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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I am fed up hearing how its a shame for the Rangers players and a shame for their fans from blowhards like Goram,Hately,Traynor and many more.I have yet to hear any sympathy for any of the creditor's who are owed Millions from Rangers,other people will lose their jobs through no fault of their own.Hearts are due £800,000 from them for Wallace,money we cant afford to lose,Rangers haven't given a f**k about anyone else but now we have to feel sorry for them and help them out GTF i say or at the very least get them in the 3rd division and lets the rest of us put an end to the ridiculous duopoly (the old firm have used to their own ends) once and for all.Equal share of TV money and an end to the crazy voting structure that sees the old firm cozying up to each other to keep the equilibrium.

Spot on the Woolf-man!!

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I bet over the next few days the SPL chairmen will be on the 'phone to each other like wee schoolboys "How are you gona vote? E'll vote no if you vote no. How de ye think that p***k Johnston will vote. Meh bank manager says he's gona tak the huff if we dinna vote yeah."

If they bank with Lloyds then they should tell the bank manager to get stuffed as it was his bank that pushed forward the sale to Whyte and started all of this shyte in the first place.

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Has the fabric of Scottish society started to unravel yet ?

I'm an exile and I need to know if there will be a homeland to come back to !

I"m an exile also,can"t see there being much to go home too.Just sit back and enjoy your beer and have a good laugh at the mess that has been created in the Scottish game.Hope the Hertz get a good manager.beerchug.gif

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But XBL, will zombie `Rangers` really cuff all comers? Can`t see any currrent players hanging about, nor any talented youngsters. IF a newco comes into being with such a reputation they are unlikely to get any line of credit. Decent crowds, absolute diehards of what, 10,000 for home games, can`t cover the running costs of the club- even sans big wages. Even if they do pay over the odds Gretna style for the 2012 versions of Deuchar & Townsley, who`s to say the `loyal` don`t get bored of three seasons of drifting and f**k off, or, they fail at 1st division level to the first decent opponent they face. Or, run out of money Brooks style on the way??

They don't need current players though! All they need to do is cherry pick the best players in the second division. Job done.

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Well, this has been fun.

Unfortunately, your club chairmen are going to bend over and take it bigstyle now.

I have a terrible feeling you'll be right.

I certainly have zero confidence in the bawbag that runs my Club.

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Rangers will have a vote when the SPL clubs decide on a newco Rangers being admitted to Scotland's top league

(from BBC)

STV saying the same. How can they when they won't exist? Apparently it's a quote from someone in the SPL..

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Well, this has been fun.

Unfortunately, your club chairmen are going to bend over and take it bigstyle now.


It's been said a number of times now, by a number of us, from day one. The only way Rangers can be punished is by the other SPL clubs. They won't be.

That means fans of those clubs have to walk away, difficult as that may be and leave Scottish football to the cesspit it has created for itself. It will be shameful if they allow themselves to continue to pay to watch a bankrupt competition.

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Yeah, because top-quality players will be queueing round the block to sign up for a team offering them years of glamour ties against Annan Athletic and East Stirlingshire...


They won't need top quality players, they'll need any type of promising youth or seasoned pro willing to play for £500 a week and their squad will be vastly superior to everyone else.

I like putting the boot in as much as anyone and I hope Rangers are properly punished but suggesting they won't walk through the lower leagues is simply silly.

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They'll struggle to get 10,000.

Hugely struggle.

They struggled to get 20k against United in the cup.

God knows how they'll manage to attract fans to watch them play against the likes of Elgin and East Stirling ( no offence to these teams) week in week out with a team full of youngsters and Gattuso :rolleyes:

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And they'll have running costs comparable to the other clubs.... Eh, naw. As they'll have to operate on a cash-up-front basis with everyone from the taxman to the printers, with NO-ONE willing to extend credit to a business with their record, they could well be fucked before Christmas.

I don't know if this would actually be the case, although I don't think it would be a maker-or-breaker anyway. With a new regime plenty people would offer them standard credit... it's exactly what Dundee did, and they proceeded to shaft them all again, and infact most of them still voted for the 2nd CVA!!

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Well, to be fair there's little choice as long as the club still exists, which as of this moment it does. The formal process of liquidation won't be completed for a while yet, and the league has to let the other clubs know their fixtures. If Rangers don't get admitted, the names of Dundee or Dunfermline simply get stuck over the top.

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