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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This course of action is being done deliberately by D&P and Craig Whyte, Rangers get chucked out of football here, the ground and Murray Park go to Whyte and Rangers re-emerge south of the border ad Banstead, change their name and re-locate to Glasgow but playing in the English leagues.

They'll all be down the lodge tonight having a laugh and a few drinks over the stupidity if the governing body here.

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This course of action is being done deliberately by D&P and Craig Whyte, Rangers get chucked out of football here, the ground and Murray Park go to Whyte and Rangers re-emerge south of the border ad Banstead, change their name and re-locate to Glasgow but playing in the English leagues.

They'll all be down the lodge tonight having a laugh and a few drinks over the stupidity if the governing body here.

Rangers fans might be praying this is true however I thought the English FA took a hard approach to relocation after the whole Wimbledon to MK Dons affair am I wrong?

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This course of action is being done deliberately by D&P and Craig Whyte, Rangers get chucked out of football here, the ground and Murray Park go to Whyte and Rangers re-emerge south of the border ad Banstead, change their name and re-locate to Glasgow but playing in the English leagues.

They'll all be down the lodge tonight having a laugh and a few drinks over the stupidity if the governing body here.

They can't do that without the express permission of the english fa who wont sanction it without the express permission of the scottish fa who will never agree to it

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You ain't wrong. Just been on for 10 mins. One guy saying if this was in Belfast they'd be rioting and setting cars alight by now. Another saying it was time to get the ta^^^^s out of Hampden. Another saying Daly wasn't releasing stuff til midnight as he'd be in midnight mass.

Another - somewhat ironic nobber - wailing about the waste of licence payers money this BBC investigation was. Pishing away the readies of the good folk of the country is indeed a shitty thing to do so look in the mirror you fanny.

What the f**k kind of lives do these people lead - i couldn't care less what religious background my mates came from, and for most of my acquaintences I don't know their religious persuasion. Poisonous, vile cretins - seriously, our society would take a massive forward step if the outlet for these p***ks was killed off. I'm guessing 99.99% of Scottish people do not look at the troubles in Northern Ireland and think 'I wish we could have that over here'.

One thing that struck me on that forum was that the vast majority of posts contain very few words. Barely a decent sentence length.

Is that the footie forum equivelant of grunting at each other ?

They aren't the smartest. :death

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Hibbeejibbee - isn't it the case if a club goes to the civil courts that the entire association faces expulsion UNLESS they boot the offending club thefuck out of said association or at least apply penalties of such draconian levels that the club will wish they had been kick ed thefuck out?


arseholeb*****dcunts doesn't even come close to describe how stupid these fuckers are

Well there's nothing set-in-stone, but in previous cases in recent times, it's certainly been the case that FIFA + UEFA have clearly expected "suitably punishment" shall we say to be imposed. Both as a retribution against the offender, and as a deterrence to wannabe offenders.

Even if Rangers win the court case they should be still in trouble anyway... why didn't they go to CAS?

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They can't do that without the express permission of the english fa who wont sanction it without the express permission of the scottish fa who will never agree to it

Unless they relocate the club to England (including the stadium)

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Jim Traynors column today

I'm not one of the Jim bashers, however. His column today cast a wee bit of doubt over some of Daly's findings in his BBC programme. As you know Daly questioned Grier/D&P/Ticketus/Whyte and the evidence that suggested D&P knew about the Ticketus deal as Grier was employed by them.

Daly worked for the BBC, Jim works for the Record......and the BBC. Is he asking us to believe he didn't know what Daly was investigating and couldn't have offered his view. He says at the end he wasn't asked. He's not usually shy.

From the Traynor article:

That doesn't make sense and neither does HMRC's approval of Duff and Phelps as administrators. The tax man could have objected to this appointment but didn't.

Surely if HMRC believed Duff and Phelps were compromised they'd have prevented them from becoming involved? But they didn't.

This doesn't follow from his premise. It's not HMRC's job to prevent that conflict of interest. The HMRC could well be playing the long game here.

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I'm afraid this hardens my attitude to the whole affair quite massively.

