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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Mass redundancies? How many staff do St Mirren employ? That sounds like they have an army of employees holed up in some factory somewhere in Paisley.

Is this a slight exaggeration or do the Buddies genuinley have a gargantuan payroll? And if they do, what exactly do these people do?

We have a very small payroll in comparison to other clubs. Just about every Saints fan knows all our employees by name. Many of them have been there for a long time. Kath Steel for example just retired from our front office after 32 years service. Our commercial manager Campbell Kennedy is a well-kent face, our groundsman Tommy Docherty is another 30 plus year servant - our media guy Norrie Jamieson is also heavily involved in the club website...

Could go on...

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Both the ICT and St Mirren statements are horrendous, the SFL are blameless in this situation.

Both statements are eerily similar and talk of redundancies etc, and i imagine are reflective of most SPL clubs. That is why i cant get my head round St Johnstone and Killie signing players on contracts during this perid of financial uncertainty.

To go off on a tangent....

Right so Rangers are gone...sponsors are gone, clubs are forced to sort themselves out, some even go into administration.

What about when the Newco get back to the top division?

Surely sponsors will come back? A better TV deal on the table etc etc

In that case, we would have a top division of relatively financially prudent clubs, able to benefit massively from the revenue the returning newco would bring. And hopefully this extra revenue is spent wisely on youth development etc for the benefit of the game.

Chuck in reconstruction and i think it could be short term pain, for long term gain.

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It really does look like Regan promised the SPL clubs that Newco would be in Division 1.

If he has then he won't be there long.

Shitty ran clubs that hang onto Rangers' coat tails 0 - 2 Newco apologists, told you so merchants

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Others have already said it - we voted no to newco in the SPL, we made a statement that we have acted in the way Saints fans wanted - and we renewed our STs with renewed enthusiasm. Our club also made a statement that the SFL should be left to make their own decision with no external pressure.

Then this statement.

Jesus, what a beamer. Not me - our chairman.

This. Any SPL chairman who comes out and criticises the SFL clubs, or states that the SFL decision will cause financial problems, has absolutely no right to complain. All they had to do is vote them into the SPL when they had the chance....

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Tut tut Mr.Gilmour

Gilmour condemns "horrific" newco vote

SIMMERING Stewart Gilmour last night let rip at the lower league clubs who tossed Rangers to the depths of the Scottish game ... sparking fears of mass redundancies at St Mirren.

The Saints chairman was left stunned yesterday afternoon when news broke from a Hampden summit that the 30 SFL clubs had decided to block the admission of the Ibrox club's newco to the First Division.

By an overwhelming margin of 25-5, they voted to banish the liquidated Glasgow outfit to the Third Division and, in the process, cast Scottish football into a whole new crisis.

Chairmen of top-flight clubs are now bracing themselves for a doomsday scenario that could see big-money

commercial partners, such as Sky television, pull out of their SPL deals.

And Gilmour who was enjoying a sunshine break in Spain when yesterday's vote result was announced admits dark clouds are already looming as he fears having to axe many of the club's loyal staff.

In an exclusive interview with Express Sports, Gilmour said: "This is horrific news for St Mirren Football Club. The consequences are terrible catastrophic even.

"What happens next? Well, there is an SPL meeting on Monday and we will need to see what is said then and take it from there.

"The St Mirren board will meet in the days after that SPL meeting and decide what is the best way forward but we are already looking at major redundancies."

Yesterday's vote came just days after SFA chief executive Stewart Regan drew up a masterplan aimed at enticing the SFL clubs into backing the First Division option.

Despite promises of a 16-team top division within two years and enhanced cash handouts for all of Scotland's 42 senior clubs, the 'sporting integrity' argument won the day as Rangers were exiled.

But Gilmour insists an opportunity has been missed and a blunder has been made that could send a number of clubs into the same financial abyss currently occupied by the Govan outfit.

He said: "To be fair to Stewart Regan, the document he released last week was a good document.

"It set out changes to Scottish football that would bring in a fairer structure, fairer distribution system, fairer everything.

"Unfortunately, the people in the SFL have not bought into that. I just hope they realise the damage they have done to Scottish football.

"Five clubs in the SPL could be in administration within weeks and we will have to do everything we can to avoid being one of them."

Rangers last night issued their own statement which claimed that, following talks with SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and Regan, they believe plans for SPL 2 which would include Rangers could now be put in motion, with existing Division One members invited to join.

However, Gilmour can't see such a set-up getting off the ground.

He added: "The SFA and the other bodies are already talking about the options and that could be decided on Monday.

"As for an SPL 2, I'm not sure that is any better than letting Rangers back into the top flight."

