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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can the big guns of the Rangers in Administration thread get together and setup a Rangers in Administration Two thread which the General Nonsense forum could apply to be merged with? Jelly and ice cream will be provided to new members, not as a bribe more of an incentive.

Must be clear though, the Rangers in Administration top brass will be in overall charge. And the leader of both Rangers in Administration and Rangers in Administration Two will be Pozbaird. Our own Neil Doncaster. ohmy.gif

Otherwise there could be virtual social unrest. mad.gif

That's a fair comparison in my view, Doncaster misled us about so many things. Pozbaird said there would be a party at his house with free beer for all the posters on this thread, now he's trying to back out of it. :angry:

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Sent mine back also. What's the point? I never volunteered to support the nowdeidrangers and I'm not doing it now via the SFA.

The little LED on my keyring's failed already so I may do the same.

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Ah, I see, you don't get the idea of 'living within your means'. That's why you lot are deid!

Also, mind that time we pumped you in the cup last season when you had team full of international players you couldn't afford? I bet you thought it was bad then!

I am not a Rangers supporter anymore than I'm a Falkirk supporter and have probably been at more Falkirk games in recent years than Rangers games. Indeed if you paid attention my team is Linlithgow.

But taking on your point how valuable was the game against Rangers to Falkirk last season. In additional gate money and match sponsorship etc? Indeed in beating them it gave further financial benefits that would not have come from beating another SPL team other than maybe Celtic.

My original point was in relation to the BILE out there from so called Scottish Football fans for the demise of another Club and also the potential impact that demise will have to us all.

Falkirk I used as one example based upon my own factual knowledge of the way they work being local.

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http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=230308 - who says (at least some of) the orcs don't have a sense of humour.

I clicked the link and quite enjoyed the OP .... then some fandan jumped and claimed that away games should be boycotted in order to kill clubs on the way up !!

These are clubs that have survived for a f'kin century without Rangers turning up ya dickwad !!

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Scottish Football needs to unite in moving forward for the survival of our game. Solutions are required and the talking needs to stop. Henry McLeish was appointed and paid loadsa money to help improve the game and that has as usual produced no outcomes.

It's been quite united on here. In fact it's been something of a love in for the last few months...happy days.

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Never thought I'd say these words but I'm with Graham Spiers on this name "issue." The club is called Rangers, and probably always will be (unless they call themselves Ninja Dragon Fire Athletic FC, which would be an awesome name for any club). Calling them Sevco or "Rangers" is quite childish IMHO.

In fact that comment has caused social unrest in my general surroundings.

Sounds like the right result. Newco will always be newco to us, although sevco is ok for now if you wish.

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I am not a Rangers supporter anymore than I'm a Falkirk supporter and have probably been at more Falkirk games in recent years than Rangers games. Indeed if you paid attention my team is Linlithgow.

But taking on your point how valuable was the game against Rangers to Falkirk last season. In additional gate money and match sponsorship etc? Indeed in beating them it gave further financial benefits that would not have come from beating another SPL team other than maybe Celtic.

My original point was in relation to the BILE out there from so called Scottish Football fans for the demise of another Club and also the potential impact that demise will have to us all.

Falkirk I used as one example based upon my own factual knowledge of the way they work being local.

Potential impact ?...the only impact i've felt is joy & happiness so far & that will only increase if they get sent to the 3rd or better still, the juniors. :D

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Social unrest? Ten of them couldn't get out their cars to protest the other week because it was fucking raining!

But did you see the guy outside Hampden on Tuesday with the placard?. He scared me. ohmy.gif

I presume Regan and Doncaster spent their time with their noses stuck to the inside of the windows watching his every move, Quaking. 'He has come to get you Neil'. 'No way it is you he is after'.

Innocent people should not have to be worried when strolling out to their Mercs. I am outraged on their behalf. mad.gif

Oh hang on a minute. These guys aren't innocent.

OK big man with the placard, go, go, go. ph34r.gif

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The big thread must stay open. The big thread must not be moved from SPL chatter. The big thread must not be split, re-named, or be subject to whataboutery.

