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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I have a beamer.

I also have one on account of Thistle's inevitable capitulation.

To be honest, if Thistle held a public meeting as Dumbarton did, you could guarantee that all of the zoomers would be out in force like nodding donkeys agreeing with David Beattie about the "opportunity" afforded by the Rangers debacle. I've seen it before, when the club took over the supporters trust's monthly draw (despite actually running a lottery that lost money) simply by asking for the fans to take a leap of faith and trust them.

Even now I'm willing to bet that there are auld guys all over the country who read the Evening Times or the Courier or whatever and believe all the bullshit they are being fed about it being for the good of the game. If destruction is inevitable it's not our fault.

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Purpose of the Board is to conduct the business of the league in a more workable manner than collective meeting. It'd be a pretty unwieldy Board that had 30 people on it. It's like any company / group, with Executive/Board.

E.g. SFA = 7, SPL = 6

OK, point taken. In "normal" circumstances it is acceptable,

then something like this shitstorm brews up.

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Very well written piece here on a little blog that I know. Not mine I hasten to add, I lack the insight that this guy has, as well as his ability to put it into words.

jagsforum blog - simply the rest

edited to add

I've now read what Burley has to say today and this is the antidote. A fan with a keyboard who says what all right minded fans are thinking.

Can't argue with any of that.

The people in charge are all banking on people not wishing to kill their own clubs by not attending anymore. They're probably right, but the whole thing stinks to high heavens. The people running the SFA, SFL and SPL are not to be trusted, so where does the game go from that starting point?

Edited by Scary Bear
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I hope as many people as possible can make it along to Stark's Park on Tuesday, to demonstrate support for Turnbull Hutton. We need to show that those with integrity will be rewarded financially.


Come on, ICT central belters. Support Raith and watch County (hopefully) get a kicking at the same time. A bargain for £10.

Just been thinking about this again.

If anyone DOES think it's a good idea to attend this match to protest, just do it without further publicity or organisation.

An "ambush" protest would have more effect and prevent the local plod from getting overtime.:D

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Anyone listen to the sportscotland podcast from yesterday? Steven Pressley was excellent and spoke a lot of sense - thank god not everyone has been taken in by this Doncaster/Regan/media scaremongering. He was spot on - the lack of leadership, seeking this an a opportunity for change not demise, the need to listen to supporters etc.

Meanwhile Traynor goes on about the good of the game nonsense. The mainstream media (tabloids, sky sports, talksport, Clyde 1 to name a few) has been so far removed from the general feeling amongst supporters. Hate this greater good notion that has taken its place alongside sporting integrity. There is no greater good in attempting to parachute a newco in div 1. It's corruption, it's greed, it's short termism, it's flawed.

Elvis made a great point - what if Rangers don't finish in the promotion places next year, are we just going to reconstruct again until they do? What is being proposed is something that is already predetermined...we CAN'T afford not to have Rangers newco away for 2 years.

Regan and Doncaster's positions within the SFA/SPL are untenable regardless of the outcome here.

Yep, that's what I was wondering a few posts back.

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I also have one on account of Thistle's inevitable capitulation.

To be honest, if Thistle held a public meeting as Dumbarton did, you could guarantee that all of the zoomers would be out in force like nodding donkeys agreeing with David Beattie about the "opportunity" afforded by the Rangers debacle. I've seen it before, when the club took over the supporters trust's monthly draw (despite actually running a lottery that lost money) simply by asking for the fans to take a leap of faith and trust them.

Even now I'm willing to bet that there are auld guys all over the country who read the Evening Times or the Courier or whatever and believe all the bullshit they are being fed about it being for the good of the game. If destruction is inevitable it's not our fault.

That would be inevitable. Every single meet the manager/board meeting I've been to has had numerous ridiculous questions and idiots who just won't shut it.

:lol: at the second paragraph, I can't help but cringe everytime I've read the "phone in" section of the Daily Record, its the same old guys who used to call into Radio Clyde when I used to listen to it during my old job. Nodding dogs who lap up everything Hugh Keevins says and always refer to managers as "Mister". These guys were the ones saying David Murray "wisnae it fault fur rangers problums n wae need tae get behind um real fans widny slag the great man"

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Here is my Email post to the SFA - it follows one to FIFA and UEFA

I have asked FIFA and Uefa to investigate whether the proposals are within their rules.

"Please investigate league fixing being proposed in the scottish leagues with the guidance of the Scottish Football Association in contravention of FIFA and Uefa rules."

I cannot see how a vote can be taken to introduce a new club until a vacancy has been created;

Once a vacancy occurs then the SFL should invite all applications from suitably qualified clubs.(These are the rules of the SFL)

Surely Dundee or Dunfermline need to be invited to join the SPL in advance of the SFL meeting on 13 July 2012 to allow them to accept any resignation from the SFL.

How can one particular club be favoured in this process especially when:-

a) it is still subject to an independent SFA decision on its conduct;

b) it is subject to an SPL investigation;

c) a decision on its suitability i.e. ground, players,a verifiable business plan that will allow it to fulfill fixtures for the coming season has not been made

d) the investors in the new company been not yet been vetted or identified - are they suitable and what criteria is being applied to determine this? (Surely in view of why we are in this mess in the first place this is a prerequsite?)

The SFA have a responsibility to follow all relevant football regulations and this must be the prime objective of their remit.

The proposals put forward for the SFL meeting do not follow the prime directives of FIFA and UEFA and as such are flawed.

The SFL clubs should not be put in an invidious position to vote for motions that have been brought forward in contravention of higher authorities.

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If the motion is rejected on Friday, the SFL will have a vacancy. Sevco can then apply for that.

That is what should happen, and I'd like to think the Newco in SFL3 brigade (Raith, Stranraer, East Fife etc) will vote against the proposal on Friday.

there might not be a vacancy - SPL could run with 11.

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All this talk of an SPL 2 being created if Newco are not admitted into Div 1 is a load of meaningless hot air.

What clubs will be able to enter SPL 2?

Not current members of the SFL , who require to give 2 years notice before quitting the leagues.

What a bonanza any attempt to short-cut that would be for the legal fraternity.

Unfortunatelty the majority of Dumbarton fans fell for this scare-mongering at their meeting.

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This farce is now becoming ridiculous, and it's all for one cheating club. Scottish football stands on the verge of extinction, not because Sevco will be voted into the first contrary to all reasonable and fair actions but as soon as that happens ALL power in the game will lie in the hands of an organisation hell bent in obliterating the Diddy clubs and consigning them to the annuls of history.

The proposals for the SPFL just add insult to injury, there should be one club, one vote not the convoluted A shares and B Shares nonsense.

This is the beginning of the end for all Diddy clubs, they must act now or they won't have a future.

Can nobody see exactly what's going on here ?

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another column from the scotsman, #written ,as you can see from the bottom of the article,a Rangers season ticket holder, but it is quite a fair piece

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Based purely on the Craig Burley piece I hope it is SFL3 - What an ignornant arse. Would write to the Sports Editor of the Record/Mail but does Traynor not claim that title so what the fucking point

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