What a load of bollocks. Gilmour must be on holiday with Kenny Cameron of ICT. Seriously, I thought Saints were debt-free? Are we really saying that a loss of one, maybe two, home game(s) against Sevco Scotland plus TV money leads to redundancies at St Mirren Park (although I did hear rumours of redundancies at St Mirren a few months back from one of our stewards whose firm also stewards there)?

Stuart McCall of Motherwell was saying similar things on BBC Sportsound earlier whilst also saying that his Club had made a profit in the last couple of years (plus they are in Europe this year). Load of tosh I think, or are these SPL Clubs really run on such an unstable business model.

Edited by Mabawsa_Ritchie
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Both the ICT and St Mirren statements are horrendous, the SFL are blameless in this situation.

Both statements are eerily similar and talk of redundancies etc, and i imagine are reflective of most SPL clubs. That is why i cant get my head round St Johnstone and Killie signing players on contracts during this perid of financial uncertainty.

To go off on a tangent....

Right so Rangers are gone...sponsors are gone, clubs are forced to sort themselves out, some even go into administration.

What about when the Newco get back to the top division?

Surely sponsors will come back? A better TV deal on the table etc etc

In that case, we would have a top division of relatively financially prudent clubs, able to benefit massively from the revenue the returning newco would bring. And hopefully this extra revenue is spent wisely on youth development etc for the benefit of the game.

Chuck in reconstruction and i think it could be short term pain, for long term gain.

Has this not been the general consensus all along?

Works for me.

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I think the next big event will be a few Clubs announcing entering admistration due to lack of TV cash. A raft of fresh Newcos?

Clubs who enter admin will only apply for New-co status IF they cannot agree CVA's. Otherwise the will agree CVA's, take their penalty ( can't remember the points deduction but I think it was 1/3 of last years total or something like that) and carry on. Only clubs liquidated will need to go down the newco route.

The thing is, we will still have the TV deal for the coming season which gives clubs 1 season to organise to cut their cloth accordingly..

If any ( and I include mine in this) do form newco's then at least there will be no fucking about. The precedent has been set and they WILL need to apply to the SFL for a place in next seasons 3rd division..

As for what's going on with the SPL and the SFA. These are my thoughts..

Doncaster (aka Cockwomble) off his own back goes round all the SPL clubs who are gravely concerned about their own futures and ( having already met in private with Regan (aka Fannywomble) says that he has come up with a cunning plan that will ease their pain. This plan has not been voted on or discussed by either the full SPL board or in fact the 11 SPL clubs. CW says he and FW will make sure that if they vote no ( which they claim, their fans are forcing them to do), Sevco will ONLY drop to the 1st division. Now for some clubs this is their idea solution. Appease their fans whilst also ensuring that they will not end up in the financial mire. Two of these clubs could be St.Mirren and ICT ( there might also be a few more). CW and FW think that they are the dogs bollocks and nothing can go wrong.

CW & FW base their plan on the confident knowledge that the SFL clubs will, with a bit of threating language and a nice cash carrot dangling in front of them, back their plan.

Not for the first time though, CW & FW underestimate badly the mood of Scottish fitba fans and suddenly find that no amount of bribing and threatening behavior will force their will on the SFL chairmen.

This leaves them in a rather large hole ( of their own making) and one which many of the SPL chairmen have NO PART IN.

The SFL club having got wind of this plan, decide enough is enough and that FW has to go.Hence the proposition of a vote of no confidence.

The SPL also now know about CW's part in this but they have a more difficult situation to deal with because if they try to get rid of CW , they ( unless they have the full evidence to back up their claim and not just he said/she said) may be liable to a very large pay-off. A Pay-off which at this time would be very hard to fund. The SFA is an organisation where as the SPL is a business and CW is the CEO of that business. To get rid, they would have to sack him and to do that , legally they would need grounds and more importantly proof of those grounds

Before any SPL chairmen can come out and attack CW and demand he goes they must make sure their case is watertight. The best way to keep it watertight is to release as little as possible.

Now the above may well be the product of my very vivid imagination but then again!!!!!!!!!

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What a total knob Gilmour has made of himself with this tantrum.

I heard a rumour weeks ago that he was threatening the Saints fans who were involved

in the 10,000 hrs project that if they wanted a no vote then it was curtains for them,administration was the word

he used if they got punted to the 3rd divison.

How can he pass a no vote then turn and try to bully the SFL chairmen for saying the same,did the fat rat think

they would have sh4t it and buckled under threats,they forget we have nothing to lose,if you can't afford to play with the

big boys come down to the SFL like the rest of us Mr Gilmour..

How many other muppets are out there saying no hoping that someone else will make the decision they all want?

Oh well ,even more of an excuse to give him it tight next weekend if he has the baws to show face at cappielow.

