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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't know French and her who does is giving it hyper zzzzz's

Translation please? Ta.

Boils down to:-

Celtic - nice

Rangers - dead

If you really want a full translation just select the text then copy and paste it into Google translator

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1, 1%

2, 5%

3, 60%

4, 5%

5, 29%

You'll never work for Charles Green with quantum like that - something along the lines of

1, 5%

2, 11%

3, 64%

4, 8%

5, 34%

is what is needed.

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Statement by Charles Green:


"We are fully aware that one of the sanctions available to the Appellate Tribunal should the matter be referred back there is the suspension or termination of Rangers Football Club membership of the SFA.

"That in our view would be a disaster for Scottish football and a major setback to our plans to take Rangers forward after a particularly difficult period in its history.

you dont f'cking say :lol:

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Why this continual obsession with RM? Are you an utter idiot?

We know from this thread that people from here also post on RM. Some have admitted it but, I'm guessing, many haven't and keep posting there.

I said something similar before but it's worth repeating, "If you take RM as representative then you're a fuckwit",

Ah I see. All the fuckwits on Rangers Media are Pie and Bovrilites in disguise.

Just like the fans who rioted in Manchester were chelsea fans, right?


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Boils down to:-

Celtic - nice

Rangers - dead

If you really want a full translation just select the text then copy and paste it into Google translator

Really? I think you've made a mistake.

Allow me to interject with the correction.

Boils down to:-

Celtic - assortment of cockwombles

Rangers - dying assortment of cockwombles

Just because us 'diddys' are having a laugh at Rangers along with Celtic fans, doesn't mean that we've forgotten about the shenanigans and bigotry which has seeped into our game. Even in the past couple of years we've seen Lennon throw the toys out the pram, and the referees going on strike as a direct consequence, which coincidently cost my own club one of the bigger games against the season to be played midweek against Dundee meaning we received far less money. This is just on top of the stuff about the poppys which occured.

The fact is, I, and I'd be willing to wager the vast majority of others in this thread, despise Celtic just as much as Rangers.

Hope that clears things up...you cockwomble....

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They are insolvent, they have ziltch money, de nada, hee haw. They cant present their accounts as being signed off.

They cant pay fines. They cant raise working capital. They cant be in the SPL or even the SFL.

They are goners. Green knows that the game's up and is prepping the fans for the inevitable. He's gonna walk away.

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Really? I think you've made a mistake.

Allow me to interject with the correction.

Boils down to:-

Celtic - assortment of cockwombles

Rangers - dying assortment of cockwombles

Just because us 'diddys' are having a laugh at Rangers along with Celtic fans, doesn't mean that we've forgotten about the shenanigans and bigotry which has seeped into our game. Even in the past couple of years we've seen Lennon throw the toys out the pram, and the referees going on strike as a direct consequence, which coincidently cost my own club one of the bigger games against the season to be played midweek against Dundee meaning we received far less money. This is just on top of the stuff about the poppys which occured.

The fact is, I, and I'd be willing to wager the vast majority of others in this thread, despise Celtic just as much as Rangers.

Hope that clears things up...you cockwomble....

I'll second that my friend

Edited by Trevor the tractor
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Not strictly true have a look

Celtic - An article about Celtic being much more than a football club

Rangers - About the imminent bankruptcy and death of Rangers

Just two examples from the regional daily Ouest France

Courtesy of google translate:

"The club Glasgow Rangers, institution of British football for over a hundred years, saw perhaps his last hours. It is indeed on the verge of bankruptcy and solutions to save him seem not to exist.

The Rangers, it represents what?"

Fantastique. Bravo monsieur, c'est formidable. Et,

y at-il une banque près ici?

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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They are insolvent, they have ziltch money, de nada, hee haw. They cant present their accounts as being signed off.

They cant pay fines. They cant raise working capital. They cant be in the SPL or even the SFL.

They are goners. Green knows that the game's up and is prepping the fans for the inevitable. He's gonna walk away.

Agreed totally. The last time we saw sh*t stirring of this nature was from Windy Miller's camp right before he legged it.

