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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'm sure i would get more sense from your cat !!! sorry pussy ......... get a life and see the world my friend .

Please excuse my cheap shot. No offence intended.

Just bored with newco saga dragging on and on and on.......

I have seen a bit of the world. Some of it's good and some of it's shit.

I have a Ukrainian friend, although she claims to be Russian. Go figure.

She is also rather attractive, although I am at an age when they all are.

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Got to agree.

There is no way any football authority could give into this.

Newco appears to be doomed.

Green is either stupid or clever. I don't think he is stupid.

He is just playing the Orcs like fish.


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It's obviously a joke regarding "the alleged type of manager" and rankers paying obscene wage for the likes of Flo ...

Did you have SOH bypass?

Did I get all uppity about the smear campaign on Big Jock ,on a thread supposedly for the Rangers death knoll ...

And of course the one sided rumours about him ,are 100% fact. It could not be possible the player concerned (of course he is an innocent and shy wee boy) was a cheeky wee b*****d, trying it on and needing put in his place; then starts greeting about the way he was dealt with.

But hey don't let such a thing as there being two sides to a story stop you ... lash on with the rest of the fishwives !!

Sense of humour bypass? I would need to have one for it to be bypassed.

Fair enough though - I just read your post (and the one quoted) in isolation. Apologies.

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For all the talk of 'stitch ups', I'm yet to see one in this whole saga, other then perhaps 'Rangers' getting into SFL3 without having to face other applicants for the position.

The way the transfer embargo got shifted so that current window is open was a clear example of "negotiation", in my opinion.

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Rangers to get SFA Licence in time for Sunday’s game

1/16 Yes

7/1 No

Sunday’s Ramsdens Cup Odds

13/2 Brechin 19/5 Draw Rangers 2/7

Interesting that McBookie have now priced the game after refusing to yesterday because of rumours Rangers wouldn't be granted a licence. Or am I being wildly optimistic.

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The way the transfer embargo got shifted so that current window is open was a clear example of "negotiation", in my opinion.

You could say that that but the point is it's not a lot compared to what their (failed) PR machine has been predicting every step along the way is it?

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People have tried to stitch things up, but it has failed so far.

I tend to agree, but as LongTimeLurker points out, getting the remainder of this window was a break for them, given what was initially decided.

I also worry that the largely delightful course of events so far, which has seen attempted SPL and SFL stitch-ups fail; gives rise to the 'they've been punished enough' crap that's maybe gaining a foothold.

Being vigilant to the point of pessimism has helped secure the progress made so far.

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I tend to agree, but as LongTimeLurker points out, getting the remainder of this window was a break for them, given what was initially decided.

I also worry that the largely delightful course of events so far, which has seen attempted SPL and SFL stitch-ups fail; gives rise to the 'they've been punished enough' crap that's maybe gaining a foothold.

Being vigilant to the point of pessimism has helped secure the progress made so far.

Good point well made. Still like to point and laugh as well though.

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Rangers to get SFA Licence in time for Sunday's game

1/16 Yes

7/1 No

Sunday's Ramsdens Cup Odds

13/2 Brechin 19/5 Draw Rangers 2/7

Interesting that McBookie have now priced the game after refusing to yesterday because of rumours Rangers wouldn't be granted a licence. Or am I being wildly optimistic.

f**k it, a tenner on Brechin. :D

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Rangers to get SFA Licence in time for Sunday's game

1/16 Yes

7/1 No

Sunday's Ramsdens Cup Odds

13/2 Brechin 19/5 Draw Rangers 2/7

Interesting that McBookie have now priced the game after refusing to yesterday because of rumours Rangers wouldn't be granted a licence. Or am I being wildly optimistic.

The bookies are seldom wrong.:(

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You know, Leggo might want to watch his step if Whyte is as litigious as the drunken oaf makes out. He's accused him so far of being in cahoots with the Regan/Media/Celtic axis of evil, links to the mafia and international terrorism (!) despotic, wilfully corrupt and many other nasty things.

But has he accused him of going to the "wrong" school?