It needs to stay exactly where it is, and it needs to remain part of this 'something' that has seen the likes of Cosgrove and Spence speak out, the Rangers tax case blogs, the Alex Thompson reports, the BBC documentary, and supporters of just about every club (bar Sevco 8055 / Sevco Scotland Ltd / Rangers / Rangers 2012 / The Rangers) find a place to come together and make our voices heard.

There's still the vote from the SFL clubs. Still the possibility of engineering some sort of soft-landing into a new second tier for Sevco. They could end up in Div 3, could fail to launch completely. Then we have the Cockwomble and Regan.... and Longmuir, who seems to be avoiding much flak for putting his name on the bottom of the document that has so riled SFL clubs. We have the blatant whataboutery of the succulent lamb brigade. Even if Sevco don't receive an engineered soft landing higher up the food chain than they deserve - we should still be talking about league reconstruction, voting rights, revenue split, play-offs, and a brighter future for Scottish football. There's the BDO investigatons into the individuals involved in this sordid sham. There's still the illegal double-contract SPL 'verdict' to look out for, and the SFA sanctions available to them, after seeing Rangers take them to court over the original transfer embargo. We have John Bomber Brown floating like a ten ton hippo and stinging like a toothless kitten. We might not have seen the end of Whyte's involvement. The ex-Rangers players TUPE situation which seems set to even further muddy the waters. We have big questions over Sevco's ability to fund the running of Ibrox and Murray Park, and huge uncertainty about the strength and ability of any Sevco XI to fulfil a season's fixtures anyway. Sandy Jardine's sorry loudmouth arse is surely in a wheely-bin marked 'Cockwomble-Regan-Longmuir'. We might be looking at desperate attempts to railroad an SPL 2 through...with four or five weeks to do it? No matter what happens, we will of course have to discuss the finanacial implications for all clubs - once we actually see where Sevco XI end up.

All of these discussions (plus a lot more I have most certainly forgotten) have arisen from the events of Feb 14 and beyond.

Keep it real. Keep it here. The big thread must stay open!

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OK, the good guys have had a victory, celebrated with lashings of ice cream, jelly and (for me) Laphroig.

The SPL clubs (apart from Killie) can bask in the reflected glory of a job at least partially done and urge the uber diddies to finish the job but can I ask a simple question......

When do we (the top 5/6 teams) get a second play off or promotion place into the SPL?

Seriously the SPL are`nt known as the Self Preservation League for nothing. Are we to assume that we will have our very reasonable ambitions met by the new shiny non Newco SPL out of the goodness of their hearts? With money just about to become incredibly tight are we to assume that the existing lower order in the SPL will contemplate a second relegation spot?

Had the Newco been admitted to the SPL I would have chucked it. There would have been little point in competing in a `fixed` competition.

A little different now, for me anyway. I said weeks ago that league reconstruction was as important to me as dealing with a certain ex team. That is still the case. Irrespective of what happens I will now be back at Firhill. This has been dumped on my club and if Beattie decides that by being pragmatic he will get something for the second placed team to compete for at the end of the season then I`m with him.

This situation is different for Dunfermline, Falkirk, Thistle, Hamilton , Livvy and Morton than it is for every other team in Scotland. For everyone else this is `merely` about finance and fair play. For us it is also about remodelling a system which has been slowly killing us for years.

Sorry to go against the company line but this one up, one down has to go.

Edited by somner`s love child
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I was sitting here yesterday morning quietly resigned to Cockwomble getting his way and me tipping up at Hillsborough/Elland Rd/Bootham Crescent next year. Then the rollercoaster started. Got home from work, logged on to P&B, and thought, "We're gonna need a bigger cup of coffee".

Come midnight or so, and my head was a shed. SPL clubs voted the way they should, yet my club are going to be pariah's simply because Johnston has NO SPINE. Although TBF, had ALL clubs abstained, they would have been turfed out anyway - 8 "yes" votes were required, so an abstention was a de facto "no". Perhaps MJ saw abstention as the safe option - get the result the fans wanted while being able to say he didn't vote against, in the unlikely event of Newco returning to a position of influence. Unfortunately, it's going to hammer away support figures at RP, and the fans will take dog's abuse for years over this. Thanks, ya fud!

