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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you think the SFA would say no if the gers were to be joining the SPL next season ?.FFS they are already lubing our anuses for a newco next year so why not ?.

The SFA would be making a mockery of their own punishment and FIFA would get involved again.

Pretty sure there are other licenses or permits needed as well like a safety certificate etc.

No self respecting professional player would want to wait a year for a game.

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To be honest getting rid of Green and a demotion to the 3rd with fans and a few biggish supporter investors taking over might be the best thing that could happen.No more shysters trying to rob them blind and a real fanbase running the club would be the best thing that could happen for them and Scottish football.Big crowds in lower divisions and more interest by tv.They cruise up the leagues and in 3 years the young players have developed well.In the Spl they'd get back challenging without the baggage and they also have the kudos of improving every league they have gone through.

But in the real world the crooks will pick the bones clean and everybody will still hate them.

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I can't see anything other than suspension and I think the CoS judge alluded to it.

He pointed out quite clearly that the only sanctions that could be used (and at Rangers request as they have brought the case)

were those set in the SFA articles.

He says Lord Calloway's appeal tribunal only upheld the original compromise player registration sanction option on the grounds that it was permitted/available, otherwise they thought the misconduct serious enough for suspension to be considered.

He didn't rule as he could that the £100,000 fine was all they could give as he recognised that both tribunals who'd judged the matter clearly considered this to be inadequate.

Fine ridiculously low - Suspension expulsion too harsh was the view we already knew quoted.

So Rangers have gambled massively with this appeal forcing the SFA's hand double or quits style where the double option threatens their very existance.

Now they go back to an appeal tribunal which has already judged their behaviour bad enough for consideration of suspension.

They'll hope for leniency but now with the addition of having taken FIFA's representative body to court I can't see much being given.

Note there is talk of Rangers "willing" to accept a Scottish Cup ban and a six-month transfer embargo.

You can't take a case on the grounds that a punishment not set out is illegal then simply accept another compromise because it suits you better because you've suddenly realised what the option have become.

Doncaster seemed to think they could still play in SPL under SFA suspension but how would that look to World football and more realistically how could SFA referees take their games?

Interesting week.

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Getting out of the lower divisions isnt as easy as it seems. Different style of play especially to "SPL standard" players.

Gretna managed 3 successive promotions with far less resources than a completely fresh newco Rangers would have.

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The SFA would be making a mockery of their own punishment and FIFA would get involved again.

Pretty sure there are other licenses or permits needed as well like a safety certificate etc.

No self respecting professional player would want to wait a year for a game.

If there are enough sanctioned glamour ties paying the players what they would receive during a normal season and add in the fact these glamour ties exceed what the SPL can offer in competition will you turn down the chance to play against possibly the worlds best players ?.

Ibrox is a 5 star venue and safety is guaranteed by the Strathclyde masonic police lodge 8).

EDITED TO ADD safe ! as long as McCoist scores a last minute goal again.

Edited by hellbhoy
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If there are enough sanctioned glamour ties paying the players what they would receive during a normal season and add in the fact these glamour ties exceed what the SPL can offer in competition will you turn down the chance to play against possibly the worlds best players ?.

Ibrox is a 5 star venue and safety is guaranteed by the Strathclyde masonic police lodge 8).

EDITED TO ADD safe ! as long as McCoist scores a last minute goal again.

Ibrox is in need of an overhaul/repair. Might look shiny on the outside but the inside isnt so bonnie.

Gretna and Livi got back to back championships with expensive seasoned pros. Think the Rangers kids

who are used to nice smooth pitches etc might find some of the 3rd division parks a little challenging.

If the Rangers fans loved the club so much then why was only £500k raised for the RFFF?

Remember Lehman. It was too big to fail but it fail it did.

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I'm really in two minds now as to whether I want Rangers exterminated immediately or to die a long lingering death. I'm now convinced that CHARLES GREENS backers include REG BREALEY & Co as what is now happening is right up their street - Owning a football ground and leasing it back to the football club. It sure does look as if the CVA is designed to fail, letting GREEN & Co in to take over Ibrox and Murray Park.

