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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This will only get passed if the SFL representatives are not strong enough to resist it. If a majority of clubs opposes it it will not pass. When will people realise the SFL board is accountable to the clubs not vis versa. All it requires ahead of the meeting is for two or three of them to publicly call for the resignation of Longmuir and the real debate will start.

As for the bit that 'negotiated and reached agreement with' the SPL, if my club has been complicit in agreeing a deal or giving concessions to acheive this they can f**k off.

what a shower of corrupt b*****ds.

I'd like to see Turnbull Hutton, seconded by our own chairman Douglas Rae, to call for a vote of no confidence in Longmuir immediately the meeting starts.

One thing though, John Brown obviously knew something was afoot - so for how long has this conspiracy been going on ? This isn't something that has just been dreamed up in the last few days. The truth will eventually out.

Edited by Wokcomble
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Guys, Guys calm down we can all trust Longmuir, Ballantine and the SFL board to do the right thing

You will remember their anger and righteousness regarding Dundee's £300K debt to HMRC

"We are of the opinion that lessons are not being learned. For example, clubs have to realise that, going forward, they cannot treat their HMRC obligations as something akin to a credit card.

Following a recent mandate from our clubs, the SFL will now prepare the introduction of an early warning system, designed to allow us to intervene at any stage, if advised by HMRC that clubs are defaulting on their obligations. (one I've no doubt they shared with the SFA and SPL to make sure it didn't happen again)

We also wish to reiterate that duties of care and financial diligence are of the utmost importance for any director or official of any club"

I'm sure they will not allow "a club" with almost £100m credit card bill with the HMRC to receive special treatment.

If they join they will also get around a 7,500 point penalty by the SFL calculation.

Oh wait its Ex Rangers

We are about to be shafted

New SFA/SPL/SFL vision statement from 2012/13 season - All clubs will be treated equal it is just some are more equal than others

PS - not complaining re Dundee punishment by the way but you have to laugh

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my understanding of what i heard today

SFL asked if Rangers should be accepted into the SFL setup -

SFL asked if Rangers should start in SFL3 (& if yes the SFL board can change this to division 1 should they wish dry.gif)

so to read between the lines a little

as before mentioned its already been decided that Rangers will be in SFL1 but this "vote" is infact a face saving attempt so that the clubs can say they voted Rangers into SFL3 but Longmuir & Ballantyne have decided to take the flak

surely they don't think were that easy to pull the wool over our eyes after everything that's came before?

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Corrupt b*****ds!! Presumably the fall back position is that if the vote is a complete no...the suits will try to impose some ill thought out spl two including newco...would love to see sfl clubs suspend the voteon newco for a vote of no confidence in longmuir and the board,

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Am I alone in thinking that UEFA probably don't care that much? If it was an important league like Italy or Germany then that's on their radar...Scotland = football backwater.

I can't see UEFA allowing the SFA to set a precedent

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What a stitch up! How can these people think they can get away with this?

I can't believe The SPL, SFA and SFL have all shown themselves to be corrupt/spineless organisations.

To think people in Scottish Football and the Scottish media would joke about how 'corrupt' Fifa is, and we've got these shower of b*****ds running our game!

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'Dear Sir or Madam,

NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING – SCOTTISH FOOTBALL LEAGUE Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of The Scottish Football League will be held within the Bell/Baird Suite on the fifth floor of Hampden Park, Glasgow on Friday, 13th July, 2012 at 11.00 a.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the following proposals:-

(i) That the Scottish Football League Members agree to admit Sevco Scotland Limited as an Associate Member and agrees to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the League during Season 2012/13.

(ii) That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the "Board") to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13.

(iii) That the Scottish Football League Members in terms of Rule 12 approve the resignation of either Dundee F.C. or Dunfermline Athletic F.C., whichever shall be admitted to join the Scottish Premier League for Season 2012/13, such resignation to take effect as at the date of admission of such club to the Scottish Premier League, notwithstanding that the requisite notice under Rule 12 shall not have been given.Details of the series of measures referred to at (ii) above shall be made available to the Members in advance of the meeting and an opportunity for full discussion of those measures will be given prior to the proposals being put to the meeting.

