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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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On ragers media they still can't understand why they are unseeded in the Scottish League Cup Draw :lol: !.

Maybe it's because they are a new team <_<.

Also they list victims they want to pump rotten on their way to their first ever major title :blink: even though they apparently have plenty of them already ?????.

I'm fucking confused on ragers media at times when I read it's their first ever but they already have won it umpteen times :huh::o:blink::unsure::1eye.


Had a read of that thread but I had to stop when I read one Orc giving his preference:

"Accies away. Stadium is just behind my house. Would be good to take my 6 year old to her first ever game to see the Rangers."

There are about 6 different things to get annoyed about in that short statement:

1. Not supporting his local team.

2. Not supporting his local team even though he lives right next to the fucking stadium.

3. He probably lives in the Whitehill area of Hamilton; the place that time forgot.

4. He is going to get his poor daughter into supporting Rangers, instead of taking her to see Accies.

5. He refers to the team as "The" Rangers.

6. They aren't called Rangers anymore.

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Don't worry about it - you will never in your entire life be anywhere close to being as confused as those dumb fucks are on that forum.

They are very confident.

Do they have a secret weapon?

eta What would you reckon to be the worst draw for them?

Edited by cyderspaceman
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He's surely asking for them to agree a postponement?

Which therefore leads to the assumption that all is going very badly with the SFA registration.


PS: I assume if this is punted to a midweek, Sevco will be compensating Brechin, presumably with a series of IOUs written on orange post it notes.

Would a postponement suit Brechin, though - I'd want to get the season kicked off and would fancy a bye into the next round if they can't play.

Of course, they may have suspensions and injuries to think about.

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I make a point of not reading your drivel usually as it usually relates to trying to get the first post on certain pages but this is a beauty and i am glad i made an exception... Thick as pig shit.

I especially liked the bit about 'English Redcoats'...That would be the British Government troops that put down the Jacobite rebellion but hey don't let facts get in the way of your uneducated rant.

Nae offence No8 but you can dress up the bit in bold all you like but it's not how it is remembered in Scots history.This was nothing other than the English and their sympathizers subduing a nation that wanted to be completely independent of England at all costs,but our king at the time couldn't care less as he seen a bigger throne down south and duly left creating a union the Scots neither needed or wanted ! Jacobite rebellion ?.

Uneducated ? :1eye.

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I wager Charlie boy is on his knees at Brechin pleading desperately to have the cup tie delayed because the newco ain't ready in any shape what so ever,and also has no license either till he agrees to take the embargo right up his Khyber without lube.

Or forego the tie and give Brechin a walkover.

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Parker is very much alive and kicking, still peddling his bike and wearing his Sherlock Holmes hat, still buttlicking the local hunt and still seeing Templers as well in all directions. The Siol nan Gaidheal lot used to torment him if they saw him on Wallace Day in Elderslie, as the Templers are a hobby horse of theirs also who they claim were instrumental in Robert The Bruce's victory - which is "blasphemy" to Parker! :D

There's another local history loony in Barrhead forever claiming the town has something to do with King Arthur and the Holy Grail. I'd believe him more if he said it was Monty Python and the Holy Grail - it would explain so much!

I remember hearing something like that years ago, about Neilston Pad

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Nae offence No8 but you can dress up the bit in bold all you like but it's not how it is remembered in Scots history.This was nothing other than the English and their sympathizers subduing a nation that wanted to be completely independent of England at all costs,but our king at the time couldn't care less as he seen a bigger throne down south and duly left creating a union the Scots neither needed or wanted ! Jacobite rebellion ?.

Uneducated ? :1eye.

This is a Whooooosh attempt? :unsure:

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Nae offence No8 but you can dress up the bit in bold all you like but it's not how it is remembered in Scots history.This was nothing other than the English and their sympathizers subduing a nation that wanted to be completely independent of England at all costs,but our king at the time couldn't care less as he seen a bigger throne down south and duly left creating a union the Scots neither needed or wanted ! Jacobite rebellion ?.

Uneducated ? :1eye.


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I reserve the right to make a right kunt of myself now and again :D as nobody likes a complete smart erse.

Now and again? I think it's more a case of 'Mr Ambassador, you really are spoiling us with your endless pish.'

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we all hear about Celtic and there misdemeanors, but when was the last time you read about Guillits worst night in football? That rug must be of a Paisley pattern.................

All this celtic/St Mirren whataboutery is all very well, sonny, but it's not as good as the real thing, is it? Mibbes time the celtic fans moved on, as well as their ex-business partners......wink.gif

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All this celtic/St Mirren whataboutery is all very well, sonny, but it's not as good as the real thing, is it? Mibbes time the celtic fans moved on, as well as their ex-business partners......wink.gif

Delighted to WRK,,,,,,,,,,,,and that will happen the day that all somebody needs to get a 'popular post' is post FTOF, dies too. That must stop, as there is no OF anymore, and to keep saying the phrase in any form will make Orcs think it is true.

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