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There is a post on gersnet claiming that many ex-rangers fans are cancelling their Sky subscriptions as

a means of showing their anger.

I believe it was suggested on here that non ex rangers fans cancel their Sky subs.

Two opposing viewpoints with the same outcome.

I wonder if Sky is actually seeing any change and if so how can they tell

which faction to blame?

eta just realised it's from Leggo.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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I have utterly detested Sandy Jardine ever since the Bobby Thomson incident over 30 years ago. Not only is he a cheating b*****d, his club are cheating b******ds and he wants them to keep their precious titles even though they bought them with money they did not have leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab.

BTW hand back your Scottish caps, see if anyone cares ya fud.

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My take on things is that insufficient SFL clubs are going to back all of Friday's resolution.

Whether this means the entire lot falls so they come back a week later to admit Rangers to SFL3 - or they vote for 1+3 and/or an amendment and get it done-n-dusted then - who knows.

You then imagine a lot of pressure falling on Regan + Doncaster + Longmuir, though in each case it'll depend how much it was their own initiative and how much the instruction of their Boards.

Of course perhaps some/all 3 want out anyway, given their bleak financial forecasts, so potentially they've not a lot to lose...

Hopefully the pressure is kept up on these three as they really haven't come out of this well, and I would imagine a lot of fans don't have much confidence going forward with these guys in charge.

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On 08/07/2012 at 21:45, thelegendthatis said:

Don't you worry your pretty little head. It is now with an EU Commissioner. biggrin.gif

So what rules?

On 08/07/2012 at 20:02, Granny Danger said:

Think you're being naive. The SPL chairmen have had plenty of opportunity to reign In Doncaster had they wanted to, the fact that they haven't done so makes me think something stinks. However I wouldn't be surprised if they make him the sacrificial lamb (Cockwomble?) when this whole thing is over.

It'll be interesting to see what eventually comes out in the wash but yep, if SPL chairmen really were appalled at what's going on surely someone would've said something. His plans even rely to some degree on their acquiescense too... he can't introduce play-offs, change parachutes, etc. without them.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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So just to be clear - you will be boycotting if they go into division 1 or division 3? Both would be a result of some degree of preferential treatment.

The RST statement is actually fairly well handled, which is quite surprising.

I put my hands up, I'm not sure about the whole entrance into the SFL thing in terms of the rules, I think most people would agree it's not straight forward. If fan base was a factor they would presumably have a decent case although I also realise they are a complete mess at present. Will anyone boycott if they enter the third division? I doubt enough fans would, to have any real impact, and there lies the problem. We will no doubt get shafted to some degree

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There is a post on gersnet claiming that many ex-rangers fans are cancelling their Sky subscriptions as

a means of showing their anger.

I believe it was suggested on here that non ex rangers fans cancel their Sky subs.

Two opposing viewpoints with the same outcome.

I wonder if Sky is actually seeing any change and if so how can they tell

which faction to blame?

eta just realised it's from Leggo.

I'm quite hoping the Cevco have to sit-out next season entirely..........as the currants have cancelled their Sky, they won't even have EPL to pass the time :D

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cheers for that - were you made aware that voting for division 3 had a rider attached whereby the SFL committee could overide that and place 'newco' in div 1, or was that kept quiet ?

Not that I heard. The first I heard of it was on here. Then I saw the Jane Lewis article on BBC website.

However, it was made clear to us that, in previous discussions last week, either Regan or Doncaster - I can't remember which - had said to the SFL meeting that Rangers to Div 1 will happen. So we knew that much, as we were told this at the meeting. Bully boy tactics IMO.

As I said earlier - the slide shown was based on the "benefits" of having Sevco 2012 in Div 1, but if it was Div 3, all the "benefits" were off the table, but no mention of the layout of the motions as presented on here. Mr Jardine and the others all made it clear that they (the SFL) were working very hard toward getting an even better package of "benefits" before next Friday.

That might have been as close as we got to a hint about the motions that are now being presented. But nothing at all was said about "if you don't vote the way we want you to, we'll vote for you" Definitely not a word mentioned.Gilbert Lawrie, one of the named Committee bunch, was one of our speakers.

Divide and conquer at it's worst..

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I have utterly detested Sandy Jardine ever since the Bobby Thomson incident over 30 years ago. Not only is he a cheating b*****d, his club are cheating b******ds and he wants them to keep their precious titles even though they bought them with money they did not have leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab.

BTW hand back your Scottish caps, see if anyone cares ya fud.

Was that when he made on he was headbutted and got Thomson sent off?

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Em, why are they cancelling Sky subs? What perceived offence has Sky committed?

It came originally from the imposition of the SFA Transfer Ban - all SFA Sponsors/contractual partners got on their boycott list (Tesco, etc)...............tho the boycott of McDonalds probably helped to offset some of the funds Ranjurs stole from the public purse. The NHS must have reaped the benefit by the drop in the incidence of Orcs in XXXXXL Ranjurs jerseys being rushed-in after coronary attacks.

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Em, why are they cancelling Sky subs? What perceived offence has Sky committed?

So far, none but we are being advised by certain people that Sky will cancel

or not renew upcoming deals if Sevco are out of the picture.

Well, that's my understanding of the situation.

Perhaps you have another view.

eta link to mad leggo


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Was that when he made on he was headbutted and got Thomson sent off?

Yes game at Cappielow, Jardine deliberately feigned he was headbutted knowing that Thomson would be sent off as he had a hardman reputation.

Almost a riot that day, bottles and cans flying across the cowshed. Ton fans hate Jardine with a vengence.

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Kilmarnock Football Club Supporters Association Statement – 8th July 2012

Kilmarnock Football Club Supporters Association (“KFCSA”) has noted with concern, and

some dismay, the historic events in Scottish football in the past week in particular the

abstention vote by the Club Chairman in the SPL “Newco” vote and his subsequent

comments in the press.

Whilst KFCSA welcomes the outcome of the SPL vote, we wish to express our

disappointment and concerns with the actions of the Chairman and the fact that he seems

to believe that undertaking a last-minute, flawed survey is actually engaging with

shareholders and the Club’s season ticket holders. We are also very disappointed that he

has stated that groups such as the Association “speak for relatively small numbers of

people who take up extreme positions”. KFCSA currently speaks for approximately 1000

members located all around the world, this is not a small number of extremists but a large

number of ordinary fans.

The Association, and the supporters, now wish to know the Club’s plans for the season

ahead and are willing and keen to assist the Club in anyway possible.

An early meeting with the Club’s representatives is being sought.

KFCSA has a genuine desire to work more closely with Kilmarnock Football Club in what

will be a very challenging time for football clubs in Scotland. Sadly, it seems that, to date,

the Chairman is reluctant to embrace the fans and the local business community.

It is particularly disappointing that whilst other clubs, such as Dundee United, have

commended their fans at this difficult time and there has been a genuine “togetherness” at

other SPL clubs in the current crisis, the actions of our Chairman have led to considerable

disharmony and divisions between him and the fans who are the regular customers of

Kilmarnock Football Club. This is bound to have an adverse effect on the Club's finances.

It seems that many fans are now of the view that, whilst they wish to continue to support

the Club, significant and real change in the regime that runs the Club will be needed for

the long term viability and success of the oldest professional football club in Scotland.

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