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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Today's document, released at 6pm by the SPL to the SFL highlighting why SevCo should be allowed into the First has all but confirmed the ball is burst. These corrupt arseholes are basically threatening the SFL to accept SevCo into SFL1 under the threat of financial meltdown.

Well folks, if this DOES go ahead, and SMFC decide to stay within the confines of the SPL, I can unconditionally say that it will be the end of going to games for me. I can't support my club in a league which makes Serie A look like a bastion of fair play. The document sent out is akin to a written threat. And what does it teach us? That SevCo, NewCo, Rangers.....whatever, are simply to big to fail. Why support a club in a league which will do everything it can to predetermine the outcome of it's championship race? We, as supporters spend a lot of hard-earned money every single week to watch our club 'compete' in a league that is always going to hold everyone down who isn't part of the cash generating cow. I love my club, it's not about winning things, if it was I'd have been an OF supporter, but the odds are so heavily stacked in favour of corruption and financial mismanagement, that it's simply a losing battle.

Well, I'm afraid they can have their sky money, they can propose all their absolute bullshit jargon of 'exciting opportunities' 'positive media outcomes' 'increased revenue', but they have sold the sport and it's very soul, straight down the river in search of making a quick buck. All of this without providing a single shard of hard evidence to back up their claims of how up the shitter Scottish football would be. Not a shard! Nothing! I don't feel I'm the only supporter (actual supporter, not an imbecile who plants his fat arse in front of his telly every weekend and shouts at it, proclaiming his 'love' for a club he never actually goes to see) who is totally dumbfounded by all of this.

For me, the jigs up, if I want to watch a sport where the outcome is pre-determined, I'll stick to the WWE. At least it embraces what it is.

So congratulations everyone involved. This is that day Scottish football committed public suicide.

Rant over.

Well said, that man!

I actually stared in total disbelief at the document sent to SFL clubs earlier today, kept thinking that it had to be some elaborate hoax which began on Twitter.

For years, my wife has boycotted Nestle because they "kill babies", or something like that. I've scoffed at her more than once, telling her that by her not purchasing anything that is produced or owned by Nestle will not make the blindest bit of difference. Today, I can totally see where she is coming from. I've no doubt that others will continue to follow their own team and the national side if this SPL 2 proposal goes through, but I won't. Clyde won't notice a couple of hundred quid of my money not going into the club each season, the SFA won't notice my £90 a year for home tickets go missing, but at least I'll know. I'll know that I didn't stand back and let this utter bunch of c***s make up their own rules to suit their own agenda. I'll know that there are others out there who will do the same. I'll know that every Saturday afternoon when I'm watching Soccer Saturday, bored out of my tits and with the kids annoying me that I wasn't party to this.

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I dont believe this pice of blackmail makes the slightest bit of difference. The sequence of events will be something like

1. SPL will refuse entry to TCFKAS

2. SFL clubs will vote on their application for entry to SFL1

3. There will be a no vote

4. SPL 2 will be created

5. All but a handful of SFL clubs stand firm against this blackmail

6. SPL2 will form with SEVCO 5088, Cowdung and maybe 3 of the diddiest of diddies

7. SPL2 will not be viable and SPL will need to reorganise before its even begun with leagues of 8 & 9 or 1 league of 17 ( or maybe a 12 - 5 split :lol: )

8. Chaos ensues as theres no time to reschedule or agree TV deals or shit.

Fans and Chairmen on SFL clubs just need to stay strong. Bombard your clubs. Let them know that you'll walk away rather than accept this. Force their hand. We don't need to accept this and if a small number of clubs do desert we elect other clubs to fill the space created.

What was it "Bomber Command" said on the steps of Snake Mountain last night about the eminant QC's answer to the call? :rolleyes:

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Newco doesn't have a feckin business plan let alone transparency on investors. Noone knowsif they can pay their way to day one of season and suggesting that they would provide any fiscal benefit to anyone but themselves is blind naivety. Fwiw I'm old enough to remember years from mid seventies to mid eighties and prior to sdm cheating any neutral observer would have seen Aberdeen and utd as the standard bearers of Scottish football while ibrox was sat near empty. How many clubs died while ibrox had crowds of five thousand?? Not one

Those point are irrelevant, we are in a period of flux. History has shown that although the OF individually have up and down periods eventually the two of them go back to the top because they have much larger fan base. It is the way of the world apparently/unfortunately.

