers thought EBTs were legal and above board, they felt they had to keep them quiet and hide them from the SPL/SFA.

Well even if they thought having and using the EBTs was legal, they would surely know that what they were doing constituted a second contract as they clearly had to write letters to staff about it as a supplication to the contracts themselves. They would know this was against SPL/SFA rules.

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They can be legal and above board in a financial sense but i believe the sfa rules are different and require explicit disclosure. Its a bit like some diet foods being legal but banned by the sports doping authorities.

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Well even if they thought having and using the EBTs was legal, they would surely know that what they were doing constituted a second contract as they clearly had to write letters to staff about it as a supplication to the contracts themselves. They would know this was against SPL/SFA rules.

I understood that a second contract was OK with the football authroities as long as you declared it.

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I dont know if anyone has had a look at this website but it is very interesting regarding EBTs..........


HM Revenue and Customs state that the purpose of an EBT is…

“To provide employees and directors with specific kinds of benefits such as loans, shares in their employing company, pensions and other retirement benefits, accident benefits or healthcare benefits.”

They also go on to say. . .

“EBT’s have increasingly been used for avoidance purposes, with the aim of providing employees and directors with benefits in ways that aim to minimise or avoid liability to income tax (and PAYE) and employers’ National Insurance Contributions (NICs).”

Typically if you use an EBT provider you will receive a small basic salary (something around the minimum wage level) with the remainder of your income coming to you via a loan. Now even to us, this sounds a little strange, imagine what HM revenue and customs will think about it, if you are ever investigated – ‘so you receive a small salary and the rest of you money via a loan?’ but it doesn’t stop there, what happens if / when the loan is written off? Once written off, the loans become taxable and you immediately become liable for the back taxes. Now the provider may say ‘don’t worry the loan is never written off’, well that’s ok providing it’s always the same provider, however this doesn’t detract from the fact that you do and always will owe the money which will mean you may or may not be asked to pay back (it’s probably not something you’d like hanging over your head for eternity).

Additionally, as the loan is a benefit in kind (BIK) you’ll have to declare it on your tax return as income, which means you’ll have to pay the tax and potentially at some stage also have to repay the loan.

HM Revenue and Customs have a little check list that may help to ensure you don’t get caught out, they state that when forming an EBT scheme, you must AVOID the following:

  • Payment of bonuses via an offshore trust.
  • Payment of remuneration by way of loans, which may be written off before they become repayable.
  • Create an offshore ‘moneybox’ for director / shareholders of close companies.
  • Allowing employees to use assets (such as cars) owned by the EBT, the costs of acquiring which would be capital expenditure if they were owned by the employing company.
  • Providing benefits in the form of shares (not in the employing company) whose values can be most easily manipulated before or after they are transferred from the EBT to employees or directors.

Any of the above offers sound familiar? I am sure website's have reassured you that EBT’s are 100% legal, which they are, however I bet they forget to mention that any of the above so called ‘benefits’ being offered to you can be called in and collected at any point.

YOU are liable NOT the scheme provider

So if you work in the UK and use an EBT each month you will receive your small salary and the remainder of your ‘wages’ in the form of a loan or some other form of benefit. Now with your EBT headquarters offshore, who do you think is potentially at risk? You or them? You of course! Any form of payment that is not included into your monthly wages or recorded for HM Revenue and Customs places YOU at risk of avoiding tax payments, not the offshore holders.

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Dear members of 'Pie and Bovril',

We, the undersigned, are dismayed at your continuing usage of our name as a term of abuse towards a prominent member of the Scottish footballing hierarchy,

As generally benign creatures we feel we are being grossly maligned in the appellation you have ascribed to one Mr Doncaster. As it is, we feel we work tirelessly to assist humanity wherever possible and resent the implication that the usage of our name can in any way be described as an insult.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could cease this negative campaign towards our beleaguered race forthwith.


Orinoco, Bulgaria, Tobermory, Tomsk and Madame Cholet.

p.s. We're playing nice now, but if you don't desist forthwith, we'll send Cribbens round with a baseball bat. He's handy, you know.

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