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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Re sharing gate money, I think that's a non starter too, the bigger teams are always going to generate more cash from their big support and that's just the way it is. Sort out sponsor and TV cash in an even split, maybe even havea fund to help out teams in a spot if bother or teams who get relegated, but no sharing of gate money.

Re the NFL, the point I was making earlier is that their closed shop allows them to do amazing things like give the weakest teams first choice on the best young players etc, there's no way any country could try anything similar with football as the best young players would much rather just go to another country than sign for the bottom club in the spl or whatever, an option not open to NFL players as literally no one else plays gridiron football, certainly not to the standard they do anyway

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Gate splitting is utter garbage.... just greedy wee b*****ds wanting a chunk of money from clubs with far greater attendances than theirs... notice how its fans of teams who can barely fill a stand at their own ground who want this. Will not happen .. deal with it :)

I take it you will be asking Celtic to hand back any Champions League money then? Because we all know it's the Barcas, Madrids etc who bring most of the money into the competition through sponsors etc?

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Just got in from work so this may have already been mentioned. Listening to Off The Ball, who the f**k is this guy Alexander, says he's a St.Mirren fan but comes across as the biggest SevCo 5088 apologist, total tool.

Is he a journo or what ?

Blood boiling ! :angry:

Apparently we just need to ask any Saint Mirren fan. Chick? Chick - are you there?

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You've all been waiting for it, now Clyde have spoken:

That is not only a great decision but an absolutely brilliant, well thought out and well expressed statement. In particular the 3rd, 4th and 5th paragraphs.

"The papers include a proposal to allow a Newco to enter the 1st Division. This is contrary to the rules of the SFL and nothing within the papers justifies this proposal.

As a club owned by its supporters and recovering from having been on the brink of extinction, the Board of Clyde Football Club recognise the damage done to the credibility of Rangers Football Club by its successive owners, and the subsequent impact on staff and supporters. These proposals do nothing to restore that credibility.

It is not for us to become involved in punishment, that is a matter for the SPL and SFA. The SFL clubs are being asked to change their rules so that the SPL and SFA can apply sanctions that fit short term financial interests."

Edited by Granny Danger
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I can be as guilty as anyone of posting pish on here, but seriously, every time the captain comes on here, he drags this thread completely away from 'the big Rangers administration/liquidation' issue, and down a path that is signposted 'fcuk Celtic too'.

Now, that's a path maybe worth going down, each to their own and all that, but responding to the captain's incessant anti-Celtic trolling just drags this particular thread right down the tubes.

Have a greenie. We need to tackle these cnuts one club at a time. Lets makes sure the blue half are deed before we turn on the green half.

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Once again I'll ask - if the other 10 can make more cash out of it, and vote for it...what are you going to do about it? Like it or lump it, you've got nowhere else to go because nobody else wants you. :)

like it or lump it ... it wont happen.. say for example the other SPL clubs vote for celtic to start on -30 points because its 'what they want' :lol: that, like gate sharing i.e greedy b*****ds wanting a slice of other clubs income wont happen... itd be thrown out of court.. :D

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Doncaster Announces Plans For Radical Shake Up Of His Hairstyle


Citing a need for urgent change across the full spectrum of his outer skull, Neil Doncaster last night announced plans for a radical shake up of his hairstyle.

The inherently evil SPL Chief Executive took a break from drowning puppies in his kitchen sink to present his vision for a slicker, more modern, haircut.

“It’s clear we need sweeping changes right across each of my hair follicles if I am to meet the considerable challenges that lie ahead,” declared the grinning former Norwich City chief executive.

“I was speaking to Ralph [Topping] after a fox-hunt last week about how we could close down an orphanage and use it as an SPL five-a-side venue, when he suggested people might be more accepting of my dastardly schemes if I looked more like a professional executive and less like a serial killer on acid.”

“He can be a cheeky p***k but he’s probably got a point.”

Doncaster’s hairstyle has – up until now – operated a rigid style where each strand was super glued into place, and any new strand coming through had to meet a stringent follicle-excellence test before it was accepted into the main body of hair.

So far, no new hair strands have made the grade.

