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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How many have they sold so far? Can't be many...

So far as anyone can tell, a thousand or so. They still don't have credit card or direct debit facilities available, and a sizeable portion of the most rabid bit of the fan base has been led to believe that any cash handed over to Charles Green will be donated to the IRA or the Mafia or something by Bomber and Leggatt.

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So far as anyone can tell, a thousand or so. They still don't have credit card or direct debit facilities available, and a sizeable portion of the most rabid bit of the fan base has been led to believe that any cash handed over to Charles Green will be donated to the IRA or the Mafia or something by Bomber and Leggatt.

That was my thoughts. Once Bomber's £40K is added to the mix, it will be a very different story.

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The sums don't really seem to add up.

- Even if they shift 20,000 STs (optimistic) at approx £300 a pop, that's £6million.

- Virtually nothing from the TV deal

- Transfer fees? No one left with any real value

- Wages? McCulloch, Edu, Wallace etc still there, and still on big wages.

- The rest of the squad, even the dross/kids will still be on at least £500 a week

- Green still hasn't named his backers so little or no working capital, and unlikely to get anywhere with compo claims re the players who left

- Ibrox/Murray Park - Is a million a month to run right? Even if it's half that, you're talking £4-5million over the season. Plus I'm sure I read somewhere that Ibrox needs some repair work carried out

- Absolutely no chance of significant income (other than STs) for at least 3-4 years

- We've not even got into the EBT, BTC conclusions yet, and also a police investigation into the takeover.

- The Sevco support still seems split into factions, one of which is with "Bomber" Brown's insistence not to financially support Green.

How the f**k are they going to survive unless Green sells the whole shebang to someone that doesn't mind tossing away £40-50million before they ven get european football? Even then, once they get to the top division, to be competitive, they're going to have to punt the dross that got them there and spend big to even hope to match Celtic.

I don't know whether Green has some ingenious plot up his sleeve, or he made a number of really dumb assumptions throughout this process and he's now been left in the Wile E Coyote role of holding the ACME bomb with the very short fuse.

I'm quite disappointed Spartans or someone hadn't at least put in a note of interest. It would at least have made the powers-that-be make a decision between the likely Sevco financial clusterfuck in the near future, or a good, well run wee but ambitious club with stable finances.

There's a fucking lot still to happen here.

And plenty of amusement to be had...

Which is why the Livi-style bond was discussed on this thread a while back. The more we bandy these numbers around, the more likely it looks as if they will struggle very badly financially, even if Brian the Bob sticks his £5.6 million-worth of shillings in, that's only a few weeks worth of losses.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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Coontin's no' your gemme, is it? Did you work for the auld Rangers as an accountant?

20 at 5 grand a week x 4 weeks is 400k. BUT 45000 STs at average of £300 is only £13.5m, so STs vs wages on players alone is -£7.5m pa. Plus as you say £1m per month running. Does that include non-squad wages? Even so that's a loss of c. £20 m per annum to be made up by sponsorship and TV money :lol: . Over min of 3 years, £60 million. Aye, the Berrs are gonnae be great when they get into the SPL debt-free.

I am also not an accountant, so this is simple primary school arithmetic. Maybe some real accountants (or porn barons) can show us how this can be turned into a profit (No tax loopholes, please)

OK, I'll have a go,

20 players at 5k/w ( plus NI contributions don't forget) = more than 5,200,000 pa

Upkeep of assets = Im p/m ( don't know where figs come from) = 12,000,000 pa

makes outgoings of 17,200,000 plus NI contributions, (mustn't forget those)

Income from STs at 300pounds = 13,500,000 (45,000 sold ha ha)

Income from telly is, snigger, no' very much. Less than 100K (it seems)

Sponsorship 4 million? (haven't a clue)

So, incomings 17,500,000: outgoings 17,200,000 (plus NI, don't forget)

I see a smallish loss before Sally's wages, backroom staff and other stuff I'm ignorant of.

Someone else like to have a go? There will be things I have missed.

Pies! Orcs eat a lot of pies. Got to be worth a squillion.

Someone with more knowledge could draw up a spreadsheet.

Green would probly pinch it!

Edited by cyderspaceman
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We've all been trying to work out Charles Green's intentions over newco and I wonder if we can read anything into the attitude towards the lack ST sales. I would have thought this is the one thing he would be determined to push; outwith the SFA membership surely securing ST sales must be the highest priority. After all various people have commented on the potential cashflow issues newco must already be facing.

Therefore why no concerted campaign? I would have thought something high profile involving McCoist and other heroes of the former 'Rangers' would have been created to counteract Brown, Jardine etc.

Is the lack of such a push on ST sales an indication of Green's real intentions or am I just being paranoid? :unsure:

Page 3,142...

