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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Does the lack of response to my questions mean that SPL supporters are ok with their clubs threatening and blackmailing SFL clubs.

If this is the case your hypocrisy is unbelievable. What are you going to do about this? Is it to be nothing and congratulating yourselves on dodging the bullet.

Doncaster hasn't done this alone, he has done it with the backing of your clubs.

I do not agree with the possible position my club is taking (as no vote has been cast) but to be told that SPL supporters are boycotting us for possibly giving in to your clubs threats and blackmail is pish. Will you be boycotting your own clubs?

My club is in the unfortunate position of having a total cock as a chairman. Even when the rest of the SPL did the right thing, he couldn't get his shit together to save what reputation we might have had left.

If the SFL clubs don't reject that shitty blackmail attempt from Regan, Doncaster and Longmuir, then please don't take this personally, but I will be boycotting your clubs.

And the SPL, and the National team, and anything else these scum are associated with in the future.

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My idea was to use a domain I've already got, and post each instalment there as and when I get done. Let me know what you think. Bunging it up here would, as you suggest, attract a lot of replies, and (after last week's outage) why put more strain on P&B?

i thinks its a decent enough idea

might just be abit late considering it could all be over by the weekend though?

& yeah you cant trust people on here to just post the articles, they would have to have a wee blether instead of comming back here for it tongue.gif

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I can feel a complete arse collapse by the SFL clubs coming on. Shame on you all if Sevco5088 to SFL1 goes through.

My condolences to Arbroath who will rightfully miss out on a place in the 1st Division next year.

If this happens I will make a point of going to 2 Arbroath games instead of Sevco away next year so they do not iss out on lost revenue.

I would encourage all fans to do the same.

It won't be Arbroath. Airdrie would go up as play off runners up (again) :angry:

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My club is in the unfortunate position of having a total cock as a chairman. Even when the rest of the SPL did the right thing, he couldn't get his shit together to save what reputation we might have had left.

If the SFL clubs don't reject that shitty blackmail attempt from Regan, Doncaster and Longmuir, then please don't take this personally, but I will be boycotting your clubs.

And the SPL, and the National team, and anything else these scum are associated with in the future.

That is totally fair enough - if my club does not vote "no" - if indeed there is a vote, or if SFL put them in SFL1 without any vote then I will be boycotting scottish football altogether. Out of interest - and I am honestly not trying to be an arse - given your chairmans behaviour at recent SPL vote, are you still going to attend Killie games? I can appreciate you still want to support your team but is there a feeling that by him abstaining they have lost a chunk of home support along with all the away support?

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My club is in the unfortunate position of having a total cock as a chairman. Even when the rest of the SPL did the right thing, he couldn't get his shit together to save what reputation we might have had left.

If the SFL clubs don't reject that shitty blackmail attempt from Regan, Doncaster and Longmuir, then please don't take this personally, but I will be boycotting your clubs.

And the SPL, and the National team, and anything else these scum are associated with in the future.

In that case you don't mind if I wish your debt ridden club a slow and miserable journey into administration. Again Doncaster is doing it on behalf of your club and Chairman.

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Er, no, I've never said anything of that. People who repeatedly threaten to walk away from their club and boycott everyone under the sun they are not real fans. They are reactionary idiots who are exactly like Rangers fans a few months ago. There's putting legitimate pressure and there is looking for an excuse to leave the club you support, the latter is being overwhelmingly employed here.

When you make repeated threats to abandon your club and blackmail into a different kind of destruction then every single person is a superior fan to you.

If you think fans are using this as a "convenient excuse" to "abandon their club", then you are sadly mistaken.

The strength of feeling in this case has led fans to this point. No-one in their right mind truly wants to boycott, ot to walk away entirely, but there seems to be no other option but to "blackmail" the clubs. You are clearly an expert though, and will no doubt be able to provide a multitude of ways in which fans could put their point across to the BOD, through "legitimate pressure".

For what it's worth, I have had many opportunities in the past to "abandon" DUFC - relegation to the first division, the Ian McC*ll era, and the most obvious reason being that I live in Glasgow and work most Saturdays. I still have a season ticket, I still subscribe to the Tannadice lottery and I still buy gnomes, pens and all sorts of other ridiculous tat from the club shop to support my club. Withdrawing my financial support from a club I have followed through thick and thin is NOT an idle threat, it is a firm belief that it was the only option left to me. That, of course, means that I'm an inferior fan.

And on the point of "legitimate pressure": does this include the CEOs of governing bodies - the very people whose job it is to ensure the rules and regulations are followed to allow a level playing field - attempting to force clubs to ignore the very same rules and regulations, under the threat that "our game would otherwise die"?

I'll ask my original question again - if DUFC have been actively involved in the SPL's attempts to pressure the SFL clubs into pushing them into division one, despite the obvious precedents and guidelines that are in place, then why should I continue to support a team that clearly has no regard for the rules, and no desire to be anything other than a dog living off the scraps from the OF table?

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Threats that are made by your club or for you by Doncaster and his crew.

This will be the same Doncaster who came out and said that all 12 SPL clubs had agreed to a 10 team SPL league, only for each club to come out and deny anything of the sort. The same Doncaster who just last week said the SPL vote would likely be postponed and the same Doncaster who didn't see a distinction between oldco and newco. The same Doncaster who told Green that there was a good chance his club would get voted back into the SPL just a few days before the vote to keep them out.

