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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Of course, an awful lot of what is happening just now, even the SFL document and SPL2 stuff is part of a last desperate push to force to save the unsaveable because the powers just cannot grasp the concept of a world without Zombies.

Hurt and outraged that the fans have dared to voice an opinion they opt to force through their 'compromise' promising us that it's for the good of the game and we don't understand the whole picture.

The only reason we don't understand the whole picture is because the SFA, SPL etc keep it under wraps, treating us like children and threatening us with the bogeyman - such as the SKY deal. Has anyone ever actually seen that or have we all just been basing our arguments on drip-fed nuggets of nonsense?

At the very least the game's officers must go. Their positions are untenable. All the commercial deals must be transparent and made public. New officers must undergo a fit for purpose test and all possible conflicts of interest declared before election. There must be a fans representative on the national body, elected by fans.

Each and every development just makes we want Club Zombie to die at birth.

We have to start again with a clean slate, not the sticky end of a shitty stick.

Another rant. I'm offer for yet another walk to calm down. Doing a lot of that recently.

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No, I think it is dumbasses like you that help continue bigitory with your continual harping on about it.

Don't you get it? There IS no OF anymore. Gone!

You do come across, probably intentional, as a clown that shouts 'WITCH' or 'RASCIST' as fast as they can, only because the last one to do so gets hung.

^^^^^ we need to get rid of the Old Firm otherwise bigots like this will continue to shame Scotland

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1340905780[/url]' post='6383267']

What on earth are you on about?

The SPL clubs ARE the SPL! :1eye

Those that run the SFL & SFA ARE the clubs!

That is quite a misguided response. Doncaster and regan are making unilateral decisions on behalf of club chairmen to save their flawed business. They are no better than Murray or white and are cheating us all of the game we want. 6clubs have already done the right thing(thanks Vlad mad as you are). Why would they come out in public and denounce SEVCO if they did not want the footballing authorities to do what will ultimately in the long term BE the right thing. Th SPL clubs may have a vote, but its the people that pull the strings that think they have the last say. The point I am making is, if we put enough pressure on them they will have to listen. Otherwise we will all be watching junior football in the near future(no offence to jr teams). The last time Scotland were an international force that could qualify for world football was when the OF weren't dominating and we had a good pool of players to choose from. Strachan, Miller dalgliesh. Remember, the days we were proud of our Scottish team. Now we are stifled by the cheating, tax avoiding, can't live to their means ways of SEVCO. Or maybe I'm just being naive.

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I sense even greater outrage regarding these proposals than there was at the prospect of Rangers getting straight into the SPL again.

This is a one off opportunity to kill the Old Firm. Its a chance to kill sectarianism.

Yet the SPL clubs, including St. Mirren, appear hellbent on keep sectarianism alive.

The sectarian nature of the Old Firm has been getting nastier and nastier in recent times and these proposals will only see it get worse.

We've all seen how Rangers and their supporters have behaved. We've seen the way McCoist, Jardine and their knuckledragging fans have reacted. But let's not forget what Celtic were up with their intimidation of referees and match officials. The way they forced the referees to strike. They way Lennon has behaved. The way John Reid played the sectarian card to his agm. The way their supporters threatened a boycott of SPL clubs who voted Rangers back in (even though their club is the driving force behind it).

We need to end the Old Firm this summer. Anything less and its over for me.

f**k me I'm agreeing with the Captain.

I have been a season ticket holder for coming up on 14 years. We've all lived in hope of eradicating the leagues of one or both of the OF. Now here we are with the best chance we've ever had of doing that and the SPL chairmen's arse have collapsed.

The best chance in an entire generation of fair play, level playing fields and no corruption is being spunked away.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but this breakaway talk...

Does the SFA not designate what it's top tiers are etc and who gets European places?

Therefore any such threat could technically backfire with the SFA designating - for argument's sake- SFL 2 as the top tier.

The SFA would have to be complicit in the breakaway for it to be viable.

In theory, yes, but then again, given their total inability and lack of will to deal with matters, there's not a hope in hell of that happening.

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Scenario A -

All but Celtic resign from the SPL and rejoin the SFL.

4 leagues of ten, with lots of room for future reconstruction.

Sevco and Celtic form a 2 league SPL.

Why not fucking do it this time?

Because, AT, like it or not, the SPL chairmen are all in on this. They won't resign from anything whilst they are getting their fat fucking snouts fed with the OF's slurry. Regardless of what the fans feel, say or do.

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The SPL are threatening the SFL with SPL 2, presumably with SFA backing. What's to stop the SFL inviting the SPL sides to join a juiced up, expanded divisions, SFL? The clubs that remained in the SPL would see their gates plummet. The SPL sides will already take a hit from losing Rangers gates. Seize the opportunity for a revitalised Scottish Football!