Surely there are some decent journo's out there who can check the ties between GREEN and BREALEY and their associates ? BREALEY and his associates are masters at this - they got scuppered the last time they tried it in Scotland - but 'Greed is Good' is their motto so why not go where the big money is.

I am now absolutely and totally convinced that GREENS GUYS are REG BREALEY and STEPHEN HINCHCLIFFE amongst others. It's the same story that Brealey used when he tried to buy St Mirren - mystery English backers (reluctant to name names) and a far east consortium being involved (load of bollox, just fairy stories), - same old story, different club.

The whole thing absolutely stinks - I even recall at the height of the St Mirren saga they showed the one and only OWEN OYSTON of Blackpool F.C. infamy in the company of some of these chancers.

No doubt certain hacks will be on top of this - wonder if Leggoland will publish anything ?

From Wikipedia:

He (Hichcliffe) bought Knoydart estate, west Highlands from Sheffield United chairman Reg Brealey's Titaghur company in 1998,

I recall the Love Street Blues programme showed a delegation of these crooks arrive by helicopter at Knoydart, one being the aforementioned OWEN OYSTON.

And if I know this, then why the feck did Duff & Phelps not know this - or maybe they did ?

Edited by Wokcomble
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I think Rangers may get a 12 month suspension from all competitions. Strangely, I think this may be to everyone's advantage. Bear with me (excuse the pun). Such a suspension might see off the vultures around the club. I see Mr Green and Co as vultures. Do they really give a toss about Rangers ? Of course they don't. They see an opportunity for the good of themselves. Rangers interests will be a poor second.

So what will happen if all investors walk away ? Liquidation for sure ( most likely to happen anyway) and major assets on the open market. Ibrox is not suitable for development due to the listed main stand (Govan is not likely to be of interest to anyone looking to do what has been done at Highbury). Murray Park can't be sold for development. So most probably we will be left with a liquidated football club with physical assets which are worth very little in real terms. The opportunity therefore is for someone to purchase these assets at a low price (Best option would be Rangers fans fund with a guaranteed future say in the running of the club), a new RFC created and then apply for 3rd division after the years suspension is over.

Sore for the fans, but think about it. A year out to sort out the shit. Then an undoubted year on year rise through the leagues given the resources available.

I may have had a little too much to drink......

I absolutely agree - I came to the same conclusion yesterday afternoon. As much as I hate Rangers, I would think it would be in the best long term intersts of the club that they take a one year suspension.

Green & co would disappear, and a year (at least) is probably what it'll take to sort out the mess and get to the bottom of things, and the Blue Knights or whoever will have time to raise a massive amount of money in that 12 month period. They should thereafter accept being stripped of trophies or whatever sanctions are dished out and stop blaming everyone else for their self-inflicted problems.

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And COCKWOMBLE should resign asap - the Sky T.V. money should never ever have been considered ahead of the integrity of the game. He either knew what was going on in the greater scheme of things but continued to perpetrate the myth that Scottish football would be dead on its feet without (or a reduction) of the Sky money, or he actually didn't know, what was going on which is just as bad.

It sure looks to me he was trying to protect Rangers at all costs ahead of the integrity of the game ,and if that' is indeed the case he should go immediately.

.....is everybody bloody sleeping, it's only four in the morning !!!

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Another example of Duff and Duffers incompetencey is the fact they agreed for the players wages to revert back to normal on June 1st. Surely it should have been July 1st as this is when the transfer window open!!

They can't rake in any transfer fees this so month so no doubt they will take the shortfall out of the creditors pot.


Edited by DensDerry75
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This dispute of post that are written in a way they are stating fact or not.

Well I'll have go.

Rangers Football Club are fvcked!!!!!! FACT

TSAR is a knob!!! FACT

Edited by SlipperyP
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I absolutely agree - I came to the same conclusion yesterday afternoon. As much as I hate Rangers, I would think it would be in the best long term intersts of the club that they take a one year suspension.

