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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The utter lack of action and organisation amongst the orcs has been a stand out feature of this entire saga. "Worldwide Fanbase" bullshit aside, there a lot of people in Scotland who profess to be Rangers "fans" but their voice has been completely muted throughout this, even with a willing MSM , eager to give them a platform. There is no doubt that the fans of the diddy teams have been heard loudest throughout this via non-traditional means (the MSM have even been unable to ignore that fact) and their actions have appeared to be more co-oridinated (even without any structured campaign) and that is pretty staggering whichever way you look at it. I can only conclude that a false sense of entitlement and a lot of complacency where they thought "we'll be awright" meant that they didn't make anything happen apart from some misguided boycott threats that actually made the decision to refuse them entry to the SPL easier.

A few years ago, if someone told me that the Rangers fans would tamely let their club fold in the manner that it did - I wouldn't have believed it quite honestly - and the fact that there hasn't been an effort to start a "Real Rangers" from scratch is also a massive surprise to me. The current entity that is entering the 3rd Division is clearly an utter farce with precious few links to the past and I'm surprised that enough people aren't of a mind to start their own club - especially with a Pyramid allegedly on the horizon.

Because they've always had everything handed to them on a plate (titles, cups etc) to a very large extent, apart from a few years in the wilderness in the 80s and CFC battling for supremacy, the MSM telling them what they want to hear, and the SFA kow-towing to their every wish, whereas us diddies have come to expect the worst and perhaps see our club as a potential basket-case every season, that way we were "Ready" (see what I did there? :lol: ) to do something if the worst came to the worst . RFC's problem is that it became too big for a group of fans to fix, it would need wealth off the radar to put right in the state it was last season. The wee, daft guys who would happily sell their granny to help don't have that amount of money, and the smart businessmen who have enough money are too effin smart to "invest" that amount in a football club where break-even (see Bill Miller) is the best result you'll get (or in RFC's case, be allowed to get, as the Orcs expect every spare penny to be re-invested chasing the Holy Grail, sorry, Orange Grail, of the Champions League), hence the laughably cheap bids forwarded by The Blue Knights and the Cardigan Consortium.

Edit : surely, even if they get to be called Rangers and keep the badge, keeping that word on it would be the biggest hypocrisy of all??? ;)

Edited by Happy Buddie
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The utter lack of action and organisation amongst the orcs has been a stand out feature of this entire saga. "Worldwide Fanbase" bullshit aside, there a lot of people in Scotland who profess to be Rangers "fans" but their voice has been completely muted throughout this, even with a willing MSM , eager to give them a platform. There is no doubt that the fans of the diddy teams have been heard loudest throughout this via non-traditional means (the MSM have even been unable to ignore that fact) and their actions have appeared to be more co-oridinated (even without any structured campaign) and that is pretty staggering whichever way you look at it. I can only conclude that a false sense of entitlement and a lot of complacency where they thought "we'll be awright" meant that they didn't make anything happen apart from some misguided boycott threats that actually made the decision to refuse them entry to the SPL easier.

A few years ago, if someone told me that the Rangers fans would tamely let their club fold in the manner that it did - I wouldn't have believed it quite honestly - and the fact that there hasn't been an effort to start a "Real Rangers" from scratch is also a massive surprise to me. The current entity that is entering the 3rd Division is clearly an utter farce with precious few links to the past and I'm surprised that enough people aren't of a mind to start their own club - especially with a Pyramid allegedly on the horizon.

I'd think a group of Ayr dwelling Rangers fans could have competed with Green & Co, si I've no idea why they couldn't compete worldwide, arrogance mibbee.

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I have said it for weeks.

And as time passes even the red tops are talking about it now.

Sevco will not play football. Anywhere, any time, ever.

It's done, over.

A bit empty now it's dusted, just the corpse to pick over and laugh at.

My only curiosity now is where will the pepul go, what avenue to play out their demented view of 21st century Scotland are open to them?

Time will tell I suppose.

