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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That`s it for me. The fact is that we should`nt have to fight for this. Now they introduce a fixed vote which they`ll have their sycophants telling us whilst not the best solution is the best result for Scottish football.

That`s it for me. I`ve emailed Firhill and informed them the ST won`t be renewed. I`ve also cancelled the D/D for the Centenary Gold membership.

If it does`nt matter what we as fans do or say what`s the point in trying to use finance to sway the decisions of our boards? They`ll just wring their hands and say they did their best but that it was a done deal.

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If the end result is Newco in DIV1 what are the fans REALLY going to do about it?

We do not really want to punish our clubs, it's not their fault that they ended

up in this shitty position.

So, what other options?

Boycott Scotland games at Hampden? I would say that's a goer.

Boycott Olympic football at Hampden? Already happening!

Boycott all events at Hampden? Too many non fitba fans.

Any other suggestions?

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As a long term reader of this i am now incandescent with rage at the MSM and the utter idiots that run our game. Surely somebody has to stop this sorry saga from killing our game, how is it that Alex Thomson can ask the questions that none the current journalist think are relevant? Is it just me or do the SPL chairman not think this is totaly wrong to sit back and watch this stitch up,, if Rod Petrie thinks he can watch this happening and think, well I'm ok because I voted no then he is sadly mistaken. Anybody that reads into what the SFL,SFA are trying to do and thinks it is acceptable then I want no part of that club. Why are spl chairman not saying that what the lower division teams are having to deal with is a disgrace. Is it to much to ask that we have some feckin morals and sort this mess out,, put Dundee up or put back the pars, stick to the rules and put newco in the 3rd div, kick out all the blazers and start again with a new league setup, sfa give some punishment from the appeal board. We need some strong people to take the right decisions. This is doing my head in as most other fans I speak to really only get spoon fed the daily crap and they believe it, or chose to have no option at all !!!!! Away for a walk to calm doon...

Sharing the pain Kendo. Corruption has made it's way into and throughout Scottish media, including the BBC. Alex Thomson will fix this

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Here's an idea; if they can't have a 'vote' per se. What about another method of reckoning? How about this:

Sevco get into the SFL if:

- Ally McCoist stays out of the papers for a week.

- Regan beats Turnbull Hutton in a 'shoot out' in an old warehouse

- Doncaster beats Alex Thomson in a 'square go' outside Hampden

- Dingwall beats Jim Spence in a 'dance off' in a multi-storey car park

- Bomber Brown beats Sandy Jardine in a duel with pistols at dawn (eveyones a winner here ;))

I'm putting down a score draw for that last one....wink.gif

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I knoiw some of you like to see it as a big, evil, pro-Rangers/OF conspiracy but the people in charge of our football authorities are clearly panicking about finances.

Only caught a bit of Alex Thomson on the radio today, but he still hit several nails on the head. Saying Scottish football will be worse off without "Rangers" as they were being run from the Murray era forward is like saying a down on its luck community will be worse off if you take away the money lender. As for his take on Scottish sports "Journalism" the inference couldn't have been clearer.At Doncaster's press conference nobody was interested in asking any relevant questions regarding what our possibilities might be, the questions were the questions that talking pigs would ask if someone removed the trough.

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New blog from Alex Thomson:

My sources are senior and widely respected figures in Scottish League Football and rarely have I heard men so angry about an invitation to a meeting.


They describe it in many ways, some of which I know my lawyer will not allow me to pass on. So let's just choose one adjective:


Their reaction of course, all flows from that second paragraph of the invitation to next Friday's meeting where the SFL says:

"That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the "Board") to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13."

Read the full invitation here: Rangers – the vote that never was?

My sources have spoken exclusively to Channel 4 News and say that many in the league are not simply enraged that their vote is being taken away but that the SFA and SPL are now also directly involved and directly involved in effectively gagging the League clubs by stifling their votes.

