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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the SFA were to offer £4m-£5m for the training facility on it's own, it would likely pre empt a creditors challenge as it would be clear they could get a far better return by refusing to deal with Green only.

Yes, maybe. But the point is still valid, there will be no fire sale, as things stand

Eh? Where are you getting that from? The newco doesn't exist yet, and any attempt to transfer assets to it in the meantime would be spectacularly illegal (counts as "putting assets beyond reach of creditors").

Err, from D&P - its in the CVA and theyve been bumping on about it for weeks now. Even today, thats what they are saying will happen. So, until something changes, why would we not presume it will happen?

A number of consequences of liquidation:

1) All players are effectively free agents. You cannot be forced to transfer to Newco

2) I cannot see why the liquidator will be bound by a deal concluded by the administrators five minutes before the liquidator is appointed. It may be though that BDO have had a look at the deal and will let it stand but then again, why would they when all the money is to pay Duff and Phelps?

3) S216 of the Insolvency Act says that Newco cannot have a name so similar as to suggest a relationship with the old company without the leave of the court. In practical terms, the liquidator may be prepared to sell the name or alternatively, it might be in the deal already done. One way or another, the leave of the court will be required

There is also grave doubt about Greens ability to fund Newco and I would expect that the football authorities will require similar guarantees from Newco about being able to fulfil their fixtures as they wanted from Livingston and Gretna. Like those two clubs they are unlikely to get them and so Rangers should suffer the same fate - relegation to the third division.

Its all good news probably for Dundee but maybe Dunfermline plus I would have thought that the losing play off finalist from the lower leagues will now step up.

Don't think they will have been sold, simply transferred, but the players can refuse the transfer if they wish. They will be free agents.

The only players who'll allow this to happen are the one's without any real value.

Naismith, mcgregor and the rest of the big earners will run like the wind :lol: , why would they move to the newco to be sold when the can pocket that cash themselves, you won't see them for dust.

Again, as has been said before, the employment contracts are covered by TUPE. Theyre player registrations are not. In the CVA, Green is buying the players, goodwill, intellectual property rights and stock for £5.5m.

Is it that simple? I dont know. Is it 100% certain they can just walk away? No.

If Whyte has a floating charge (or his dads company does) over Murray Park & Ibrox, then surely it is he, and he alone that will get the income first for the asset sale ? I think there is still a long way to run to get a newco setup and Whyte is still a player.

Can anyone shed any light on the floating charge issue ? It seems to have been forgotten in all this but seems important

Again, as I said before, there is no value attached to the property under the newco route. So, it would seem Green isnt actually buying the property. Simple explanation? Or linked to Whyte and his floating charge?

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Corrected for you, how are they going to stroll through the lower divisions? All the old Rangers' player's contracts are now void and they can sign for who they like for free. Who are the zombie Rangers going to attract to play for them in division 3 (should they get get through the SFL application process)? Gretna tried to do what you're next club have in front of them, they bankrupted themselves.

If they're in Division 3, they will have a considerably higher revenue than other clubs around them. Light years ahead. Merchandise and gate receipts will cover it. They might lose all their players, but they will have absolutely no problems attracting the cream of the lower leagues to destroy division 2 and 3. Then they get into division 1, and again, will have no problems getting lower SPL players to sign. Then bam, back in the SPL, and watch the taps open.

Difference between Gretna and Rangers is simply the merchandise, crowds, and facilities. Rangers have it all in place already. Plus its often said that Rangers fans are gloryhunters. Well they have 2 years (minimum) of destroying all comers to watch. So crowds will still be high.

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How is a loan not cash? If someone wants to but the assets and does so by obtaining a loan then it means exactly the same to the creditors than if someone had the money sitting in a bank account?

Yes, but who are they loaning the money to?

Previously - Green loans cash to Rangers - Rangers use cash to pay creditors

Now? Is Green going to loan cash to a newco that doesn't exist?

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Well they have 2 years (minimum) of destroying all comers to watch. So crowds will still be high.