Not sure sure where I read it over the last few days but Green has only stumped up £200k. No money for wages, no £8.5m in a holding account. So, D & P will have pocketed another couple of weeks of fees, but they are running on empty now.

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Rangers are a disgrace to Scottish football and to football in general.

What has happened to the rule that all football debts must be paid?

Are Rangers truly trying to avoid this?

They really aren't gonnae be very popular after all this and would probably be better off dead than have to live with the shame of what they plan to get away with.

As for Green, he has only been round Scottish football a short while and I find myself not trusting him and hating him more.

That club is just a horrible stain on society and needs put down.

They are like a horrible family on a decent estate bringing the rest down.

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Agreed totally. The last time we saw sh*t stirring of this nature was from Windy Miller's camp right before he legged it.

Not sure sure where I read it over the last few days but Green has only stumped up £200k. No money for wages, no £8.5m in a holding account. So, D & P will have pocketed another couple of weeks of fees, but they are running on empty now.

He was supposed to hand over £2.7m last week but failed to do so. Nobody in their right mind would lend them money after the

ticketus fiasco even Green ! They cant go to the bank for a sub either. Keep saying this but ill say it again. They are goners.

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He was supposed to hand over £2.7m last week but failed to do so. Nobody in their right mind would lend them money after the

ticketus fiasco even Green ! They cant go to the bank for a sub either. Keep saying this but ill say it again. They are goners.

That's not entirely fair. I see Wonga.com has started doing business loans. laugh.gif

I think it will all go ka-boom this week - players starting to leave, SFA decision, Green might throw in the towel.

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They are insolvent, they have ziltch money, de nada, hee haw. They cant present their accounts as being signed off.

They cant pay fines. They cant raise working capital. They cant be in the SPL or even the SFL.

They are goners. Green knows that the game's up and is prepping the fans for the inevitable. He's gonna walk away.

Please be right.

I may take time off work on the day Rangers die and spend the day with my internet buddies in a giant point and laugh exercise.

It will be like being a child at Xmas again.

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Rangers are a disgrace to Scottish football and to football in general.

What has happened to the rule that all football debts must be paid?

Are Rangers truly trying to avoid this?

They really aren't gonnae be very popular after all this and would probably be better off dead than have to live with the shame of what they plan to get away with.

As for Green, he has only been round Scottish football a short while and I find myself not trusting him and hating him more.

That club is just a horrible stain on society and needs put down.

They are like a horrible family on a decent estate bringing the rest down.

Thats a good questions actually. There is no football creditors law in Scotland so, as far as the CVA is concerned, footballing debts are treated in the same way as any other. However, as Dundee found out, that doesnt stop the footballing authorities insisting that they are paid in full outside of the CVA. Yet, theres been no mention of this anywhere as far as Rangers are concerned

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Really? I think you've made a mistake.

I wouldn't normally do this but I'll make an exception in your case.

I am a Celtic supporting proddy; brought up in the west of Scotland. I went to the Church of Scotland Sunday school and even joined the Boys Brigade. I was the only Celtic supporter in a school of Rangers supporters. I have had endless grief from both sides of the divide since the very early 1960's - treated with suspicion and hatred in equal measure by fans of both clubs. I am not a bigot. Don't jump to conclusions just because you think they happen to support your own hate filled agenda.

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I don't know French and her who does is giving it hyper zzzzz's

Translation please? Ta.

It's from 17th February, so a bit out of date. Some interesting comments, however. One notes that the OF rivalry is to be distinguished from other noted local derbies by the sheer level of hatred involved. Another states that 'the Scottish championship is going to lose the little interest that it had if liquidation goes ahead.'

News for you, mes amies, for most of us it's been of zero interest for a very long time (maybe with the exception of helicopter Sunday when the 'Well stepped in to decide it at the last moment) which of Tweedledum or Tweedledee was cock of the dunghill in any particular season. At the moment, there are revolutionary possibilities afoot, LIBERTY from the bullyboy billyboys, EQUALITY and a more level playing field, and, to complete the revolutionary triumvirate, the FRATERNITY of the non OF fans - I hate that expression 'diddy teams' - demonstrated daily on this thread of threads. NOUS SOMMES VRAIMENT LES PEUPLE!

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