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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Dontcha just love Craig Burley...what an utter c**t.

"HAS it really come to this? The future of Scottish football placed in the hands of a few nonentities from the lower divisions.

Muppets in charge of clubs that draw embarrassing crowds of 200 people suddenly standing as judge and jury over a decision that could cost the country millions of pounds in lost revenue.

Chairmen of part-time teams who are nothing more than afterthoughts in the psyche of our national obsession, yet suddenly they have been handed the most important decision in the history of Scottish football."

Is that really Craig Burley's statement. If that is the case then all I would say to him and those who have engineered the current state of Scottish senior football is this... YOU have destroyed the game. YOU have made it into a something totally worthless: something not worth spending money on; something false and hollow and utterly useless to man and beast. Bugger your millions of pounds in lost revenue (it that' s not a myth anyway) - if the sport's nothing but a fix then those millions of £ are being taken under false pretences. The REAL nonentity here is the game itself? The REAL embarrassment here is what the game is becoming. National obsession ? It's just been trampled underfoot and wasted for every single fan who appreciates fairness and sport as opposed to empty headed tribalism. Why bother with the football? Just sell the colours and make it into a £££ multi million gang fight.

And another thing - How can anyone really take 'Rangers' seriously again. In this instance they themselves are being used by the manipulators in charge of the 'game', but surely this destroys any credibility they might have been able to rebuild by fair and honest workmanship and a climb back up through the leagues.

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I read the first two words and then gave up I mean- LONDON,Scotland laugh.gif

There's some interesting stuff there:

The threat of social unrest is also very real. Rangers is the bastion for Protestants, many of whom arrived from Ireland over the last century for jobs in the shipyards and coal mines in and around Glasgow.Celtic's fans are predominantly Roman Catholic.


Edited by Borys
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yes if rangers are to play in SFL1 the way the vote is they must be voted into SFL3 & moved by the board

there is no vote rangers to SFL1 optionunsure.gif

That's not how this is going to work. The vote on Friday will be to allow them into the SFL with the proviso that the SFL board be trusted as to where they should be placed. Therefore Annan will, presumably, vote no.

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Dontcha just love Craig Burley...what an utter c**t.

"HAS it really come to this? The future of Scottish football placed in the hands of a few nonentities from the lower divisions.

Muppets in charge of clubs that draw embarrassing crowds of 200 people suddenly standing as judge and jury over a decision that could cost the country millions of pounds in lost revenue.

Chairmen of part-time teams who are nothing more than afterthoughts in the psyche of our national obsession, yet suddenly they have been handed the most important decision in the history of Scottish football."

Has it come to. This the future of Scottish football placed in the hands of a few nonentities ,,,Burley , traynor , cockwomble?

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As I said yesterday - I don't think it's a case of clubs fearing SPL2 is formed in 3 weeks. It's a case of fearing that if they do send Rangers to SFL3 then SPL will wreak a terrible revenge, by abandoning plans for merger and going ahead with SPL2 instead.

Which SFL clubs would consider joining SPL2 now? Lines have been drawn in the sand by a few of the bigger SFL clubs, so you'd have a mish-mash of SFL quislings in amongst SPL2.

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Okay chaps, time for the final push.

Obviously carry on the discussions here, but now is the time to up the ante right up until the vote on Friday, everyone everywhere e-mail your own clubs showing your disgust to the stitch-up and request your club register a 'NO' vote to Sevco. Find the time to do this. Any football phone-in programmes - get on the phone. Show your disgust and air your views to the media. Let's get the corruption stopped.

Most importantly, e-mail UEFA or FIFA. (can someone please put a link thanks)

There is absolutely no point in e-mailing the SPL, SFA or SFL - do not waste your time

Kick corruption out of the Scottish game

Raith (Rage) Against the Machine



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That's not how this is going to work. The vote on Friday will be to allow them into the SFL with the proviso that the SFL board be trusted as to where they should be placed. Therefore Annan will, presumably, vote no.

bnut that part of the vote places them in division 3 initially which is where these chairman have been saying they will vote them into

read between the lines abit and see it for the bigger stich up than we origionally thought

(ii) That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the “Board”) to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13.
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I read the first two words and then gave up I mean- LONDON,Scotland laugh.gif

Calm down. I saw that, it's just a news agency thing.

It could just as easy said soimething like 'LONDON Manchester ' for a story on Manchester drug gangs.

Even the yanks don't think London is in Scotland.:)

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Which SFL clubs would consider joining SPL2 now? Lines have been drawn in the sand by a few of the bigger SFL clubs, so you'd have a mish-mash of SFL quislings in amongst SPL2.

Every club outside Celtic, and maybe even them if they see sense, should abandon the SPL, and beg to join the SFL, kick all English execs out of the power positions, tell Sky to sook the big one, and if they play nice we might let them bid against Alba for rights!!

Time to sober up, got work the morra :D

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