Pretty much done with this thread now, that consumed many hours this summer and helped the football summer withdrawal symptoms.

Chow, c'ya, have a good season :D

Ciao Gio,

Ciao pal.

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Indeed, but to be fair to the majority of posters on here, we looked at events as they actually happened and asked many of the questions that the red tops and media knobjockeys ignored, and continue to ignore.

When it looked like Whyte wanted H&D as administrators - instantaneously on this thread, we saw warning signs. As football fans we had watched Portsmouth FC instantly cull their squad and staff in a bid to survive, and as the weeks rolled on with those 'player negotiations' rumbling along, we all continued to ask 'WTF?' - resulting in the 'worst/best administation ever' comments that can be added to this thread's terminology legacy: Cockwomble, Soccerball Bill, The Blue Shites, Sir Walter of Cardigan, Hughie Green... etc.

At a business bleeding one million pound per' month, P&B posters constantly raised red flags to ask just what was going on. That is only one example. I needn't go on. I'm not claiming that P&B posters were at the cutting edge of a new breed of internet analysis... but we did pretty well.

It continues today. Today SSN are showing reports from places like Elgin, and have slow lingering camera shots on how grubby the dugouts are, and how will the Ibrox big boys cope with this culture shock? The state of the Elgin dugouts / dressing rooms / pitch aren't today's pressing questions for the Sevco Works XI.... today's pressing questions are their ability to take part in the coming season at all, who Green's investors really are, what Green is really up to, what is the deal with the SFA licence / sanctions talks.. and why isn't Green there. What is going on with ST sales, their ability to fund Ibrox/Murray Park, and the state of play with what (if any) name, crest, and legal identity they may be admitted to the SFL carrying... and in the words of Jimmy Cricket... there's more.

The questions are being asked on here. Why are SSN fannying around with Elgin's dugouts?

P&B can at least hold its head high... we're at least trying. Aren't we Jabba?

Couldn't agree more. The fact that redtops and their ilk are avoiding real journalism is one of the reasons that they are in steep decline. Social media like this thread have shown them up badly...I haven't bought a paper even a broadsheet in months due to fact I can't believe what's written in them and fact that there is more accuracy and fact on a football forum s well wrong. I'm sure I'm nit only one either. Ssn has to pander to lowest common denominator but BBC doesn't and they need a major clear out.

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Which is how it sould be punted in the first place. Instead we got ' financial armageddon'. How are they still in a job?

Papers like the Daily Record make their living from being controversial, or telling people things they like to here. They also like trying to steer opinion. When it fails, like over Newco to SPL/to SFL1, they quickly resort to telling people what they like to here - actuallly, it'll all be fine.

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You may want to preach that to an actual bigot .... it's all about the sport with me.

And I may point out that it is well damn fucking hard on here when every now and again I keep getting replies from the likes of you bringing up the sectarian element like I'm a sectarian bigot.I make a non sectarian reply at times then some bigot replies back with the usual you and your kind and your sectarian bigoted ways blah blah.

And that leads me to ! who's the real sectarian bigot if it keeps getting shoved straight at me when I couldn't give a flying fcuk about religious footballing sectarian bigotry ?.

Well said that man.

Edit just to say:Well thats great,reds for agreeing with a guy that it is about football and not bigotry.

Edited by Forever Diamond
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I think there has been a bias towards Rangers, and it has been pretty naked at time. We had a contact very close to Paul le Guen and le Guen told him David Murray had once boasted that he had '80% of the Scottish press in his pocket'. He meant they were favourable, rather than bought. I would say that was in the right ball park at one point.

From the Scotsman live chat at the moment.

Surprised it was only 80%

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Is it just me, or is this thread running out of steam now?

If Rangers were to vanish for a season, I don't think it would have as much impact as what has happened so far.

If they were to go off and play in another country, citing irreconcilable differences, that would be interesting, I suppose. Australia?