Green & co would disappear, and a year (at least) is probably what it'll take to sort out the mess and get to the bottom of things, and the Blue Knights or whoever will have time to raise a massive amount of money in that 12 month period. They should thereafter accept being stripped of trophies or whatever sanctions are dished out and stop blaming everyone else for their self-inflicted problems.

That begs the question, would the SPL maintain 12 teams in their league during the period of suspension, of say 1 year, and if they did would the SFL add a new team to the third division to maintain their numbers? If these happened there would be no place for Rangers to re-enter Scottish football's national leagues at any level.

Edited by AlbionMan
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How about:

  • 5 year ban from Scottish Cup
  • 6 month suspension from SFA (effective from July 1st, applied to all competitions and matches)
  • Fine of £100,000

In terms of the 6 month suspension, I would see it as some way towards being just, but not forcing them to fold. Rangers would not have to concede any games as 3-0 defeats, but they'd have to accommodate their 38 game programme into the period of Jan 2nd to mid May. And bloody Sky get to keep their OF grimfests. And us diddies get to keep the TV money.

If the police refuse to cover 18+ games at Ibrox in that space of time, then the ones they won't do are closed door.

Everyone's a winner.

Having teams coming late into a league is not unheard of: for legal reasons, in Greece last year two sides didn't start until late November, 3 months after everyone else.

Edited by Jim Leighton
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How about:

  • 5 year ban from Scottish Cup
  • 6 month suspension from SFA (effective from July 1st, applied to all competitions and matches)
  • Fine of £100,000

In terms of the 6 month suspension, I would see it as some way towards being just, but not forcing them to fold. Rangers would not have to concede any games as 3-0 defeats, but they'd have to accommodate their 38 game programme into the period of Jan 2nd to mid May. And bloody Sky get to keep their OF grimfests. And us diddies get to keep the TV money.

If the police refuse to cover 18+ games at Ibrox in that space of time, then the ones they won't do are closed door.

Everyone's a winner.

Having teams coming late into a league is not unheard of: for legal reasons, in Greece last year two sides didn't start until late November, 3 months after everyone else.

Although Rangers would suffer by shoehorning games in, why should all the other teams be forced to play extra midweek fixtures to accomodate them?

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Although Rangers would suffer by shoehorning games in, why should all the other teams be forced to play extra midweek fixtures to accomodate them?

I don't see that as a major issue. Assuming the first 20 or so games were delayed for them, it may mean one home game and one away game for each team to be rescheduled. For full-time players, an additional two midweek games somewhere between January and May won't kill them.

The SFA wanted to avoid suspending Rangers, hence Regan talking about the lack of 'pragmatic' options available with the removal of the embargo. A limited suspension seems like one of the few pragmatic options left. They would be punished without the SFA slaughtering one of their golden-egg-laying geese.

Edited by Jim Leighton
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If this is true then the SFA and the AT have no option but to go for the jugular. This is going to make Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like Guy Fawkes night.

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Ok I will be the daft one today.I read in the paper today that Hearts are still not happy about the non payment of the Lee Wallace transfer fee. Now if you or I buy something like a car then fail to pay the full amount then the finance company will come along and repossess the vehicle. Why can't a football team which has not been paid the full amount not be able to repossess the players registration that was sold to the other club?Surely Hearts would then be able to sell on the player to make up any shortfall in the original transfer fee.

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If there are enough sanctioned glamour ties paying the players what they would receive during a normal season and add in the fact these glamour ties exceed what the SPL can offer in competition will you turn down the chance to play against possibly the worlds best players ?.

Ibrox is a 5 star venue and safety is guaranteed by the Strathclyde masonic police lodge 8).

EDITED TO ADD safe ! as long as McCoist scores a last minute goal again.

i might be wrong here...but i reckon that if they are suspended, then they wouldnt be able to insure players and that would be the biggest block to such games being played. i dont see how any such games could be sanctioned anyway and realistically who would want to play against rangers??? theyre not exactly a high profile name now and no decent clubs will want to risk players being injured in a no mark game.Even if they overcame such obstacles...how many fans would they really get thru the doors...they couldnt fill ibrox for champs league games...could end up losing more money than they make. if sfa choose to suspend..then rfc dies.

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