What Rangers are doing is affront to decency. They'd not even exhausted all the sporting avenues.

They should be opposed most vigorously, mercilessly, and without quarter.

Welcome on board my good man. Tax evasion and undisclosed payments is one thing, but not following due process? It makes the blood boil :P

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Rangers fans might be praying this is true however I thought the English FA took a hard approach to relocation after the whole Wimbledon to MK Dons affair am I wrong?

Didnt the FA help Peter Winkleman relocate Wimbledon to MK at the time? :huh:

EDIT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relocation_of_Wimbledon_F.C._to_Milton_Keynes

Even has a bit about Scottish football

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Their action is outrageous and appalling.

It was right and proper they be punished - and if desiring, submit appeals - through the democratic footballing processes. And be innocent until proven guilty, etc. etc.

Now they have discarded that route. They have cast it aside and gone to the law. In doing so they are advocating and practising a policy which... taken to its conclusion... puts at risk Scottish football as we know it. They are playing effectively with fire in Scottish football's powderstore.

It is an affrontry to all that we hold most dear, and frankly, it disgusts me.

Far be it from me to defend Rangers' actions here but Scottish football in its current form certainly isn't all that I personally hold most dear. Again, not defending Rangers - it's pretty clear what they're doing and why, and it's not to improve the game - but the idea that Scottish football couldn't do with a firm kick up the arse is mistaken.

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This course of action is being done deliberately by D&P and Craig Whyte, Rangers get chucked out of football here, the ground and Murray Park go to Whyte and Rangers re-emerge south of the border ad Banstead, change their name and re-locate to Glasgow but playing in the English leagues.

They'll all be down the lodge tonight having a laugh and a few drinks over the stupidity if the governing body here.

That would require the approval of the FA, the SFA, the league they'd be joining (I haven't a clue where Banstead play btw), of UEFA, and of FIFA. It'd also set a precedent, for say Benfica moving into the Spanish system, and hence chaos. It'd also see them spending years and years just to get to League 2.

I perceive certain flaws, therefore.

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Do they not realise that English football needs a strong Darlington? :(

What about Ketterington Town? Only £1.2m in debt and dropped 2 Divisions!

The world is warped Captain Krik. Poor Scotty.

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Unless they relocate the club to England (including the stadium)

You've been watching too much Doctor Who :D

ETA I suggested about 500 pages ago they fuckoff to Corby as it's the biggest RFC supporters club outside Scotland - the fact it is about 250 miles south of the Scottish border makes it even more appealing.

This court of session shite makes me think 250 miles isn't nearly far enought

Edited by EdTheDuck
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Far be it from me to defend Rangers' actions here but Scottish football in its current form certainly isn't all that I personally hold most dear. Again, not defending Rangers - it's pretty clear what they're doing and why, and it's not to improve the game - but the idea that Scottish football couldn't do with a firm kick up the arse is mistaken.

Tbf, I was meaning the things we hold most dear generally... the independence of the game, the rule of agreed regulations, the abidance of UEFA / FIFA statutes, and our participation in trans-national competition. They're (potentially) placing all in peril.

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They should be opposed most vigorously, mercilessly, and without quarter.

The Cockwomble Cup 2012

They get no quarter, we all get semis, thats final.

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Tbf, I was meaning the things we hold most dear generally... the independence of the game, the rule of agreed regulations, the abidance of UEFA / FIFA statutes, and our participation in trans-national competition. They're (potentially) placing all in peril.

The idea that football is politically indepedent is, in most of the world, a convenient fiction. Many, probably even most FIFA members have highly subsidised football. A lot of associations - large ones whose clubs teams get to continental finals - have professional football that's at least in part owned or bankrolled by the government. The only part of the world in which football's independence from state actually seems to matter is, hilariously, in representative democracies, where political oversight actually has the potential to do some good. In huge parts of the world civil society just doesn't work like that, and FIFA are hardly in a position to make it so.

That said, I agree with all that you're saying here - Rangers are in the process of being caught bang to rights on rules that they were quite happy to abide by when the going was good. It is rich for them to now take the nuclear option.

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