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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Hmm ... if that's true I wonder why and what the implications are. Rats jumping ship? Or is there something really pretty toxic in the pipeline many of us are not going to like?

Not sure, 'tis just a rumour......so far :)


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Can't remember if it was a 'famous' quote, but somewhere in my mind I dredge up :

''Scotland will never be properly Free until the last minister is strangled with the last ever copy of The Sunday Post''

Tam Nairn of 'Break up of Britain' fame

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I am pretty much done with this farrago. We, as a footballing nation, are a complete laughing stock. The people who are supposed to administer the game on behalf of the clubs, and more importantly, the fans, have been found to be totally wanting and should be told to clear their desks. They have disgracefully abrogated their responsibilities, the very responsibilities they were employed to discharge in the first place. You know, the responsibilities that include the line about "without fear or favour". Don't make me laugh.

Shambolic, incompetent, embarrassing and I very much suspect, corrupt. That is my personal opinion.

I am pretty sure now where I shall be watching my football next season. Don't get me wrong, I am not a die hard uber-Hibby who follows his team around the country and maybe spends £3,000 a year for the privilege. Last season I attended maybe 10 games tops, which means I spent £250 - £300. I attend games when work, family and finances allow. Mr. Petrie maybe won't miss this money too much. I really hope so.

I just don't know how many guys like myself are out there, people who basically can't bear to watch this botched post-mortem any longer.

Sorry for the Sunday morning sermon. :unsure:


It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for Sevco to enter the SPL.

The Diddies slew Rangers with a sling and a stone.

However - Rangers brought down the temple of Scottish football

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I notice you avoid the fact your club said heehaw in response to Alex's statement .. hypocrite.


Are you still on about February? We're in July and the roof's coming in, pal. Pay attention.

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Are you still on about February? We're in July and the roof's coming in, pal. Pay attention.

This reminds me of a Simpson's episode where Bart is trying to explain a relatively simple plan to Homer, but ends up having to use hand puppets, a slideshow and a flowchart and he STILL doesn't get it.

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It's paraphrasing the French philosopher Denis Diderot, who said/wrote: "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." cool.gif

Another famous Diddy! All hail Diderot!! :ph34r:

Edited to add - is he the patron Saint of Diddys?

Edited by Rusty 218
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Ainslie Park is about 30 mins walk from my house - I might well be joining a lot of you there next season.

Even if everything works out the right way, I'll be paying a few visits. Excellent set up across there.

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Irrelevant since the statement they replied to was whether or not they needed them and the answer was clear .. Celtic do not need them

Again I'll ask the point you all seem to body swerve, since Alex Salmond stated "the whole of Scottish football needed them to survive" where were the other clubs then?

I am not taking any sides on Celtic or anyone else.

My point is to not to read into carefully crafted statements anything more than what is stated.

All Celtic said was they did not need Rangers. Which is merely a statement of fact from a plc basis. Anything other than that could prejudice their share price etc.

Whether Celtic want them is a totally different question.

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Neither does it mean we will vote Yes .. pretty basic stuff and clubs can publicly state what they want to the cows come home (appeasing their fans). What matters is the vote on the day so all the slavering about what Celtic should, would or could do is utter shite giving your own club's silence in February.

Why the f**k should Celtic have to speak out now?

Save your slevering pish until the vote is cast eh!!

Unless your club came out in February and took a stance .. your only a hypocrite when you demand Celtic make a statement now!!

The standard of behaviour and language on this thread generally respects the views of others, even if you don't agree with them.

I would suggest that if you could do the same we would all end up with more productive discussions rather than arguments.

Over to you. biggrin.gif

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That's deal's with your current hypocrisy and the other clubs' silence in February how?

Oh it doesn't so what's your point exactly?

It July now so we are in the clear ... by that token Ranger's actions were in the past as well so why are you still getting your knickers in a twist about it?


Tried Google Translate, it came up blank too.

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That's deal's with your current hypocrisy and the other clubs' silence in February how?

Oh it doesn't so what's your point exactly?

It July now so we are in the clear ... by that token Ranger's actions were in the past as well so why are you still getting your knickers in a twist about it?

I would suggest you go and look up "reactionary" in a dictionary.

You come across as a bit of an empty vessel and we all know what they make...................

BTW, don't bother replying to this, you're on 'ignore'.


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That's deal's with your current hypocrisy and the other clubs' silence in February how?

Oh it doesn't so what's your point exactly?

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

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Every time a politician makes a comment every club has to release a statement? Really?

The green bigots didn't release a statement saying they will vote no to newco because they will vote yes. Simple.

I think because the Plc. thought their share price was going to take a tumble, St Johnstone and co. should have made moves to protect that.

He's in denial about the Plc's view on the matter.

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First watch I've had too. The baying mob when he says "...he'll be huntit the rest o' his days" and when he went off-topic and into space/time discussion "where do we go fae noo?" are my favourites.

The whole "huntit for the rest of his days by Rangers' fans" bit should be enough for a complaint to the PF. If folks are being jailed for inciting riots via social media then what view must the crown take of a grandstanding simpleton standing in front of a baying crowd basically saying "sell us the club or we'll kick your fucking head in"?

