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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So much for only signing players on frees.

If I was a creditor I'd e seething at all this boasting about money coming into the club, as I said earlier the chat was about signing Gattusso on a deal worth 12k a week

214 of the 276 people out of pocket are owed 12k or less! If they can afford to dish out contacts like that, they can afford to pay them in full what's owned!

Hopefully the creditors tell them to stick the CVA

Would any new signings not require a signing on fee? No doubt any players signed their contracts would be scrutinised by the SFA, I hope .

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1339363885[/url]' post='6321688']With the exception of expats scattered around the world nobody outside of scotland could give flying f**k whether Rangers ever play another game.In the grand scheme of things scottish football doesn't even register outside of this country apart from the odd token mention.

I pressed the red button on this by accident. I completely agree with this statement. Outside of Scotland, even in England, Rangers and their crooked ways interest nobody.

Neuchâtel Xamax were kicked out of the Swiss league midway through last season after they lost their league license because of suspected fraud and a failure to prove they could meet its financial obligations.Their debts are estimated to be at least SFr8 million ($8.7 million).

The ten team league then finished with 9 teams and the points gained from Xamax matches were valid as each team had played each other twice.

Xamax is the first Swiss top-tier club to drop out midseason since Geneva’s Servette collapsed with debts in 2005. Eight years ago, Lausanne was also declared bankrupt. Both teams have since made their way back into the top division after being dropped into regional leagues.


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214 of the 276 people out of pocket are owed 12k or less! If they can afford to dish out contacts like that, they can afford to pay them in full what's owned!

Don't you think that the vast majority of these 214 are probably 'rangers people' anyway, possibly willing to write off the cash owed, in the hope of getting new business from a 'Newco'?

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I hate the way diddy fans try to play down the OF. Globally, both are absolutely massive clubs, among the biggest in the world.

They're 2nd tier like Porto and Ajax.

Nowhere near the likes of Man Utd, Barcelona, Real Madrid, AC Milan etc. Probably outside the top 20 now, though that wasn't always the case.

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Having closed the initial round of funding with £10m raised, Green says he will entertain a second round of investment with a maximum of £4m per investor.

Green also referred to a £10m stadium-naming deal with "an airline investor or alternative".

What a load of phoney balloney.

Where are the breakdown figures re the £10m initial funding ???

A 2nd round of a MAXIMUM of £4m per investor - whats the minimum, two quid ?

Oh aye, and the renaming of Ibrox will go down well with the bun fans - who have you got in mind ?

Dan Dare perhaps...better watch out 'cause that could be construed as a tarrier airline !

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They're 2nd tier like Porto and Ajax.

Nowhere near the likes of Man Utd, Barcelona, Real Madrid, AC Milan etc. Probably outside the top 20 now, though that wasn't always the case.

I agree, although we are fast becoming a "3rd tier" European club.

From a Celtic point of view it's pretty scary how much we have fallen away, doesn't seem that long ago we where only put out the last 16 of the CL in extra time against AC Milan at the San Siro, now we'd be lucky to qualify for the thing.

But considering how much we love to put down Scottish football, I'd still say we've not done to badly in the last 10 or so years

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Having closed the initial round of funding with £10m raised, Green says he will entertain a second round of investment with a maximum of £4m per investor.

Green also referred to a £10m stadium-naming deal with "an airline investor or alternative".

What a load of phoney balloney.

Where are the breakdown figures re the £10m initial funding ???

A 2nd round of a MAXIMUM of £4m per investor - whats the minimum, two quid ?

Oh aye, and the renaming of Ibrox will go down well with the bun fans - who have you got in mind ?

Dan Dare perhaps...better watch out 'cause that could be construed as a tarrier airline !

If there are any multi-nationals out there that are desperate to get their name up in lights at greyskull for £10m :lol: :lol: , somebody needs to tell them that they can buy the entire club for £200k of their own money, then give them a loan for £8.3m at 8% interest and they can call the stadium whatever they want for as long as they want.

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I don't agree. The numbers are actually very impressive for a newish sport.

The size of the country is irrelevant. There are only 18 teams and the distances between them are huge - you need to look at the local population rather than the national one. Most of the clubs are in cities with a population of between 500,000 and a million, and most of the stadums don't have a capacity much more than 17,000.

Can you imagine the third most popular sport in the UK getting an average 17,000 crowd in Edinburgh or Glasgow, or London or Manchester for that matter? Even our first most popular sport can't average that in Scotland outside the OF!

Come to think about it, what is the third most popular sport in attendance terms? Shinty?

So name me some of the many cities in Scotland which have populations between 500k and 1 million. The reason the US has more popular sports than football is because they wanted to set themselves apart from the rest of the world and invented their own sports which have very little following in the rest of the world. As for calling it a newish sport this is rubbish. The US beat England 1-0 back in 1950 but it was their own isolationist policy which stopped them progressing. You must also take into account the size of the immigrant population in the US who are more interested in Italian or Spanish football than American teams.

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Why is anybody surprised that Rangers going bust isn't global news, there would be no reporting of an NBA or an NFL team going bust in this country because nobody is even remotely interested, the same goes for rangers outside of scotland.

Regular NFL season games at Wembley selling 90,000 tickets, 3 live NFL games per week on UK television, and the Superbowl live on the BBC would suggest that an NFL team 'doing a Rangers' would be pretty well reported in the UK.

Edited by pozbaird
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having lived in the states for 4 years now i can tell you that the only way i know of anything going on at i*pox is through the bbc online or black and white army,or lately this site.

americains are not interested in scottish fitba,they will watch the premier leauge games that espn or fox show,man unt,chelsea or liverpool,but thats about it.dont think i,ve ever seen an old firm game shown,could be wrong dont go looking for that crap.anyway,im getting out the kiwi polish and shining up my dancing shoes ready for some moves when the day comes and the curtain comes down on the big hoose and awe the bawbags who think they are invicible,c,mon the taxman.:P

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If there are any multi-nationals out there that are desperate to get their name up in lights at greyskull for £10m :lol: :lol: , somebody needs to tell them that they can buy the entire club for £200k of their own money, then give them a loan for £8.3m at 8% interest and they can call the stadium whatever they want for as long as they want.


How can you but the club lock stock and barrel for £8.5million however it costs £1.5million more than that just to sponsor the stadium :blink:

Quite excited about this week! a couple of pumpings for England and the death of Ra Gers...... luvly jubbly!!

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having lived in the states for 4 years now i can tell you that the only way i know of anything going on at i*pox is through the bbc online or black and white army,or lately this site.

americains are not interested in scottish fitba,they will watch the premier leauge games that espn or fox show,man unt,chelsea or liverpool,but thats about it.dont think i,ve ever seen an old firm game shown,could be wrong dont go looking for that crap.

Try watching the USA national games then as it is mentioned on a regular basis.

Fox sports have been showing SPL games for the last few months. I think the Dundee United v Rangers game was the first to be shown live.

If it is so difficult to see these games in the states how do the various OF supporters clubs manage to show EVERY game involving their club?

Nobody is claiming that Rangers are in the top tier of clubs in a global sense. Very much 2nd tier and falling but they are still a big enough club for their troubles to be reported worldwide.

We have people here claiming it is not big news internationally but can then quote chapter and verse on Xamaxs financial problems

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How can you but the club lock stock and barrel for £8.5million however it costs £1.5million more than that just to sponsor the stadium :blink:

Quite excited about this week! a couple of pumpings for England and the death of Ra Gers...... luvly jubbly!!

Fantastic. :D All I need now is to organise that threesome with Clemence Poesy and Kate Winslett............... 8)

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