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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No. Though that is one of the things it has been used for.

Do we know how many they have paid? also i thought the point of the RFF was to raise money to keep the club going, you'd think with the season be over and no more income they would be putting every penny the fans have raised into Ibrox?

I know if i was a Rangers fan, i'd be pretty pissed of at the RFF for spunking away my money

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Scottish football authorities need to do the right thing, and horse them into the 3rd division.

Also no point in fining them as they have no money, however all league titles and cup victories gained during the CCP should be wiped from the records.

CCP - Corruption and cheating period :rolleyes: They can then relaunch the club badge with 4 stars and a skull and crossbones in the middle. :lol:

Gregory Ioannidis ‏@LawTop20

If a civil court was to find in favour of Rangers, it would then create an undesirable precedence [see claiming previous titles?]...


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If Rangers win their case then hell mend them, they themselves set a precedent for any clubs to go to the courts to have their previous titles, cup wins transferred. From a point of my own self interest an example would be that it could open the gates for ICT to make a claim through civil courts that the year we were relegated Rangers should have won 0 SPL points, ICT would not have been relegated claims could be lodged for loss of income etc etc. It would rip football apart in this country the SPL and SFA would have no control over the matter.

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1337969621[/url]' post='6272029']

i haven't got the greatest memory so i could be completely wrong about this...

The team that played Celtic in europe, who then got chucked out blah blah blah, did they not take there appeal to their countries court and Uefa not kick up a storm saying those courts had no place in sport and threaten them with more sanctions?

Maybe finally someone will take action against them.

Yeah, that was FC Sion. FIFA told The Swiss FA to get it sorted or they were out of ALL competitions. They docked the club 36 points.

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Ok, this saga just gets madder and madder and trying to second guess what is likely to the next bombshell or just what the next lol moment will be (Joanna Lumley anyone?) is nigh on impossible. But I'm going to have a go at this - in the next week or two, either Stewart Regan or Neil Doncaster cockwomble will resign, citing a load of pish as the reason while everyone and their dug will know they have gone to preserve their sanity and their windows and cannot wait to get out of the stinking cesspit that is scottish football.

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I wonder if H&D and Whyte are actually scunnered with the inactivity of the SFA and SPL in regard to actually wiping Rangers from the Scottish football scene, and are indulging in a kamikaze act to ensure liquidation now happens.

Nothing would surprise me in this drama but it's hard to believe that Bungcaster, Regan, Ogilvie et al are playing a game of "Let's see who blinks first....."

Interesting scenario though. If true, Hadit, Daudit & Whyte will have to go into the Witness Protection Programme. :ph34r:

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1337970505[/url]' post='6272061']

I'm struggling to get my head around this court case tactic from the dynamic administration duo. They must know the FC Sion precedent, they must know if they push the SFA into a corner, the SFA will lash out to protect themselves, and Rangers will be toast. They also must know that this move will alert UEFA and/or FIFA. They also must know that it will be expensive, could be time-consuming, and they will not win. Of course, all of this only matters if H&D are even half-bothered about Rangers surviving and emerging 'fitter and stronger'. I have never believed for one moment Whyte and his two lapdogs are interested in Rangers well-being one bit.

All along, many of us have said that Whyte and his lackeys H&D have but one objective - to see Rangers liquidated, which could position Whyte with his floating charge, in a position to make money. In turn, H&D make a bomb by their massive fees being racked up since Feb 14, and following liquidation, their fees being the first to be paid out from the fire-sale of players, assets, and Sandy Jardine's cadaver to medical science. Once Rangers are dead - they slink away quietly with a massive wedge in their hip pocket. I wouldn't even blink an eyelid if some papparazi had photographed Whyte, Clark, and Whitehouse on a yacht in Monaco, quaffing champagne in six months time.

I wonder if H&D and Whyte are actually scunnered with the inactivity of the SFA and SPL in regard to actually wiping Rangers from the Scottish football scene, and are indulging in a kamikaze act to ensure liquidation now happens.

This is the only rational explanation. The admins must have thought they'd be well away from Glesga by now, with RFC but a memory. They didn't bank on the authorities being so bloody useless.

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how do you appeal charges for bringing the game into disrepute

thats right guys

by bringing the game into disrepute

is this what they mean by "scottish football will die without rangers" because they are going to force it to happen

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If Rangers win their case then hell mend them, they themselves set a precedent for any clubs to go to the courts to have their previous titles, cup wins transferred. From a point of my own self interest an example would be that it could open the gates for ICT to make a claim through civil courts that the year we were relegated Rangers should have won 0 SPL points, ICT would not have been relegated claims could be lodged for loss of income etc etc. It would rip football apart in this country the SPL and SFA would have no control over the matter.

