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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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D: On Monday they'll actually attempt to make newco Rangers the SPLs 'Club 12'.

Come on mate, you've been saying all along that you don't believe that they'll try this.

I reckon they'll try, but fail, to manufacture a desperate, tawdry, 11th hour reprieve for the newco next week. It will be the most igniminious, pitiful, and, ultimately, contemptible, act of betrayal that has been perpetrated during this whole sorry episode.

What I do believe, though, is that it will take place in smoke-filled rooms, with doors firmly closed to any public scrutiny.

Who are the they, who will drive this ignoble agenda? It will be Regan and Doncaster, and, I'd say at a guess, at least half a dozen SPL clubs. Will our club be one of them? Sadly, I suspect it might well be.

As you know, I have made my position very clear to Stewart Gilmour and the other directors at St Mirren - by email, phone, and directly, in person, at the meeting where you sat alongside me. Walking away from SMP that evening, I had lingering concerns about whether our club would do the right thing when the SPL clubs met the next day to vote on the newco being afforded entry to their league. These doubts as to SG's position have never really left me, but I've been willing to accept that he ultimately did the right thing on the day, and little more could be asked of him and his colleagues at that time.

Since then, I've emailed the club to congratulate the BoD on their stance, and to pledge that I will do all I can to support the club during what is likely to be challenging financial circumstanes. As you know, 2 funds have been set up (by SMiSA and 10000Hours) to enable supporters to financially support the club if required, and I have already stated my intention to contribute and discussed this with my missus etc. I don't buy a ST, as you know, and I won't buy one this coming season either, but I will contribute the equivalent finances on top of the purchase of my match-day tickets. I know that many other people, including yourself, are committed to stumping up cash to support our club when many of us are having to tighten belts due to the general economic climate.

If Gilmour et al have the audacity to throw that back in our faces, then they can anticipate the most vicious backlash for their troubles. If I stop attending St Mirren matches, they will have made reaching what would otherwise have been a very painful decision very straightforward indeed.

As I say, if our club are involved in any form whatsoever, in an attempt to either create an SPL2 or even shoehorn the newco into the SPL after all, then I'll regard this as the ultimate betrayal. Put simply, I will no longer support St Mirren, and I don't merely mean I will stop going to matches.

I think something is afoot, but I think it will fail miserably, as it deserves to, and I'll be surprised if we ever find out who colluded with the despicable plan. I'll always have my suspicions, though....

Edit for typos

Edited by Drooper
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I firmly believe the SPL 2 option will come into play and the spineless clowns that run the FA will come on and talk about the disaster that would happen.

I'm not so sure SPL2 is possible. If Sevco have been accepted in to the SFL as per yesterday, then does it not mean a 2 year notice period before you can resign and go to another League? This wouldn't just apply to Sevco but for ANY SFL Club which was invited to join. Any football rules boffin clarify if this is the case.

Edited by GunnerBairn
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Dont know if its been covered as I haven't caught up yet - but is there any chance that Cove Rangers, Spartans, Huntly etc will take legal action as they were denied the opportunity to apply for the vacant SFL slot?

Spartans apparently weren't bothering to apply (at least this was the story reported by the Sunday Herald a few weeks back). Presumably they believed the newco's entry was a fait accompli.

They should take legal action, though. It wouldn't surprise me if they'd been paid off, TBH.

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I'm not so sure SPL2 is possible. If Sevco have been accepted in to the SFL as per yesterday, then does it not mean a 2 year notice period before you can resign and go to another League? This wouldn't just apply to Sevco but for ANY SFL Club which was invited to join. Any football rrules boffin clarify if this is the case.

Not a boffin, but are they actually SFL members yet - don't the SFA have to approve the transfer of share?

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STV Sport@STVSportDorin Goian vows Ibrox exit if newco Rangers remain in Division Three http://bit.ly/OnWPIN


Last night on Sevco media they were proclaiming him a legend after 12 months due to the example he was setting. Then one currant pointed out he'd pocketed a couple of hundred grand for basically hee-haw and was still under a fat contract. Today he will be being followed through the streets by Lord Summerisle wearing a black cape.

I don't think they should be allowed to sniff SFL3 given their current squad and situation. If ANY other club in such turmoil was to apply they'd be laughed out of town. No disclosable accounts, criminal and professional investigations ongoing, administrators being made to report on their own interests, appeal hearing in the wings, the list goes on.

