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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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However this goes the Sky contract MUST be renegotiated in the interest of the league's future integrity.

Whoever signed off this one needs their jotters.

In the future, I expect all player contracts to be devised with the same get out clause... that would look really good for the league's integrity. wink.gif

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There was a show of hands at the end. SPL/SFL1/SFL3 were the three options. I'd reckon 5% 70% 25% was the voting share.

Can't get my head around why it's so difficult for 30 adults to sit in a room and go "Awright boys, what do we think? Is this a fucking nonsense or no?"

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I like Gilmour, he strikes me as a decent man with good intentions. However, and this goes for my club too, if we can't see out this storm there are 30 odd other clubs who would gladly accept the challenge.

If this goes through we're utterly fucked until the end of time. Not just a season or two.

He still thought it "prudent" to sign Sam Parkin in the middle of his downsizing paper exercise. :blink:

Gilmour along with the rest of the SPL jellyfish arrogantly assumed the SFL would do their dirty work for them whilst they could go about their daily work as normal. If it wasn't for those damn meddling (SFL) kids eh !

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That is bullshit, and you know it.

Rangers have been in administration since February.

If your club were still budgeting for them still being in the SPL this coming season then more fool you.

Getting sick of hearing this argument now.

out of greenies, but i totally agree with that. Maybe the captain will get off his OF (RIP) hobby horse and address this? :P Nah, doubt it. :rolleyes:

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Oh for ****'s sake.


Two things:

1. The chairmen who have gone public can't go back on what they've said, or their clubs are dead.

2. The SFL can't make a decision until the SPL has, because until NewCo are officially told to bugger off, it's not the SFL's problem.

A complete cluster**** of an omnishambles.

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If Newco are allowed to start in division 3, the SPL will lose £17.5M in revenue, so they want the SFL to allow Newco to start in division 1. This will allow the SPL to retain the vast majority of their income, and it will also allow them to keep paying the SFL settlement agreement.

This agreement is worth around £2M a season, I believe. And this is what the SPL are using to blackmail the SPL into agreeing to take Newco into division 1.

So why dont the SFL tell the SPL to go and take a flying f**k' to themselves, put the Newco into division 3, and offer the SFL TV rights to anyone who wants them for £3M a season.

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Sadly yes, although unsure if Highland League would count?

Plenty room at these for those looking for new football. Reading this thread is depressing the hell out of me to the point where I'm not really looking forward to the new SHFL season, sadly. The draw for the preliminary round of the Scottish Cup was today but because of whats going folk are questioning if it's actually needed. :lol:

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That I realise but your chairman is screaming without Rangers it's disastrous for St.Mirren, you've been in the First Division before, Tesco help not withstanding how the hell did you manage before ? I've never seen a SFL game post 1998 that features Rangers so how are all the SFL clubs managing to stay alive ?

I'm no financial expert, but I think there was never a case in Div 1, where projected income has reduced by such a large amount over the period of a few months.

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offer the SFL TV rights to anyone who wants them for £3M a season.

Er sorry, second last post, just watch STV go on this one...

I'm no pancake expert but I know a tosser when I see one..

Edited by oldeejit
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If Newco are allowed to start in division 3, the SPL will lose £17.5M in revenue

If newcorpse go bust then the SPL as an entity will save more than that on expenditure (wages etc).

Kill them :)

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EU Anti-competitive agreements (Chapter I / Article 101)

Both UK and EU competition law prohibit agreements, arrangements and concerted business practices which appreciably prevent, restrict or distort competition (or have the intention of so doing) and which affect trade in the UK or the EU respectively.

Consequences of breach

Contravention of Chapter I or Article 101 can have serious consequences for a company:

- firms engaged in activities which breach these provisions can face fines of up to 10% of group global turnover;

- provisions in agreements which breach Chapter I or Article 101 are void and unenforceable (which may lead to the entire agreement being unenforceable);

- firms in breach of Article 101 or Chapter I also leave themselves exposed to actions for damages from customers and competitors who can show they have been harmed by the anti-competitive behaviour; and

- breach of Chapter I can result in individuals being disqualified from being a company director and lead to criminal sanctions.

I would think the SFA and SPL in particular should be looking closely at this legislation, and in particular the board members need to consider their personal roles.

(A word of advice guys, get the house in the wife's name asap.)


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I'm no financial expert, but I think there was never a case in Div 1, where projected income has reduced by such a large amount over the period of a few months.

Surely, a club of St.Mirren's size would budget for the possibility of being relegated though ? Then, the possibility of not going up back right away ? None of those scenarios involve playing Rangers(cup draws excepted).

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That I realise but your chairman is screaming without Rangers it's disastrous for St.Mirren, you've been in the First Division before, Tesco help not withstanding how the hell did you manage before ? I've never seen a SFL game post 1998 that features Rangers so how are all the SFL clubs managing to stay alive ?

I've not seen a single SPL/SFL Chairman or SFA representative mention this. Very bizarre and it just proves that most want Rangers rather than need them IMO.

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Just had a look at the UEFA rule book,

Article 7 para 2 on page 4 could be interpreted as saying that sponsorship money and broadcasting money should not be taken into consideration on decisions affection any competitiion rules and qualification.

and article 51 para 3 on page 23 basically state that Newco just ain't allowed in.

Failure to comply with UEFA rules could get Scottish fitba stopped for good, IE no Euro competition for any clubs and no National team.



SFA, SPL and SFL will have to be careful about this.

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