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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well one cracking idea would be to run a competition that wasn't rigged so blatantly for the benefit of two clubs - y'know, one with a bit more of a sporting set-up, rather than one where "the rest" exist as cannon fodder and should know their place. The already uncovered malfeasance of your business partners is being dealt with shamefully by the authorities. One of the most shameful aspects of the whole affair - even more so than Johnston's blatant arslikhan - is the deafening silence from parkhead as Lawell desperately burns the phone lines and leans on his contacts in order to get his chums back to the top table before those meddling diddies alter voting structures to something like democracy.

Captain S is mental, fair enough, but make no mistake, the Ugly Sisters' halcyon days are over. Killie and others may have problems in the months and years ahead, but celtic are going to be affected more than any other club in Scotland. Enjoy the ride, muthafuckas!

Utter pish ;)

Celtic know, and have been advised, if they speak out and Sercvo or whatever the newco is called bite the dust then the more mental elements in the west of Scotland and beyond will see the hand of rome, Glasgow district council, the Catholic church etc etc as having caused this...and all those roads lead to Celtic for some peepil. You think Rangers fans will blame the diddies for this fiasco?

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And much as I took great pains in to the user with the name 'realmadrid' when he started about history, Asimbutt was well a known drugie and you are happy enough with that to call yourself after the convicted shit.

What are you talking about now, are you McGhee with another log in?

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You could just call yourself ''hitsasix'' but no, you glorify a well known criminal. Pathetic, espesially when you come a moralising on here.

Christ, I thought it was the Mirren that had the biggest roasters on here but their neibs are outdoing them tonight,,,,,,,,,,,

Pretty mild, compared with some of the glorification going on in celtic's "traditional" song book, TBF. You lads are really gonna have to better than this when your business partners aren't around anymore, ye know!

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Utter pish ;)

Celtic know, and have been advised, if they speak out and Sercvo or whatever the newco is called bite the dust then the more mental elements in the west of Scotland and beyond will see the hand of rome, Glasgow district council, the Catholic church etc etc as having caused this...and all those roads lead to Celtic for some peepil. You think Rangers fans will blame the diddies for this fiasco?

So Celtic are simply shitein themselves to do the right thing then?

So they'd LIKE to do the right thing but they are scared of Rangers fans.

Have I got this right?

It's nowt to do with their acceptance that, without Rangers, they are f**k all? Two cheeks of the same arse an all that?


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Ok whats this John McVeigh banter all about? Been able to follow everything on this thread aside from that.

Seemingly if you try and type in m i n g e (without spaces) it comes up as 'John McVeigh is a tit'.

I know.....means f**k all to me too!

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Utter pish ;)

Celtic know, and have been advised, if they speak out and Sercvo or whatever the newco is called bite the dust then the more mental elements in the west of Scotland and beyond will see the hand of rome, Glasgow district council, the Catholic church etc etc as having caused this...and all those roads lead to Celtic for some peepil. You think Rangers fans will blame the diddies for this fiasco?

I don't believe that for a second. Although, it's a convenient excuse given the scumbag support that Sevco is trying to inherit.

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Seemingly if you try and type in m i n g e (without spaces) it comes up as 'John McVeigh is a tit'.

I know.....means f**k all to me too!

There used to be a poster in the first division forum, who went be the moniker John McVeigh. He used to refer to St Mirren as St M i n g e, hence why Div changed it so it came up with John McVeigh is a tit.

It was all very childish.

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By the way, can I just congratulate everyone on this thread (again)!

It's clear that this is the definative place to be if you want to know what's goin on. I've said it before, if this situation had arisen years ago, before the Internet, we'd all be at the mercy of the MSM feeding us bullshit every day.

There are some very very knowledgable guys (and gals?) on this thread, and I'd urge every one of you to continue the fight.

The authorities, for the first time EVER, know there is NOWHERE they can hide. We, as in the fans, are on to them, and I guarantee they've never felt so under pressure.


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So Celtic are simply shitein themselves to do the right thing then?

So they'd LIKE to do the right thing but they are scared of Rangers fans.

Have I got this right?

It's nowt to do with their acceptance that, without Rangers, they are f**k all? Two cheeks of the same arse an all that?



They have discussed, and been advised, not to inflam the situation....this is a club that have had bombs, bullets, physical attacks...just as many Celtic fans as Hearts, Killie etc etc have the same views on newco

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Having looked at section 14.1 of the SFA's articles, not sure it is as clear cut as Alex Thomson made it appear? Despite the first part of the article saying transfer is prohibited in any way unless it is part of a solvent restructuring, the last sentence makes it look like the SFA can use its discretion?

