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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I know the Killmarnock fans are going to come on here and say "The hotel makes a profit" but the profit is so small its going to take about 100 years to pay for its self.

Only because East Ayrshire Council use its premises needlessly on far too many occasions. Reeks of sh*te ... a disgrace if you ask me or any other sane EAC council tax payer :angry:

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Johnson has probably been the most tight arsed chairman in the whole league, the debt was run up years ago trying to chase the OF while Rangers were starting all their illegal shit.

Don't get me wrong though, he's a complete fud and an embarrassment to our club, he's just not been running up debts and has in fact reduced them by a lot. He sees all of his "good work" being undone by losing tv money but he doesn't seem to realise he'll be losing more as Killie's fanbase plummets even further. Our average gate has basically halved in 10 years, that's how bad Killie are suffering due to the OF's dominance.

Spot on Jimbo, sorry, out of greenies. 10 yrs ago we were averaging near 9k. If he votes YES to newco the gates will half again. Guaranteed. If he votes NO the gates will increase - it should be an easy decision for him.

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Spot on Jimbo, sorry, out of greenies. 10 yrs ago we were averaging near 9k. If he votes YES to newco the gates will half again. Guaranteed. If he votes NO the gates will increase - it should be an easy decision for him.

I need to give this thread a rest for a while ... I can't stop agreeing with K*ll*e scumbags :lol:

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Somebody should remind him RBS did fail.

And so did Woolworths. So, in a much more spectacular fashion, did Enron. These commentators cannot get their heads out of the "rangers are massive, we'd die without them" media slobberfest. How many people do they actually employ? Three, maybe four hundred? They're up against the big boys now - we're not just talking about demotion, or changing the name of the company. We're talking about institutionalised thieving over decades, with the entire organisation being culpable. (That includes you as well, wattie, ya cardie-wearing eedjit).

HMRC are not going to let this one go, as it could open the floodgates for properly big clubs to pull the same stunt. And by properly big, I mean any EPL side, most of the championship, and a few even lower. Once Hector has nailed the currants (and I think you'll see the pace picking up rapidly now their boys are getting hold of the "real" books), he'll have set a marker for what will happen to companies (especially football clubs) who think they can play fast and loose with the regulations.

What's happening here is exactly what happened with the poll tax - try it out on the Jocks and then introduce it nationwide once we've got the hang of it. There will be many court cases along the way, and lots of fees for m'learneds, but I'm fairly sure the currants will be one of the first casualties. I fully expect directors, shadow directors, and even ordinary employees of the club to get severely fined and even serve jail time.

They may well get the SPL and possibly even the SFA to bend over, but we're out of the realms of sport here. We're talking massive fraud carried out deliberately, over a long period of time, by more than enough individuals to make their actions representative of the company.

H&D, Hughie and the rest, going back to (S)DM, have thought that the rangers "brand" would shield them from overly close scrutiny. That is all about to change, and possible sporting sanctions will be the least of their worries. Not least because the type of legal brains who may be able to make sense of their Gordian knot of chicanery don't come cheap, and whoever's trying to run a football club in the middle of this mess needs every penny to pay the 'leccy bill. Unless Shagger or Whittaker wants to give them a sub.

Let's not forget how much rangers have been paying the duds who lost twice to Killie, twice to the Arabs, and to half of the other "diddy" teams last season. If I was a middle of the road footballer on the kind of wages they're paying, I'd probably see out my contract.

I feel like a five year old seeing the decorations going up in Tesco in October - I know Christmas is coming, but I just can't wait!

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To me, that looks like the SPL have found them guilty of dual contracts, but hope TRFC are found to be a new club, this way they cant take any actions against them. or if they do, its against a dead club.

A cop out IMO

Sad to say I agree with you there that the newco will bypass all the BIG BIG sanctions and penalties by folding over.

BUT !!!! on the other hand the SFL/SPL and SFA have the newco by the balls.The newco will have to agree to just about any sanctions imposed on a newco to be parachuted into the SPL and worse case scenario for them is getting punted out into touch if they decide not to play ball.

I mean what can Greenback do !!! go to the courts NOT !!! Greenbacks newco is in no position really when it comes to bargaining on the table at all other than what ? SKY DEAL being reduced and maybe away support money ?.I'm sure all the SPL clubs have already improvised and budgeted not having the newco or the TV money already in the SPL minimizing the damage.

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Not at all.......but we're the ones expected to swallow it !

Some people are in for a big shock if they're so arrogant to believe that they'll get away scot free from voting them in, i just hope the vote's made public.