My sources decline to be identified at this stage but one said:

"They've just gone ahead to steamroller us. It's farcical. They've cooked it all up amongst themselves."

Speaking on condition of anonymity he says there is now very little trust held by many senior League people in either the SFA or the SPL both as organisations in this matter and in terms of the conduct of their respective Chief Executives Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster.

He was one of a number this afternoon accusing Scottish Football of simply tearing up its own rulebook and suggested that either FIFA or UEFA might well be interested in taking a look at what is going on.

I have not been able to contact UEFA, the SFA or the SFL on this matter, it being a weekend.

This will further enrage fans across the country who have long suspected a stitch-up. Recent threats and hyperbole from Scottish football's authorities about "Armageddon" if "Rangers" go to D3 won't have helped.


Still less the SFA's Stewart Regan contemplating "social unrest" if "Rangers" disappear. Leaving aside various police forces who dealt with actual social unrest when Rangers FC fans did appear, his wild speculation looked desperate, not least given its hypothetical context.

Like today's extraordinary letter of intent, it speaks of the utter desperation Scottish football's governing bodies have to find some way, somehow, somewhere to go on milking the so-called "Rangers" cash-cow.

At least now this latest tactic is unmasked, leaked as they surely knew it would be.

Many will conclude that fans, chairmen and players have five days now to counteract the latest gambit-of-despair from Hampden Park.


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I knoiw some of you like to see it as a big, evil, pro-Rangers/OF conspiracy but the people in charge of our football authorities are clearly panicking about finances.

If they want Rangers back in the top league asap, and not apply the rule blook, then they are clearly pro Rangers, regardless of their motives

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If the end result is Newco in DIV1 what are the fans REALLY going to do about it?

We do not really want to punish our clubs, it's not their fault that they ended

up in this shitty position.

So, what other options?

Boycott Scotland games at Hampden? I would say that's a goer.

Boycott Olympic football at Hampden? Already happening!

Boycott all events at Hampden? Too many non fitba fans.

Any other suggestions?

Not supporting my team is the option of last resort. I'd hate to throw away 20 years over this issue. However if the league system that they play in is institutionally corrupt in favour of 2 teams then what is the point?

I'd also hate to stop going to Scotland games but once again the SFA are at the heart of this. If they are so in favour of this how can I lend my support to them?

The thing is this isn't anti Rangers per se. Its a statement by the governing bodies that they will bend over backwards to support a team even though it goes against everything in their rule book.

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I hope one of the SFL chairmen has the balls to post all the financial implications when they are given them, we need to get stuck into these figures and those withdrawing their cash at the earliest opportunity.

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Actually, yer on to something here. Most former Rangers fans want to start in the 3rd it seems, and even Green has to appear to be humble here for diplomatic reasons. There is a 'conspiracy' of sorts here for want of a better word but who's involved and why?

1- Doncaster - He's clearly out of his depth. His job was to maximise revenues. He's doing that. Problem is, he hasn't got the faintest clue about Scottish football. He's finished.

2- The Meeja (Traynor, Chick, Keevins, Winton etc.) - Finances? Nah! They just know what side their bread's buttered on

3- The SFL - Can't generalise. Each club has their own view and agenda.

4- The SFA - Now, good point! What'd going on there? Finances? Maybe, Maybe not. Regan's simply lost the plot. Finances... Social unrest... blaaahhh...

You're forgetting the SPL clubs. Despite our dislike for cockwomble he's not driving this by himself. A number of SPL clubs are behind this, infact I understand almost all of them are with the occasional respectable exception. It's not hard to see that at the very least St Mirren, Motherwell and Killie will be pushing for this. The SPL, SFA and SFL board have put the SFL Clubs in an invidious position and are absolute disgrace to the game.

They bullishly talked about sporting integrity while concocting this plan. How can this plan, which prevents the clubs from having any real say in the matter, and creates a situation that requires Seveco to be promoted regardless of their success or otherwise on the pitch be in any way consistent with any integrity what so ever.