Pi and Bovril?

Coat, etc..

Christ, I must be getting doddery. Looked at this post about three times before I worked it out. Wondered why people were green dotting it!

Well done! :)

Edited by Granny Danger
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It really doesn't add up does it. Be interesting to know what sevco sponsors are doing re renegotiating contracts, clearly they would have expected to see their brands showcased in the SPL and CL - not Glebe Park (no offence meant :D). Charlie boy must be shitting himself incase the licence gets granted!

What odds Team GB play more games than The Rangers?

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Coontin's no' your gemme, is it? Did you work for the auld Rangers as an accountant?

20 at 5 grand a week x 4 weeks is 400k. BUT 45000 STs at average of £300 is only £13.5m, so STs vs wages on players alone is -£7.5m pa. Plus as you say £1m per month running. Does that include non-squad wages? Even so that's a loss of c. £20 m per annum to be made up by sponsorship and TV money :lol: . Over min of 3 years, £60 million. Aye, the Berrs are gonnae be great when they get into the SPL debt-free.

I am also not an accountant, so this is simple primary school arithmetic. Maybe some real accountants (or porn barons) can show us how this can be turned into a profit (No tax loopholes, please)

I'm glad you're not an accountant cos coontin's no your strong suit either! wink.gif (did you multiply 400k x 52 weeks instead of 100k x 52 weeks?)

20 players at average 5 grand a week is £5.2m plus burden = say £5.9m annually.

Running costs = £12m annually (I'm assuming this includes all non-squad wages and overheads etc.)

STs = £13.5m

Before any other income from other ticket sales, sponsorship, t.v., etc. there is a shortfall of only £4.4m. As a shortfall, it's still larger than some SPl club's entire annual turnover! But it's nowhere near as bad as you suggested.

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I'm glad you're not an accountant cos coontin's no your strong suit either! wink.gif (did you multiply 400k x 52 weeks instead of 100k x 52 weeks?)

20 players at average 5 grand a week is £5.2m plus burden = say £5.9m annually.

Running costs = £12m annually (I'm assuming this includes all non-squad wages and overheads etc.)

STs = £13.5m

Before any other income from other ticket sales, sponsorship, t.v., etc. there is a shortfall of only £4.4m. As a shortfall, it's still larger than some SPl club's entire annual turnover! But it's nowhere near as bad as you suggested.

I know, I realised after I'd posted I had added running costs in twice. Still, a good tax dodge, double-invoicing.

By your calculations c£4m, by mine (corrected) c£8m, still a lot of money to have to pump in p.a., cos they ain't gonna get credit facilities on the strength of future Champions' League revenues.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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We've all been trying to work out Charles Green's intentions over newco and I wonder if we can read anything into the attitude towards the lack ST sales. I would have thought this is the one thing he would be determined to push; outwith the SFA membership surely securing ST sales must be the highest priority. After all various people have commented on the potential cashflow issues newco must already be facing.

Therefore why no concerted campaign? I would have thought something high profile involving McCoist and other heroes of the former 'Rangers' would have been created to counteract Brown, Jardine etc.

Is the lack of such a push on ST sales an indication of Green's real intentions or am I just being paranoid? :unsure:

Christ, I must be getting doddery. Looked at this post about three times before I worked it out. Wondered why people were green dotting it!

Well done! :)

Do you mean paranoid in a good way? Selling the assets is good, selling the company is bad. Right? Good or bad for diddies I mean.

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We've all been trying to work out Charles Green's intentions over newco and I wonder if we can read anything into the attitude towards the lack ST sales. I would have thought this is the one thing he would be determined to push; outwith the SFA membership surely securing ST sales must be the highest priority. After all various people have commented on the potential cashflow issues newco must already be facing.

Therefore why no concerted campaign? I would have thought something high profile involving McCoist and other heroes of the former 'Rangers' would have been created to counteract Brown, Jardine etc.

Is the lack of such a push on ST sales an indication of Green's real intentions or am I just being paranoid? :unsure:

Christ, I must be getting doddery. Looked at this post about three times before I worked it out. Wondered why people were green dotting it!

Well done! :)

I've a colleague who has been trying to buy STs for weeks now - when eventually he does manage to get through on the phone line (lines are always busy) he is getting told (as recently as this morning) that they are unable to sell any until the SFA licence is granted. He asked why Brechin tickets have been sold (2,500) and was told that it was a mistake and the shouldn't really have done this!huh.gif

I don't doubt this is what was told, but I do doubt that he has been given the true answer. Is there still an issue with banking facilities??

So, I don't really think that there is a need to promote ST sales - I reckon that as soon as they are able to sell them then they will. I also think (but hope I'm wrong) that 45,000 at least will be sold.

Guess we'll see when (if!) the licence is given....

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