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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sometimes the mind is clearer on a Sunday morning. The most disappointing realisation from all of this is that the game is fvcked. Whether supporter power wins the day or not, the very fact that those at the top of the game think electing a new team into the league but skipping 2 divisions (and without any concern for fit and proper, 3 years accounts etc etc) tells you that the people at the top have completely lost their sense of purpose. You cannot protect the game from collateral damage when a club the size of Rangers falls over. What you can do is pick up the pieces and carry on with what is left. But to turn everything on its head for the sake of a dollar here or there is just wrong. That's the bottom line (big hoose etc etc).

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I am pretty much done with this farrago. We, as a footballing nation, are a complete laughing stock. The people who are supposed to administer the game on behalf of the clubs, and more importantly, the fans, have been found to be totally wanting and should be told to clear their desks. They have disgracefully abrogated their responsibilities, the very responsibilities they were employed to discharge in the first place. You know, the responsibilities that include the line about "without fear or favour". Don't make me laugh.

Shambolic, incompetent, embarrassing and I very much suspect, corrupt. That is my personal opinion.

I am pretty sure now where I shall be watching my football next season. Don't get me wrong, I am not a die hard uber-Hibby who follows his team around the country and maybe spends £3,000 a year for the privilege. Last season I attended maybe 10 games tops, which means I spent £250 - £300. I attend games when work, family and finances allow. Mr. Petrie maybe won't miss this money too much. I really hope so.

I just don't know how many guys like myself are out there, people who basically can't bear to watch this botched post-mortem any longer. Sorry for the Sunday morning sermon. :unsure:


We are not a laughing stock. Nobody outside Scotland cares.

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If you read the thread, that has already been addressed. Celtic issued a statement from the outset that stated 'Celtic can survive financially without Rangers in the SPL' .. as far back as Feb 12th and longer before any other SPL club. As the other poster stated if the other teams had followed suit then maybe this farcical situation may have been dealt with sooner.

Does it really need any more clarification?

All clubs can survive financially without SecCo and for that matter without Celtic.

Your arrogance knows no bounds.

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A 'Rangers' supporter masquerading as a journalist. A piece of 'Rangers' propaganda masquerading as journalism. Time to stop getting the Independent methinks.

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A 'Rangers' supporter masquerading as a journalist. A piece of 'Rangers' propaganda masquerading as journalism. Time to stop getting the Independent methinks.

Add the Sunday Post to your list after that pile o' shoite this morning....

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Burley. What a shambles of an individual.

Some of Burley's points

I CAN understand why most chairmen will vote against a Rangers newco in the SPL next season.

No you don't

This is an unexpected opportunity and one they should be kicking down doors to have. Think about it.

They have done

Players will get a chance to play four times against Rangers, experiencing the atmosphere of Ibrox

That is not a recommendation.

I’m pretty sure some want to but are fearful of repercussions from their own fans.

Exactly! Got one right.

Rangers in the bottom tier is the last thing the game in this country needs.

Two right!

However, there will be a chance for some people to restore my faith in Scottish football and that is to make sure Rangers’ punishment is a sensible one, one that also benefits the long-term well-being of the game.

Three right. Maybe there is hope for him yet.

I know my comments are superfluous but I'm so up myself it's not true....................that's me again, not Burley.

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Add the Sunday Post to your list after that pile o' shoite this morning....

I've never bought the Sunday Post. My family have clear instructions to cart me off to the nearest old folks home if I ever do.

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You arrogance in stating (or defending said statement) that Celtic said nothing on the matter and then deriding a reply to that factually incorrect pish is breathtaking in the extreme.

The other clubs remained silent right up until the last moment and only pressure from their fans is making them think.

Show me a statement from any of the other clubs in February in that case.

Or just resort to your childish insults that you seem to prefer to factual rebuttal.

The game's moved on a bit since February.

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A 'Rangers' supporter masquerading as a journalist. A piece of 'Rangers' propaganda masquerading as journalism. Time to stop getting the Independent methinks.

This Wilson character has form. His piece in the Sunday Herald a couple of weeks ago was desperate pro-Rangers posturing of cringeworthy proportions. His writing style is piss-poor, too, and he is one of those hacks who think that because they write in a broad-sheet, their preposterous dribblings hold authority.