Rangers are INSOLVENT though. They are being liquidated. If they were solvent, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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I don't believe that for a second. Although, it's a convenient excuse given the scumbag support that Sevco is trying to inherit.

Well you believe what you want :)

Celtic are doing the right thing, and also keeping their staff and fans safe

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What are you talking about now, are you McGhee with another log in?

You had a pop about history and bigotry a while back, and you avoided the reply when I asked about your fascist gloryfying name :)

Pretty mild, compared with some of the glorification going on in celtic's "traditional" song book, TBF. You lads are really gonna have to better than this when your business partners aren't around anymore, ye know!

meh :)

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1341089366[/url]' post='6389583']

By the way, can I just congratulate everyone on this thread (again)!

It's clear that this is the definative place to be if you want to know what's goin on. I've said it before, if this situation had arisen years ago, before the Internet, we'd all be at the mercy of the MSM feeding us bullshit every day.

There are some very very knowledgable guys (and gals?) on this thread, and I'd urge every one of you to continue the fight.

The authorities, for the first time EVER, know there is NOWHERE they can hide. We, as in the fans, are on to them, and I guarantee they've never felt so under pressure.


The very fact that PnB was referred to explicitly several times in off the ball and sportsound makes this ever clearer.Was also good to have a PnB representative as a guest on the radio too...maybe we actually are the people!!!!

I also loved Turnbulls explicit references to Diddy clubs in his interview!

Edited by killiecanary
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The problem is the press as so fixated with the old firm that when the clubs try to do anything it gets lost or pushed into a small corner of the paper as they cannot be seen to do anything that upsets the status quo.

Now this is a test for any Celtic fan reading this, How much will it cost you to bring a adult and 2 children to McDiarmid Park next season? St Johnstone announced their fan push 2 weeks ago but its not been covered in the national press at all.

The clubs need to do more, thanks the the high percentage of nuggets who follow the old firm it should be easy to run a negative campaign against them and promote local family friendly football. it's maybe something that some of the teams should get together and work together on.

I am sure Saints hot-shot PR team have being labouring for days to get the national press publishing this. ;)

.....but I agree with your point in general.

I think that's where the wrangle might come. It's all down to interpretation, and from all I've seen/read suggests the SFA/SPL/SFL consider this a relegation, regardless of whether this is or not. I think that's why Doncaster has tried so fervently to get Rangers back in Division 1, and that seems to be the interpretation the SPL are using to justify their position. We'll see what happens - still some twists to come before the vote IMO.

My reading of it is SPL will say no to the newco on the Wednesday and will try to pressurise the SFL in to accepting the newco's bid to join and placing them, against all sensabilities admittely, in to SFL1. The only way I see them "relegating" Rangers is if they we're to void all their games last year, but then the SPL would have to either accept the newco share transfer first or relegate the oldco to SFL 1 then have the SFL deal with the transfer of oldco>newco.

I am not sure how the football authorities believe simply forcing the SFL in to doing the SPL's dirty work, give the impression of "sporting integrity" for the SPL (note I say "SPL" at the moment rather than "SPL clubs" as I am not still convinced where this has come from). Whatever happens though, it will be the SFL who decide, or are forced to "decide", where the newco enter the SFL, therefore with Dunfermline already relegated it makes sense from a sporting (!) perspective for Dundee to fill the vacant SPL spot.

Edited by nelsjfc
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They have discussed, and been advised, not to inflam the situation....this is a club that have had bombs, bullets, physical attacks...just as many Celtic fans as Hearts, Killie etc etc have the same views on newco

bollocks, anyone with access to Google and the ability to do a thorough bit of searching know exactly why Celtic are being quiet

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Utter pish ;)

Celtic know, and have been advised, if they speak out and Sercvo or whatever the newco is called bite the dust then the more mental elements in the west of Scotland and beyond will see the hand of rome, Glasgow district council, the Catholic church etc etc as having caused this...and all those roads lead to Celtic for some peepil. You think Rangers fans will blame the diddies for this fiasco?

And how do celtic know? Who has advised them? How do you have this info? If you've heard anything louder than a mouse's fart out of parkhead in the last few months, you're doing better than everyone on here, Cosgrove and Cowan, the BBC, Thomo, Spencey, even Traynor and Young.

If there's one ground the blue orcs will never boycott, it's your breezeblock bunker. And when they trash the toilets, break off the seats, and piss all over the place, what do celtic do? Get out the mops, brushes and tools, and fire off a couple of outraged "exclusive" quotes guaranteed to inflame the green knuckledraggers. Rivalry reinforced, traditional viewpoints "validated". Sit back and watch the money roll in. It's pathetic. Without them, you have no identity, and vice-versa.

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