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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Any creditor of RFC should be championing each and every attempt to hold those responsible, legally, liable under criminal or civil law.

HMRC are, merely, better placed to pursue matters than most others

Im sure they will. HMRC have already said they will pursue past directors of Rangers FC.

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It's this season that's the problem. I thought we all got this. After that brutal cuts can be made.

It can't be this season, your club will not have sevco this season.

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Granny Danger - I don't know

HibeeJibee - What statistical evidence do you have that the chicken did in fact cross the road?

Awwwwwww. Nooooooooo. :o

Granny, you are only encouraging him. :angry: Asking for statistical evidence means you will get it, big time. If it wasn't all electronic on P&B we could be looking at 3 or 4 Brazilian rain forests paying the price. :unsure:

As Ally has said "Beware what you ask for".

Suggest you book yourself in for a wee lie down tomorrow afternoon. Your heid will be dirlin by then. :blink:

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Which "unfortunate global circumstances" are you talking about?

His big team going into meltdown or that recession that started hmmmmmm years ago.

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They can dress this bollocks up any way they want, but at the end of the day, they will always be known as "Cheats with no history"

Sevco fans hate it, i've been riling these fuds in the Pub with it, and believe me they hate it.

I appeal to all non Sevco fans to always refer to them as "Cheats with no history" or something similar please.

Many thanks

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They can dress this bollocks up any way they want, but at the end of the day, they will always be known as "Cheats with no history"

Sevco fans hate it, i've been riling these fuds in the Pub with it, and believe me they hate it.

I appeal to all non Sevco fans to always refer to them as "Cheats with no history" or something similar please.

Many thanks

Surely, they cant be both. If they are cheats then they must be the same club as before, therefore have history. If the have no history then they area new club who have not, yet, cheated.

I dont think you've thought this through :P

Although, your reasoning is still significantly above the standard of Laeotaekhun

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I'm sorry Mr Yardley played (using the word very gingerly) for us, I called I'm his more exotic name Jesus De Fuk.sad.gif

I was just chancing my arm, he obviously visited the bridie stall regularly.

Edited by ayrmad
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Duly corrected. At least the message was picked up. smile.gif

Where I live it's nearly a hanging offence if you don't know the words to "The Sash".

A mile up the road, it's nearly a hanging offence if you do know the words.

Mind how you go.

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They can dress this bollocks up any way they want, but at the end of the day, they will always be known as "Cheats with no history"

Sevco fans hate it, i've been riling these fuds in the Pub with it, and believe me they hate it.

I appeal to all non Sevco fans to always refer to them as "Cheats with no history" or something similar please.

Many thanks

Aye - try that in Methil with the Orcs pal - nearest Casualty place is 16 miles away - the first rule of fight bars is "We don't talk aboots Rangers"

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T_S_A_R - chickens don't have to cross roads! legally, a road doesn't have to be crossed by chickens.

Captain Sensible - The chicken was never allowed to cross the road. :rolleyes:

Why? Simple; it's all the Old Firms fault. They have a vested interest in not allowing chickens to cross roads because it suits their bigotted agendas.

I can't wait for the Old Firm to die, so that the sectarian agenda set by Rangers and their bigoted brothers Celtic leaves poultry free to cross whatever roads they please and the whole world will be a far better place! :D

Bomber Broon: Ahm no gonnae tell you who ma chicken is, cos the meedja wull jist pluck it. But ah wull tell youse, ah've got hunners o'chickens. This boy here in the front, he's ma chicken. In fact, youse are ALL ma chickens

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T_S_A_R - chickens don't have to cross roads! legally, a road doesn't have to be crossed by chickens.

Captain Sensible - The chicken was never allowed to cross the road. :rolleyes:

Why? Simple; it's all the Old Firms fault. They have a vested interest in not allowing chickens to cross roads because it suits their bigotted agendas.

I can't wait for the Old Firm to die, so that the sectarian agenda set by Rangers and their bigoted brothers Celtic leaves poultry free to cross whatever roads they please and the whole world will be a far better place! :D


Unfortunately the greenie quantum has been utilised. I wonder if you could really get a deep insight into people's personalities by asking them to answer fairly innocous questions or riddles.

Awwwwwww. Nooooooooo. :o

Granny, you are only encouraging him. :angry: Asking for statistical evidence means you will get it, big time. If it wasn't all electronic on P&B we could be looking at 3 or 4 Brazilian rain forests paying the price. :unsure:

As Ally has said "Beware what you ask for".

Suggest you book yourself in for a wee lie down tomorrow afternoon. Your heid will be dirlin by then. :blink:

If he's in his loft/basement/coffin doing research he's not on here bothering me. When he comes back with the evidence I'll ask for a bibliography of source material.

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I'm not a supporter of RFC, or any other Scottish Club

Aye - sorry to inform you that RFC passed away - there is a remembrance site called SevcoMedia where you can pay respects to the departed. Contact a councellor called Charles Green if you feel you have been affected by any issues discussed here

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Question no 4 - is an on the spot round to Mr McCoist - "Who were the 3 on that independant Tribunal and what were their names/addresses?"

Is it their post codes so a few Bears in a car with a satnav can get there to having a word with them? :(

Or if it the coordinates you need for the Bear's Cruise missile tell them to use 55.825105, -4.251716 (These will knock out the SFA and SPL offices in a oner. :D)

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Surely, they cant be both. If they are cheats then they must be the same club as before, therefore have history. If the have no history then they area new club who have not, yet, cheated.

I dont think you've thought this through :P

Although, your reasoning is still significantly above the standard of Laeotaekhun

Ah bollocks!!! You're right enough, can't even accuse you of being pedantic. Back to the drawing board

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Ok, here's some food for thought -

Below are the current world rankings for the homeless World Cup.

1 Brazil

2 Mexico

3 Scotland

4 Ukraine

5 Chile

6 Russia

7 Ireland

8 Portugal

9 Poland

10 Kenya

Do these mean that we have a homeless population similar to those in the top 5? Don't think so. So what does this tell us about our attitude towards the game?

Even when we're at rock bottom, soaked in our own blood and pish and trying to grow a sleeping bag from our chin, we still want to play. What's more we seem to fare better. No money, no assistance, no problem.

The game just could not die in Scotland regardless of what the MSM and the ruling bodies tell us. It doesn't need an ex-politician writing a 2 year report to help it either, it needs less involvement from those with only an academic or financial interest. Sport and business are uneasy bedfellows at the best of times but what we're witnessing now from our "leaders" is just naked avarice. There will undoubtedly be many innocent casualties from a drastic shake-up to the game but it seems so corrupt that something has to give.

I've never really bothered with forums before but the thought of the buns just strong-arming their way back into the top flight led me here. I honestly thought I would be in a hated minority but in 2 weeks I've been amazed at the breadth of knowledge and passion still out there, and not from just a hardy few. Fucking magic.

Now's a time for change, don't let this momentum lead to nothing. Keep the inboxes of your chairmen and the SPL/SFL/SFA groaning with the weight of opinion against this shite - donkey-jackets and braziers optional.


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