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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What I find pretty funny is the stance by Ally McCoist and the Rangers Board that they are happy to go into division 3. If this is really the case why are they trying to sign Iain Black and Craig beattie who are apparently only going to sign if they go division 1. Sounds like the usual rangers media briefing saying one thing to look good whilst planning to do the opposite.

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As far as I'm aware, the original Rangers is going to be changed to RFC 2012 so that Sevco can take the 'Rangers' name. Whether that's actually possible, I don't know.

Sure, they simply transfer the names over.

But we have to wait and see what BDO do about Sevco taking the "Rangers" part of any name, AFAIK Rangers is not a geographical term, which is the main reason some companies can use a liquidated name.

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Oh wasn't Bummer Brown supposed to put a bid in today?

Just tweeted

John Bomber Brown@johnbomberbrownSorry for cryptic msgs Been in intense talks for 3 days. Getting closer. A lot to cover. Bid will be soon. Last pucnch thrown will be mine.


Edited by Bob Roth
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A wee while ago, someone promised that some 'nuclear' revelations were about to be released into the public domain, and certain individuals would be bricking it.

I can't remember who said it, or if anything came of it. Was it Thommo' on Ch4?

It was Barcabhoy on the RTC, and he has refused to divulge it as it is not his story to break.

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I doubt that is Brown.

There is no one else that has such a poor command of language or can actually make the written word so slurred - have a gander at his 82 tweets to date.


John Bomber Brown


This is the REAL John Bomber Brown FACT! Follow me and pledge your allegiance to our Club. Spread the word. More details to follow......



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This reply is more to the Supras post you quoted, which I missed earlier...

What is a "real fan"?

Had DUFC deliberately acted against the wishes of the support by shoehorning Whateveryouwanttocallthem FC back into the SPL, what reason would there have been for me to give them any more of my hard earned cash when they clearly don't give a f*ck about my opinion?

The situation is the same now - if DUFC have been actively involved in the SPL's attempts to pressure the SFL clubs into pushing them into division one, despite the obvious precedents and guidelines that are in place, then why should I continue to support a team that clearly has no regard for the rules, and no desire to be anything other than a dog living off the scraps from the OF table?

This "superior fan" attitude is something that I have always hated. You're not a fan if you don't sing, you're only a fan if you go to every single game, fans who sit in one stand are better than those in another. And now you're not a real fan if you are against the rules being bypassed to allow a team that has systematically cheated an easy route back to their previous ill-gotten rewards.

Well in that case, I'm glad I'm not a "real fan".

Er, no, I've never said anything of that. People who repeatedly threaten to walk away from their club and boycott everyone under the sun they are not real fans. They are reactionary idiots who are exactly like Rangers fans a few months ago. There's putting legitimate pressure and there is looking for an excuse to leave the club you support, the latter is being overwhelmingly employed here.

Firstly, anyone who has been a member of P&B for more than 5 minutes knows the Supras character is a twat.

More importantly, this is a defining moment in Scottish football, a moment that has maybe been long in the making. If supporters moan and complain then ultimately roll over they will have achieved only one thing - a guarantee that in the season to come the clubs and the footballing authorities piss all over them.

What has been acheived so far is significant, too much to throw it away IMO. Had there been no serious resistance I am certain newco would have been accepted into the SPL. Fans have forced this change as a result of threatening to withold financial support, it's the only sanction that fans have. Like you I will have nothing more to do with United if they have been a party to gerrymandering that lets newco into Division 1.

I did expect a multitude of personal abuse from deviating from this threads very premise. Rangers cheating scum, Doncaster *insert horrific personal abuse*, fans integrity, Scottish football dying, lets boycott everyone who doesn't vote our way, publishing letter detailing genenological link to club I am now repeatedly threatening to abandon. More boycotts.

Fans are far too mobilised, I have a friend who has been detailing the Egpytian revolution to me. After overthrowing Hosny Mubarek people now go to Tahrir square to protest everything, every single day. If they don't get a 20% pay rise, if they don't get the parking spot they want. It's out to protest. Give them one whiff of success and they will bring the house down with ridiculously over blown protests. Let's be honest, we're probably facing a mass walk out, big boycott of sponsors if Rangers go into the third. Cause that's circumventing the rules, right?

Well aware - but couldn't resist the opperchancity to have a go at the "superior fan" attitude. It has annoyed me for a long time!

When you make repeated threats to abandon your club and blackmail into a different kind of destruction then every single person is a superior fan to you.

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If somebody with lots of time on their hands (whistles for Magee) could take the time to go through this and document some arbitrary chapters then that would be marvellous both for new starters and for general reference when somebody decides to review this for their Higher English RPR or whatever.