As far as clubs going bust go this is the largest amount of debt clubs have been carrying when one of the OF are hitting a down period and the finances of the top clubs have never been more reliant on the cumulative value of the top league.

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We Are Totally Phucked?

I Wonder how long you will last in the SPL. i will watch as your 'club' try to compete to be the '2nd' best club in Scotland hahaha don't make me laugh

wonder how long before you are in division 3 also

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FAO Clunge. Always the same. A little sniff of victory (the sfl ransom demand) and suddenly all the buns come out of the woodwork. Thanks to the Accy who correctly pointed out that beating Dunfermiline in a play off and Falkirks stadium being either a midden or an unopened mechano set is a little different from the buns cheating for decades. Not proud of the squeaky bum time we had (are having) at the bottom and rightly we've had the piss ripped right out of us for it. If the Dons can't survive (or any other club) without the buns then they deserve to go. Where were you yesterday when all your ranjurs till die heroes were 'walking away'? Your club is dead GIRFUY, you owe all of us 20 quid.

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I don't really understand what sort of SPL/top division you think Rangers would be going back to after conquering the lower leagues if all the teams are going bust left right and centre.

A piss poor one, but hopefully will be the catalyst for changing the way this Country looks at improving the game.

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Club still exists, company doesn't. Company no longer exists due to mis management in the form of Murray, Shyte et al.

What is this pish? What is the club unless it's the funding, infrastructure and COMPANY underpinning it? Do you really think that creating Company X to take the heat when THE CLUB runs out of money is anything other than a smokescreen?

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We the fans of football have just been given a load of old shite there about an SPL 2.The SFA and other governing bodies keep leaking stuff or putting it out into the public domain to gauge our moods and responses.WELL they sure as hell have just about pissed off 41 clubs fans totally.

If you haven't noticed since 14th Feb we have been spoon fed shite after shit about helping them cheating B*stards get to or in the SPL ASAP at any costs only to be encountered by the wrath of the fans ready to boycott their club.Incase you haven't noticed it's you the fans of the diddy clubs not Celtic that have brought the SPL SFL and SFA to these measures in creating an SPL 2 and it's you the diddy fans who will eventually if you unite will force the ruling authorities to take the correct action "3rd division football at best for the newco" and if you all pressure your clubs by saying you will return your season tickets or not buy one and not go to any game next season then you all have the ball in your court.

If enough fans of the diddy clubs ( 40 in total ) threaten to boycott your club in protest to them getting the newco into the SPL ASAP,the reality to the ruling bodies is that you the fans have the power to kill the game completely in Scotland if the rangers newco is not dealt with accordingly.There is no football if the fans decide not to go and fork out their hard earned money every week.Why should you all subsidise the return of a team and their fans who couldn't give a flying fcuk if your team goes under returns back into the SPL eventually so they can gloat if any other club suffered the humility of liquidation and possible no newco option like the orcs have.And worse still the orcs dancing on your clubs grave laughing and spouting they are still there.

The future of the sport of football in Scotland is on a knife edge ! if the newco aren't in the SPL then SKY threatens to cut the revenue ! if the newco isn't booted down/up to the 3rd division then the other 40 clubs are going to suffer decreased gates ! claims that 5 SPL clubs now face administration ? why haven't the authorities came out with a newco solution for these clubs if they are going to go into admin !.How many clubs are now in real danger of going into admin if the newco is not dealt with as the rule books state if the fans become disillusioned with the game and the lack of sporting integrity and competitive fairness and then decide FCUK IT what's the point in going !.

Is the sport of football in Scotland about to implode because a teams management cheated by financial doping to gain titles and European monies and is about to be given the lightest of punishments to every other fans discontent.I fear it may as more and more fans express their utter dismay in the handling of a cheating club that may return in another form only to rise to the top only because they have a larger fan base than at least 40 others.The utter arrogance shown by the newco rangers fans that they should be competing for the title even when their club faced extinction even had me gob smacked,and it's their fans who now threaten the very existence of other clubs with their expected return to the top by boycotting away games.Their fans want to dance and sing to the death of any club that objected to the newco's immediate return to dominate Scottish football as they believe they should be doing is utterly insulting.

