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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Has anyone else heard about Sevco capping wages at a grand.

They can't renegotiate anyone's wages for six months after the TUPE transfer, so this presumably only applies to the third division dross and Norn Iron loyal they'll be picking up to pad their numbers out. McCulloch will still be on north of eight grand a week.

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Great attitude. You do know that you`re club get a share of the gate..

Oh gosh I'd never have known that.lucky we have soccerball experts such as you to keep us all straight about rules n stuff.

Oh, and P&B has flipped back to money uber alles is it?...........oh well then, lets just tell Dundee it was all a big mistake and put Sevco back in the SPL after all.

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RST Board Statement

Friday, 20 July 2012 13:06

The RST is angered at the suggestion Rangers should be stripped of nine trophies won since 2000. This is a ludicrous suggestion from discredited individuals in two governing bodies whose behaviour has brought Scottish football to the brink of collapse due to their lack of competence.

Not content with Rangers’ relegation to the third division and the loss of the vast majority of our first team pool, these vindictive and sinister individuals wish to hamstring the club further by imposing an effective ban on new signings.

The pomposity of suggesting that a kangaroo court impose penalties for alleged breaches of the operation of EBTs whilst three judges continue to consider the case in a tax tribunal is staggering.

The recently leaked wish-list of sanctions strains the credulity of any sentient human being that such juvenile mind-games are being played at this time of crisis for the whole Scottish game.

The RST urges the Board of Rangers Football Club to remain resolute and refuse to consider such ludicrous and vindictive sanctions. The club and fans have suffered enough and do not deserve and will not accept additional punishments for the crimes or omissions of others imposed by bodies whose own credibility is in tatters.

Our manager has been inspirational in leading the club over the last five months and we urge all to follow his example in refusing to consider sanctions which impinge on sporting endeavour and fairness.

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The RST is angered at the suggestion Rangers should be stripped of nine trophies won since 2000. This is a ludicrous suggestion from discredited individuals in two governing bodies whose behaviour has brought Scottish football to the brink of collapse due to their lack of competence.

Not content with Rangers’ relegation to the third division and the loss of the vast majority of our first team pool, these vindictive and sinister individuals wish to hamstring the club further by imposing an effective ban on new signings.

The pomposity of suggesting that a kangaroo court impose penalties for alleged breaches of the operation of EBTs whilst three judges continue to consider the case in a tax tribunal is staggering.

The recently leaked wish-list of sanctions strains the credulity of any sentient human being that such juvenile mind-games are being played at this time of crisis for the whole Scottish game.

The RST urges the Board of Rangers Football Club to remain resolute and refuse to consider such ludicrous and vindictive sanctions. The club and fans have suffered enough and do not deserve and will not accept additional punishments for the crimes or omissions of others imposed by bodies whose own credibility is in tatters.

Our manager has been inspirational in leading the club over the last five months and we urge all to follow his example in refusing to consider sanctions which impinge on sporting endeavour and fairness.


verge of tears

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RST Board Statement

Friday, 20 July 2012 13:06

The RST is angered at the suggestion Rangers should be stripped of nine trophies won since 2000. This is a ludicrous suggestion from discredited individuals in two governing bodies whose behaviour has brought Scottish football to the brink of collapse due to their lack of competence.

Not content with Rangers’ relegation to the third division and the loss of the vast majority of our first team pool, these vindictive and sinister individuals wish to hamstring the club further by imposing an effective ban on new signings.

The pomposity of suggesting that a kangaroo court impose penalties for alleged breaches of the operation of EBTs whilst three judges continue to consider the case in a tax tribunal is staggering.

The recently leaked wish-list of sanctions strains the credulity of any sentient human being that such juvenile mind-games are being played at this time of crisis for the whole Scottish game.

The RST urges the Board of Rangers Football Club to remain resolute and refuse to consider such ludicrous and vindictive sanctions. The club and fans have suffered enough and do not deserve and will not accept additional punishments for the crimes or omissions of others imposed by bodies whose own credibility is in tatters.

Our manager has been inspirational in leading the club over the last five months and we urge all to follow his example in refusing to consider sanctions which impinge on sporting endeavour and fairness.

So if they are found guilty of cheating, they don't think they should be punished?

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They can't renegotiate anyone's wages for six months after the TUPE transfer, so this presumably only applies to the third division dross and Norn Iron loyal they'll be picking up to pad their numbers out. McCulloch will still be on north of eight grand a week.

Again, this, and variations of it, have been said before but with no evidence to back it up. Theres nothing to suggest that employee T&Cs cannot be changed after TUPE, as long as the notice periods in contracts is adhered to.

The other problem, of course, with the players is that they are on fixed contracts. Im not sure how that works with any attempt to renegotiate.

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Our manager has been inspirational in leading the club over the last five months and we urge all to follow his example in refusing to consider sanctions which impinge on sporting endeavour and fairness.

Am i missing something here ?....How can he refuse to consider sanctions ?

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Linky :)RST Board Statement ..... :lol: , still don't get the fact that 'Sevco' were not relegated!!

"Lovely stuff" as Shakin' Stevens might say.

Personal Highlights include:

"this time of crisis for the whole Scottish game" at a time when most have us have never felt quite this upbeat about the future of our game


"Our manager has been inspirational in leading the club over the last five months and we urge all to follow his example in refusing to consider sanctions which impinge on sporting endeavour and fairness". I just love the idea that the criminal receiving sanctions is allowed to not consider them. A brilliant defence mechanism for when you're being taken down.

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