I wanted to see them punished, severely, but the whole thing's like a limp rag now if they quietly go off and play in the Third. We need some AGGRO. Hate figures. Couldn't even bring myself to despise Doncaster on the radio the other night. It would have been like kicking a puppy. Maybe I'm just soft.

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Is it just me, or is this thread running out of steam now?

If Rangers were to vanish for a season, I don't think it would have as much impact as what has happened so far.

If they were to go off and play in another country, citing irreconcilable differences, that would be interesting, I suppose. Australia?

I wanted to see them punished, severely, but the whole thing's like a limp rag now if they quietly go off and play in the Third. We need some AGGRO. Hate figures. Couldn't even bring myself to despise Doncaster on the radio the other night. It would have been like kicking a puppy. Maybe I'm just soft.

Peaks and troughs, there is a few more things ahead which will see it swell again before it finally has its death throws and heads off to the promised land of P&B gold.

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Is it just me, or is this thread running out of steam now?

If Rangers were to vanish for a season, I don't think it would have as much impact as what has happened so far.

If they were to go off and play in another country, citing irreconcilable differences, that would be interesting, I suppose. Australia?

I wanted to see them punished, severely, but the whole thing's like a limp rag now if they quietly go off and play in the Third. We need some AGGRO. Hate figures. Couldn't even bring myself to despise Doncaster on the radio the other night. It would have been like kicking a puppy. Maybe I'm just soft.

I'd disagree. With all going on behind the scenes regarding; dualt contracts, ebt's, sfa membership, transfer embargo........ this could all get very interesting really soon

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Is it just me, or is this thread running out of steam now?

It is quiet but don't worry, Bomber and Di Stefano are busy stoking the boiler.

And I imagine some vandals have placed sleepers on the line up ahead.

Watch this space.

Woo-oo-woo! The Train Crash, to be continued....................

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The utter lack of action and organisation amongst the orcs has been a stand out feature of this entire saga. "Worldwide Fanbase" bullshit aside, there a lot of people in Scotland who profess to be Rangers "fans" but their voice has been completely muted throughout this, even with a willing MSM , eager to give them a platform. There is no doubt that the fans of the diddy teams have been heard loudest throughout this via non-traditional means (the MSM have even been unable to ignore that fact) and their actions have appeared to be more co-oridinated (even without any structured campaign) and that is pretty staggering whichever way you look at it. I can only conclude that a false sense of entitlement and a lot of complacency where they thought "we'll be awright" meant that they didn't make anything happen apart from some misguided boycott threats that actually made the decision to refuse them entry to the SPL easier.

A few years ago, if someone told me that the Rangers fans would tamely let their club fold in the manner that it did - I wouldn't have believed it quite honestly - and the fact that there hasn't been an effort to start a "Real Rangers" from scratch is also a massive surprise to me. The current entity that is entering the 3rd Division is clearly an utter farce with precious few links to the past and I'm surprised that enough people aren't of a mind to start their own club - especially with a Pyramid allegedly on the horizon.

Why has there been so little organisation? Simple. They believed their own propaganda, that they were too big to fail, that We Are The People, that someone would bail them out.

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Apologies if this was mentioned earlier on... can't really be bothered trawling back through the dozen-odd pages from since evening!!... but I see Regan has deleted his Twitter account. Changed days.

He was getting bombarded by an orchestrated attack from the orcs.(oops)

Saw reference on orcmedia.

No one capable of bringing that site down.........apparently.;)

eta accidental pun thing

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Why has there been so little organisation? Simple. They believed their own propaganda, that they were too big to fail, that We Are The People, that someone would bail them out.

The very people, Traytor and Co, we've quite rightly lambasted are the cause of their demise, they were too busy telling anyone that would listen that this couldn't happen and that couldn't happen but liquidation is still a possibility as an after thought, ask any Livi fan when they felt their club was safe.

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They did believe that someone would bail them out. The only problem was that everybody believed that everybody else would do it. But when it has come to the crunch its been a case of "I thought you had money?", "But I thought YOU had money???"

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