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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Under SFL rules, Dundee had to vote unless there were exceptional circumstances. They requested permission to abstain since there was a conflict of interest. The SFL confirmed this conflict of interest and asked them not to vote, which was what they wanted anyway.

Dundee statement

If SFL agree with Dundee that there is a conflict of interest then why are Dunfermline not being asked to abstain?

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Scottish football is corrupt and totally aimed at satisfying the needs of two clubs.No amount of media spin or arguments from the fans of these two will ever be taken seriously again.This thread and the many others on this subject prove that football fans know the full extent of the corruption in our game and we will never be naive again.Rangers caused this meltdown so i for one will never boycott my club as this affects Rangers not one jot.Traynor,Keevins,Burley etc are easily dealt with.If all the fans on these forums boycotted these papers and replaced them with a competitor i,m sure the editor of these old firm fanzines would quickly take notice.If you dont listen or call in to Traynors radio show there is no show.Why anyone would want to talk to the most ignorant,condescending buffoon on the planet is beyond me anyway.We have to stop getting mad and start getting even.

You'd be amazed how many ignorant, condescending fans of the Sectaro-Bigot faction wish to speak to their "celebrity" kin on a Saturday afternoon.

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I'm fairly sure the UK Government have "rules" or, let's call them "laws" about paying Tax and NIC on employees' earnings. Will that do you for starters? Remember, rangers (remember them) did not appeal the decision of the SFA Tribunal, just the punishment. So even you must admit it's reasonable for people to have "issues" around the idea of letting these cheating, conniving, thieving b*****ds reform in a new guise and welcoming them into a league which they have dishonored, as if nothing had happened.

For the past two months people have been falling over themselves to say Rangers are a new club. HMRC have already said they'd be chasing old owners for what they can get.

The issue here isn't with football law, its with the regulations regarding liquidated companies. I don't really see what FIFA can do about that

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I'm not surprised by the FIFA stance nor overly disappointed by it. I assume the UEFA stance will be likewise. The issue here is the role of the SFA and its chief executive. The role of the SFA board is to be responsible to its members and to take cognisance of what is happening in the game, the role of the chief executive is advise the board and to carry out the board's wishes.

What appears to be happening here is that the SFA chief executive is trying to dictate to Scottish football. This only happens if the individuals on the board are weak; of course it doesn't help that the chairman of the organisation is badly compromised.

Edited by Granny Danger
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Rephrase, FIFA don't give a rats arse about Scotland

It's not just Scotland. They've hardly come down like a ton of bricks on Italy, for instance, where gerrymandering of dead clubs into the upper tiers takes second fiddle to such japes as, say, directly bribing referees and throwing matches.

On the other hand, I can definitely see them taking action if SPL2 is formed literally three weeks before the season starts, with no relegation. But then, you'd think that some of the diddy teams would start reaching for their lawyers' phone numbers in that case as well, as they did when Rangers tried to chuck Stranraer etc out back in the day.

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Guest Flash

I'm not surprised by the FIFA stance nor overly disappointed by it. I assume the UEFA stance will be likewise. The issue here is the role of the SFA and its chief executive. The role of the SFA board is to be responsible to its members and to take cognisance of what is happening in the game, the role of the chief executive is advise the board and to carry out the board's wishes.

What appears to be happening here is that the SFA chief executive is trying to dictate to Scottish football. This only happens if the individuals on the board are weak; of course it doesn't help that the chairman of the organisation is badly compromised.

Yes, it appears that the SFA find match fixing to be abhorrent but they appear to find nothing wrong with league fixing.

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Actually I forgot to factor in that newco will also have to repay oldcos footballing debts ie transfers fines and gate monies...anyone know how much this amounts to? This added to five n half million for hughie is a helluva debt for a newco with no working capital no transfer fees no TV money no st sales to speak of limited sponsorship and massive operating costs

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It's not just Scotland. They've hardly come down like a ton of bricks on Italy, for instance, where gerrymandering of dead clubs into the upper tiers takes second fiddle to such japes as, say, directly bribing referees and throwing matches.

On the other hand, I can definitely see them taking action if SPL2 is formed literally three weeks before the season starts, with no relegation. But then, you'd think that some of the diddy teams would start reaching for their lawyers' phone numbers in that case as well, as they did when Rangers tried to chuck Stranraer etc out back in the day.

Aye, and which SFL club is going to take the SFL to court for an interdict if they break their own rules? Please form an orderly queue.

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Taken from the Paul McConville Blog - this may answer some of the questions about the SFL clubs being steamrollered. All it needs is one or more clubs to propose an amendment in writing to the second part of the resolution to be put to the meeting on Friday.