The radio programmes? Sportsound was epic. Cosgrove was in magisterial form, and Traynor simply can't compete at that level of debate - especially when he's had a 100% strike-out rate with his "exclusives" since the saga began. I've still got an image of Spencey going to the recorded statements then pulling Cosgrove away - "leave it, Stu! He's not worth it!". As for Killie fans being dim, fatty - we KNOW how tight our situation is, and we still wanted the c***s gone. Part-time, Div 3, whatever - there'll always be a Killie, and we'll always follow them. Something Traynor and his like will never understand.

Radio Clyde? Weell thank f**k I live in Yorkshire, because I'd hate to come across this piss-poor propaganda by accident. Absolute drivel from all concerned. One point here - John (John, John, John, John) Brown said he would not reveal Charles Green's statement as it would "put his safety at risk". Two hours later he's stood repeating what (he says) Green told him to a public meeting full of slavering troglodytes. Scum. Just scum.

Doncaster performed in a manner which, in any sensible organisation, would have amounted to reading his resignation out on the news. I wouldn't hold my breath, mind. His kind don't jump, he'll have to be pushed.

Regan? Has to go. Just when we thought the pro-Newco propaganda couldn't get any more shameful.....

Regan, Doncaster and their cronies in the press warned of "Armageddon" if we didn't let the peepul back into their "rightful place" sharpish. The fans and their clubs have spoken - they would rather their teams went under than anything connected with ibrox was shown favourable treatment. Now Regan is painting some post-apocalyptic vision of a revolution starting in Larkhall which will see civil war across Scotland. If the brain-dead fuckwit is still in post when the SFL clubs treat these threats with the contempt they deserve, what's next?

"Kilwinning Loyal have nuclear capability" warns Regan on eve of SFL "Yes, they've been naughty but we need rangers to screw the country again" vote?

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When's the deadline for registering players for the start of the new season? Surely they'll need to acquire some pretty soon an every delay just makes it more difficult for them given the uncertainty of which league they'll be in, if any.

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I am not a Rangers supporter anymore than I'm a Falkirk supporter and have probably been at more Falkirk games in recent years than Rangers games. Indeed if you paid attention my team is Linlithgow.

But taking on your point how valuable was the game against Rangers to Falkirk last season. In additional gate money and match sponsorship etc? Indeed in beating them it gave further financial benefits that would not have come from beating another SPL team other than maybe Celtic.

My original point was in relation to the BILE out there from so called Scottish Football fans for the demise of another Club and also the potential impact that demise will have to us all.

Falkirk I used as one example based upon my own factual knowledge of the way they work being local.

The falkirk game against rangers was a bonus last season and nothing more. We'd have still posted a profit whether we'd got them or not. The simplr fact is that rules are rules and must be followed. There was two options for sevco. One was acceptance to the SPL the other was acceptance via the third division . If the situation is that bad financially for Spl clubs then they should've allowed Sevco back into the SPL. They Didnt so the only fair option left is for Sevco is to apply for access to the third division and to work their way back through the leagues. Parachuting Sevco into the first division is a ludicrous and scandalous idea and I can assure you I wont be back in another scottish professional ground if this comes off. I'd have the same feelings if it was Celtic, Aberdeen, Motherwell orany other scottish football club although we know that celtic apart we wouldnt be having this debate if it as nay other club apart from Rangers. If rules are bended so much that we start fixing leagues then what is the point of supporting a league structure as corrupt as the SFL/SPL.

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I remain totally bemused that people allow personal prejudice to rule their minds. Surely the whole issue is the future of the Scottish Game and the implications that any decision will have.

There are supporters from clubs who have contributed very little to the game in Scotland for years trying to take the moral high ground. Which I find really quite amusing but also very sad at the same time.

