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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And, according to Scotland Tonight, no rules are being changed to put Rangers in Division 1.

Thereby making it a fact. I would suggest that you read the rules and then make your own informed decision rather than believing a TV show..

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Rubbish. The greed and opportunism of other clubs have corrupted Scottish football.

The current dreadful situation isn't due to Ranegrs going out of business. That happened to Gretna before them and was easily handled.

It's due to SPL clubs, including Celtic, who will lose millions immediately from their budget should Rangers not be in the SPL, and even more should they not be in Div One, attempting to gerrymander the election of the new club.

Doncaster and Regan don't live in a bubble. They are the paid representatives of the clubs and do their bidding. Hibee Jibee has made this abundently clear.

Doncaster is doing the dirty work people like Peter Lawwell want done, but are too cowardly to do themselves. Celtic's silence on the entire affair speaks volumes. Only complete and utter fools believe Celtic's board haven't been working flat out behind the scenes to smooth the way for Green's Newco.

More than correct. Well said. have a Greenie.

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Great statement from Ayr, following on from excellent work from Clyde and Alloa. I hope all the diddies on here keep their promises and take in a few more matches at clubs such as these....and others. IF the vote goes ahead and we have the expected outcome, we all need to dig a bit deeper for the game. This could be a great day! See you on the other side!!

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Yep, though like the SPL vote before it, I think it's been reduced in importance due to stated voting positions in the press.

The only outcome possible from today is Newco in Div 3.

After that, we will see what happens. I still think it's very unlikely that NewRangers will start next season in Division 3.

For what reason? They might start the season, but I very much doubt that they'll be able to survive financially for more than a few months without continued injections of cash from The Mysterons.

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Rubbish. The greed and opportunism of other clubs have corrupted Scottish football.

The current dreadful situation isn't due to Ranegrs going out of business. That happened to Gretna before them and was easily handled.

It's due to SPL clubs, including Celtic, who will lose millions immediately from their budget should Rangers not be in the SPL, and even more should they not be in Div One, attempting to gerrymander the election of the new club.

Doncaster and Regan don't live in a bubble. They are the paid representatives of the clubs and do their bidding. Hibee Jibee has made this abundently clear.

Doncaster is doing the dirty work people like Peter Lawwell want done, but are too cowardly to do themselves. Celtic's silence on the entire affair speaks volumes. Only complete and utter fools believe Celtic's board haven't been working flat out behind the scenes to smooth the way for Green's Newco.

Spot on. The spl fans on here who think their clubs have shown integrity by voting Rangers out of the spl are deluding themselves. It is their clubs who have caused this. And now the whole sorry mess lands at the door of the sfl clubs who have nothing to do with it. I don't know how today's vote will go but I don't want to see any sanctimonious spl fans coming on here blaming the sfl if it doesnt go the way they want it to.

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Rangers will not be in the SPL. It's impossible. The SPL clubs have made that clear.

Made it clear as mud by not naming Club 12.

I can see Spivco in the SPL alright. Regan and Doncaster have proved that nothing is beyond them.

And for the record, I'm not complaining about Dundee not being named as Club 12. I would much rather that my club came of the fence and stood behind honourable clubs like Raith, Ayr, Annan etc who are leading the way in doing the right thing.

A game to be proud of with honesty, integrity and honour is what matters; not promotion. It would be great to see the diddy clubs stick together and tell the SPL to stick Clb 12's place up their arse.

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Just catching up with the last 10 or so pages before heading out for the day and missing all the fun.

The one thing that stands out for me at the moment is simply this - just how many times can media apologists like Smith and Weetabix heid' not grasp the basic premise behind this unprecedented upsurge of 'internet knuckledragger' involvement in this case? How many times do supporters need to say that this is all about a newco club attempting to re-start from the ashes of a liquidated former SPL club, and we are outraged at the attempts to effectively rig the sport because of who this club used to be?

Of course there is an element of some people hating Rangers so much they want nothing less than a 'Third Lanark' - that would be the same if this was Manchester United in Rangers shoes. Could you imagine the reaction on Merseyside for example? Anyway, I've been a St Mirren fan for nearly 40 years. Our BOD have ran the club pretty well from a finanacial POV. However, if WE entered administration, were liquidated, and a Paisley based businessman stepped in, picked up the pieces, and tried to emerge as 'FC Paisley Saints'....

