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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Apologies if this has already been covered but I've been unable to read all 10 million posts in this thread and the whole Rangers/Sevco issue isn't really big news here in Oz.

So it now appears that even if the SFL clubs vote to accept Newco into Div3 that the SFL Board might decide to over-rule this and move them into Div1? So what happens come May 2013 when Sevco haven't won Div1 or even made the play-offs? Will the SPL suddenly rush through a restructure to 14, 16, 18 clubs? Or will they find some other cunning way of ensuring that Newco are promoted?

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A few folk on the Thistle forum questioning whether fans hate them more than they like or love Thistle. Surely if you follow your team amd fellow fans thoughts that becomes a moot fan. Being against the shennanigans of boards football authorities and disreputable business men doesnt make me a better or less fan. I may just choose not to be a supporter until this issue is resolved one way or the other.

Power to the diddies :)

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If the motion is rejected on Friday, the SFL will have a vacancy. Sevco can then apply for that.

That is what should happen, and I'd like to think the Newco in SFL3 brigade (Raith, Stranraer, East Fife etc) will vote against the proposal on Friday.

BUT the way they have arranged the proposals means that a majority of Clubs would have to reject Sevco from Scottish Football altogether (by rejecting proposal (i) ) before this further route of open applications can kick-in. Even amongst those declared as being in the Sevco to 3rd camp, I can't see they'd have the bottle to do that - the vote has been managed away from them.

My own Club EFFC is one of the very few who have not tacidly accepted the case for a place for Sevco in the 3rd already, but have said that any application by them must follow the established procedure. If you look at the majority of the statements, they say roughly 'we think Rangers should start in the third'

Rejecting proposal (i), on the face of it says no to newco altogether, which I think would be a difficult step for many to take. The daft media would be all over it rather than just recognising the established application process should then apply.

Edited by Claymores
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Sadly they aren't voting on newco into division one or three...only if they should allow newco into sfl and then the board will articificially punt newco up to sfl one should the vote be a yes....and if the vote is no then the declared stance from regan is that an spl two will be imposed containing newco...utter corruption of the lowest order

That may be, but my understanding was that if more than 50% reject the motion, the gap in the Third Division left as a result would go to an open application process? That way, we can prevent them getting straight into the first by saying no, but leave the back door open potentially?

Mind you, nothing seems predictable in this! For all we know, a no vote could result in the Newco being somehow shoe-horned into the SPL or SPL2...with less than a month till the season starts!!! dry.gif

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Let's say for instance that Rangers DO end up in SFL 3, we will then be able to see whether restructuring is a serious offer, or whether it was shamelessly used as a bribe to corrupt our game. If restructuring is taken off the table in this scenario then this whole charade goes beyond secret whispers and allegations, it should become a full on investigation into the corruption at the top of our game by UEFA, the police, whoever.

Problem is - what are they investigating?

If SPL's finances are wrecked through reduced income, it's a valid justification for removing what was only ever an idea "as it's no longer viable" etc.

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I have been in and out all morning, only bit of encouraging news was a 10 second snippet on Radio Scotland saying that John Yorkston has insisted it will be the SFL clubs NOT the SFL board who will take the final decision.

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Bit of a random one here, but with Dundee or Dunfermline going up and Rangers coming into either Div 1 or Div 3, will the Ramsdens Challenge Cup draw need redone? Both Dundee and Dunfermline are in the North/East half of the draw whereas Rangers would presumably need to be in the South/West.

This shouldn't matter, tbh.

Either Rangers takes-over Dundee/Dunfermline's R1 tie... or the opponent is byed... or Dundee/Dunfermline continue to participate.

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I'm sure this must have been worked out by someone 6000 pages back, but does anyone know what Stenhousemuir would theoretically get from a giant orc invasion several times a season, as opposed to their share of the SPL payment they are being blackmailed with?

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Apologies if this has already been covered but I've been unable to read all 10 million posts in this thread and the whole Rangers/Sevco issue isn't really big news here in Oz.

So it now appears that even if the SFL clubs vote to accept Newco into Div3 that the SFL Board might decide to over-rule this and move them into Div1? So what happens come May 2013 when Sevco haven't won Div1 or even made the play-offs? Will the SPL suddenly rush through a restructure to 14, 16, 18 clubs? Or will they find some other cunning way of ensuring that Newco are promoted?

Yes that, is why they want play offs.

alternatively they may pressure Dundee and Dunfermline to be quiet (the SPL is skint you'll get £30,000 for finishing 12th / wait a year and we'll have 14 teams - finish in top three and you'll get promoted.) and invite Newco to be Team 12.

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This shouldn't matter, tbh.

Either Rangers takes-over Dundee/Dunfermline's R1 tie... or the opponent is byed... or Dundee/Dunfermline continue to participate.

Can you confirm/obliterate my assumption that Newco require 75% of the vote on proposal (i) this Friday due to this proposal raising the SFL to 31 teams.

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All this talk of an SPL 2 being created if Newco are not admitted into Div 1 is a load of meaningless hot air.

What clubs will be able to enter SPL 2?

Not current members of the SFL , who require to give 2 years notice before quitting the leagues.

What a bonanza any attempt to short-cut that would be for the legal fraternity.

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I don't believe violence solves anything and I certainly don't condone it. However, should one of the Club representatives at Friday's meeting finally snap under the pressure of it all, and give Longmuir a thorough panelling, I feel I could find it in my heart to forgive them.