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The bookies are seldom wrong.:(

I wouldn't set too much stall out by this - Macbookies were offering ridiculous odds that 'Rangers' would be in the SPL/SFL1. In comparative terms, I'd imagine they took quite a battering with both of those markets.

That being said, I think they'll get their license to play. Whether it's before Sunday or not I'm not so sure.

Edited by Kyle
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I tend to agree, but as LongTimeLurker points out, getting the remainder of this window was a break for them, given what was initially decided.

It may explain the long contracts. I've been told that although next summer's transfer window ends on a Saturday (31 Aug) it won't be getting extended until the Monday night. So the squad they have on Sept 1 will have to do them through to January 2014.

Assuming Sevco are still alive then, of course.

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Wasn't assuming anything, your previous answer was slightly unclear (to me) and I was trying to clarify it (hence the question). Comes back to the same thing then, seems to me that you support Airdrie because you are, and always were, an Airdrie fan. Sure, there's an acknowledgement of the legal discontinuity, and I don't know anyone who's trying to pretend that didn't happen or that it doesn't matter, but likewise the support for the 'club' as a wider entity has been continuous.

I'm not trying to be prescriptive here and I'm genuinely interested in your different perception of it.

Well Yoss to clear up the matter on what you want to know,just read the full thread...several Airdrie United fans (myself included)have posted on here,and not one of them has said they claim us to be a continuation of Airdrieonians.It is a near impossibility for it to be anyhow,as we are a renamed Clydebank,who were relocated to Airdrie.

How can i answer the "i support Airdrie because i have and always will be an Airdrie fan" bit due to both clubs having Airdrie in their name.I can't speak for all,but know enough of the fanbase to say,as i have said previously that we do know the new club is not a continuation of the old club.As i keep saying,we have choices to support whoever we want,i chose my local side as many of the real fans did,we even talked about following them as a junior side if we could have reformed Airdrieonians as a junior outfit.It wasn't to be,but Mr Ballantyne brought football back to our town in the form of Airdrie United,it was never ever going to be the same,but it gave the town a team to follow.

So i am unsure what else you need to clarify this,as the first comment i read from you on this was the one of saying Airdrie Utd fans think we are a continuation of the old Airdrieonians....well that is just BS....there may be a handful,but i can assure you the rest don't think of Utd as this.

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There's a lot of doom and gloom about but it's worth remembering that, apart from the entry in to SFL3 without due process, the cheating b*****ds have in fact not got away with anything to date. I for one have been hyper critical of the SFA/SPL/SFL but so far, by default sometimes and in spite of Regan/Cockwomble, they've done just about the right things. All the talk of "negotiaition" and "compromise" has come from Green, fat sally and the orcmedia.

But do you think this would be the case if the diddies hadn't mobilised so effectively and called "time" on the MSM's bias? RTC and others have been working tirelessly to make sure there are no rugs in Scottish football (apart from Gordon Smith's) to allow anything to be swept under, and without them I'm not so sure the position would be the same. Some of the commentators on this forum seem to have a firmer grasp on due process than those in charge and this is in of itself a huge concern.

Whether Hughie's playing a blinder in scuttling TRFC and making it look like like sabotage is a bit of a side-issue. The fact remains that those in charge of the game knew about Ranger's underhand methods well in advance of them going into administration, and by all accounts shouldn't have allowed them to even compete in season 2011/12. Ogilvie's still in a job and now Regan and Cockwomble are flailing about entirely unsure of what to do. If Sally hadn't been so inept then TRFC should have at least beaten Maribor and this would have allowed some cash injection to keep the wolf from the door for another season, and allowed the powers that be to keep feathering their nests.

Any investigation into the EBT's is going to ably demonstrate that the SPL and the SFA were well aware of them and failed to take any action because some of their board were beneficiaries. This leaves them in the invidious position of being unable to allow TRFC to skate when all the "customers" are up in arms about blatant cheating, or allowing the matter to be fully investigated and the sword of Damocles falling on their fat necks.

I agree the present position is satisfactory but think this is entirely by accident and not design. The delays are unacceptable and only show-up the governing bodies as self-preserving fools. This is not a judicial process, it's an in-house quasi-legal one specifically designed to prevent such unacceptable whataboutery. New broom time, not Trigger's.

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