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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From the BARB site:

"5,100 homes"

"Representing 11,500 viewers"

We have the Nielsen ratings here in the U.S. which uses samples of households too....

My point is, it is a stretch when the report confidently states numbers in the 100,000+ range when all they are doing is multiplying the small sample.

I just don't believe it, but thanks for the link. Wonder if any BARB sets are in pubs? Must be lots of people without Sky who go to their local to watch games.

They say they cover pubs also. I agree it's a stretch to say the figures are massively accurate, but rightly or wrongly those are the official figures everyone uses in UK. :)

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Anybody remember this


"Rangers set for £25m transfer warchest from prospective new owner Craig Whyte if takeover deal goes through"

"CRAIG Whyte plans to pump at least £25million into Rangers for new players over the first five years of his ownership if his bid to buy the club succeeds."

Written by Jim Traynor. :lol: The Daily Ranger, epic. :lol:

Edited by Paulo Sergio
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Anybody remember this?


"Rangers set for £25m transfer warchest from prospective new owner Craig Whyte if takeover deal goes through"

"CRAIG Whyte plans to pump at least £25million into Rangers for new players over the first five years of his ownership if his bid to buy the club succeeds."

Written by Jim Traynor. :lol: The Daily Ranger, epic. :lol:

He was almost right. dry.gif

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Aye, 50% required for a completely unforeseen and never-to-be-repeated alteration of the rules purely for the benefit of another league. I'm fucking sure that's what the blazers have suddenly decided. This has been punted to the SFL so that when clubs are being boycotted the weasels in the top tier can claim to have been against it and beg fans not to punish them for the diddies' decision. f**k.

To get elected to the league the applicant club requires a 51% share of those voting.

To change the Associations rules a 76% vote is required.

If, as seems to be the case, Sevco don`t need to submit 3 years audited accounts then the only thing they require is SFA membership to apply for membership. The argument is that there is actualy nothing in the rules to stop Sevco from applying for direct entry to SFL1as an applicant club. It has obviously never been a remote possibility in the past and the SFL constitution has nothing to cover this eventuality.

The SFL been caught out by circumstance and I think that this could legally be passed on a 51% vote as no rule change is required. You can bet though that from the end of the coming season there will be a clause which states that applicant clubs must enter SFL3.

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Anyone with twitter do me a favour and send something to Dundee's CEO advising he votes no. It's already been confirmed that we'll abstain (which as far as I'm aware is effectively a no) but I'd like a definite no from us. Twitter name is.


Surely the only reason Dundee aren't voting is because they are clearly going to benefit from Rangers plummeting down the leagues? Or has that already been mentioned?

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Good points and I'd be happy to pay over £10 per month for that.

This idea could be extended (and hopefully already is somewhere) to a general Scottish digital channel - as well as the above there could be music (up and coming Scottish bands) festival coverage (T, Rockness, Belladrum etc), news, current affairs and so on and so forth.

I'd cancel Sky for that.

Sorry to go off topic a bit.

Just happened to read this article the other day.


I'm quite sure if you averaged out the spend for events it would be well do-able and the BBC have a penchant for excessively spending OPM.

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Surely the SPL will have to announce who is promoted to replace the Newco.

Once this happens the SFL will have to shift all the teams up thus creating

a place in SFL3.

If they dont do this will the SFL announce they don't intend to fill the gap

based on waiting for a decision on letting Newco jump 2 divisions.


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Garbage. What are they going to show instead, considering that they will lose everyone who subscribed specifically for the SPL? Sunday morning showjumping? Fucking hell, Sky renegotiated *upwards* in their last deal even though the competition is weaker and the old Firm are worse. That presumably means the league is still quite a draw.

Lastly, and this really hasn't been emphasised enough: if Sky really didn't want Rangers to walk away, Murdock's outlets would have been all over this. They haven't. Nowhere near to the extent Glasgow's hacks have.

I totally agree with you. It would have been so easy for SKY to have done the same as Canal+ in France when they took over PSG. SKY could easily have bought the Gers when they were in admin, worked out a payback plan over a number of years with HMRC and had a strong team in the SPL. It would have been peanuts for them but would have created a means of increasing viewership around the world. However they didn't.

What we need is a Bomber Broon shouting "Show us the deals" as I'm sure the SKY contract stated that they have broadcasting rights over 4 OF games per season (should they occur), not that 4 OF games have to take place. Obviously with the removal of Rangers from the SPL these games cannot take place so they will review their bid downwards but will not pull out completely, otherwise why would they show any matches other than the 4 OF games?

Doncy Knob has had months to sort out a renegotiation of the contract but has done bûgger all, preferring to spout out doom and gloom to anyone who will listen to his rantings. No matter how this matter resolves itself he has shown himself to be totally incompetent and his resignation should be demanded at the end of tomorrow's SPL meeting.

In 24 hours time we shall know the result but those who decide to vote for an easy fix for short term gain must realise that they are signing their club's death certificate in the medium term as they will not only lose vast numbers of present-day fans but also future generations of fans. The possibility to restructure Scottish football on a sound and healthy basis will never present itself again.

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I wouldn't count on us voting NO. We have a Rangers supporting chairman for a start. Plus, he counts every single penny. He's been very good for the club and we're in the black, but if there's a chance we could make more money that will benefit the club by voting newco into Division 1, then he might just do that. For the past few years we've put balancing the books above performance on the pitch so it could come up to financial priority over sporting integrity, IF he makes the decision for himself. I doubt what Rangers tried to do in the 60's would have anything to do with his decision.

Our supporters own the majority of shares however. Hopefully the supporters club and supporters trust have the say in how we will vote. The supporters trust will most likely demand a no.

My guess is we will say no as we're supporter owned and the chairman will have to go with that, but there is still a chance he could ignore this and try to explain his decision. He's dug his feet in before by sticking by an unpopular manager for far longer than fans groups, so you never know.

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wait wait wait

im reading back through this mornings posts

SPFL is a proposal

Doncaster wants to deal with the newco problem..............BY SETTING UP A NEWCO laugh.giflaugh.gif

(appologies for typing like leggo)

Most people use capitals.

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If the SKY deal depends on 4 OF games how about this..................

Glasgow Cup they play each other home and away.

League Cup and Scottish Cup they automatically draw each in the first round.

Problem solved....................4 OF games. biggrin.gif

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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Where was the Sporting integrity when the sheep avoided relegation because Falkirk's Stadium wasn't big enough? Surely all the gate receipts clubs have taken from games against Rangers should be given back to HMRC in the name of Sporting Integrity? Plenty of talk of Sporting Integrity but as soon as it is put to people who so dearly advocate it that they are hypocritical, they wail "youse cheated, nae history"etc. Div 3 for this Bear, f**k Div1 1 and the SPL and I for one look forward to the collapse of the SPL and teams like Aberdeen and Hearts going to the wall, as they haven't got the fan base to save their pishy clubs.

Try getting your facts right before spouting ill thought drivel.

You read too much agenda driven p1sh in the MSM.

Collapse of the SPL...blah, blah, blah

Retarde much?

Your fanbase is zero, ballbag.

Rangers do not exist.

Now fcuking do one.

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Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the SPL tried to postpone their meeting. They're shamelessly trying to pass the buck on to the clubs of the SFL and will come out with some shit excuse despite having months of preparation. We really need a commission into how governance in Scottish football has failed so badly, and for the heads of the cronies of those in the SFA, SPL and SFL to start rolling.

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