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According to the Telegraph article (saying it's source was Eric Drysdale - of Raith) it's outlined in the Annual Settlement that if SPL has less than £6M to hand-out then the Settlement could be reduced.

It is a good article in the Telegraph here

If the complete sponsorship of the SPL is less than £6 then a) Doncaster should be sacked for that alone and b) we are all fucked. I cannot believe that all the sponsorship money (including SKY at the moment, Clydesdale Bank, Coca-Cola, William Hill, BBC, ESPN etc) is totalling less than £6M.

Edited by NorthBank
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According to the Telegraph article (saying it's source was Eric Drysdale - of Raith) it's outlined in the Annual Settlement that if SPL has less than £6M to hand-out then the Settlement could be reduced.

This is from the Clyde minutes of Doncaster's presentation last week :-

The consequential impact on the SFL from the presentation was that the SFL would lose its entitlement to circa £2m per annum from the Settlement Agreement put together to compensate the SFL for the SPL breakaway, this was made very clear by Neil Doncaster. He told the clubs that if the SPL didn't have the money then they could not pay the SFL. The reality however, which was clear from the detailed figures, is that the SPL, whilst losing an enormous amount of funding, would have the cash to make payment; it is just that the SPL would not meet the legal obligation to the SFL as the cash would be used to finance the SPL teams.

OK, so the next question has to be if this is true or was Doncaster basically issuing empty threats to try to get Spivco into Div 1 ?

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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You are a monotonous little c**t with a shitebag of a chairman. Deal with it.

You are also gullible.

You have a two faced, cowardly chairman who instead of standing up for what he wants caves into pressure from his fans. He then blackmails and threatens clubs in the SFL and then hides away behind his clubs mini orc support who now treat him as a hero.

You are therefore a supporter of the new scum element of Scottish Football, calling for sporting intergrity while fucking the diddy teams.

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Where is this clause ?

In the TV contract ? In the SPL Handbook ? In the SPL Articles of Association ? In the SFA rules ?

You appear to be the only person saying that this clause exists.

It is in the proposal that your clubs league representative presented to the SFL. If it is not true then may I suggest you get your club chairmen to throttle this p***k and remove the threats from the discussion.

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According to the Telegraph article (saying it's source was Eric Drysdale - of Raith) it's outlined in the Annual Settlement that if SPL has less than £6M to hand-out then the Settlement could be reduced.

SPL obviously want it all ways. Give us the majority of the money and within than the majority to Old but dead Firm. We have an agreement but if we mismanage ourselves so badly we can't pay it, then we don't.

Market forces usually dictate. When a company can't run itself properly, losing money or is selling crap then the market decides against them and they go down the swanny. Unless you are the SPL.

The Ratners of Scottish football.

Gerald Ratner wiped £500 million from the value of Ratners jewellers with one speech in 1991.

He said: "We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, 'How can you sell this for such a low price?' I say, because it's total crap."

He added that his stores' earrings were "cheaper than an M&S prawn sandwich but probably wouldn't last as long".

I am sure Doncaster can give us an SPL version. Yes it is total crap and won't last long.mad.gif

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You have a two faced, cowardly chairman who instead of standing up for what he wants caves into pressure from his fans. He then blackmails and threatens clubs in the SFL and then hides away behind his clubs mini orc support who now treat him as a hero.

You are therefore a supporter of the new scum element of Scottish Football, calling for sporting intergrity while fucking the diddy teams.


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This is from the Clyde minutes of Doncaster's presentation last week :-

The consequential impact on the SFL from the presentation was that the SFL would lose its entitlement to circa £2m per annum from the Settlement Agreement put together to compensate the SFL for the SPL breakaway, this was made very clear by Neil Doncaster. He told the clubs that if the SPL didn't have the money then they could not pay the SFL. The reality however, which was clear from the detailed figures, is that the SPL, whilst losing an enormous amount of funding, would have the cash to make payment; it is just that the SPL would not meet the legal obligation to the SFL as the cash would be used to finance the SPL teams.

OK, so the next question has to be if this is true or was Doncaster basically issuing empty threats to try to get Spivco into Div 1 ?

If they can't afford it or prefer to spend it elsewhere then sue the bas***ds.

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You have a two faced, cowardly chairman who instead of standing up for what he wants caves into pressure from his fans. He then blackmails and threatens clubs in the SFL and then hides away behind his clubs mini orc support who now treat him as a hero.

You are therefore a supporter of the new scum element of Scottish Football, calling for sporting intergrity while fucking the diddy teams.

Dundee Hibernians have Orc support ? Well I never.............. :blink:

"New scum element". Interesting deduction. Please elucidate.

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The consequential impact on the SFL from the presentation was that the SFL would lose its entitlement to circa £2m per annum from the Settlement Agreement put together to compensate the SFL for the SPL breakaway, this was made very clear by Neil Doncaster.

£2,000,000 / 30 clubs = £66,666 per club per season.

That = a measly £1282 per club per week to be precise! rolleyes.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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<br />It is a good article in the Telegraph <a href='http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/rangers/9387504/Rangers-in-crisis-SFL-clubs-unfazed-by-Neil-Doncasters-scare-tactics.html' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>here</a><br /><br />If the complete sponsorship of the SPL is less than £6 then a) Doncaster should be sacked for that alone and b) we are all fucked. I cannot believe that all the sponsorship money (including SKY at the moment, Clydesdale Bank, Coca-Cola, William Hill, BBC, ESPN etc) is totalling less than £6M.<br />

Doesn't that article actually state 'total income' rather than only commercial sponsorship deals?

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£2,000,000 / 30 = £66,666 ! A measly less than £70,000 per club per season. That = £1282 per week to be precise!

It's a lot to part-timers, if you've only 1 home game in ~3 week spell suddenly you're £4k short.

Ultimately this particular matters comes down to [1] how poor will SPL end-up or [2] will they try to default.

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This is from the Clyde minutes of Doncaster's presentation last week :-

The consequential impact on the SFL from the presentation was that the SFL would lose its entitlement to circa £2m per annum from the Settlement Agreement put together to compensate the SFL for the SPL breakaway, this was made very clear by Neil Doncaster. He told the clubs that if the SPL didn't have the money then they could not pay the SFL. The reality however, which was clear from the detailed figures, is that the SPL, whilst losing an enormous amount of funding, would have the cash to make payment; it is just that the SPL would not meet the legal obligation to the SFL as the cash would be used to finance the SPL teams.

OK, so the next question has to be if this is true or was Doncaster basically issuing empty threats to try to get Spivco into Div 1 ?

Is this your way of apologising too me. As I stated we were told the payment wiil not be paid.

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Wrong again, douchebag. As noted just a few posts back, although the shares might have no monetary value they indicate that the holders of said shares have at least an emotional link to SpivCo and cannot be said to be impartial.

So please shove your accusations of bias up your Welsh arse.

Thank you.

Don't get angry Florentine, get even. smile.gif

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Doesn't that article actually state 'total income' rather than only commercial sponsorship deals?

They're prettymuch the same thing tbh - all their income comes from commercial deals bar a small solidarity payment from UEFA.

It'd be interesting to know if £6M is before or after costs (wages, refs, etc.).

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Dundee Hibernians have Orc support ? Well I never.............. :blink:

"New scum element". Interesting deduction. Please elucidate.

I already stated it, SPL fans have sat back and allowed their chaimen to instruct Doncaster to issue threats and blackmail to SFL teams. Not one SPLChairman has come out and said this is wrong and not one Spl supporters group have come out and said it is wrong. Therefore you must condone it.

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