This was the point I made earlier. Probably not 30,000 but probably still the highest attendances in the SFL even if the mass majority of Rangers fans abandon ship, only to come crawling back later on using the "well, after a few years I was missing the big atmosphere" excuse or whatever. dry.gif

This is why they must be banished for good, Weedol / Roundup style. Kill the root.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Again, as has been said before, the employment contracts are covered by TUPE. Theyre player registrations are not. In the CVA, Green is buying the players, goodwill, intellectual property rights and stock for £5.5m.

Is it that simple? I dont know. Is it 100% certain they can just walk away? No.

I'm fairly certain they can walk away. In the event that the company goes into liquidation without a new Rangers being set up then they will be made redundant and will walk away. If a new Rangers is set up then their contracts of employment will transfer by operation of law into that new business undertaking and can be dismissed in very limited circumstances (which we don't need to consider right now) but they cannot be compelled to transfer to a new employer. I can't see any other scenario. I suppose it's possible that Green will attempt to 'buy' their registrations from Rangers but to what effect?

Edited by Pull My Strings
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Rangers will stroll through the lower divisions and will be able to out spend any of their opponents. To suggest otherwise is just madness.

Rangers were officially the best supported club in the early 80s :rolleyes:

Crowds were never under 10,000 on a regular basis. There was the odd League Cup section game where Ibrox crowds were under that mark but it was hardly a regular occurence.

Those were different times when Football crowds were at a particular low for various reasons

I remember a few games pre -Minty when that wasn't exactly true. I wonder how many glory hunters will turn up to watch 'not the real Glasgow Rangers' against Stenny or Annan.

Less shirt sales, less advertising revenue, yes we all know you'll easily out spend all the others but every game clubs will raise their game and the supporters will relish every goal scored.

I hope the other SPL clubs chairman grow a pair and get an equal share of any TV deal or sponsorship.

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If they're in Division 3, they will have a considerably higher revenue than other clubs around them. Light years ahead. Merchandise and gate receipts will cover it. They might lose all their players, but they will have absolutely no problems attracting the cream of the lower leagues to destroy division 2 and 3. Then they get into division 1, and again, will have no problems getting lower SPL players to sign. Then bam, back in the SPL, and watch the taps open.

Difference between Gretna and Rangers is simply the merchandise, crowds, and facilities. Rangers have it all in place already. Plus its often said that Rangers fans are gloryhunters. Well they have 2 years (minimum) of destroying all comers to watch. So crowds will still be high.

Aye but who is looking to buy a car with nothing but a great ashtray going for it?

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Alright, which one of you lot got bored on RM and decided to text the BBC Sportsound thing to liven things up?

Is there a Sportsound speshal tonight with Traytor, Dung, Roddy Foreskin and Billy Prods all telling us Rankers must stay in the SPHell or we are all doomed!!

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I am fed up hearing how its a shame for the Rangers players and a shame for their fans from blowhards like Goram,Hately,Traynor and many more.I have yet to hear any sympathy for any of the creditor's who are owed Millions from Rangers,other people will lose their jobs through no fault of their own.Hearts are due £800,000 from them for Wallace,money we cant afford to lose,Rangers haven't given a f**k about anyone else but now we have to feel sorry for them and help them out GTF i say or at the very least get them in the 3rd division and lets the rest of us put an end to the ridiculous duopoly (the old firm have used to their own ends) once and for all.Equal share of TV money and an end to the crazy voting structure that sees the old firm cozying up to each other to keep the equilibrium.

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I'm fairly certain they can walk away. In the event that the company goes into liquidation without a new Rangers being set up then they will be made redundant and will walk away. If a new Rangers is set up then their contracts of employment will transfer by operation of law into that new business undertaking and can be dismissed in very limited circumstances (which we don't need to consider right now) but they cannot be compelled to transfer to a new employer. I can't see any other scenario. I suppose it's possible that Green will attempt to 'buy' their registrations from Rangers but to what effect?

Does the TUPE rules not state that the same conditions would have to be in place for a certain period of time and would the allow any Newco from selling those players.

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Haven't read the thread. It will be good reading it later on :D.

A great day for football IMO. Years of cheating and corruption have finally caught up with them and they got what they deserved. Hopefully now the NEWCO won't get into the SPL. If they are in the 3rd Division next season then whilst the having bigger crowds will be good for the clubs, this is our chance to rid Scottish Football of one half of its bigotry problem.

