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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You really do have issues with size...Is there something you're not telling us? :P

I'll admit you have bigger balls :P by being on here and posting often as a ? ex-rangers ? newco ? fan.

And I have a huge bladder about to burst as I've been watching for B*stards deleting posts to have theirs on the first page of 1872 and 1873.

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WOW that could be a complete clusterfuck if ex-players were summoned to any hearings :o imagine the global interest there and the embarrassment worldwide for the rankers involved with fraud on a monumental scale never seen in football !.

The rankers administration just keeps on giving and giving :blink:.



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Not sure if it's come up before but how can oldco rangers vote on newco rangers being voted into the league?? The oldco don't meet the spl criteria ie. They don't have a ground to compete in or a football team as this was transferred over to the newco. This would be the most gratuitous breach of the spl rules if they were on top of all the other rules that have been.

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Page 1875! Hurray! hibernian_crest_web.gif

I'll be back at page 1902

OH ? I can't wait for page 1888 ha ha all the Celtic supporters will be eager to get first post on that page especially as it's the Ragers meltdown thread.


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OH that would be classic if Campbell Ogilvie was investigated for FRAUD and jailed :lol:as he was there as a ring leader when the EBT was in full swing.

And funnily enough, he just happens to be in post as President of the SFA when that self same organisation decides at the 11th hour to embark upon the biggest league reconstruction in 2 decades.........a type of reconstruction (pyramid system) that the SFA have strenuously resisted for years...................oh, and it also just happens to be less than 48 hours since The Cardigan Consortium came riding over the hill to "save" ZombieH*n FC...........this is another scam damage limitation exercise on behalf of ZombieH*n FC.

The phone line between Onkel Watty and Campbell Ogilvie must have been red hot over the last few days.

They need to change their title from Scottish FA to Banana Republic FA. Scottish Football = Laughing Stock.

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From today's Shun.


FIFA not getting involved in the TUPE argument; it's up to the SFA to sort it out.

Players would have had no say in the matter had H&D terminated their contracts at the beginning of administration and H&D would have told the SFA to keep their noses out of the matter as it didn't concern them, it would have been a matter of employment law. However the boot is now on the other foot and Green and H&D are trying to use the SFA connection to oblige players to transfer over to Newco. Just like the Oldco/Newco discussions they are trying to keep their cake and eat it at the same time Why should the SFA prevent players from walking out when it is their legal right under TUPE?

I'm pretty sure this is one battle Green/newco won't win. Once they start to leave it will be like an avalanche.

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Not sure if it's come up before but how can oldco rangers vote on newco rangers being voted into the league?? The oldco don't meet the spl criteria ie. They don't have a ground to compete in or a football team as this was transferred over to the newco. This would be the most gratuitous breach of the spl rules if they were on top of all the other rules that have been.

AFAIK, the oldco still hold the SPL share which they are trying to transfer across to newco. I think for that reason they can still vote. Plus the stupid SPL rules still allows them a vote in any case.

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Great opportunity for the SPL to get rid of the awful split. The 11 remaining clubs should go as they are, remove the split and meet each other 4 times, giving 40 matches instead of the present 38.

This would give them an extra home match (in some cases two) and the guarentee of two vists from Celtic. This would go some way to compensating them from the impact of losing rangers.

The final quarter of fixture would need to be constructed accordingly with the team in the middle of the table taking on part in the final round of matches.

Just a thought.

What makes you think teams would want two extra visits from Celtic "to make up for the loss of Rangers"?

We're not there just to be patronised by glory hunters from Glasgow.

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AFAIK, the oldco still hold the SPL share which they are trying to transfer across to newco. I think for that reason they can still vote. Plus the stupid SPL rules still allows them a vote in any case.

Spot on and I mentioned this in an earlier post.The oldco still holds the license.

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Perhaps not the biggest but surely the fastest-growing. On another forum I am on there is a thread with 46,000 posts but it has taken over 5 years to get there. We'll be getting close to 60,000 in 5 months. And what about the number of views? This thread is at more than half the population of Scotland! :)

Aye, but only 1000 people look at it, we are actualy very small as a proportion of Scotland. 99.9% don't care at all.

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Off topic but I've just google that and noticed that Chapter 3 is obviously where The Byrds got the lyrics for Turn Turn Turn from.

Thank you Jacksgranda, every day is a school day! :D

smile.gif Where do you think Boney M got the lyrics from for "By the Rivers of Babylon"? (Psalm 137)

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