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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the Sons fans think they have been duped (see Clyde statement a few posts back) then get on the phone to your club continually until Friday.

If they think everything was above board at the EGM then they've voted fair and square on what was presented to them.

However, I am led to believe it was scaremongering campaign from those at the 'top' at Dumbarton and that the £60,000 withdrawal of cash was misrepresented, as well as the fact that a possible boycott (and they surely must have known by then unless they've had their heads in the sand) that this was a distinct possibility this coming season and that this wasn't taken into account. My belief is that a one-sided doom and gloom story was portrayed which brought fear to those in attendance, hence the result of the vote.

I'm sure some of your Trust guys must be reading this and the other posts (you've got a rep on the Board), so if you think a wrongs been done, rectify it.

If you think otherwise, fair enough.

There has been calls for the meeting to be called again before friday, I hope it will. I can not speak for the fans who voted yes as I voted no but i felt that the finances and a belief that the SFL held all the cards in reconstruction of the leagues by supporting SPL's proposal may have swayed it. Our trust man Alan Findlay though was standing alongside the board and this was a disappointment.

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Not lied to, but misled. The topic of the settlement money being contractual was not brought up. I think they told us that the money wouldn't forthcoming henceforth if we didn't lube up and accept Sevco 2012 into Div 1. The whole thing appears to be scaremongering tactics to suit the pre-planned decision of the Dumbarton Board to try and dupe us into voting yes. They suceeded in cajoling 50+ fools into believing their horseshit.

I was, and remain, one of the 28 unconvinced with their sales pitch and am staunchly in the "vote Sevco 2012 into Div 3, or eject them for evermore" camp.

They got a last-minute plea from me to vote no, but I doubt that they could understand the underlying passion - and some of the phrases I used - when I emailed them. (Cheating, lying, bullying etc)

The point that the settlement was contractual was raised then glossed over, i then raised it again and was told nicely that I didn't know the facts. This was true i didn't. I really hope they keep their promise to have another vote before friday.

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I know there are a lot of people who would like to see Newco join SFL3 and even their own supporters are starting to say the same, but for different reasons than the rest of us I would assume.

There is obviously the sporting integrity aspect which points Newco towards SFL3 and in time with a bit of luck and favour from the bank manager they may survive to reach the top tier in a few years' time. Would we be back to normal, where we have been for decades, with a closed shop and the non-OF teams continuing to fight for the scraps, Scottish football declining and the SPL saying 'f**k you' to the SFL clubs.

Or, do the SFL teams swallow their pride and do a deal that will benefit Scottish football, re-structure the leagues, break the OF/SPL monopoly and give more teams a louder voice? I'm sure this option does not sit easy with many, but perhaps it makes sense for the whole of Scottish football.

I couldn't give a toss whether Newco survive or die but if the SFL put the nail in their coffin by offering them a place in SFL 3, the SFA & SPL may be more adamant to alienate the SFL and what would we all gain?

The SFL are in the best bargaining position they have ever been in and will probably never have another chance like this. If they can get a deal that breaks the monopoly and gives fair power to the non-OF so that we can never return to the current state of affairs, it could be the way ahead!

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I know there are a lot of people who would like to see Newco join SFL3 and even their own supporters are starting to say the same, but for different reasons than the rest of us I would assume.

There is obviously the sporting integrity aspect which points Newco towards SFL3 and in time with a bit of luck and favour from the bank manager they may survive to reach the top tier in a few years' time. Would we be back to normal, where we have been for decades, with a closed shop and the non-OF teams continuing to fight for the scraps, Scottish football declining and the SPL saying 'f**k you' to the SFL clubs.

Or, do the SFL teams swallow their pride and do a deal that will benefit Scottish football, re-structure the leagues, break the OF/SPL monopoly and give more teams a louder voice? I'm sure this option does not sit easy with many, but perhaps it makes sense for the whole of Scottish football.

I couldn't give a toss whether Newco survive or die but if the SFL put the nail in their coffin by offering them a place in SFL 3, the SFA & SPL may be more adamant to alienate the SFL and what would we all gain?

The SFL are in the best bargaining position they have ever been in and will probably never have another chance like this. If they can get a deal that breaks the monopoly and gives fair power to the non-OF so that we can never return to the current state of affairs, it could be the way ahead!

the best way to get rid of the OF duopoly is to kill one of them...and if newco were all about intergrity they would release a statement saying that they refuse to go into the SF1 and want to apply to SF3 also they would insist they dont get preferential treatment ahead of Spartans ..Edinburgh City etc.

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Exclusive By IAIN KING says it all - RUBBISH

I liked this bit...............

This is neither scaremongering or rumours, these are the figures those in the Hampden hierarchy are staring at through the cracks in their fingers.

Eh, yes it is.

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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Cracking read from Clyde, a thoughtful and reasoned responce, well done to the club.

Excellent listening to the Peterhead responce too

When do the SPL have to hand this £1.9M over to the SFL... Aug 2nd??

How much do the SPL clubs recieve in total on presumebly the same day

Anyone know how much money Doncaster has in the SPL coffers?

Is this an issue?

if newco are put in the 3rd can SKY come knocking to re-do the figures

or is SKY's £16m already paid / guarenteed for 2012/2013

Dumbarton need to survey all 500 trust members, not 100 able to make it last Saturday!!

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They keep publishing shite like this with "authority" but they can't even get the fact that TTFKAR are no more, and can't be relegated. They are a team without a league membership applying to join a big league rather than a pub league and should be fucking grateful that there is a reasonable chance they'll get to play in the SFL, rather than bump along for years as Annan did and as Spartan are still doing.

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"That the Scottish Football League Members agree to admit Sevco Scotland Limited as an Associate Member and agrees to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the THIRD DIVISION OF THE League during Season 2012/13."

All Clyde need to do is table an amendment to resolution (i) adding the four words in bold. After that resolution (i) can get passed and the other resolutions can be voted down. If Regan wants to block the amendment then good luck on passing any of them . . .

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