No point in celebrating at the moment in case they get back into the SPL although we have taken major steps. Will they get back in? I honestly don't know. I hope the chairmen get the fans message that we don't want them.

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Rangers will stroll through the lower divisions and will be able to out spend any of their opponents. To suggest otherwise is just madness.

Rangers were officially the best supported club in the early 80s :rolleyes:

Crowds were never under 10,000 on a regular basis. There was the odd League Cup section game where Ibrox crowds were under that mark but it was hardly a regular occurence.

Those were different times when Football crowds were at a particular low for various reasons

hahahaha a rangers fan biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Duff & Duffers statement on being dumped on by HMRC

"As we have always stated, administrators have a primary objective to ensure the survival of the company and in this case, this would have been achieved through a CVA. It was with HMRC's approval, that a proposal was placed before creditors for consideration.

HMC approval? This is outright lies. HMRC would never 'approve' before it went to the formal meeting, All sorts of legal implications if they did.

"As a result of this decision, the Sale and Purchase Agreement in place with the consortium led by Charles Green will take effect and Rangers Football Club will continue within a new company structure.

Burning the midnight oil tonight guys, trying to squeeze it through before BDO take the reins.BTW Rangers Football Club will NOT continue.

By this time tomorrow Rangers FC will be deid, dead, snuffed it, popped its clogs, croaked it, cashed in its chips, come to a sticky end or even Gone to the big Hoose in the Sky. ohmy.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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I am fed up hearing how its a shame for the Rangers players and a shame for their fans from blowhards like Goram,Hately,Traynor and many more.I have yet to hear any sympathy for any of the creditor's who are owed Millions from Rangers,other people will lose their jobs through no fault of their own.Hearts are due £800,000 from them for Wallace,money we cant afford to lose,Rangers haven't given a f**k about anyone else but now we have to feel sorry for them and help them out GTF i say or at the very least get them in the 3rd division and lets the rest of us put an end to the ridiculous duopoly (the old firm have used to their own ends) once and for all.Equal share of TV money and an end to the crazy voting structure that sees the old firm cozying up to each other to keep the equilibrium.

F**k the Tea Lady an' all! Serves her right for not poisoning the c**ts when she had the chance..

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If they're in Division 3, they will have a considerably higher revenue than other clubs around them. Light years ahead. Merchandise and gate receipts will cover it. They might lose all their players, but they will have absolutely no problems attracting the cream of the lower leagues to destroy division 2 and 3. Then they get into division 1, and again, will have no problems getting lower SPL players to sign. Then bam, back in the SPL, and watch the taps open.

Difference between Gretna and Rangers is simply the merchandise, crowds, and facilities. Rangers have it all in place already. Plus its often said that Rangers fans are gloryhunters. Well they have 2 years (minimum) of destroying all comers to watch. So crowds will still be high.

And they'll have running costs comparable to the other clubs.... Eh, naw. As they'll have to operate on a cash-up-front basis with everyone from the taxman to the printers, with NO-ONE willing to extend credit to a business with their record, they could well be fucked before Christmas.

Merchandise - sold by (S)DM to fill a wee cashflow gap.

Crowds - There's a difference between cheating their way to SPL titles and humping part-timers week-in week-out. If zombie redhands get over 30000 after a month or so I'll eat my dog. They only got 17k against the Arabs in the cup, remember? And about 11k against Killie in the cup a few years back? Sell-out against Annan?

Facilities - which need maintaining/repairing. And with the lines of credit cut and crowds droppping, how much is going to be available for ANY players, let alone the 40+ they've STILL got on the books after 4 months of this farce?

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But XBL, will zombie `Rangers` really cuff all comers? Can`t see any currrent players hanging about, nor any talented youngsters. IF a newco comes into being with such a reputation they are unlikely to get any line of credit. Decent crowds, absolute diehards of what, 10,000 for home games, can`t cover the running costs of the club- even sans big wages. Even if they do pay over the odds Gretna style for the 2012 versions of Deuchar & Townsley, who`s to say the `loyal` don`t get bored of three seasons of drifting and f**k off, or, they fail at 1st division level to the first decent opponent they face. Or, run out of money Brooks style on the way??

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