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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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hopefully he'll be forced to eat them ! smile.gif

The SFA will probably be the ones to eat them.

IMO if it came down to a straight vote for the SFA of Rangers being in existence or not then they would definitely vote for them.

However if they did this it would still be a different club to many of the orcs.

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Hi all, ive been reading this forum with interest and thought i would need to register to P&B.

I cant be bothered looking back through all the pages to see if anyone has posted this but when are all the deadlines that are coming up?

Well, I think that anyone wishing to register as a member of P&B should be obliged to read every single post in this thread, If not, then there will be a punishment (which is not listed) and no route for appeal should the aforementioned dis agree with the validity of this post and the manner in which it is (un)written unless of course a cva has been applied for naming that creditors would get an EBT and no recourse to the RFFF or COS or CAS or BBc or CW or SDM etc etcbiggrin.gif

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Well, I think that anyone wishing to register as a member of P&B should be obliged to read every single post in this thread, If not, then there will be a punishment (which is not listed) and no route for appeal should the aforementioned dis agree with the validity of this post and the manner in which it is (un)written unless of course a cva has been applied for naming that creditors would get an EBT and no recourse to the RFFF or COS or CAS or BBc or CW or SDM etc etcbiggrin.gif

Correct. All these Johnny-come-latelys trying to join in. You must pay the price of membership, and read every post. Lightweights!!!!

Edited by Happy Buddie
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Here is the link to Mr Traynor's latest bout ofl literary runs


What a lot of apologetic pish. Its no wonder I dont buy it. Pity the redtops dont have one half decent journalist between them.

Traynor keeps on about how the demise of Rangers is the death knell of Scottish football. Ok Jim here is a challenge (probably one that is beyond you) - the Scotsman on Sunday ran a great article about exactly what the demise of Rangers would mean to the SPL in terms of pounds, shilling and pence (conclusion: the SPL would survive ok). Can you invesitigate this for yourself and give us FACTS instead of your apologetic opinion? (If you dont understand 'facts' try a dictionary).

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Lets be honest, Chic and Jim Traynor are both .... NAZI TURKEYS.

They have forever followed orders to report on Rangers, suck up to Rangers managers, directors and players, printed media has been on the wane for years because of the internet and now when there is the chance to get one up on their overlords that have kept and fed them well, they wont do it, it would be like a turkey voting for xmas, but these are no ordinary turkeys, they have dined with Hitler and Himmler for too long, they are now NAZI TURKEYS.

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Lets be honest, Chic and Jim Traynor are both .... NAZI TURKEYS.

They have forever followed orders to report on Rangers, suck up to Rangers managers, directors and players, printed media has been on the wane for years because of the internet and now when there is the chance to get one up on their overlords that have kept and fed them well, they wont do it, it would be like a turkey voting for xmas, but these are no ordinary turkeys, they have dined with Hitler and Himmler for too long, they are now NAZI TURKEYS.

Edited by Broccoli Dog
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The Daily Record is a privately owned newspaper and we can choose to buy it or not. The BBC, however, is a publicly funded broadcaster. At the risk of sounding like a Daily Mail reader that means we're paying Traynor's and Chic Young's wages whilst they are abusing their power spouting this pish.

Not only is it pish, it is self-serving pish. Whatever form RFC survives in Traynor and Young know they will have done enough to continue to get their 'exclusives'' from the blue bigots without actually having to do any work as journalists. They've also managed to go through this whole affair without asking any difficult questions to those they have easy access to.

No talent, no analytical ability, no journalistic integrity. Traynor and Young are c***s.

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Lets be honest, Chic and Jim Traynor are both .... NAZI TURKEYS.

They have forever followed orders to report on Rangers, suck up to Rangers managers, directors and players, printed media has been on the wane for years because of the internet and now when there is the chance to get one up on their overlords that have kept and fed them well, they wont do it, it would be like a turkey voting for xmas, but these are no ordinary turkeys, they have dined with Hitler and Himmler for too long, they are now NAZI TURKEYS.

The beauty of the internet is that Joe Punters like you and me are now more generally better informed ( as opposed to the few anaoraks a few years ago) and when we get on to a phone-in we give them a reasoned, intelligent argument and what does it do?....... it fickin throws them, witness Wee Chico and Lamb-boy in the past few weeks. Previously all you would get was a guy going on and saying " Ah'm a Rangers fan and we're the best" " And what is your point caller?" " Jist sayin', we're the best" "Oh, right, then." Now it's a positive joy just waiting for the wee hand grenades to get thrown in.