PS - pmsl at the fact the related videos on the right hand of the screen are all OF related, apart from this one...

Edited by Bob Roth
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Words fail me...


Apologies if already posted - had a look at a few pages and didn't see is.

There is actually a lot in there which makes sense........if you look at it from the opposite perspective.

Craig Burley column: Sending newco Ranger to Division Three will KILL Scottish game

Jul 1 2012 By Craig Burley

I CAN understand why most chairmen will vote against a Rangers newco in the SPL next season. That doesn’t mean to say I agree with their decision.

It will give the First Division clubs a chance to have the Ibrox club in with them – and they must not turn down that opportunity.

Morton, Raith, Falkirk and Dunfermline have said they do not want Rangers. I find that staggering. What on earth are they thinking about?

Maybe they are looking to the possibility of being promoted at the end of the season

This is an unexpected opportunity and one they should be kicking down doors to have. Think about it.

The First Division clubs will receive extra revenue in a number of ways. Television will buy into the league with Rangers in it. Sponsorship, advertising and corporate sales will go up.

£100K for one season (can't imagine Sevco refusing their 10% of the TV money)and, oh yes, Audi are now looking to give away cars to D1 clubs after taking them away from Ra'Gers. Corporate sales? Aren't they subject to the boycott by the Bears?

Players will get a chance to play four times against Rangers, experiencing the atmosphere of Ibrox. And there are the benefits of that. For example, if a player from Partick Thistle or Cowdenbeath excels against a Lee Wallace or a Lee McCulloch, it will attract publicity and scouts from other clubs.

If the lad can go on to show a level of consistency then he could become a £100,000 player to that club.

Wow! If a club actually manages to beat them in a televised match they may find themselves £1.1m up but with no team to finish the season.

Remember when Falkirk beat Rangers last season in the League Cup. Farid El Alagui scored and was the name on everyone’s lips for a few weeks.


It’s up to the chairmen to put a detailed business plan to their fans and highlight the positives of having Rangers in that league. But maybe one or two of them don’t have the intelligence to do so.

As soon as one says “no” to Rangers, then they all seem to jump on the bandwagon. Will someone please have the balls to stand up and say “yes”. I’m pretty sure some want to but are fearful of repercussions from their own fans.

They sound like totally reasonable intelligent people to me. Take away the fans and what do they have apart from 3k Sevco fans twice for one season? Sounds like the death of a club to me.

Football fans around the country must be very careful what they wish for because if newco Rangers chairman Malcolm Murray has to take his team into the Third Division, then Scottish football would be as well locking the gates and throwing away the key.

So why have the lower leagues existed for so many years without Ra'Peepul?

Rangers in the bottom tier is the last thing the game in this country needs. Trust me on that one.

"Trust me on that one". Rangers fans have been trusting "Rangers people" for decades and look where it has got them.

At the moment the game in Scotland is an embarrassment because it’s lacking leadership, answers and guidance.

Agreed. This whole argument should have been sorted out weeks ago with Sevco being suspended from all football for a minimum of one year.

But there will be worse to come if the chairman of the SFL clubs vote for the wrong thing in the coming weeks.

Regardless of the vote, Rangers will be nowhere near the team they were last season. They have lost too many of their quality players and will not have the funds to replace them with a similar standard.

So not good enough for the SPL. What is to say, with no money to spend on equivalent replacements, that they would be good enough to avoid relegation to D2, or at best be able to climb back up to the SPL for several years?

I happen to think Steve Davis, Allan McGregor, Steven Naismith and the rest are correct to go. It’s about the coin and the league you are playing in. No amount of badge-kissing will ever win over that.

Steven Whittaker has signed for Norwich and it will be interesting to see how he fares in the Premiership week-in, week-out. Is he a proper full-back who can defend against the best or nothing more than a player with a good engine?

Good luck to him at Carrow Road but I think he might be playing in the Championship with them the season after next.

So he's basically crap. So why were Rangers paying him top bucks?

Kyle Lafferty has signed for FC Sion in Switzerland. That is a good league and there’s every chance he will get found out there as the only thing you are guaranteed from him is inconsistency.

So the Swiss league is much better than the SPL and again he is crap. Why did they pay him so much?

At the end of the day there’s far too much bull**** from players and the muppets must stop believing them.

And from ex-players. They should all have this tattoed onto the back of their hands so they can see it when they sit down in front of their computers to churn out their articles or blogs.

However, there will be a chance for some people to restore my faith in Scottish football and that is to make sure Rangers’ punishment is a sensible one, one that also benefits the long-term well-being of the game.

Nobody will disagree with that.

It must not be about satisfying the wishes of too many fans who are here today and gone tomorrow. Sadly, though, I do think the lunatics have taken over the asylum

And gone tomorrow they will be if the rules are twisted for the benefit of one club. As for lunatics, you should know about that as they have already taken over the media!


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Burley. What a shambles of an individual.

Burley you utter fanny

And as for Norwich going down to the Championship you can just do one.mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

(although not sure how I feel about NCFC signing Whittaker...actually yes I am...I have a very bad feeling about this)

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