The point made earlier about Spartans et all raising an action should they be denied the opportunity to join the league is very valid. Despite the courts not being the go-to arbiters, Sevco themselves have made this a viable option so hell mend them should this end up in Brussels with CG being made to pay damages from his own shiny-suit hip-pocket.

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Just back from a fortnights holiday & missed all this pish (bliss), which has subsequently gone stratospheric in the process. So, in trying to catch up, I can only enquire, are they deid yet?

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Not a boffin, but are they actually SFL members yet - don't the SFA have to approve the transfer of share?

Which makes me think only the SFA can put a spanner in works and ruin the masterpiece which was created yesterday. Can we really expect the SFA to be scheming right now for a nuclear event on Monday? Going over their own rules and regulations for a 'get out clause' for Sevco. I sincerely hope not. As Caley says, shirley not enough time for any SPL2 shenanigans.

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Just back from a fortnights holiday & missed all this pish (bliss), which has subsequently gone stratospheric in the process. So, in trying to catch up, I can only enquire, are they deid yet?

Still twitching, mate. In a Division 3 stylee :)

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I am sure. SPL2 is not possible for 2012/13. Time has run out for that to happen.

Agree but the SFA's grand plan may be to start one in 2013/14. SPL2 to have broadcasting rights and a wedge from SPL1 as a sweetner. Sevco only out for a year

The best way to torpedo this would be for the SFL1 clubs to make it quite clear that they would politely decline any invitation to join. This has already been hinted at by Longmuir but a joint statement in response to any such announcement would kill it stone dead.

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Spartans apparently weren't bothering to apply (at least this was the story reported by the Sunday Herald a few weeks back). Presumably they believed the newco's entry was a fait accompli.

They should take legal action, though. It wouldn't surprise me if they'd been paid off, TBH.

I am no lawyer but was the situation not about a 'transfer of a share' and not about a vacancy? Maybe some more info here....

I agree with you Drooper about the St Mirren situation. Case not proven but suspicion abounds.

Assuming the SPL Boards are not daft enough to prolong this farce on Monday I shall now take out a second season ticket for an unemployed family member however like you I was prepared yesterday to cancel my Season Ticket and cancel my CiC pledge.

I believe there will be lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth on Monday behind closed doors but a smiley wee face (without the smiley) will appear and say let's move on while MJ now goes on suicide watch. Should make for a really interesting SPL next season.

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This tweet on bbc

James O'Hara: "It's backfired for Neil Doncaster & Stewart Regan. Why didn't they just penalise Rangers all their points and relegate them? Roll on D3"

Would I be correct in thinking that if this had indeed been done,

i.e. punished the oldco back in February by relegation to Div1,

then Charlie would be sitting pretty in SFL1 with all his players?

I hope so, 'cos it makes it all even funnier.:)

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Going by the PDE's Twitter feed it looks like we're going to cave in and try to get Rangers back into the SPL in some way. Gilmour calling the decision "catastrophic" and talk of redundancies, hopes the SFL clubs know what they're doing. So apparently it's OK for the SPL clubs to make a decision and leave the SFL to deal with the repercussions but not for the SFL to do the same to them.

SFL clubs were free to vote the way they wanted. They have done. They made the correct decision. No club should be parachuted into the second tier just to help other clubs. If it means administration and redundancies then so be it. Deal with it Gilmour - do not go moaning at the SFL clubs for making a decision they were fully entitled - and morally correct - to make.

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I am no lawyer but was the situation not about a 'transfer of a share' and not about a vacancy? Maybe some more info here....

I agree with you Drooper about the St Mirren situation. Case not proven but suspicion abounds.

Assuming the SPL Boards are not daft enough to prolong this farce on Monday I shall now take out a second season ticket for an unemployed family member however like you I was prepared yesterday to cancel my Season Ticket and cancel my CiC pledge.

I believe there will be lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth on Monday behind closed doors but a smiley wee face (without the smiley) will appear and say let's move on while MJ now goes on suicide watch. Should make for a really interesting SPL next season.


The very notion of Doncaster standing at the foot of the steps reading out a statement to the effect that the newco will be in the SPL after all, or that an SPL2 is being created for next season, is simply ludicrous, but that won't have stopped some of them trying to pull it off.

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If the Yorkshire Connection tries anything dodgy on Monday

One positive from yesterday is that Green & McCoist are now showing a level of acceptance & contrition that they should have shown from the start. I firmly believe that if they had been saying these things all along then the fans backlash would have been minimised and they would still be in the SPL.

Thanks Greeno. Thanks Fatboy. :P

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