Although my favourite was one from years ago when Wee Chico was rabbiting on about respect for refs, and a guy came on, had him spouting and raving about respect, then said "So, where was your respect when you were rantin' at the ref in your son's

under-12s match at the Racecourse in Paisley last Saturday?" His answer? "You must be mistaken, it wisnae me" then cut the guy off.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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I like that, and it gives me a chance to spam this. It's not connected other than it involves turkeys but I've been itching for a reason to spam it for ages now...

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The beauty of the internet is that Joe Punters like you and me are now more generally better informed ( as opposed to the few anaoraks a few years ago) and when we get on to a phone-in we give them a reasoned, intelligent argument and what does it do?....... it fickin throws them, witness Wee Chico and Lamb-boy in the past few weeks. Previously all you would get was a guy going and saying " Ah'm a Rangers fan and we're the best" " And what is your point caller?" " Jist sayin', we're the best" "Oh, right, then." Now it's a positive joy just waiting for the wee hand grenades to get thrown in.

Although my favourite was one from years ago when Wee Chico was rabbiting on about respect for refs, and a guy came on, had him spouting and raving about respect, then said "So, where was your respect when you were rantin' at the ref in your son's

under-12s match as the Racecourse in Paisley last Saturday?" His answer? "You must be mistaken, it wisnae me" then cut the guy off.

Chick never really bothered me before this affair, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, Id never read or listen to a word he said again though, he's been an embarrassment.

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You can always spot a blogger with no conviction that spout inane drivel; they do not allow comments or they heavily moderate them.

Leggo doesn't allow comments on his blog, wonder why...

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The Daily Record is a privately owned newspaper and we can choose to buy it or not. The BBC, however, is a publicly funded broadcaster. At the risk of sounding like a Daily Mail reader that means we're paying Traynor's and Chic Young's wages whilst they are abusing their power spouting this pish.

Not only is it pish, it is self-serving pish. Whatever form RFC survives in Traynor and Young know they will have done enough to continue to get their 'exclusives'' from the blue bigots without actually having to do any work as journalists. They've also managed to go through this whole affair without asking any difficult questions to those they have easy access to.

No talent, no analytical ability, no journalistic integrity. Traynor and Young are c***s.

The quality (or lack) of journalism has really been shown up with this whole episode. It really does make Scotland look every bit the parochial backwater that it is. sad.gif

Hopefully these "journalists" will disappear with their beloved Rangers.......even though part of me still thinks they'll get away with it !

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You can always spot a blogger with no conviction that spout inane drivel; they do not allow comments or they heavily moderate them.

Traynor is a complete tool and he knows it. His savage attack on Chic Young was a disgrace, whilst I have no love for Chic he came out that interview with more dignity than the mealy mouthed, lying c**t Traynor.

Edit: (not referring to the interview above)

when was this ? any link to it ?

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You can always spot a blogger with no conviction that spout inane drivel; they do not allow comments or they heavily moderate them.

Traynor is a complete tool and he knows it. His savage attack on Chic Young was a disgrace, whilst I have no love for Chic he came out that interview with more dignity than the mealy mouthed, lying c**t Traynor.

Edit: (not referring to the interview above)

Was there a fight between Chic and Lamb-boy? When? Is it on-line?

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Jim Traynor is an p***k but he deliberately plays the part of a p***k because that's what the tabloids want -- another Gerry McNee.

Chick on the other hand is (I think) genuinely not very bright, and will cling on to whatever popular opinion there is to be had on any given topic. His only useful function in broadcasting is to be the guy down by the dugouts who gets a quick word with the manager to ask how he's feeling during a game -- by its very defintion to do that job you need to be a bum-sucking happy-clappy sycophant. The BBC should tell him to stick to what he's good at, and stop allowing him to spread his childish, illogical opinions at the licence payer's expense.

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Hi all, ive been reading this forum with interest and thought i would need to register to P&B.

I cant be bothered looking back through all the pages to see if anyone has posted this but when are all the deadlines that are coming up?

Hi, Craig-FFC!

I'm a bit like you: I can't be bothered telling you.

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1338902104[/url]' post='6304606']

The Daily Record is a privately owned newspaper and we can choose to buy it or not. The BBC, however, is a publicly funded broadcaster. At the risk of sounding like a Daily Mail reader that means we're paying Traynor's and Chic Young's wages whilst they are abusing their power spouting this pish.

Not only is it pish, it is self-serving pish. Whatever form RFC survives in Traynor and Young know they will have done enough to continue to get their 'exclusives'' from the blue bigots without actually having to do any work as journalists. They've also managed to go through this whole affair without asking any difficult questions to those they have easy access to.

No talent, no analytical ability, no journalistic integrity. Traynor and Young are c***s.

May you be soaked by the rain of a thousand greenies.

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