...Is anyone at this point now saying anything in their minds that involves the words 'Division 1' 'straight back to the SPL', or 'a sudden interest in a bigger league'...

Nope, didn't think so. 'Them's the rules' might not be in black and white in a rulebook somewhere, but Annan, Peterhead, Gretna, Livingston.... or as I say, if this were St Mirren, Hearts, Aberdeen.... We wouldn't be having this discussion.


Edited by pozbaird
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Spot on. The spl fans on here who think their clubs have shown integrity by voting Rangers out of the spl are deluding themselves. It is their clubs who have caused this. And now the whole sorry mess lands at the door of the sfl clubs who have nothing to do with it. I don't know how today's vote will go but I don't want to see any sanctimonious spl fans coming on here blaming the sfl if it doesnt go the way they want it to.

IMO this could all have been sorted out by the SFA. If they had convened the Apellate tribunal as soon as the appeal period had expired, and applied those penalties allowable, i.e. suspension or expulsion, it would have been much more clean cut.

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So things are getting tight money wise in our game. But, not just in our game really but our society as a whole is having serious money problems.

I too have found myself with money worries, mainly in regards to this Summer / coming season. I am no longer a student, but have not yet found a suitable graduate position, as a result I am still working the same part time hours I did while at uni. However, I now no longer have a bursary, nor, a small student loan, and as a result have nearly £200 less coming into my bank a month. Yet, this year, no longer paying a student rate I will need to find an extra £150 for my season ticket. We also have Europe coming VERY soon. I cannot afford both. But, cannot decide between a European trip to see Motherwell, in what will, as I am sure everyone will agree, be our only time playing in the Champions League and buying a season ticket. I would be heart broken not to go to Europe, yet, I know our club needs the money much more than I do a European football game.

I am thus trying to find ways to raise money. I did not go away this Summer and am trying to sell a guitar I love the now but struggling to get a fair price, it really is a buyers market out there. I come here to share a link to eBay where I have some badges I have made, I made a small batch but can do more if need be. I hope people will support me in aid of being able to buy a season ticket at this difficult time for our club. It is almost a donation I am asking for but in return will send out some badges :-) it is only £4.00 which many people would pay for a double vodka or a starbucks coffee so hopefully people see the merit in this effort and help.

The badges can be worn to demonstrate your feelings towards the SPL sanctioned support of one club beyond the rest. Check out the design, basic but I hope yous like it, and help out before I receive any sort of notice to cease lol.

Hopefully those out there understand how they would feel if their club had this chance to play in the CL and they may have to pass it up to buy a season ticket for the greater good and will help me out, hell maybe you'll just like the badges I know enough of my friends whom I given many too have ;-)

My eBay link

I expect most people will just tell me to f**k off, people have their own things to worry about but many a few will get behind it. Thanks for reading :-)

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Great statement from Ayr, following on from excellent work from Clyde and Alloa. I hope all the diddies on here keep their promises and take in a few more matches at clubs such as these....and others. IF the vote goes ahead and we have the expected outcome, we all need to dig a bit deeper for the game. This could be a great day! See you on the other side!!

I don't usually do pre-season games as I enjoy having weekends free during the "summer" to do things that I can't during the season - but I'll be heading to Ayr tomorrow for the 'Well game as clubs that stand up to be counted in that way deserve to be backed - even if it it only a few quid....

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Clear precedents already been set with previous clubs, as per Livingston situation. ra peepul shouldn't get preferential treatment despite their lackeys in the media and in the corridors of power scheming and attempting to do this

Exactly what the Annan chairman was saying during his interview on Reporting Scotland the other day. Might need to buy a hat just to take it off to him.

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Thank feck. Can now point and laugh at our bankrupt (morally) neighbours chairman up the road.

Good on Ayr United. 'Mon the sfl!!!

At least he stuck to his principles. I can see the SPL stepping in to save 'Rangers' by naming them as Club 12. Then the focus will not be on Killie but the clubs who wanted Newco out (but only for a year).

Then all the No to Newco fans in the SPL can decide to accept it or follow through with their boycott claims. I think a few SPL chairmen's coats are on shoogly pegs if the SFL turn Servco away from Div One.

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