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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There IS a prima facia case against Rangers over dual contracts. They WILL be charged.

I would suggest this is entirely down to people power. Well done everyone.

I think I fancy Marc Daly all the more. What a job he's done, bringing this right to the fore.

Bravo sir.

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Mark Daly, take a bow, his documentary essentially made it impossible to throw away suggestions that Rangers could be cleared of any wrong doing. It also gave comedy gold about porn stars and minty moonbeams love of Joanna Lumley!

Have a Charles - you beat me to it :D

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The SPL have today issued the following statement with regard two ongoing issues with regards Rangers in the SPL;

EBT Investigation

The SPL Board heard a report from its solicitors following the investigation into payments to, or for the benefit of, players allegedly made by Rangers FC outside of contract.

The delay in concluding the investigation was caused by an initial lack of co-operation from Rangers FC.

The investigation has now been completed and, in the view of the SPL, there is a prima facie case to answer in respect of its Rules.

Disciplinary charges will be brought when the future status of Rangers FC is clarified and prior to the start of season 2012/13.

General Meeting

An application for registration of transfer of Rangers’ SPL share has been received. Consideration of the application will depend on receipt by the SPL Board of all required documentation and verification.

A general meeting of all 12 member clubs has been convened for 10am on Wednesday 4 July 2012 for members to decide whether to approve the transfer.

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Hud the front page...

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovSPL deem that Rangers have a case to answer regarding dual contracts payments.

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovDisciplinary charges to be brought against the club once their future status has been clarified and prior to start of season 2012-2013

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovSPL also confirm that meeting to decide on Newco transfer will be at 10am on Weds 4th July.

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovOn EBT's;The investigation has now been completed and, in the view of the SPL, there is a prima facie case to answer in respect of its Rules

See, thats what I love about this saga. There have been days where announcements have been due, we've all built ourselves up in anticipation, the excitement has grown and grown until ... nothing happens.

Then, we have days like today, when nothing was expected, yet we get what could be one of the most important statements of the whole affair.

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Also, newco meeting is on the 4th of July at 10am.


I'm on holiday can you take a 'down with this sort of thing' placard with you when you're burning the cockwomble effergies outside hampden.

Cheers bud ;)

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Might it now benefit Rangers to vote no to joining the SPL? My understand of this would be that it would be an SPL disciplinary charge, that wouldn't apply to them if they played in the SFL. Might Rangers now be a no vote?:lol:

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Hud the front page...

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovSPL deem that Rangers have a case to answer regarding dual contracts payments.

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovDisciplinary charges to be brought against the club once their future status has been clarified and prior to start of season 2012-2013

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovSPL also confirm that meeting to decide on Newco transfer will be at 10am on Weds 4th July.

Pie and Bovril@pieandbovOn EBT's;The investigation has now been completed and, in the view of the SPL, there is a prima facie case to answer in respect of its Rules

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Might it now benefit Rangers to vote no to joining the SPL? My understand of this would be that it would be an SPL disciplinary charge, that wouldn't apply to them if they played in the SFL. Might Rangers now be a no vote?:lol:

They are presumably also in breach of SFA rules over the contract issue. So it might be a choice - accept you have no history, or take the punishment (which should be severe).

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Hahaha...Jim red white and blue just reported on SSN that Rangers have a case to answer in the EBT case. He states the delays have been due to " a lack of c0-operation " from the club. Vote set for 4th July. GET THE BOOK THROWN AT THEM!!!

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what does the EBT thing matter now

they can only ban the oldco not the newco

well i guess they can strip trophies from the oldco

nope they are liable because they use the same share smile.gif

they cant do anything to them if they denied access to the SPL though

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