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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sorry, but I see the SFA intervention as a positive move. Then the league can do what they want with Rangers instead of waiting for the truly pathetic SPL to act.

The SPL is certainly a sham of an organisation, but I sense a monumental stitch-up on the cards. I don't think any of them will emerge from this with any credit.

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“This shouldn’t be about revenge or anything like that. Further extreme punishments – and remember the club has already suffered hugely – would be an emotional reaction. For me there is no point in killing the patient while he’s trying to recover. Do that and the whole ward dies. It would be like a mass suicide pact and that doesn’t make any sense. Over-doing punishment would be a nonsense.

I hope Fat Sally demands to make public the identity of the fvcking Carstairs escapee they have as a PR man in the Big Hoose. Who in their right mind would write shyte like this? Mind you, who in their right mind would read out shyte like this to the world's, Scotland's, Glasgow's, bear-faced lying bog-paper producers that fill our daily lives make us fvcking puke?

How on earth can Scottish football ever be considered normal if it tries to deal with mental deficients like this and what future for an independent Scotland if these are the sorts of people who hold all the money?

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Jim McColl needs to understand that we don't have the same blinkered opinion as him or the press.

Rangers are dead, they're beyond saving. They're in the hospital morgue and the ward is now deciding who the spare bed goes to.

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I am getting confuddled (see score in GN 'Hearing Test' for confirmation).

It is going to be a summer of Sevco, Seb Coe and Serco (just got Northern ferries contract) Any chance of Serpico to come in and rid us of this corruption?

By jove, I think you've cracked it. The mastermind behind all this must be none other than Simpson's supervillain Scorpio......


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EBTs were and are not illegal. There's nothing to be ruled on. The players and officials who were paid using them did nothing wrong. They're a bit of a distraction, to be honest.

Think you're totally wrong there tbh,,the hmrc won a test case a couple of years ago against EBT schemes and where granted retrospective powers to get back avoided tax that's why the hmrc knocked back the CVA and are going after the money from the former directors .

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I truly believe their is some behind the scenes talk going on with how they can save Rangers, punish them slightly and keep the rest of the SPL fans from a mass boycott on the agenda.

The facts are pretty simple here, if this was any of Scotlands other 40 teams they'd be dead by now.

Killing Rangers is a job that needs done but nobody will do it.

I keep trying to figure out what is the best I can expect here. The answer seems to be Rangers kicked out of the leagues altogether.

I worry which team they would target to do an Airdrie too for a return though.

We may have a Rangers free SPL for a while, so it's best we use this time wisely to vote through a few changes.

I can't help wondering what kind of Rangers will return to the SPL though.

Will they be all friendly and just glad to be back having survived all this, or more pissed off the diddies stood up to the bully and punished them?

Rangers and Celtic will see their cushy wee arrangement ripped to shreds with all this and I for 1 can't wait to see their faeces.


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Jim McColl needs to understand that we don't have the same blinkered opinion as him or the press.

Rangers are dead, they're beyond saving. They're in the hospital morgue and the ward is now deciding who the spare bed goes to.


can just see this happening.new season starts with new trangers on board(spl)couple of months down the line,another spl team goes into administration.And trangers lead the way with the boot them out campaign.

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Would Walter pass the fit and proper test?

The recent rule change made it the sole responsibility of the clubs to ensure that any prospective owners pass the fit and proper test. So would dear old uncle Walter, 'the one man you can trust' actually pass this?

Did he receive payment by EBT? (when? Just during his tenure at the club?)

Did he sign players and offer them EBTs?

We need to get the final ruling as to whether EBTs were illegal sooner rather than later. If the law decides they are officially illegal, and therefore cheating, the answers to the above questions (and others) must surely have a significant impact on the fit and proper test.

All of which, makes the SPL's decision to postpone their investigation even more surprising.

If Walter Smith was an integral part of the culture of EBTs and cheating at Rangers throughout his time, he himself is a cheat - and lacking the basest particles of sporting integrity.

How could such a person be 'fit and proper'?

I would like the SFA/SPL to clarify this too.

Sir Walter of Ibrox has let it be known that he is nothing more than a figurehead, just like Green. He would put in no money, take no position, take no risk.....just walk away to bask in the glory of saving his beloved Rangers. He's not 'fit and proper' to shovel shyte. It's just a way of trying to hand the club over to another bunch of chancers who want to milk it for all they can. The only trouble is when the cow has died, been cremated and its ashes scattered to the four winds it tends not to give much milk.

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Think you're totally wrong there tbh,,the hmrc won a test case a couple of years ago against EBT schemes and where granted retrospective powers to get back avoided tax that's why the hmrc knocked back the CVA and are going after the money from the former directors .

Which comes back to the role and knowledge Mr Smith had about the club's use of EBTs - particularly in relation to the dual contracts/financial doping side.

"I'm just a football man" doesn't wash here.

And why the allegation that Smith received payment by EBT when he was not employed by Rangers is even more interesting. Bring back the lost RTC blog...

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Sir Walter of Ibrox has let it be known that he is nothing more than a figurehead, just like Green. He would put in no money, take no position, take no risk.....just walk away to bask in the glory of saving his beloved Rangers. He's not 'fit and proper' to shovel shyte. It's just a way of trying to hand the club over to another bunch of chancers who want to milk it for all they can. The only trouble is when the cow has died, been cremated and its ashes scattered to the four winds it tends not to give much milk.

I didn't know it was spelt that way - i always spell it "dickhead"

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Leggo is obsessed .with Gangsters. If someone from York made a bid Leggo would have him with links to the KIT KAT CREW

That's a snappy name.

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Just caught up with yesterdays Sun . We had big pro *** articles from alex smith ,craig brown , malcolm murray and archie knox. These sat alongside a small but excellent keith wyness piece condemning the **** , even mentioning having to bring in riot cops when they visited and a hearts poll saying 98 % of fans say no to newco.

What other business or organisation would be feverishly and deviously trying to sneak back a ' problem' when 98%

of its customer base don't want it

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How many 'fans' will not support their club if (when) Rangers are voted into the SPL?

Will that gesture be fruitless, when Dundee Utd chairman admits the loss of Rangers will cost about £1m?

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A Rangers fan I spoke to a couple of nights ago was still adamant that "individuals should pay" - yet still furious that HMRC had rejected the CVA. Imagine the look of spaced-out-haven'tascoobiness when I told him that the CVA rejection was the best, if not only, way of getting an investigation started which would probably bring the previous regime(s) to task.

Honestly. These c***s want their cake alright, but they don't want to be the person that either bakes it, or nips out to Greggs for it.

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