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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Long-time lurker and 1st time poster. What a fantastic thread! I don't claim to have read it all but have been kind of addicted to it over the last month or so.

The Newco debacle has brought a number of issues to a head that many supporters have been struggling with for some time; the OF bias, sectarianism, league structure, TV money etc. etc.

I think we're now being presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity to change. The recent statements from those who currently govern the game in Scotland are hardly surprising; they are trying desperately to preserve what they have. They are stuck in the past and are either unwilling or unable to see a better way.

Setting aside (just for a second as the banter on here has been brilliant) the debate around where Newco should or shouldn't end up with the league structure. I reckon this is a real watershed moment for the game in Scotland. What is that we, the fans, want Scottish Football to look like?

I reckon there are enough intelligent people on this thread alone who, between them, could define what it should be like and begin a push for change. This scenario hasn't been possible before but technology has given us a voice and it has been listened to as proven by the Chairmen of various clubs issuing public statements. I'm not naive enough to think there's some sort or Nirvana to aim for here. I don't believe in perfect but if we, the ordinary fans, don't take the opportunity now I fear we'll just end up with more of the same dished out in the same way it has been for years.

Apologies for the long post and I don't have any suggestions about what to next but just had to get that off my chest.

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No they just believe that deep down only they know what is best for Scottish Football, and the Nae Sayers are just an angry mob driven by a handful of Internet nutters.

Ps twitter saying that Green is meeting Whyte in the Menzies hotel in Glasgow right Now ?

I read that Whyte is due in court in Inverness to answer a speeding charge.

He has no-showed twice, I believe, but has submitted excuses via his solicitor.

Is this serious enough that the polis would try to chase him up?

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he's getting to that age (just turned 7) he's now taking an interest in football, and the problem is he has grown up with a rangers fan and a celtic fan as parents poor bugger.. certainly there was no danger i was exposing him to the crap that gets flung around either of their grounds,

With my recent unhappiness at the way my club has behaved I think the time might be here to try and tempt him with a diddy team

absolutely gutting but this is one rangers fan walking away - from bigotry cheating and the tripe attached to my club

firhill is just up the road, might have to try and persuade him

Where's jagfox when you need him, to point out that kids go free at Firhill?

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Who and where are these 103 c***s??

They are the members of the rffffffffffff and of course two votes are andy goram

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Apologies for the long post and I don't have any suggestions about what to next but just had to get that off my chest.

Welcome. Long, well written posts are what people want.

Better than the trite shite that I keep putting up :rolleyes:

Edited by cyderspaceman
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I read that Whyte is due in court in Inverness to answer a speeding charge.

He has no-showed twice, I believe, but has submitted excuses via his solicitor.

Is this serious enough that the polis would try to chase him up?

The JP granted the continuation and the clerk announced that the case would call again on July 4. There was no instruction that Whyte should appear personally.

The businessman, who has been banned from football for life, faces a driving ban if convicted.

But as long as he gives an undertaking not to drive before the next court date, a solicitor can represent him or a letter plea can be accepted.

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Celtic's big friend of the Diddies face is beginning to crack: laugh.gif

My link

Maybe it is time for us to take the nuclear option, if Scottish Football can’t do without a Rangers, Celtic should give the 2 years notice required, and resign from the SPL, let’s see how they get on without Celtic and their supporters.


Are they leaving now ? bye

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Maybe it is time for us to take the nuclear option, if Scottish Football can’t do without a Rangers, Celtic should give the 2 years notice required, and resign from the SPL, let’s see how they get on without Celtic and their supporters.


Are they leaving now ? bye

Is that a promise?

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Long-time lurker and 1st time poster. What a fantastic thread! I don't claim to have read it all but have been kind of addicted to it over the last month or so.


Apologies for the long post and I don't have any suggestions about what to next but just had to get that off my chest.

What I would like to see once all this has been resolved and settled down... and we might be talking after a couple of years of hard cost-cutting and 'retrenchment', too... is some kind of fans proposals which mixes viability with desirability to suggest an achieveable compromise.

For example - only a couple of months ago Supporters' Direct released what they claimed to be the "Fans Plan"...

... but it was ridiculous. Full of nonsense like Sectional League Cups, booting 10 clubs out of the league, and a bizarre 'requirement' for 'every' club to average 2/3 of their capacity.

What would be positive is if there was a proposal put together which suggests a workable scenario between the ideal and the practical. For example: a most popular division size among fans (almost invariably) is 16-teams playing 30-games. But this ideal isn't financially viable. On the opposite side the financials and the authorities want 10-team SPL. But this this isn't acceptable to fans. So surely the way forward is a compromise? For example a 14-team SPL with a split for 36/40-games.

That's just an example.

Neither outlook... the ultra-ideal or the ultra-practical... can win and be popular/viable.

But there surely must be a middleground betwixt the 2 which is achieveable.

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The JP granted the continuation and the clerk announced that the case would call again on July 4. There was no instruction that Whyte should appear personally.

The businessman, who has been banned from football for life, faces a driving ban if convicted.

But as long as he gives an undertaking not to drive before the next court date, a solicitor can represent him or a letter plea can be accepted.

Goody, I'm going to be in Inverness on the 4th, can anyone get in? I want to present him or his soliciter with an award for services to Scottish Football..rolleyes.gif

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alex thomson@alextomoPaints a picture os something now close to civil war between S Premier League, S Football League and SFA.


6malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson@alextomoSenior Hampden source: they and clubs now inundated by fanpower demanding integrity over money. Says fans are right...


8malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson@alextomoSenior Hampden source tells #c4news cannot see how RFC were allowed to play last season at all. Doesn't believe they met finance criteria...

Surely UEFA/FIFA should be stepping in and getting cockwomble and his cronies tae feck !!mad.gif

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alex thomson

@alextomo 4m

Paints a picture os

something now close to

civil war between S

Premier League, S Football

League and SFA.

View details ·

alex thomson

@alextomo 6m

Senior Hampden source:

they and clubs now

inundated by fanpower

demanding integrity over

money. Says fans are


View details ·

alex thomson

@alextomo 7m

Senior Hampden source

tells #c4news cannot see

how RFC were allowed to

play last season at all.

Doesn't believe they met

finance criteria...

View details ·

alex thomson

@alextomo 9m

Source says this is nothing

less than a crude takeover

bid by Scottish Premier

League for Football


View details ·

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alex thomson@alextomoPaints a picture os something now close to civil war between S Premier League, S Football League and SFA.


6malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson@alextomoSenior Hampden source: they and clubs now inundated by fanpower demanding integrity over money. Says fans are right...


8malex_thomson_d_normal.jpgalex thomson@alextomoSenior Hampden source tells #c4news cannot see how RFC were allowed to play last season at all. Doesn't believe they met finance criteria...

Surely UEFA/FIFA should be stepping in and getting cockwomble and his cronies tae feck !!mad.gif

Instead of civil war can the 3 bosses not all just have an all-in death-match using bags of Murdoch's silver as weapons?

Edited by Bob Roth
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