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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I thought Bill Leckie put Andy Jacobs in his place well on Talksport on Friday when AJ proclaimed that Scottish football was Rangers & Celtic only...........in fairness to AJ he did apologise for offending us Diddy teams.

It's actually easy to put Jacobs in his place. He is a bitter Little Englander who knows nothing about life outside London and Chelsea FC. I'd be amazed if he could locate Scotland on a map let alone name any clubs other than the only two he hears Alan Brazil rabbit on about.

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They can play any extra games on Champions League/UEFA Cup nights.

They can't, you're not allowed to schedule competition dates on UEFA allocated dates under the terms of the so-called Embargo. Plus (unless you're English chancers) you can't televise without 5pms KO. Anyway they surely won't be reformatting.

Enjoyed this picture from yesterday's Telegraph

perhaps "then Neil & Stewart heard the result of the SFL vote"


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That's probably the kind of thinking that makes him an ex-employee of SKY.

I'd like to know what McCoist is doing there also - but it has to be said, the McCoist and Green dream team haven't exactly been a roaring success so far - they have charmed their way into the 3rd Div without any apparent concessions...

Green promised him Macaroni Cheese and a cake from the cafe.

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Am I the only one who was disappointed with Alex Thomson's contribution to this. Don't get me wrong, he was one of the good guys but based on his various cryptic tweets I always expected something more. Also when he took part in radio and TV discussions he seemed to follow the agendas being set by the presenters rather than setting the tone based upon the issues that were not being discussed in the MSM.

You're not the only one - I think his involvement has been over-hyped to a large extent - although he has been of some use. On one hand, he hasn't exactly set the agenda as you point out and much of his stuff has been based on the work of other blogs, etc - however, as a "serious" journalist from outside the nepotistic Scottish Fitba Writers bubble, he has been very useful in at least articulating in the MSM an alternative view to the ARMAGEDDON pish that we have been force fed otherwise. By not having a clear commercial interest in the survival of Rangers at the highest possible level, he at least has taken no heed of the party line espoused by our home grown media and has ruffled a few feathers in the process and that is a positive contribution IMO.

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The problem the SPL have is that no matter which team they pick (Dundee or Dunfermline) the other will likely appeal the decision, legally challenge it etc. So they have a ready made excuse there for going with 11, and of course this also allows for the possibility of somehow getting Rangers back in in a year when the dust settles. And as I said the diddy clubs would have an extra matchday against the big clubs and there'd be less teams to share TV money with. It's a horrible plan but it's the only way they can avoid Rangers going to Division 3 without being put straight back in the SPL, whether Rangers could survive a year with no league to play in is another matter.

They could arrange a play-off next Saturday or the Saturday after.

Also the Settlement Agreement with SFL, and their own rules, require 12 clubs.

And there's no way now they could say "we're letting Ra Gers sit-out 1 year them come straight back in", that'd lead to fan outrage, quite rightly.

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I'd like to know what McCoist is doing there also - but it has to be said, the McCoist and Green dream team haven't exactly been a roaring success so far - they have charmed their way into the 3rd Div without any apparent concessions...

In a word.... Buffet

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The problem the SPL have is that no matter which team they pick (Dundee or Dunfermline) the other will likely appeal the decision, legally challenge it etc.

Wouldn't they both challenge it then?

It's actually easy to put Jacobs in his place. He is a bitter Little Englander who knows nothing about life outside London and Chelsea FC. I'd be amazed if he could locate Scotland on a map let alone name any clubs other than the only two he hears Alan Brazil rabbit on about.

Jacobs must be as bright as two in the morning if Leckie showed him up.

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You're not the only one - I think his involvement has been over-hyped to a large extent - although he has been of some use.

That's my view too. He looks decent in comparison, and has clearly put the likes of Traytor's nose out of joint, so for that he should be praised.

He's not actually contributed a lot of substance since the early days though. In some ways his usefulness ended when the club went into liquidation.

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The problem the SPL have is that no matter which team they pick (Dundee or Dunfermline) the other will likely appeal the decision, legally challenge it etc. So they have a ready made excuse there for going with 11, and of course this also allows for the possibility of somehow getting Rangers back in in a year when the dust settles. And as I said the diddy clubs would have an extra matchday against the big clubs and there'd be less teams to share TV money with. It's a horrible plan but it's the only way they can avoid Rangers going to Division 3 without being put straight back in the SPL, whether Rangers could survive a year with no league to play in is another matter.

Yorkston was previously quoted as saying Dunfermilne would not mount a legal challenge; of course, like many other things in this fiasco, that could have changed.

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A good article.

The outcome (thus far) of this saga has potentially wider implications than just football in the manner in which the fans have positively affected the outcome.

At a time when the wee guy is routinely pished upon by corporate interests in society, action and outcomes like these can restore your faith.

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They could arrange a play-off next Saturday or the Saturday after.

Also the Settlement Agreement with SFL, and their own rules, require 12 clubs.

And there's no way now they could say "we're letting Ra Gers sit-out 1 year them come straight back in", that'd lead to fan outrage, quite rightly.

I'm not suggesting for a moment they'd be so honest. The league would be expanded for next season and they'd probably hope to slip Rangers back in then, when fans are finally given their wish of an expanded top flight they might be a bit more reluctant to boycott etc.

From what you say 11 team SPL should be a non-starter, but I just can't see this being as straightforward as Dundee/Dunfermline up Rangers to Division 3, there's bound to be another twist.

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Are Stranraer moving up to the Second Division to allow Sevco FC to play in the Third Division ?

If so...

Having just looked at the Third Division and SPL fixture lists and dates, i see that Sevco and Celtic home matches are scheduled to kick-off on the same days ! wink.giflaugh.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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You're not the only one - I think his involvement has been over-hyped to a large extent - although he has been of some use. On one hand, he hasn't exactly set the agenda as you point out and much of his stuff has been based on the work of other blogs, etc - however, as a "serious" journalist from outside the nepotistic Scottish Fitba Writers bubble, he has been very useful in at least articulating in the MSM an alternative view to the ARMAGEDDON pish that we have been force fed otherwise. By not having a clear commercial interest in the survival of Rangers at the highest possible level, he at least has taken no heed of the party line espoused by our home grown media and has ruffled a few feathers in the process and that is a positive contribution IMO.

I agree that Thomson lifted most of his stuff from the internet, from sites like RTC and here but Thomson's audience were the audience who did not look to web blogs and fan forums, Thomson took our voices to the masses. Without people like Thomson, who I think may have been the first of the MSM to broadcast the "other" angle, we would still be bashing our keyboards and the likes of Chico, Traytor and the Daily Record would be steering the agenda.

A lot of Thomson's story, aside from the financial stuff, was the story of the fans. We are not going to be very impressed with it because as the subjects we saw more of the picture than Thomson had the ability to paint for the public.

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