More to be scorned than pitied.

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I've never bought the Sunday Post. My family have clear instructions to cart me off to the nearest old folks home if I ever do.

Ron Scott – The Voice of Experience – Sunday Post - July1 2012

"The way the Scottish football authorities have allowed the Rangers scenario to unravel is nothing short of disgraceful.

The whole sorry episode should have been nipped in the bud.

Instead we're now in the situation where it's not just the survival of Rangers that's at stake, but the Scottish game itself.

As the fans and clubs become hysterical about how the Light Blues should be punished, it's worth remembering the Ibrox club has done nothing unlawful.

Employment Benefit Trusts are legal. That's why HMRC wants to close this particular loophole.

Informed sources suggest, at worst, Rangers will receive fine, and there appears no danger of having to pay back-tax on the system Sir David Murray implemented.

The SFA then decided to impose severe sanctions on Rangers after awakening to the fact that Craig Whyte was not a fit and proper person to own the club.

Yet the independent Ibrox board set up to look into Whyte while he was still negotiating with Murray decided themselves that [he] wasn't fit and proper to own the club.

They told the SFA that at least fifteen months ago, but the powers-that-be decided in their wisdom to take no action at that time.

Now the situation is like a runaway train full of explosives that's about to be derailed and blow up the whole of Scottish football.

Let's face the obvious here. Not even Celtic will be able to sustain their present level for long without Rangers.

So if they end up having to make cuts, how is the rest of Scottish football going to survive?

There are already whispers that other SPL clubs will be forced into administration.

There is even talk of part-time football at the highest level, never mind the First Division.

It's all very well to bleat on about sporting integrity. But why risk the entire future of Scottish football especially when the facts clearly show Rangers have done nothing wrong !

At the end of the day, the main villan of the piece remains Whyte, with Murray a close second.

It's totally wrong to run the risk of losing Rangers altogether and sending down the entire game with them.

It is especially wrong when the facts show there is absolutely no need for the authoeities to treat Rangers the way they appear hell-bent on doing."


Can't remember if it was a 'famous' quote, but somewhere in my mind I dredge up :

''Scotland will never be properly Free until the last minister is strangled with the last ever copy of The Sunday Post''

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Some of Burley's points

I CAN understand why most chairmen will vote against a Rangers newco in the SPL next season.

No you don't

This is an unexpected opportunity and one they should be kicking down doors to have. Think about it.

They have done

Players will get a chance to play four times against Rangers, experiencing the atmosphere of Ibrox

That is not a recommendation.

I’m pretty sure some want to but are fearful of repercussions from their own fans.

Exactly! Got one right.

Rangers in the bottom tier is the last thing the game in this country needs.

Two right!

However, there will be a chance for some people to restore my faith in Scottish football and that is to make sure Rangers’ punishment is a sensible one, one that also benefits the long-term well-being of the game.

Three right. Maybe there is hope for him yet.

I know my comments are superfluous but I'm so up myself it's not true....................that's me again, not Burley.

No, he got that one wrong. There is no rangers, ergo, there is no punishment.

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I know this is old news now but that's me just got round to watching John Browns speech at Ibrox.

Absolutely priceless at 12:22....

Brown- "Wance we fun oot whos names oan the title deeds, youse'll buy thum oot".

'Lady' in the crowd- "Here's 20 quid".



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Words fail me...


Apologies if already posted - had a look at a few pages and didn't see is.

He told us to "trust me on that one." That's a bit like putting FACT at the end of a sentence.

I believe in Craig Burley.

Also, I don't think for a second Craig Burley wrote that. He might have said it, but he didn't write it.

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Can't remember if it was a 'famous' quote, but somewhere in my mind I dredge up :

''Scotland will never be properly Free until the last minister is strangled with the last ever copy of The Sunday Post''

Incredible! :lol:

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I am pretty much done with this farrago. We, as a footballing nation, are a complete laughing stock. The people who are supposed to administer the game on behalf of the clubs, and more importantly, the fans, have been found to be totally wanting and should be told to clear their desks. They have disgracefully abrogated their responsibilities, the very responsibilities they were employed to discharge in the first place. You know, the responsibilities that include the line about "without fear or favour". Don't make me laugh.