All in all why has the game been driven to this point were it can be toppled down by one club ? and there seems to be no mechanism employed or discussed to ensure if another large member club goes into liquidation to protect it's other members if such a rare event should occur again.The lack of foresight other than get the newco into the SPL ASAP shows to me the authorities only care about the OF and the money they bring and not running a sport in the best way possible.When the SKY deal was signed a long time ago the SPL as a whole should have been sold and not the OF as a protection against future TV revenue being sustained at the level the SPL will have been used to and not how much can we get "SETANTA" remember that for a few million more and we eventually got fcuked over when SETANTA went to the wall.

What happens if the newco gets into an SPL 2 and ends up in a relegation spot ? will they relegate them ? it would appear the lack of foresight is involved again if the newco failed to attain a promotion spot and may even finish in a relegation spot.

Sorry for long post peeps :D.

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A piss poor one, but hopefully will be the catalyst for changing the way this Country looks at improving the game.

Funny how Rangers fans care about improving the game now all of a sudden.

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I Wonder how long you will last in the SPL. i will watch as your 'club' try to compete to be the '2nd' best club in Scotland hahaha don't make me laugh

wonder how long before you are in division 3 also

Enjoy your trips to Glasgow St. Pauli in the Glasgow and District Sunday Football Championship 8)

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Bahahaha!! Hamilton? Anyway, back on track, didn't mention anything about taxes, was questioning Sporting Integrity. As we are "guilty" of lacking sporting integrity, I find it rich other clubs putting the boot in whilst milking the cash cow. Can't have you're cake and eat it. I look forward to Montrose, Elgin, Peterhead etc, much better than playing in a league of shortsighted fools who will reap what they sew in years few. Watch this space for the sheep going into Admin.

Are any 'bears' other than bennett and no.8 even semi literate or are they all just pisshead fruitloops slurring their way through life like their latest 'saviour'?

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What i would like to know tonight is:

How many of the 130000 Rangers fans said to have visited Manchester for the UEFA Cup Final in Manchester in 2008 donated more than £1 to their clubs fighting fund prior to the death of Rangers Football Club?

How much money did each of the so-called former Rangers Legends individually donate to the same fund prior to the death of their club?

How much money did all former players and former managers individually donate to the same fund prior to the death of Rangers Football Club?

How much money did all former club directors individually donate to the same fund prior to the death of Rangers Football Club?

How much money in total did all of those people combined donate to their clubs fighting fund prior to the death of Rangers Football Club caused by the £134 million debts that they themselves were all responsible for.


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You know the worst punishment for us and best from an SPL perspective would have been keeping Rangers in the SPL and massive points and financial deductions for 3 or 4 years, which i believe was orginal SPL plan until the no to newco mob saved us from that fate.

Going to the 1st division is a cop ouut and the only feasible option is the 3rd division where we're seen to be punished and have to earn respect as well as league progression.

3 years in the juniors to get 3 years accounts before 3rd division would have been the proper punishment and then some poor team got relegated from 3rd division just because you are the newco with the fanbase :D

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What is this pish? What is the club unless it's the funding, infrastructure and COMPANY underpinning it? Do you really think that creating Company X to take the heat when THE CLUB runs out of money is anything other than a smokescreen?

THE CLUB won titles before it was a COMPANY

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Bahahaha!! Hamilton? Anyway, back on track, didn't mention anything about taxes, was questioning Sporting Integrity. As we are "guilty" of lacking sporting integrity, I find it rich other clubs putting the boot in whilst milking the cash cow. Can't have you're cake and eat it. I look forward to Montrose, Elgin, Peterhead etc, much better than playing in a league of shortsighted fools who will reap what they sew in years few. Watch this space for the sheep going into Admin.

Yes Hamilton. A well run club who sell players to the Premiership. If only we'd had top class fascilities like Murray Park. We've spent most of our history in a different league. We've not needed Rangers cash.

So avoiding tax, enabling you to spend more money on your team has nothing to do with sporting intergrity? Your club, ex-club, cheated for years. I do feel sorry for the genuine decent fans though.

Edited by Owsley
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Club still exists, company doesn't. Company no longer exists due to mis management in the form of Murray, Shyte et al.

You keep telling yourself that - it's the mantra for Orcs "my club still exists" "we still retain our history" Scientific reasearch shows that after a certain period you will convince yourself it's true. Rangers are dead soon to be liquidated. The Newwco is not affiliated to any association so in footballing term does not exist.

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