“The time has come for radical reform,” added Doncaster, while casually beating his household servant with a rolling pin. “Which is precisely why I have made an appointment with a senior stylist for a full wash, cut, and style at Toni & Guy in the city centre.”

“It will certainly make a change from cutting my own hair with a pair of garden shears.”

Glasgow Fashionistas are already speculating that the portly SPL enforcer will plump for a Mohawk, although some suggest dying half his hair blue and the other half green would be appropriate.

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The thing about the SPL proposals is that they are half baked. Clyde's comments were spot and the document is half baked, half thought out and should be treated with utter disdain. The future of Scottish Football is far too important and the authorities really should have tried a little harder in the thinking behind this document. Alex T called it right when he questioned the detail within the paper; where are they plucking the figures from? Where is the research? Where is the detail? Where is the basic business plan and roadmap which will guide the member Clubs to safety? Why the scaemongering? Where's the true punishment to Oldco/Newco as it looks more akin to a rescue package? The document is pathetic and should be rejected out of hand. I'm no expert but surely a 'fit and proper' proposal for Scottish Football can take weeks if not months to prepare properly, with considerable brainpower contributing from all quarters of Scotland's sporting, finance, public and private sectors; not this two-bit effort scrawled on the back of a fag packet. I call on all member Clubs not to be blackmailed or have the wool pulled over their eyes. Remember Clubs, the fans are watching closely: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me".

Edited by GunnerBairn
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Just got in from work so this may have already been mentioned. Listening to Off The Ball, who the f**k is this guy Alexander, says he's a St.Mirren fan but comes across as the biggest SevCo 5088 apologist, total tool.

Is he a journo or what ?

Blood boiling ! :angry:

Seems St Mirren are replacing Partick as the closet Sevco journalists' diddy team of choice.

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I take it you will be asking Celtic to hand back any Champions League money then? Because we all know it's the Barcas, Madrids etc who bring most of the money into the competition through sponsors etc?

TV and sponsorship money is totally different from a teams income taken for selling tickets at their OWN stadium.... gate sharing will never happen... even if chairmen like the one of your team voted for it.. celtic would take it to the courts and itd be laughed at and thrown out.. :lol: why should a chunk of my season ticket money i pay to MY club go to a shower of greedy b*****ds who cant fill a stand at their own ground and bring 100 fans to our ground... :lol: ... No danger !

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Any St. Mirren fans confirm this erse Alexander is actually a fan of yours?

If it's Douglas Alexander the MP,then he's not a St.Mirren fan.

He attends games when he needs votes and generally shows up if anything positive happens around the club. e.g the new ground opening etc.

Always struck me as having blue bigot tendencies. <_<

Edited by FTOF
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So....is this thread gonna be a bit boring over the weekend, everyone now waiting for tuesdays vote ?

Maybe i should go over to RM and wind them up a bit. :rolleyes:

Please do... can you quote my post above about the EUFA License to them also?

Let us know the reults mate.

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It takes 12 teams to make the league, without the 10 diddies you'd have nowhere to play. Why should you both take so much revenue out of the game?

There would have been no uproar from the other 10 clubs when Gretna was in the league. The only teams who can possibly lose out of shared receipts are the OF, and maybe Hearts (doubtful). All the rest would have more cash.

With Rangers back in the SPL in 1-3 seasons and voting (vetoing) with Celtic on all financial matters, this is the one and only chance the rest of the SPL will get to peg both clubs back to the pack. Otherwise we'll be left with the exact same situation we've had for the next 25 years.

It's time the OF starting putting money back in to the league instead of draining the fans and cash from everywhere else in the country.


Based on the average gates, the OF will lose heavily, Hearts would gain a small amount, the other 9 clubs gaining a lot. Sounds fair to me.

What, my 620 quid should comprise of £310 to my club, and £310 spread around other clubs? I already pay every fortnight to other clubs. Are your clubs fans putting the same in the pot? Ok, we'll go for that.

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If it's Douglas Alexander the MP,then he's not a St.Mirren fan.

He attends games when he needs votes and generally shows up if anything positive happens around the club. e.g the new ground opening etc.

Always struck me as having blue bigot tendencies. <_<

Na it's Douglas Alexander the journalist, they made a point at the start of the show to confirm it I think. Writes for the Sunday Times.

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