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If this is your attitude why punish them at all? Keep them in the SPL, require every other club to have a whip round to pay their debts and refinance them and then we can all get back to normal. Motherwell can hand over any Champions League cash to Rangers, since of course it's really theirs. And give them back the 10 points as a start next year, and a few more to ensure that we get back to the normal state of affairs when they win the championship they are entitled to.


Look the only way the long term stability of Scottish football doesn't end with Rangers and Celtic on top is if one of those clubs ceases to exist. This will not happen. Airdrie died but didn't stay dead, Rangers have an even greater financial incentive to be alive and nothing you, me or even the authorities can do that will change that.

I want to know why relegation to SFL1 with a whole load of concessions to the SFL isn't enough for some people to accept. For years of match-fixing Juventus received relegation to Serie B and a 9 point deduction. I know it isn't exactly the same situation as a Newco but it is a punishment for a much more serious offence.

And if people want to talk about rewriting rules to suit Rangers, rules were rewritten to the detriment of Rangers when they entered administration. Transfer of shares were moved from a board power to a general Meeting power, points deductions were increased and specific penalties were brought in for Newcos.

This is an extra-ordinary circumstance that calls for commensurate action. And at the same time positive changes can be made for the whole of the game.

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Get your clubs told......Rangers will not accept division one.

How can we be relagated from a league we dont play in

start in a league were we arent wanted

for the benefit of the ones who voted us out.

divsion 3 rangers will UPHOLD the 'SPORTING INTEGRITY' that you all so much crave


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Forthright e-mail sent to the chairman again. Bitching about it on here isn't quite enough, it's time to re-apply the direct pressure on clubs all across the country. Trust groups, e-mail correspondences, phone calls, whatever.

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Look the only way the long term stability of Scottish football doesn't end with Rangers and Celtic on top is if one of those clubs ceases to exist. This will not happen. Airdrie died but didn't stay dead, Rangers have an even greater financial incentive to be alive and nothing you, me or even the authorities can do that will change that.

I want to know why relegation to SFL1 with a whole load of concessions to the SFL isn't enough for some people to accept. For years of match-fixing Juventus received relegation to Serie B and a 9 point deduction. I know it isn't exactly the same situation as a Newco but it is a punishment for a much more serious offence.

And if people want to talk about rewriting rules to suit Rangers, rules were rewritten to the detriment of Rangers when they entered administration. Transfer of shares were moved from a board power to a general Meeting power, points deductions were increased and specific penalties were brought in for Newcos.

This is an extra-ordinary circumstance that calls for commensurate action. And at the same time positive changes can be made for the whole of the game.

Weasel words from a Quisling.

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Get your clubs told......Rangers will not accept division one.

How can we be relagated from a league we dont play in

start in a league were we arent wanted

for the benefit of the ones who voted us out.

divsion 3 rangers will UPHOLD the 'SPORTING INTEGRITY' that you all so much crave


Serious question. It's 2012. What "people" are you, exactly?

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Look the only way the long term stability of Scottish football doesn't end with Rangers and Celtic on top is if one of those clubs ceases to exist. This will not happen. Airdrie died but didn't stay dead, Rangers have an even greater financial incentive to be alive and nothing you, me or even the authorities can do that will change that.

I want to know why relegation to SFL1 with a whole load of concessions to the SFL isn't enough for some people to accept. For years of match-fixing Juventus received relegation to Serie B and a 9 point deduction. I know it isn't exactly the same situation as a Newco but it is a punishment for a much more serious offence.

And if people want to talk about rewriting rules to suit Rangers, rules were rewritten to the detriment of Rangers when they entered administration. Transfer of shares were moved from a board power to a general Meeting power, points deductions were increased and specific penalties were brought in for Newcos.

This is an extra-ordinary circumstance that calls for commensurate action. And at the same time positive changes can be made for the whole of the game.

Sorry but you are wrong agree to this proposal and Scottish football is dead it may be a slow lingering death but it is inevitable.

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Look the only way the long term stability of Scottish football doesn't end with Rangers and Celtic on top is if one of those clubs ceases to exist. This will not happen. Airdrie died but didn't stay dead, Rangers have an even greater financial incentive to be alive and nothing you, me or even the authorities can do that will change that.

I want to know why relegation to SFL1 with a whole load of concessions to the SFL isn't enough for some people to accept. For years of match-fixing Juventus received relegation to Serie B and a 9 point deduction. I know it isn't exactly the same situation as a Newco but it is a punishment for a much more serious offence.

And if people want to talk about rewriting rules to suit Rangers, rules were rewritten to the detriment of Rangers when they entered administration. Transfer of shares were moved from a board power to a general Meeting power, points deductions were increased and specific penalties were brought in for Newcos.

This is an extra-ordinary circumstance that calls for commensurate action. And at the same time positive changes can be made for the whole of the game.

Using the Italian leagues (who have another corruption case blooming) and subsequent poorly administered punishments as an example effectively kills dead any candor your argument may have.

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