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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Real Madrid removed the cross from their badge so as not to upset Muslims.

Perhaps Sevco could buy that, put it on their jerseys, then claim Real's history.

They haven' t taken the cross off the jersey badge, but you knew that, right?

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Did Campbell Ogilvie also want Clydebank's history to transfer to Airdrie United? The SFL list it that way, as HibeeJibee pointed out earlier in the thread.

There are not a finite number of SFA memberships. If another club wanted to join the SFA, it could do so without taking on Rangers' membership. If it wanted to transfer the membership of Rangers, then that would require the permission of the oldco, and in that case it would be considered to be a continuation of the old Rangers, and would be liable for the punishments and priveliges of the oldco.

Well summarised and as I also noted, it's happened before: Clachnacuddin went into liquidation in late 80s, current ltd company was formed in 1990, but the authorities regard them as the 1886 club.

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Why would it be considered a continuation of the now defunct club?

The sanctions would apply to any club which chose to take on the membership of the now defunct Rangers FC (IA).

If they want to keep their history, all they have to do is to get the shares from Craig Whyte, and either pay off the clubs debts, or come to some arrangement with their creditors. There's really no other option.

Picked this post at random;

Bored bored bored bored bored!

Let's play Murder In The Dark!:)

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He could walk away, therefore technically not accepting it.<_<

Otherwise known as "going in a huff"

He has probably been looking for a way out for a few weeks now and finding it difficult after giving it the "WE DON'T DO WALKING AWAY" shoiiiite. biggrin.gif

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Airdrie United are the same company as Clydebank. On the Companies House website, it shows their date of incorporation in 1965 with a 'name change' from Clydebank to Airdrie United in 2002.

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To try and cut to the chase - IF Charles Green can get a new 'entity' to start this season... is there any way he can do it and see his new entity completely dodge any SFA imposed sanctions and also dodge any punishments in regard to oldco EBTs?

Yes, give up the history and suck some boaby.

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I'm just back from a week in Spain and I think I'm finally caught up!

It was hard to keep in touch with the news while there - none of the papers or TV channels mentioned it. You'd have thought that with all the crooks involved, the worldwide fan base of the institution would extend to the Costa del Sol, but perhaps not.

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What it will boil down to is who can shout their point of view the loudest. As we have seen Sevco fans humph and grumph but when it comes down to getting heard, Sevco are in division three now and all SPL clubs would have had them in the SPL with point deductions and financial penalties if it was not for the diddy shouting.

As a diddy I believe Sevco obsessives can jump and up and down and shout, "We're Rangers! We're Rangers" as much as they want...... 8)

And we all know the diddies have proved to shout louder than Sevco.

A rousing diddy battle cry... However, we will face certain defeat. Ally says he won't accept it, plus, they have a huge fat cnut in a Sevco top who says the big house must stay open. We don't stand a chance when faced with such overwhelming odds.

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A rousing diddy battle cry... However, we will face certain defeat. Ally says he won't accept it, plus, they have a huge fat cnut in a Sevco top who says the big house must stay open. We don't stand a chance when faced with such overwhelming odds.

On the subject of diddy battle cries, perhaps some terrace wag could modify this....


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Say it panned out as you suggest. Instead of the Scottish football authorities fast-tracking 'NewCo Rangers' straight back into the SPL to keep Sky TV interested, maybe Sky TV would find it interesting to cover the adventures of NewCo Rangers on TV as they start life at the bottom of the pile and undoubtably rise quickly through the leagues. Think about it. NewCo Rangers, papped to the bottom of the pile, would be playing away in tiny venues with very low capacities. Teams in Divs 3, 2, and then 1 would benefit from sell-outs when NewCo Rangers came to town, and if Sky TV covered every NewCo Rangers away game live, it would allow NewCo Rangers fans who couldn't get tickets to these tiny away grounds to watch their team.

Sky might find this more attractive TV than run-of-the-mill SPL fodder. Maybe they could do a docu-soap to run along their live NewCo Rangers games, like 'The Osbournes'.... cameras following the supporters to far flung glamourous locales like Methil and Peterhead. Behind-the-scenes coverage... a whole world of possibilities.

If they put NewCo Rangers kits having Irn Bru patches sewn on the sleeves on live TV - I'd pay £15 to see it on pay-per-view no worries.

Not a bad prediction from the first few pages Poz :P

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Airdrie United are the same company as Clydebank. On the Companies House website, it shows their date of incorporation in 1965 with a 'name change' from Clydebank to Airdrie United in 2002.

I didn't know that. The situation is completely different in the Rangers case,

I've no idea knows what happens with the history then.

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Whilst accepting the point, I have difficulty with anything which closes with "this is clear and accepts no arguments". It's an eloquent way of writing FACT.

Which is different from this?

The club lost possession of the SPL share, not the company. The club lost it because of the actions of the company, granted, but there is a legal distinction between the club and the company, whether we want to accept it or not. That's not up for debate.

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Not a bad prediction from the first few pages Poz :P

Aye, but an easy one to make. It was a certainty that any new 'Rangers' starting in Div 3 would see a TV company sniffing around. I have said the same about the red top Rangers boaby-sookers. They might be shiteing it that they can't fill column inches by fabricating foreign signing target stories any more - but if they have even an ounce of journalistic talent, they could fill pages with the Sevco story...Living the Dream, Gretna style. Without the llamas.

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Guys, we're getting bogged down in whether or not the history continues.

For me, whether the entity that won loads over the last decade by cheating still exists right now or not, is close to irrelevant.

What matters is that those honours are removed. I don't care whether that's done posthumously or not, so long as it happens.

We know that Rangers fans will claim a continuation while the sentient will suggest otherwise. What should be incontestible is how many they won legitimately and that must be enshrined.

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