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You're forgetting the SPL clubs. Despite our dislike for cockwomble he's not driving this by himself. A number of SPL clubs are behind this, infact I understand almost all of them are with the occasional respectable exception. It's not hard to see that at the very least St Mirren, Motherwell and Killie will be pushing for this.

Can you explain why you've singled out just those three SPL clubs?

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Loved this comment from RTC

Why don’t we give them what they want?

– The SPPL (the Scottish Premier Premier League) comprising two clubs – Celtic and Sevco. They play 36 times a year home and away, all broadcast on Sky. No relegation. Both clubs go into Champions League with the actual qualifying round dependent on which one finished First and which one finished First-but-One. Oh, and no audits necessary.

– The SDPL (the Scottish Diddy Premier League) comprising the current SPLers. No promotion but winners get Europa Cup spot. Five games a year broadcast on BBC Radio Orkney at 3am. Audits necessary.

– The SDL (the Scottish Diddy League) comprising all the remaining 30-odd clubs who will play each other at random moments depending on who turns up and fancies a game. Not all teams will play same amount of games over course of season. All league positions will be deemed approximate plus or minus 4 places in either direction. No promotion unless a club is liquidated in which case, all debts being cleared, they are automatically deemed members of the SDPL. Occasional matches broadcast on Uncle Jamie’s Live Webstream and PornShop. Team of accountants will be on permanent alert to ensure no financial shenanigans.

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Can someone like HJ tell us who all the SFL board members are.

SFL board apparently: Gordon MacDougall (Livingston), Jim Ballantyne (Airdrie), Ewan Cameron (Alloa),

Anne McKeown (Arbroath), Gilbert Lawrie (Dumbarton), Malky Mackay (Queens Park), Ken Ferguson (Brechin),

Jim Leishman (Dunfermline).

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Boycotting just makes me think that we're being as cuntish as the Rangers! I didn't renew my ST and I tried my damnest to spread the message amongst fellow arabs that this was our only option. It wasn't a boycott in reality - more like showing how many fans would likely be at Tannadice next season if our chairman fcuked us over.

I'd never stop supporting Scotland because of some suited p***ks working inside Hampden.

All we can hope now is that the SFL fans make their clubs aware that Rangers in SFL1 is endgame for Scottish fitba, and hopefully this pressure will pay off.

It'd be good to see Hampden surrounded by fans next Friday chanting NO, NO, NO however :rolleyes:

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SFL board apparently: Gordon MacDougall (Livingston), Jim Ballantyne (Airdrie), Ewan Cameron (Alloa),

Anne McKeown (Arbroath), Gilbert Lawrie (Dumbarton), Malky Mackay (Queens Park), Ken Ferguson (Brechin),

Jim Leishman (Dunfermline).

We're fcuked.

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If the end result is Newco in DIV1 what are the fans REALLY going to do about it?

We do not really want to punish our clubs, it's not their fault that they ended

up in this shitty position.

So, what other options?

Boycott Scotland games at Hampden? I would say that's a goer.

Boycott Olympic football at Hampden? Already happening!

Boycott all events at Hampden? Too many non fitba fans.

Any other suggestions?

The problem is that this is really the only option that might have a significant impact. There's no way to effectively get at the SFL, SPL, SFA directly as far as I can tell - it has to come through the member clubs. Without the support of the clubs, these organisations fall; without paying support, the clubs fall.

This crisis is all about money. Therefore the solution necessarily must originate from withholding it. Make no mistake, if season book sales weren't at stake this would have been done and dusted weeks ago.

I doubt very much that the participants of this thread are representative of the footballing public at large, so the question is: if Rangers end up in SFL 1, are enough people willing to take action? Do you risk seeing your own club go under for the betterment of the Scottish game? I honestly doubt it, and I think the authorities are banking on this being the case.

Edited by Huistrinho
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