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Rangers had run a tax scheme that HMRC regarded as evasion.

Rangers had a 'case to answer' that allied to this tax scheme the players had dual contracts.

Rangers, under Craig Whyte, deliberately withheld NHI and VAT payments over a period of many months

The Rangers manager contributed to SFA tribunal panel members being abused and threatened by calling for names to be made public.  Names he either already had or could easily get access to.

Rangers, or at least their representatives, took the SFA to a civil court in an attempt to have a 'penalty' that had already been appealed overturned.

Charles Green, the chief executive of newco Rangers has still refused to name his financial backers.

The Scottish footballing authorities response to all this is to ignore the overwhelming view of Scottish football fans, to try to intimidate and bully SFL clubs, to ignore the standard procedures and to minimise the impact on a newco Rangers.

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Can you confirm/obliterate my assumption that Newco require 75% of the vote on proposal (i) this Friday due to this proposal raising the SFL to 31 teams.

I think Longmuie et al can easily sidestep your point by saying the proposals are to accept Sevco 'in principle' as and when the (very likely) vacancy arises due to the resignation of Dumfi/Dundee. The subsequent proposal for placement relate to the position when there would be 30 Clubs including Sevco.

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Please, please, please, please make this the time for reconstruction.


pyramid system below.

See my post above r.e. QP's opposition to the pyramid system :(.

Not sure if I'm correct here or not, I think the SFL and their lawyers have made a huge mistake here.

They have put the Dundee/Dunfermline issue in at (iii), obviously as a wee guarantee, ie, the SFL vote against (i) the SPL just make Newco club 12.

The work of your typical insidious conning b*****d, we've all accepted that.

But, how can the vote on question (i) be a simple majority, unless I'm missing a biggy, the order of questions constitutes a new structure ie 31 teams in the SFL, 75% required for that if I'm not mistaken.

Don't think they can have their cake and eat it, as much as they feel they can.

Can you confirm/obliterate my assumption that Newco require 75% of the vote on proposal (i) this Friday due to this proposal raising the SFL to 31 teams.

Firstly, they wouldn't necessarily have to vote on them in order, and it'd be straw-clutching rather to hope they literally can't vote (i) before (iii) moments later. Secondly, nowhere does it say all members have to be in divisions. Back in 2000 when SPL was expanding, SFL elected Peterhead + Elgin to membership in January and it was clear they'd play in SFL3 - but they evidetly belonged to no division until mid-May. Also presumably it'd be dressed-up as 'provisional' per Claymore's post.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Sadly they aren't voting on newco into division one or three...only if they should allow newco into sfl and then the board will articificially punt newco up to sfl one should the vote be a yes....and if the vote is no then the declared stance from regan is that an spl two will be imposed containing newco...utter corruption of the lowest order

Only if those in SFL D1 say yes please to an invite into SPL2.

I think they'd be better refusing and leave the SPL out to dry.

Disillusioned fans could then flock to a fair honest competition.

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Tbf, it should be remembered that the Board isn't made-up of 8 clubs. It's made up of 9 people (including Longmuir) whose constituency of election was their belonging to a club.

They sit on the Board as individuals and, for example, it's not a case of the own committtee instructing them on how to vote. Although, of course, some may be influenced by their club's interest and their colleagues views.

The SFL board is made up of representatives from the clubs I named, which includes Longmuir, who is an employee of the SFL.

They may be individuals, but sit on their own clubs boards and sent to the SFL to represent their club. Therefore, they are accountable to their own club and must accept responsibility for their actions.

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I hope as many people as possible can make it along to Stark's Park on Tuesday, to demonstrate support for Turnbull Hutton. We need to show that those with integrity will be rewarded financially.


Come on, ICT central belters. Support Raith and watch County (hopefully) get a kicking at the same time. A bargain for £10.

Wish I could go but work does not permit. RRFC should set up some kind of ticket gifting scheme - I'd happily pay for a couple of tickets for local kids to attend.

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What ires me slightly is that everyone seems to be getting uppety about the notion of Sevco being 'parachuted' into the 1st Division, yet are failing to acknowlege that a placement in the 3rd equally would represent a 'parachute' (into the SFL).

I remain of the view that Sevco should only be considered as an applicant for any vacancy which may arise, and their application considered on it's merits as against any others which come in.

Edited by Claymores
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Rangers had run a tax scheme that HMRC regarded as evasion.

Rangers had a 'case to answer' that allied to this tax scheme the players had dual contracts.

Rangers, under Craig Whyte, deliberately withheld NHI and VAT payments over a period of many months

The Rangers manager contributed to SFA tribunal panel members being abused and threatened by calling for names to be made public. Names he either already had or could easily get access to.

Rangers, or at least their representatives, took the SFA to a civil court in an attempt to have a 'penalty' that had already been appealed overturned.

Charles Green, the chief executive of newco Rangers has still refused to name his financial backers.

The Scottish footballing authorities response to all this is to ignore the overwhelming view of Scottish football fans, to try to intimidate and bully SFL clubs, to ignore the standard procedures and to minimise the impact on a newco Rangers.

I don't think this is over for HMRC.

The sale of Rangers assets at a knockdown price could be construed as a means of denying creditors monies owed. (Of which, HMRC is owed millions). I reckon we can standby for (yet another) investigation into Rangers.

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