If your Chairman told you to jump off the Kingston Bridge for your Club would you do it ?

obviously not, but i.d fully expect my clubs chairman to do it to me given half the chance.

No matter what stance they come out with i don't think any of them want to be the public executioner of govan dodgers.

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And so did Woolworths. So, in a much more spectacular fashion, did Enron. These commentators cannot get their heads out of the "rangers are massive, we'd die without them" media slobberfest. How many people do they actually employ? Three, maybe four hundred? They're up against the big boys now - we're not just talking about demotion, or changing the name of the company. We're talking about institutionalised thieving over decades, with the entire organisation being culpable. (That includes you as well, wattie, ya cardie-wearing eedjit).

HMRC are not going to let this one go, as it could open the floodgates for properly big clubs to pull the same stunt. And by properly big, I mean any EPL side, most of the championship, and a few even lower. Once Hector has nailed the currants (and I think you'll see the pace picking up rapidly now their boys are getting hold of the "real" books), he'll have set a marker for what will happen to companies (especially football clubs) who think they can play fast and loose with the regulations.

What's happening here is exactly what happened with the poll tax - try it out on the Jocks and then introduce it nationwide once we've got the hang of it. There will be many court cases along the way, and lots of fees for m'learneds, but I'm fairly sure the currants will be one of the first casualties. I fully expect directors, shadow directors, and even ordinary employees of the club to get severely fined and even serve jail time.

They may well get the SPL and possibly even the SFA to bend over, but we're out of the realms of sport here. We're talking massive fraud carried out deliberately, over a long period of time, by more than enough individuals to make their actions representative of the company.

H&D, Hughie and the rest, going back to (S)DM, have thought that the rangers "brand" would shield them from overly close scrutiny. That is all about to change, and possible sporting sanctions will be the least of their worries. Not least because the type of legal brains who may be able to make sense of their Gordian knot of chicanery don't come cheap, and whoever's trying to run a football club in the middle of this mess needs every penny to pay the 'leccy bill. Unless Shagger or Whittaker wants to give them a sub.

Let's not forget how much rangers have been paying the duds who lost twice to Killie, twice to the Arabs, and to half of the other "diddy" teams last season. If I was a middle of the road footballer on the kind of wages they're paying, I'd probably see out my contract.

I feel like a five year old seeing the decorations going up in Tesco in October - I know Christmas is coming, but I just can't wait!

We only differ in colours :ph34r:

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I feel like a five year old seeing the decorations going up in Tesco in October - I know Christmas is coming, but I just can't wait!

I know how you feel. What pisses me off is the people who are going around saying there's no Santa Claus. :P

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Hmm ICI were for many years the largest and most important company in British industry. Remember them?

Likewise Pan Am were for many years the largest airline in the world.

Did these industries die when these companies failed? No, other progressive firms adapted to the new environment adjusted their strategies and thrived.

All companies have a finite lifespan and eventually die.

To artificially preserve this prehistoric behemoth would be detrimental to Scottish football and society. IMO

Quite correct. History is littered with examples, from the Dinosaurs to the Roman Empire to the British East India Company to the Third Reich to the Soviet Union to Lehman Brothers - in life as in business as in politics. Fail to adapt, fail to evolve, and you will perish. And especially relevant to the Romans and the Nazis, be careful who you f**k over on the way up, because they sure as hell will f**k you over on the way back down.

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Been without the internet for a week and you've no idea how frustrating it is having to rely on the media for news on this. Caught the STV/BBC specials on it last night and thought the STV one beat Newsnicht hands down.

Except ... that loathsome little creature Kelly nearly made my head explode with his fucking arrogance. "SPL needs Rangers. Fans will never go to places like Brechin or Arbroath. Wipe all Rangers wins off the record books and award them to Celtic the team that came second". If ever there was a face I would never tire of stamping on, it's that weaselly little c**t's

Basically agree with you (especially internet) but Kelly is an irrelevance, more to be pitied than scolded.

No idea why he was on that programme.

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Basically agree with you (especially internet) but Kelly is an irrelevance, more to be pitied than scolded.

No idea why he was on that programme.

To provide balance, of course. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously though, that program was a bloody embarrassment. From the guests (English and the legal ladee aside), to the softly softly approach to the scale of criminality involved to the insulting survey results it was a completely unprofessional f**k-up. That survey, for God's sake! Apart from everyone that doesn't follow rangers being "not football fans", apparently nearly one in three orcs doesn't have an opinion on their club! At least the beeb managed to get a selection of people, including some fuds to be fair, and let them answer open questions as they saw fit. Proud of Spency, absolutely disgusted with Archie. The doyen of Scottish football may have had a good life gallivanting round Europe on the OF dollar, but those days are gone. He can have his own opinions now, it's one of the benefits of getting old.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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History is littered with examples, from the Dinosaurs to the Roman Empire to the British East India Company to the Third Reich to the Soviet Union to Lehman Brothers - in life as in business as in politics. Fail to adapt, fail to evolve, and you will perish. Especially relevant to the Romans and the Nazis ... be careful who you f**k over on the way up, because they sure as hell will f**k you over on the way back down.