I'm not saying that the clubs aren't behind the provocation/threats to the SFL clubs, but Doncaster has previous for going 'rogue' and telling the media/representatives of clubs untruths to try and better his own agenda. The pressure being placed on the SFL clubs and their board is ridiculous. It's coming from the SPL/SFA which makes it worse. It shouldn't be happening. At the same time though, it doesn't completely excuse some clubs caving to the pressure. If all the SFL clubs stand strong (as 13 have, if STV are to believed) then there really shouldn't be this issue. SPL2 is a non-starter this summer because of time constraints and financial distribution models.

I honestly don't understand clubs coming out and saying they'll vote yes. It's insane and they're clearly not looking at the weight of feeling in Scotland amongst supporters. I wouldn't be surprised if even 'Rangers' fans boycotted any clubs who vote them into division 1, they just don't want that to happen.

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....and of course you shall be sharing any monies with the authors, won't you ? :whistle

Well, If you're willing to give up the time and energy to collate all the information linked to in this thread, make some sort of sense of it, set it all down in a legible, readable and informative way, pay for hosting the P&B exclusive edition, and pay for the flowers and chocolate necessary to keep Mrs WRK sweet, I don't see why not.....

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Er, no, I've never said anything of that. People who repeatedly threaten to walk away from their club and boycott everyone under the sun they are not real fans. They are reactionary idiots who are exactly like Rangers fans a few months ago. There's putting legitimate pressure and there is looking for an excuse to leave the club you support, the latter is being overwhelmingly employed here.

It's the only viable threat fans have, though. If people are pissing and moaning but still buying tickets/club merchandise, there's no reason for those in charge to listen to them. Fans trusts/groups of season ticket holders threatening to stop putting money into the club will at least give a fighting chance to wide fan opinion affecting decision making at our clubs - in this case, that treating Rangers any differently from any other club in this situation is abhorrent and lays bare the fact that, no matter what Rangers or Celtic do, because other clubs rely so heavily on the money they bring, they will be given preferential treatment and find a way back into a higher level than any other member club would. Which is inherently unfair, hence why so many fans are pissed off right now.

If Rangers meet the criteria for 3rd division entry, they apply for it and they get in, then so be it. If Rangers apply for it, get in but are shunted up to the 1st division, then the rest of us may as well go home. I don't see any reason to support any football team other than Rangers or Celtic if the set-up will allow one of those clubs to go bust due to gross mismanagement but still allow their phoenix club in at a higher level than they would any other club. I don't want to support Rangers or Celtic for a variety of reasons.

I would rather we destroy this reliance from clubs on the Old Firm, take a massive financial hit in the meantime and have a situation where member clubs financial stability isn't reliant on what are meant to be competitors, but in practice are absolute overlords over the rest of us. So do, going by statements from the vast majority of fans on here and statements from the likes of Morton, Raith, Hibs, Clyde etc, a substantial amount of other fans.

I did expect a multitude of personal abuse from deviating from this threads very premise. Rangers cheating scum, Doncaster *insert horrific personal abuse*, fans integrity, Scottish football dying, lets boycott everyone who doesn't vote our way, publishing letter detailing genenological link to club I am now repeatedly threatening to abandon. More boycotts.

That's being a touch dismissive of the issues at hand, to say the least. Rangers cheated to the tune of £72million in unpaid taxes, going by the creditors report, and some of their fans/representatives have conducted themselves shamefully over this (Sandy Jardine, Ally McCoist spring to mind)

The important thing is to think why people are posting such vitriol towards Doncaster et al, why people aren't happy with the double standards being shown to Rangers, why people feel strongly enough to want to chuck away years of support over this and vent on here.

Fans are far too mobilised, I have a friend who has been detailing the Egpytian revolution to me. After overthrowing Hosny Mubarek people now go to Tahrir square to protest everything, every single day. If they don't get a 20% pay rise, if they don't get the parking spot they want. It's out to protest. Give them one whiff of success and they will bring the house down with ridiculously over blown protests. Let's be honest, we're probably facing a mass walk out, big boycott of sponsors if Rangers go into the third. Cause that's circumventing the rules, right?

If FC Sevco 1690 meet the entry criteria, apply for the 3rd division and are accepted in by member clubs, then fine. I can stomach that, just about.

If FC Sevco 1690, continuation of an entitiy that fiddled its taxes on a scale unheard of in Scottish football, are given preferential treatment and find themselves in the same league as Thistle next year, especially given we had to sell Harkins and Twaddle for a combined £150,000 not too long ago when HMRC came calling over unpaid tax liabilities, then the realities of Scottish football and that no matter what the Old Firm do, they will always find a way back into a high level in the senior game while the rest of us struggle along year by year, then I'm done with football, certainly at the senior level anyway.

When you make repeated threats to abandon your club and blackmail into a different kind of destruction then every single person is a superior fan to you.

If fans were threatening to boycott over more minor issues, I would agree with you wholeheartedly. Over this? Nope.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Oooooohhhhh. You b*****d! I haven't had a pie for 2 years. Oh how I miss them and bridies..and sausage rolls...and custard slices.....

The pie of the ANTICRUST will be baked with the most succulent fatted LAMB

The EIGHT-HEADED board of the SFL will get CRUMBS from the table of the ANTICRUST

The TACHE of LEISHMAN will be abundant with the GREASE of the unrighteous! IT IS WRITTEN! FACT!!


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Five Live. Ian McGarry (who he?) has just said Sky were paying £40 million a year to Scottish football 15-20 years ago. Really? He also suggested us diddy fans will ultimately miss games against Rangers next season.

Sticking to rimming the EPL, chief.

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And would it be too much to suggest the messrs regan & cockwomble knew about it from the start ?...Ogilvie being the big link here.

Or is that too far fetched ?

as those men are rangers men, yes they would have to be in on it as well, explains the whole farce to help rankgers get back to the SPL " for TV " money

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