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Just getting the feeling Scottish football fans are going to get stitched up by these short-sighted plans.

The relentless bending over backwards to save Newco may be the final nail in the coffin of Scottish football. If these proposals go through, thousands of fans will be lost for good.

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I know FIFA said they were quite happy to let the SFA deal with this situation themselves,but the fact they haven't and aren't doing anything...i rephrase that,anything that isn't looking to fastrack a tax dodging cheating club back into the top flight asap.....I do hope they step in soon before civil war is declared in the Scottish football world.

We have become the laughing stock on the playing field,and this is only adding to it for our off field game as well.It is a joke,and should never have been allowed to continue for as long as it has done.

Not only is our game in bad need of a complete restructure,so is the SFA.A complete clear out,and new representatives put in place is what is required.

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From the rules of the SPL:


Subject to Rule C4.5.2 fee payments ('Parachute Payments") shall be made for each of the two Seasons following relegation to any Club relegated from the League from time to time of the lesser of £250,000 and 1.63% of the Net Commercial Revenues in the Season following relegation and the lesser of £125,000 and 0.82% of the Net Commercial Revenues in the second Season following relegation. The Parachute Payments payable for each Season shall be paid to the appropriate Club(s) at the commencement of the relevant Season(s) following relegation.


In the event that a Club is promoted to the League, after having been relegated for only one Season, it shall not receive any Parachute Payment in respect of the second Season after its relegation.

If they are classed as "relegated" would they be hard necked enough to invoke these clauses????:angry:

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Rangers should start at div 3. However, didnt airdrie utd start in div 2 after buying out clydebank? Sure that was the case.

Yes. But Sevco haven't bought a 1st Division side, instead the authorities are just going to gerrymander the league system to slot them in there. Farce.

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I've managed to find the relevant excerpt from the SFL Regulations:

"Para 13.5.1872 Crawling Back

In the event of an ill-managed club trying to wangle its way back into the Scottish Football League after having previously broken away in a huff because it wasn't getting enough money, it shall:

a) commence running

b) launch itself into the air

The aforementioned club shall be eligible, however, to take a place at the back of the queue and quietly and properly make an application to join the Scottish Football League, along with nice little clubs like Cove Rangers and Spartans. Such applications will be considered taking into account each club's recent history of shafting the rest of Scottish football and tarnishing its reputation. In order to comply with the Equality Act 2010, any penalties or being telt imposed on one of Glasgow's sectarian twins will be applied to the other as well."

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Rangers should start at div 3. However, didnt airdrie utd start in div 2 after buying out clydebank? Sure that was the case.

Yes but Sevco have not bought another club. They are a brand spanking new club who have NEVER played a game and want access to the First Division.

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Rangers should start at div 3. However, didnt airdrie utd start in div 2 after buying out clydebank? Sure that was the case.

Yes we did,and you answered the question why? yourself.We bought out another club.

A sad situation which was forced on us due to 3 year audit,not wanting us to look like a pheonix club,also the fact they slated our fanbase and weren't prepared to see it rekindled.

In other words,much the same as the situation with Sevco,only they seem to be bending over and taking it up the pipe for them.

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Yes but Sevco have not bought another club. They are a brand spanking new club who have NEVER played a game and want access to the First Division.

Problem is in the eyes of the SFA they are one and the same and always will be. They know that if they don't recognise this then they lose the Rangers fans. The rangers fans are worth more to them than all the other clubs in the nation put together. Never forget this.

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Is this a spread the blame stitch up , the SPL have done their bit and the SFL will say there was nothing we could do our hands were tied.

Everyone can blame each other while pertaining a sense of doing all they could.

Spl say we expelled the newco, SFL saying the newco were relegated. The whole thing looks and smells like an appeasement for the Sky deal .

Which would say that Sevco will be getting more favourable decisions to ensure promotion.

There is no incentive for the diddy teams to continue the SFL should just refuse relegation for Sevco and keep the hypocrisy in one league.

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