Clyde issuing statements on integrity - a team who build and ruin careers on a regularly basis as they struggle to survive. A team who decanted from their own locality to relocate to the middle of knowhere and regularly have issues over unpaid bills to the council. So realistically their own finances and future are also decidedly ropey. (Sorry this was not an anti Clyde post - more an example of double standards)

Livingston - bankrolled by West Lothian Council for years and up and down like a yo-yo with limited crowd appeal.

Dundee - in and out of administration

Motherwell - been in administration

East Stirling - no park or heritage after they left Falkirk for Stenhousmuir. In real terms they are just a name taking up space and contributing very little.

Falkirk - consistently sell players to avoid turning promise into promotion. A little investment and they could have been back into the SPL. But they are run as a First Division team as their benchmark.

Clydebank - allowed to die so Airdrie could live on in their place. Not much of a hullabaloo when that happened as only affected two smaller teams.

Spartans - a very well run club with a fanbase of 10. They have a junior and senior team and as a club they develop a lot of players and introduce them to the game of football. But bringing them into the SFL at the expense of Rangers would not enhance or bring anything new or better to the future of Scottish Football. Spartans may have ambitions of grandeur and SFL etc but if they were being realistic they have nothing really to offer anyone in Scottish Football at a higher level than present.

The vast majority of major investment/sponsorship in Scottish Football comes from the demand to see Rangers and Celtic and/or any combination of these 2 against whoever. Sponsors want a return from their investment and that means exposure to TV/SKY/ESPN etc.

SFA - have spent more time trying to appease UEFA/FIFA and look good in their eyes.

The majority of posters continue to wallow in the demise of another club - and forget to look at the impact that this may have on their own club and Scottish Football in general.

Scottish Football needs to unite in moving forward for the survival of our game. Solutions are required and the talking needs to stop. Henry McLeish was appointed and paid loadsa money to help improve the game and that has as usual produced no outcomes.

Stewart?? :unsure:

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The big thread must stay open. The big thread must not be moved from SPL chatter. The big thread must not be split, re-named, or be subject to whataboutery.

It needs to stay exactly where it is, and it needs to remain part of this 'something' that has seen the likes of Cosgrove and Spence speak out, the Rangers tax case blogs, the Alex Thompson reports, the BBC documentary, and supporters of just about every club (bar Sevco 8055 / Sevco Scotland Ltd / Rangers / Rangers 2012 / The Rangers) find a place to come together and make our voices heard.

There's still the vote from the SFL clubs. Still the possibility of engineering some sort of soft-landing into a new second tier for Sevco. They could end up in Div 3, could fail to launch completely. Then we have the Cockwomble and Regan.... and Longmuir, who seems to be avoiding much flak for putting his name on the bottom of the document that has so riled SFL clubs. We have the blatant whataboutery of the succulent lamb brigade. Even if Sevco don't receive an engineered soft landing higher up the food chain than they deserve - we should still be talking about league reconstruction, voting rights, revenue split, play-offs, and a brighter future for Scottish football. There's the BDO investigatons into the individuals involved in this sordid sham. There's still the illegal double-contract SPL 'verdict' to look out for, and the SFA sanctions available to them, after seeing Rangers take them to court over the original transfer embargo. We have John Bomber Brown floating like a ten ton hippo and stinging like a toothless kitten. We might not have seen the end of Whyte's involvement. The ex-Rangers players TUPE situation which seems set to even further muddy the waters. We have big questions over Sevco's ability to fund the running of Ibrox and Murray Park, and huge uncertainty about the strength and ability of any Sevco XI to fulfil a season's fixtures anyway. Sandy Jardine's sorry loudmouth arse is surely in a wheely-bin marked 'Cockwomble-Regan-Longmuir'. We might be looking at desperate attempts to railroad an SPL 2 through...with four or five weeks to do it? No matter what happens, we will of course have to discuss the finanacial implications for all clubs - once we actually see where Sevco XI end up.

All of these discussions (plus a lot more I have most certainly forgotten) have arisen from the events of Feb 14 and beyond.

Keep it real. Keep it here. The big thread must stay open!

Spot on as ever.

Who has naming rights on the thread? "Wherz thu deids"?

Should it become "The Big Thread"?

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