Poetic build up to our next local derby :lol:

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Been without the internet for a week and you've no idea how frustrating it is having to rely on the media for news on this. Caught the STV/BBC specials on it last night and thought the STV one beat Newsnicht hands down.

Except ... that loathsome little creature Kelly nearly made my head explode with his fucking arrogance. "SPL needs Rangers. Fans will never go to places like Brechin or Arbroath. Wipe all Rangers wins off the record books and award them to Celtic the team that came second". If ever there was a face I would never tire of stamping on, it's that weaselly little c**t's

On this occasion my Bairn friend I completely disagree ... STV was an OF love in IMO

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Poetic build up to our next local derby :lol:

I'm pushing 50, so you'd better hope we get you in a cup - 'cos it ain't gonna happen in the league*. Unless, of course, a millionaire steel tycoon buys your club and takes them onwards and upwards......;)

ETA *in my lifetime ;)

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Rangers: SPL delays dual contract investigation

_60193973_chris1.jpgBy Chris McLaughlinSenior Football Reporter, BBC ScotlandThe Scottish Premier League's investigation into possible dual contracts at Rangers has been put on hold.

Scotland's top flight is seeking clarity over the new company's responsibilities for previous misdemeanours.

Rangers's new chief executive Charles Green has begun talks with the league over his "newco" application.

The application will be discussed at an SPL board meeting on Monday.

The SPL investigation was launched in early March following allegations that some Rangers players received payments in the past that were not part of their official contracts.

Last month, following disclosures by BBC Scotland about an Employee Benefit Trust operated by the club and former owner Sir David Murray's company, the SPL issued an assurance that it was progressing with the probe.

But, with the "old" Rangers destined for liquidation, matters have drawn to a halt as the issue of who can be held accountable is debated.

_60939139_charlesgreen_pa.jpgCharles Green has begun talks over the "newco" Rangers

Revenue and Customs issued a bill to Rangers for unpaid tax on the EBT schemes, believed to be in the region on £49m, including interest and penalties.

This was contested at a First Tier Tax Tribunal which concluded in January, with the verdict still to be delivered.

BBC Scotland found evidence suggesting that 38 Rangers players had received side-letters giving undertakings to fund their sub-trusts with cash.

Scottish Football Association rules state that all payments made to players in respect of their earnings from football must be declared and clubs falling foul of those rules could face sanctions from the league.

One SPL source told BBC Scotland that part of the Rangers newco's application for league membership could depend on them taking responsibility for past transgressions.

Green has been in discussions with representatives from the SPL for a number of days and his final newco application will be discussed when the league board gathers next week.

When the application has been officially received, the league must allow 14 days before a general meeting of all 12 clubs can be called.

That means that any vote is unlikely to take place before early July.

When the clubs do finally vote, just eight clubs are needed to back the plan for the application to be successful, with Rangers having a say.

We're about to be screwed over, folks mad.gif

No-one is getting screwed over except Sevco, the SPL are seeking clarity because the legal situation looks very much as if t'Rangers cannot legally be treated as the same entity as Rangers.

The HMRC gave this as their reason for refusing the CVA, they can go after Rangers and the people who mismanaged them without going after the entirely new entity which has been created in their place from the rubble.

Rangers pushed the SFA into accepting that the law of the land takes precedent over football regulations.

The SFA must now treat t'Rangers in the same way that the law does, they are a different entity, they are NOT Rangers, never have been, never will be.

ETA, I will keep repeating this point because I am sure it makes absolute sense and to give you an analogy as to what has happened if a car is scrapped melted down and turned into razor blades it is not going to get an MoT because it's not a car anymore, it might still have a full service history but you are not going to drive it down to Tescos.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Simpler than that. Newco's bid to get admitted to the SPL fails, Dundee get promoted. Newco applies to the SFL, and take up Dundee's old spot in the First Division.

I think that is one credible solution if the newco fails to get an SPL vote of approval and sort of may keep SKY happy with possibly only one season without the ???? was going to put old firm but that's fcuked now seeing as the real rangers are just about deid :D so I'll say a possible 4 times a season Celtic 1888 and the 2012 newco.

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