Rule 58 deals with Amendments to Resolutions:-

"58.1 A resolution to be proposed at a general meeting may be amended by a resolution if:

58.1.1 written notice of the proposed amendment is given to the Chief Executive by a person entitled to vote at the general meeting at which it is to be proposed not less than 48 hours before the meeting is to take place; and

58.1.2 the proposed amendment does not, in the reasonable opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, materially alter the scope of the resolution.

58.2 If the Chairman of the meeting acting in good faith wrongly decides that an amendment to a resolution is out of order, the Chairman's error does not invalidate the vote on that resolution.

58.3 An amendment to a resolution shall be put to the meeting first and if carried, the meeting shall then vote on the resolution as so amended."

Now any of us who have been involved in national politics, students unions, trade unions etc know the rules can be manipulated, the Chairman could rule an amendment out of order under 58.1.2 but firstly an amendment has to be given to the SFL Chairman. Surely Mr Hutton and others who have shouted loudly have been in touch with each other and are currently drawing up such an amendment.

The resolution asks that SPL Board makes the decision as to where Rangers will play so an amendment that the full 30 members vote on where to locate the club could be seen as outside the scope of the resolution.

Of course the Chairman's arse is covered by rule 58.2

Perhaps an easier amendment to make is the following to remove the word "First" and replace with "Third", it does not change the resolution much and keeps to the spirit of the original motion

(ii) That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the “Board”) to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13.

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Fair one, but original point is that newco cannot survive on sfl three income. Personally I doubt they can even survive sfl one bearing in mind they also have to pay hughie back 5.5 million who knows terms and interest on that. They have no lines of credit indeed struggled just to get a corporate account. For the suits to corrupt Scottish football for such a basket case is still staggering!

No they cant. As I said, I totally agree with you on that one.

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Section 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 clearly state that the club MUST have 3 years worth of accounts and that these accounts MUST be provided no later than the 30th of April 2012.

Also a must is all the insurances needed for players, staff and the public. As well as documentation to show that the club has access to a ground and the right to play there.

If absolutely none of these things have been proven, NONE OF THEM, then how is it possible to vote rankers 2.0 into the SFL????

Whilst the governing bodies make up the rules as they go along surely this would be the biggest piss take ever and will never be forgotten?

If I was Spartans or Cove Rangers etc I would be getting in touch with my lawyers and getting the courts involved at what is clearly illegal activities.

Why has no-one asked questions of Regan, Doncaster, etc and asked how the hell rankers 2.0 can get into the SFL when they meet almost none of their own criteria?

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No they cant. As I said, I totally agree with you on that one.

My contention is that the sfa and spl know this and have taken upon themselves to try to save newco no matter the costs to the sport as a whole here. Maybe they are just inept or maybe having been brought up in England with limited coverage of the history of Scottish footy they genuinely believe the of is Scottish footy but it isn't their job to save newco...it's the job of newcos board.

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Section 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 clearly state that the club MUST have 3 years worth of accounts and that these accounts MUST be provided no later than the 30th of April 2012.

Also a must is all the insurances needed for players, staff and the public. As well as documentation to show that the club has access to a ground and the right to play there.

If absolutely none of these things have been proven, NONE OF THEM, then how is it possible to vote rankers 2.0 into the SFL????

Whilst the governing bodies make up the rules as they go along surely this would be the biggest piss take ever and will never be forgotten?

If I was Spartans or Cove Rangers etc I would be getting in touch with my lawyers and getting the courts involved at what is clearly illegal activities.

Why has no-one asked questions of Regan, Doncaster, etc and asked how the hell rankers 2.0 can get into the SFL when they meet almost none of their own criteria?

Just me or is that document just for applying for a national club licence? If so, clubs don't need one to play in the SFL, Brechin being one example (correct me if I'm thinking about another kind of licence though).

The SFA would be as well giving Sevco a licence to do whatever the f*** they like based on what we've seen so far.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Fair one, but original point is that newco cannot survive on sfl three income. Personally I doubt they can even survive sfl one bearing in mind they also have to pay hughie back 5.5 million who knows terms and interest on that. They have no lines of credit indeed struggled just to get a corporate account. For the suits to corrupt Scottish football for such a basket case is still staggering!

The £5.5m purchase price is not a debt. 'Rangers' don't owe Green's consortium £5.5m at any rate of interest. 'Rangers' ARE Green's consortium - they wholly own the Limited company.. In the short to medium term, the consortium will make money by floating the company (I believe Green personally is to be given a sizeable number of shares). They will not simply put all the money from the share issue into Rangers, but will take a profit from the proportion of the Company they are selling..

In the medium to long-term the consortium will see the value of the shareholding they retain increase provided the business in successful. In the medium to long term they will then make their money upon exit by (they hope) selling their remaining shareholding for much more than the original purchase price.

Edited by Claymores
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