Go back a few pages, GirondistNYC put up a couple of great posts explaining all this for numpties like us. i.e. Sporting Association Regulations versus The Law.

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Link speculation time.

Doncaster is a cockwomble.

One of the wombles was Tomsk.

Tomsk is a place in Siberia, which is where cockwomble (Neil 'cockwomble' Doncaster) should have sent Rangers.

Tomsk have a footie team already.

The club's directors disclosed that the club needed to raise funds or it would go out of business due to debts of 200 million roubles in June 2009

:D So, the cockwomble should send Rangers to Siberia where they can take over the license of Tomsk, and be even more in debt, then die in the Gulags 8th division.

Cockwomble saves the SPL, Rangers get into a different European league and everybody is happy 8)

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... but he is. Here's photographic evidence to prove it. Again.(I'll stop when I get to post it 10 times. 5 and counting....) 8)


Hmmm, could this be the way for the St Mirren fans to complete their buyout from the board? Standing outside of Hampden come the friendly with Australia and the Olympic games football matches selling cuddly Cockwombles to the tourists and Scottish football fans at £9.99 a time?

"Get your own Cuddly Cockwomble! Hours of fun for all the family panelling its stupid face!"

Demand? Hmmm, my guess is St Mirren will probably have enough money left over to buy Drogba with the change! :lol:

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Much as this might look like a typically arrogant Rangers response to the situation, I reckon this is D&P accelerating the start of the fire sale. They've played a good game - the best twenty quid I've ever lost. They're begging to be killed off. Repeated provocation of the authorities has done little to help their cause so they've enticed higher authorities into the fray.

Had to laugh at Reporting Scotland. Mrs WBR was hoovering so I put the subtitles on and Duff and Phelps came up as Death and Phelps. :D

ETA - Pozbaird typed a similar theory a few posts sooner but I definitely thought of it first. ;)

Also - please stop this "relegate them to the third division" nonsense. I don't want them - even though a couple of full houses :P at Broadwood (assuming we'll play there again and their fans turn up) would make a big dent in our debt and accelerate our rise to the SPL where we belong. :ph34r:

Edited by WBR
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Looking at that it is on the shoulders of the SFA to deal with Rangers for this breach of FIFA's articles. Rangers' membership of the SFA looks as though it could be in jeopardy, with any luck.

Perfect get-out for the spl/sfa. It wisnae us that chucked ye oot , FIFA telt us tae dae it

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Much as this might look like a typically arrogant Rangers response to the situation, I reckon this is D&P accelerating the start of the fire sale. They've played a good game - the best twenty quid I've ever lost. They're begging to be killed off. Repeated provocation of the authorities has done little to help their cause so they've enticed higher authorities into the fray.

Had to laugh at Reporting Scotland. Mrs WBR was hoovering so I put the subtitles on and Duff and Phelps came up as Death and Phelps. :D

the thing about d&p/rangers is


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1337971170[/url]' post='6272091']

Much as this might look like a typically arrogant Rangers response to the situation, I reckon this is D&P accelerating the start of the fire sale. They've played a good game - the best twenty quid I've ever lost. They're begging to be killed off. Repeated provocation of the authorities has done little to help their cause so they've enticed higher authorities into the fray.

Had to laugh at Reporting Scotland. Mrs WBR was hoovering so I put the subtitles on and Duff and Phelps came up as Death and Phelps. :D

To be fair, I'm happy to pay the twenty quid if it means these cheating feckers are gone. I'd happily put in another twenty.

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Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston on Tuesday night warned against hitting a newco Rangers with further tough sanctions.


He's let us down badly recently, but, to be fair, Tuesday seems like a long time ago right now.....

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Nothing surprises me with this lot these days. They should be thrown out NOW!! And if that is against "the rules" then all 11 of us should resign from the SPL and form our own league and simply not invite them to join. Surely they have bigger worries than what players they can sign?? I mean, it aint as if they have a pile of money to splash out now is it.. They still seem unable to admit or even understand that what they have done is a disgrace. What happens if the court of Session tell em to sling their hook?? House of Lords?? Euro court of 'uman rights?? f**k them and f**k them NOW..

The 10 should do this anyway, but on the basis of equal shares of TV and sponsorship money. Then we might have a league worth watching.

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