Shambolic, incompetent, embarrassing and I very much suspect, corrupt. That is my personal opinion.

I am pretty sure now where I shall be watching my football next season. Don't get me wrong, I am not a die hard uber-Hibby who follows his team around the country and maybe spends £3,000 a year for the privilege. Last season I attended maybe 10 games tops, which means I spent £250 - £300. I attend games when work, family and finances allow. Mr. Petrie maybe won't miss this money too much. I really hope so.

I just don't know how many guys like myself are out there, people who basically can't bear to watch this botched post-mortem any longer.

Sorry for the Sunday morning sermon. :unsure:


The Spartans ST's are excellent value btw; Locos ST for the new season are £120 for the terracing, £150 for Main Stand and £60 concession :o

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http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/article4404006.ece :D

An Ibrox insider said: “Everything appears to be going out the club with nothing coming in. Players are leaving, sponsors are not renewing and now the club cars are driving away.”

Cars to be handed back by tomorrow 8)

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The statement is still valid and holds sway; oh yes the game has moved on, forcing the other clubs to reveal their hands .. my point exactly.

(3 months plus later before the others clubs start deciding what public statements they would like to release because their fans DEMAND it)

1. Celtic made their position clear in February that they do not need Rangers

2. Other SPL clubs wait until their fans are ranting about returning their season tickets before issuing a statement.

Speaks volumes.

I had a look at the Celtic website and couldn't see any official line on it.

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Billy Dodds gives his "insight" into the situation


I see Dodds is described as a 'Football Journalist' laugh.gif

Why does he start so many of his paragraphs with a but? More effective if he tried starting with a but, but, but. That would show his desperation better as he tries to make a point which he knows lacks logic or common sense.

I think of him as an ex something or other. Ex player at Partick Thistle and elsewhere, ex assistant manager at QOS and such. Ex radio pundit (pundit = big mouth, no brain).

"It is fine to shout about sporting integrity but what will happen when the financial reality starts to bite..." he says.

In other words do as Rangers did and start from a basis of corruption and lack of integrity, break the rules (and the law) and as long as the money keeps coming in you will be fine.

"the sooner an agreement is reached the better. It is only then that we can start to get back to the business of trying to rebuild the game and get back to talking football."

Yes Billy, that is exactly what we want to happen. But not by appeasing the old Rangers family just because they are big and bully people. That will only give us more of the same or worse in the longer term. WE want something better. Much better.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Burley. What a shambles of an individual.

notice how Rangers x players, and Celtic x players are using the media to galvanise this FEAR factor that we must bend all the rules to help a club that doesnt have any BACKERS ( if they have and £££ available) why are they using fastpay to collect DD's and give money to sevco to run the club? this stinks like Ticketus all over again. now anyone that is actually educated would see through the whole farce this has become.

Make no mistakes, the reason celtic board has been oh so quiet on the western front is simple, THEY WILL VOTE YES to DIV1, as they cant push more sectarinism down our throats for more years to come. Watch Rangers get into Div1 this week that will be pushed upon our Div 1 teams.

Football fans around the country must be very careful what they wish for because if newco Rangers chairman Malcolm Murray has to take his team into the Third Division, then Scottish football would be as well locking the gates and throwing away the key.

is this another threat from an X Celtic player here? We all know what WILL HAPPEN if sevco are put into DIV1, utter chaos as teams all over the SFL league that have been nearly killed and dropped down divisions will take legal action.

This whole farce has put me and my family right off scottish football. Corruption is so rife in the SFA they will use the arguement of the SKY TV deal as the key linch pin... Can i ask all fair minded football fans, we have a product here that we control (well we really dont) why is the SFA not saying look we have an issue you want to broadcast celtic or sevco then here is the value... we want 200million for 5 year contract, either accept or we dont show football..

Are you really that worried sky would say no? after paying 3billion on the english pish?

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Can't remember if it was a 'famous' quote, but somewhere in my mind I dredge up :

''Scotland will never be properly Free until the last minister is strangled with the last ever copy of The Sunday Post''

That is truly horrific.

He is actually worse than Traytor.

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