These could then be named along the lines of The End is Nigh, The Phoenix Rises, We do Do Walking Away, A New Dawn etc would be handy.

The SFL? Forget SFL or even Scottish football - surely we're talking world football with Ranjurs being a global brand. rolleyes.gif

I'm trying to put together something that I'll release for posters on here first, bit by bit, but will hopefully end up being a comprehensive review of the whole sorry saga which I will try and sell. (f**k it, I'm not that altruistic!). As I've posted before, if there's anything specific anyone wants highlighting, just PM me and I'll get to it in due course.

I'm currently putting together the first instalment, which will consist of the backstory, an introduction to the main players, and the initial (two weeks or so) period of administration. Have to say, it's going to take a while - but I reckon it'll be worth it......

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Invalid probe that is good reporting and something I have not thought of! I can't believe the spl would sell tere rights in such a way as to make them almost 10 mill worse of every year! But I can't see a fault in ur logic!

If this is true it's another nail in doncasters and the scottish medias coffin

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No I don't think that's OK. I think the constant threat of boycotts is pretty pathetic and is becoming ineffective.

Clubs have to weigh up.the pros and cons of their own situation and should be respected for that

Although I spent saturday in a deep depression after the likely outcome of the meeting, I do agree that it is down to each club but it doesn't lessen my disappointment.

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What I find pretty funny is the stance by Ally McCoist and the Rangers Board that they are happy to go into division 3. If this is really the case why are they trying to sign Iain Black and Craig beattie who are apparently only going to sign if they go division 1. Sounds like the usual rangers media briefing saying one thing to look good whilst planning to do the opposite.

Despite what many are reporting/spinning, nobody within Rangers (i.e., Green, Murray, McCoist) has said they want to play in division 3 or that they'll be happy playing in division 3. They've said things that sound a little like it (e.g., "Some of our fans wish to play in division 3 and I can see their point", "It would definitely be easier to rebuild from Division 3", "We'll play in whichever league the SFL deem fit"), but at no point has anyone actually said "Yes, division 3 is where we want to be" (clearly, because it's not true).

Disclaimer: not actual quotes - pulling them from my error-prone mind, happy to be proved wrong.

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I'm trying to put together something that I'll release for posters on here first, bit by bit, but will hopefully end up being a comprehensive review of the whole sorry saga which I will try and sell. (f**k it, I'm not that altruistic!). As I've posted before, if there's anything specific anyone wants highlighting, just PM me and I'll get to it in due course.

I'm currently putting together the first instalment, which will consist of the backstory, an introduction to the main players, and the initial (two weeks or so) period of administration. Have to say, it's going to take a while - but I reckon it'll be worth it......

....and of course you shall be sharing any monies with the authors, won't you ? :whistle

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What I find pretty funny is the stance by Ally McCoist and the Rangers Board that they are happy to go into division 3. If this is really the case why are they trying to sign Iain Black and Craig beattie who are apparently only going to sign if they go division 1. Sounds like the usual rangers media briefing saying one thing to look good whilst planning to do the opposite.

McCoist and Co knew all along Newco are going to SFL1 and not SFL 3, christ even Bummer Brown knew about the stitch up that is planned, this way they can say we asked for SFL3 but they have been forced into SFL1 against there will and it will make them look as if they are not the bad guys.

Best possible outcome, through them out on their arse and Longmuir, Reagan and Doncasters heads to roll and we can have a sport again for the 1st time in decades.

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In fairness I think it was Regan, and possibly Cockwomble, who was using the Armageddon word. Nonetheless I understand the point you are making but don't think you can exclude clubs from a vote because someone from that club is on the SFL board and may have already made up their minds.

SFL clubs will only vote newco into division 1 if either a) they are stupid and believe the Armageddon/threat of SPL2 bullshit; or, b) if they are being greedy and see this as a way to get some short-term gain from the situation.

Ironically if people abandon the game because of this fiasco I think it will hit the smaller clubs more in the long run.

Threats that are made by your club or for you by Doncaster and his crew.

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I can feel a complete arse collapse by the SFL clubs coming on. Shame on you all if Sevco5088 to SFL1 goes through.

My condolences to Arbroath who will rightfully miss out on a place in the 1st Division next year.

If this happens I will make a point of going to 2 Arbroath games instead of Sevco away next year so they do not iss out on lost revenue.

I would encourage all fans to do the same.

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we really should have had a seperate thread for no chat where all the articles were placed imo

My idea was to use a domain I've already got, and post each instalment there as and when I get done. Let me know what you think. Bunging it up here would, as you suggest, attract a lot of replies, and (after last week's outage) why put more strain on P&B?

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