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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Shame it's largely bollocks. Most Dundee fans at the time were busy finger-pointing and threatening boycotts.

Aren't there some religious fanatics you could be taking to task in GN instead? :rolleyes:

I never even knew there was a meeting. A meeting about what?

Whether or not you should be allowed to post on here. I think the consensus will be no. :ph34r:

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Cockwomble, Haudit & Daudit, Hughie Green, Soccerball Bill, The Blue Shytes, Fat Sally, The Donkeymaster, Duff & Duffus, NewCo(rpse), Club 12, quantum, Zombie Rangers, The stand up guy, Team Cardigan, Keyboard Knobjockeys, t'Rangers....

My vocabulary has been enhanced since Feb 14.


RTC, BTT, Minty, MSM, KDS, Leggo etc etc :rolleyes:

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It's a scheduled SPL board meeting. Not really sure what will be on the agenda.

We might as well forget this "meeting" ever happened. It'll be the usual non event most likely.

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I expect the only thing of note to come out of todays lunch meeting will be the date for the Newco vote meeting.

Oh I dunno maybe some Bowling club pin badges were swapped.

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I expect the only thing of note to come out of todays lunch meeting will be the date for the Newco vote meeting.

I'm sure that'll just be the pre-meeting for the pre-meeting before the meeting. Where they will postpone.

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The SPL will have had a meeting to propose and discuss whether or not they should arrange another meeting to discuss and propose a meeting to think of coming around to the idea of having a meeting that will begin to think about possibly considering a meeting to decide on maybe possibly having a meeting to vote on the newco - dependant on having all the information available and everything sorted elsewhere.

By the time they get around to actually agree on the way forward we will all be old or dead.

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Haud the bus! Statement imminent says Chris McL.....

"Dear Suckers,

We're not making any decisions or discussing anything of any relevance until we can't possibly avoid it. And then we'll defer decision making time for a period as yet unknown. The biscuits were lovely again and now that fella from Fife isn't being a pain we had a jolly old time.

Love & hugs,

Cockwomble McDonkeymaster"

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Green thing from me too, though you have been selective in your reading if you think I'm sensible. :lol:

Araminta Moonbeams - that was a name that got into my head wouldn't leave. Have a greenie back, just because your name is Araminta Moonbeams :lol:

Granny - I think your instant chasing of the troll there is proof that you're being a bit hard on yourself! ;)

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Hud the front page...

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovSPL deem that Rangers have a case to answer regarding dual contracts payments.

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovDisciplinary charges to be brought against the club once their future status has been clarified and prior to start of season 2012-2013

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovSPL also confirm that meeting to decide on Newco transfer will be at 10am on Weds 4th July.

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovOn EBT's;The investigation has now been completed and, in the view of the SPL, there is a prima facie case to answer in respect of its Rules

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