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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sammy wouldn't dare contact the mods as he's an alias troll, and has been noted and watched for any mishaps, his tragic trolling on this thread (if brought to attention) will see him banned (again)

I've been in Turkey the last week scouting St Johnstones European opponents...... And despite tempratures of 48 degrees, getting 3 lira for every pound and irn bru on sale nothing made me happier than reading Rangers would be in the Third next season.

There was a distinct lack of Rangers tops in the airport queue back to Glasgow aswell, usually I'm surrounded by them but there was just 2 this time, with a Morton top, a couple of St Mirren tops and a Hearts top on show.

Asked a Rangers fan who had bought the "new" top they brought out if they regretted spending g 40 quid on it, they said it showed they loved thier club and couldn't wait to see the likes of McGregor, McCulloch and Healy wear it with pride next season :lol: sooo much wrong with what they said but all I could do was laugh

It makes it funny, though, in spite of his past record when he tries to go running to the mods. Just a pity the Sellick don't have a Big Hoose Guy. Now he would really frighten me! :lol:

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This quote from the Annan statement is pure gold :lol::



The SPL are now due to meet on Monday where the first steps of shift in governance should take place with removal of the 11-1 vote. Like many other clubs we are suspicious that the SFL’s decision to place Rangers in Div 3 may not be final, the SPL could easily counter such fears by inviting Dundee or Dunfermline into the SPL to take the compliment of teams to the minimum number in accord with the legally binding Settlement Agreement. We were delighted to hear the unanimous response from all ten 1st Division clubs who stated that they are only interested in a 42 club resolution (for any CEO’s or others who are unsure what that means, bluntly it is stick SPL2 where the sun don’t shine and do not even attempt to pull a 16 team stunt move, another scenario that wouldn’t astonish us is for Rangers to be invited back into the SPL – to think we were threatened with Armageddon! We do however have faith that the SPL chairmen, the guys that matter, will invite Dundee or Dunfermline into the SPL and through all our combined efforts we will see a 42 team resolution to restructuring and the many other changes we all wish to see happening.


Seriously, recent no-holds-barred comments from the likes of Clyde, Raith, Alloa and now Annan are excellent.

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Does anyone have a link to the piece with Gilmour from the PDE?

If St Mirren are unwilling to accept that Rangers have been elected to SFL3, why did they vote against them entering SPL?

Is it since it was shamefaced hypocrisy and spineless corruption, believing SFL would be intimidated into conceding?

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Inverness too. They had their chance.


Things are now marching-on, too.

Off the back of Alex Salmond backing the SFL3 decision, the Chair of ACPOS says they're starting planning with SFL3 clubs for policing.

And ESPN have said they're not walking away.

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Come Monday I think the SFA and Regan will try one last throw of the dice - three leagues of fourteen with Newco in the third.

That would render the entire previous season of the SFL meaningless - promotion, relegation, play-offs and all.

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My internet connection really playing up this morning, I can't find any mention of the fact that Regan & Doncaster have resigned. Need to call TalkTalk ask them whit's gon on.

McLeish's report back in 2010 says we need a 10 team SPL, yer man Doncaster is on record saying there is no other option other than a 10. Course he said that before Feb 14th this year. A Valentine's Day Massacre indeed.

Now, after much scribbling on the back of a bookie's line, it has to be a 12, 14 or 16 team top division. Doncaster 5th Jan 2011 "those who want 16 teams in the top flight are deluding themselves", saying a 16 team SPL would mean a "£20M loss", a financial armageddon.

SPL is patently not working, don't know how adding an SPL2 would make things any better.

Get the SPL/SFL merged intae one. Get a fairer distribution of money. Get the 11-1 voting system punted. Get Regan & Doncater up on charges of bringing the game into disrepute.

Am I reading it right that "The new Rangers company will be involved in the discussions with the governing body". Eh?

Aye ah'm sorry m'lud for stealing tens of millions of pounds, why don't don't we sit down for a cosy wee chat with some claret & succulant lamb and see if it's my left or right wrist that will be slapped and see how long you can tickle ma tummy.


Oh aye and Jim White's an arsehole.

Edited by Paralysis Through Analysis
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This quote from the Annan statement is pure gold :lol::


Seriously, recent no-holds-barred comments from the likes of Clyde, Raith, Alloa and now Annan are excellent.

Aye, impressive indeed.

Meanwhile, over in Inverness, Paisley, etc....

Poor, poor show from some of the SPL clubs, yet again. Shameful stuff, in all honesty.

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Does anyone have a link to the piece with Gilmour from the PDE?

If St Mirren are unwilling to accept that Rangers have been elected to SFL3, why did they vote against them entering SPL?

Is it since it was shamefaced hypocrisy and spineless corruption, believing SFL would be intimidated into conceding?

You answered your own question.

Despicable is the word that springs to mind.

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Shire voted no according to a statement....so less of the `east quislingshire` please hibbee jibbee!! Look, time for all of us to get on with the football. No talk of stupid boycotts as how on earth would that benefit Scottish football v.2?? A bit o` ribbing sure- but enoughs enough. Caan`t wait for Mcleish on off the ball. No doubt a doom merchant apologist......typical labour man!

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By my reckoning QOS, Hamilton are confirmed Yes votes. Forfar are a good bet for third after reading their lame fence sitting statement yesterday. Add to that Partick and Falkirk then I think we have our 5 quislings.

Edited by GunnerBairn
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