To think there is a St.mirren fan on here trying to take the high ground with an avatar of a wee boy in a gers top in the cowshed,

your chairmen is in fucking bed with the ****.... :lol:

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Tut tut Mr.Gilmour

Gilmour condemns "horrific" newco vote

SIMMERING Stewart Gilmour last night let rip at the lower league clubs who tossed Rangers to the depths of the Scottish game ... sparking fears of mass redundancies at St Mirren.

The Saints chairman was left stunned yesterday afternoon when news broke from a Hampden summit that the 30 SFL clubs had decided to block the admission of the Ibrox club's newco to the First Division.

By an overwhelming margin of 25-5, they voted to banish the liquidated Glasgow outfit to the Third Division – and, in the process, cast Scottish football into a whole new crisis.

Chairmen of top-flight clubs are now bracing themselves for a doomsday scenario that could see big-money

commercial partners, such as Sky television, pull out of their SPL deals.

And Gilmour – who was enjoying a sunshine break in Spain when yesterday's vote result was announced – admits dark clouds are already looming as he fears having to axe many of the club's loyal staff.

In an exclusive interview with Express Sports, Gilmour said: "This is horrific news for St Mirren Football Club. The consequences are terrible – catastrophic even.

"What happens next? Well, there is an SPL meeting on Monday and we will need to see what is said then and take it from there.

"The St Mirren board will meet in the days after that SPL meeting and decide what is the best way forward but we are already looking at major redundancies."

Yesterday's vote came just days after SFA chief executive Stewart Regan drew up a masterplan aimed at enticing the SFL clubs into backing the First Division option.

Despite promises of a 16-team top division within two years and enhanced cash handouts for all of Scotland's 42 senior clubs, the 'sporting integrity' argument won the day as Rangers were exiled.

But Gilmour insists an opportunity has been missed – and a blunder has been made that could send a number of clubs into the same financial abyss currently occupied by the Govan outfit.

He said: "To be fair to Stewart Regan, the document he released last week was a good document.

"It set out changes to Scottish football that would bring in a fairer structure, fairer distribution system, fairer everything.

"Unfortunately, the people in the SFL have not bought into that. I just hope they realise the damage they have done to Scottish football.

"Five clubs in the SPL could be in administration within weeks – and we will have to do everything we can to avoid being one of them."

Rangers last night issued their own statement which claimed that, following talks with SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and Regan, they believe plans for SPL 2 – which would include Rangers – could now be put in motion, with existing Division One members invited to join.

However, Gilmour can't see such a set-up getting off the ground.

He added: "The SFA and the other bodies are already talking about the options and that could be decided on Monday.

"As for an SPL 2, I'm not sure that is any better than letting Rangers back into the top flight."

I thought St Mirren were financially sound? :huh:

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I you all think the gers breakdown fiasco is nearly finished just wait till next week.

I kinda get the feeling that everything is just about to get completely ugly after the SPL meeting on Monday.

There is NO WAY that the newco will be playing 3rd division football if these B@STARDS in charge have their way.

We will have our butts lubed by leaks that the newco will be parachuted straight into the SPL after Monday.

I do not think for one second that this is all over by a long shot and the most insulting sneaky underhanded moves are about to be revealed.

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Both the ICT and St Mirren statements are horrendous, the SFL are blameless in this situation.

Both statements are eerily similar and talk of redundancies etc, and i imagine are reflective of most SPL clubs. That is why i cant get my head round St Johnstone and Killie signing players on contracts during this perid of financial uncertainty.

To go off on a tangent....

Right so Rangers are gone...sponsors are gone, clubs are forced to sort themselves out, some even go into administration.

What about when the Newco get back to the top division?

Surely sponsors will come back? A better TV deal on the table etc etc

In that case, we would have a top division of relatively financially prudent clubs, able to benefit massively from the revenue the returning newco would bring. And hopefully this extra revenue is spent wisely on youth development etc for the benefit of the game.

Chuck in reconstruction and i think it could be short term pain, for long term gain.

By the time they get there there won't be a top division for them to play in. Remember Armageddon and all that!

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Transfer Quantum ‏@TransferQuantum

OFFICIAL: Norwegian twin brothers Kim and Tom Skogsrud are returning to Norway with Sarpsborg after rejecting Rangers Newco.

I was hoping I'd never heard that word quantum again but what are they doing trying to get these guys in.

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no more PATG custom from me at the feegie dome unless Ayr are playing against them (probably next season in SFL1 smile.gif)

With all due respect, if we boycott every ground where a chairman has opened their gob and spouted pish - we won't be making any away trips at all.

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Surely both St. Mirren and ICT go into seasons with the expectation that they could be relegated? Is it the case for both of them that relegation from the SPL would result in immediate administration?

What a load of bollocks. Yes, some staff may have to be made redundant - it's called living within your means. Too many clubs unwilling to stop living in the false economy that Rangers FC and Sky have created over the last decade or so.

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