In accordance with the terms of SFL Rule 53, your club must send one representative to this meeting and I would be most grateful if you could advise me of the name of your representative by return.

A buffet lunch will be served at the conclusion of the meeting.

Kind regards,

David A. Longmuir

Chief Executive, SFL.'

Source - Alex Thomson.

I've seen some SFL chairmen and they wouldn't turn down a sausage roll in exchange for letting Rangers back in.

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What a stitch up! How can these people think they can get away with this?

I can't believe The SPL, SFA and SFL have all shown themselves to be corrupt/spineless organisations.

To think people in Scottish Football and the Scottish media would joke about how 'corrupt' Fifa is, and we've got these shower of b*****ds running our game!

Come on Turnbull - lead the way - NO TO NEWCO

Can Dundee and Dunfermline not come out and state they do not want into the SPL ?

Now that would reeally f*** those f****** up.

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Surely proposal (ii) would be breaking FIFA or UEFA rules? Are there any other examples from world football of a new club being parachuted into a league two tiers above the bottom? Has to be a No vote for proposal (i)!

This is what the Italians tried with Fiorentina and then FIFA/UEFA turned up, slapped their hands and put them into Serie C2, yes?

Serie C2 isn't the foot of the Italian League set-up either though.

Have there been many similar cases?

E.g. SFL1 = the bottom full-time level and the next governing body down. SFL3 = bottom national level and bottom of the interlinked pyramid. West Juniors Central 2nd Division = bottom professional level.

Also how quickly might FIFA resolve it?

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There was i hoping to buy my Season Ticket on Friday after Newcunto F.C. getting accepted for the 3rd or getting told to f**k off.

Looks now like i'm done with Scottish Football.

Corrupt Cnuts.

Beautiful Game RIP !

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I guess we're back to a fans boycott again then....In all 4 divisions ?

not for me anymore

the clubs can only vote on what they are asked & nwhat they are asked is wrong , i wont punish my club for trying to do the right thing

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The clubs can vote, they'll vote to accept Newco into the SFL and they'll then be over-ruled and Newco will get placed in the first division.

If Fifa/Uefa don't get involved and stop this ALL SFL clubs should vote NO to allowing Newco into the league altogether.

This is farce beyond farce, crooked and corrupt, they cannot allow themselves to be bullied into allowing newco to enter the league anywhere other than at the bottom level.

No club in the world who has been liquidated has started anywhere other than the bottom league of their respective countries, no matter what. It would be a dangerous precedent to allow this to happen now.

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The clubs can vote, they'll vote to accept Newco into the SFL and they'll then be over-ruled and Newco will get placed in the first division.

If Fifa/Uefa don't get involved and stop this ALL SFL clubs should vote NO to allowing Newco into the league altogether.

This is farce beyond farce, crooked and corrupt, they cannot allow themselves to be bullied into allowing newco to enter the league anywhere other than at the bottom level.


No club in the world who has been liquidated has started anywhere other than the bottom league of their respective countries, no matter what. It would be a dangerous precedent to allow this to happen now.


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The clubs can vote, they'll vote to accept Newco into the SFL and they'll then be over-ruled and Newco will get placed in the first division.

If Fifa/Uefa don't get involved and stop this ALL SFL clubs should vote NO to allowing Newco into the league altogether.

This is farce beyond farce, crooked and corrupt, they cannot allow themselves to be bullied into allowing newco to enter the league anywhere other than at the bottom level.

No club in the world who has been liquidated has started anywhere other than the bottom league of their respective countries, no matter what. It would be a dangerous precedent to allow this to happen now.

That's not actually true, though - as was apparent just in looking-up Fiorentina's case... they entered Serie C2 not (for example) Serie D. There are probably lots of cases of clubs restarting part-way up their structures, and there are probably some cases of clubs restarting in Tier 2 (e.g. Derry). Whether both ever occurred is more interesting.

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