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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'm honestly in two minds about Sevco.

I don't THINK I want TCFKAR to die. I do want them to pay for their transgressions. I want them to learn from their mistakes, and to approach the future with humility, dignity and a rational approach to their new status as a Third Division side with an appropriate level of expectation and budget. I want them to live within their means, and if by doing so, they become a great club again, then good on them. Especially if they lose a few bigots along the way and the new breed of Rangers fan does what it can to obliterate sectarianism from Ibrox. I used to like McCoist. He was a cheeky chappy with a habit of scoring for Scotland. Now, I think Sevco have allowed "Rangers" men like McCoist and Jardine to bring their club to the edge of oblivion. If the club had a manager with less emotional attachment to the club, this would have been resolved ages ago. Many of the fans would have been disappointed, but the club would have held its hand up to its misdemeanours, possibly even with some humility and pride going forward. Instead, McCoist's posturing and WATP stance has alienated the footballing authorities and ourselves, as well augmenting the Rangers fans' misjudged feeling of persecution.

The less rational part of me (a part which, like my waistline, is growing and becoming uncomfortable) says, "f**k 'em". They don't want to change; they can't accept where they are and how they got there; their "history" is more important than football; and they don't give a toss for Scottish football outside the love/hate relationship they have with Celtic. The current arrogance of Sevco in trying to "negotiate" their punishment is the final straw, and is the factor that is contibuting most towards the scale inside my head beginning to tip towards expuslion and death of the club.

Whatever happens today, this will be a sad day for Scottish football. The death of any club, even an arrogant sectarian one is sad, because not all Rangers fans were bigots and knuckle-draggers, just as not all SFL fans are paragons of sporting virtue. My best friend, my brother-in-law, my wife's best friend, many of my colleagues are "bluenoses" born and brought up in the South West of Glasgow and entiteld to claim Rangers as their "local team" even if one of them now lives in Swindon and another in Paisley, but they are decent people who accept that Rangers were makers of their own problems, and I am sure there are thousands of others just like them.

BUT if Sevco get their way and have their history retained without all of the punishment due to them being passed on to the newco, then that will be equally sad as it will demonstrate to the rest of Scottish football that when push comes to shove, Rangers and Celtic will always be treated differently from the other member teams. Actually, even if they do lose their history, they are still being treated favourably as any provincial club who had transgressed to such an extent would have been kicked out and their place taken by a non-league team.

As an aside, no-one can take away the legitimate titles won by Rangers pre-EBT and that history will still exist, just as the history of Third Lanark exists. A new history begins for the new club, that's all and Sevco start from scratch. Rangers will still have 49 titles, it just won't be "54 and counting" any more. Those titles and cups won by Rangers during the EBT period should simply be recorded as "stripped" from Rangers, or "not awarded". That way a reminder will exist in the records which may act as a warning to other clubs who want to follow such a path in future.

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So, how much of this deal will the SFL clubs get?

It had better be considerably more than their settlement or plenty of innovative changes to structure, voting etc.

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Excuse me, but Team GB represent at least 2 willing parts of the United Kingdom and those of us down here in England (and I presume Wales) are willing to support them as we recognise that they represent us. They do not represent any of the bigoted bile that your average ORC spouts or believes in and for making that assumption I have given you a nice big red one. If you and your fellow Scottish fans are happy to go along with the stance that all those clever logical and morally superior administrators at the SFA have decided for you then that's fine, after all these people are beyond reproach and have shown themselves to be so over a long period of time and clearly have their finger on the pulse of Scottish football and the wishes of its fans, but don't try and politicise what is effectively now a joint English and Welsh side for your own ends.

Oooh, touchy, touchy! Disappointed after the draw?

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I'm honestly in two minds about Sevco.

I don't THINK I want TCFKAR to die. I do want them to pay for their transgressions. I want them to learn from their mistakes, and to approach the future with humility, dignity and a rational approach to their new status as a Third Division side with an appropriate level of expectation and budget. I want them to live within their means, and if by doing so, they become a great club again, then good on them. Especially if they lose a few bigots along the way and the new breed of Rangers fan does what it can to obliterate sectarianism from Ibrox. I used to like McCoist. He was a cheeky chappy with a habit of scoring for Scotland. Now, I think Sevco have allowed "Rangers" men like McCoist and Jardine to bring their club to the edge of oblivion. If the club had a manager with less emotional attachment to the club, this would have been resolved ages ago. Many of the fans would have been disappointed, but the club would have held its hand up to its misdemeanours, possibly even with some humility and pride going forward. Instead, McCoist's posturing and WATP stance has alienated the footballing authorities and ourselves, as well augmenting the Rangers fans' misjudged feeling of persecution.

The less rational part of me (a part which, like my waistline, is growing and becoming uncomfortable) says, "f**k 'em". They don't want to change; they can't accept where they are and how they got there; their "history" is more important than football; and they don't give a toss for Scottish football outside the love/hate relationship they have with Celtic. The current arrogance of Sevco in trying to "negotiate" their punishment is the final straw, and is the factor that is contibuting most towards the scale inside my head beginning to tip towards expuslion and death of the club.

Whatever happens today, this will be a sad day for Scottish football. The death of any club, even an arrogant sectarian one is sad, because not all Rangers fans were bigots and knuckle-draggers, just as not all SFL fans are paragons of sporting virtue. My best friend, my brother-in-law, my wife's best friend, many of my colleagues are "bluenoses" born and brought up in the South West of Glasgow and entiteld to claim Rangers as their "local team" even if one of them now lives in Swindon and another in Paisley, but they are decent people who accept that Rangers were makers of their own problems, and I am sure there are thousands of others just like them.

BUT if Sevco get their way and have their history retained without all of the punishment due to them being passed on to the newco, then that will be equally sad as it will demonstrate to the rest of Scottish football that when push comes to shove, Rangers and Celtic will always be treated differently from the other member teams. Actually, even if they do lose their history, they are still being treated favourably as any provincial club who had transgressed to such an extent would have been kicked out and their place taken by a non-league team.

As an aside, no-one can take away the legitimate titles won by Rangers pre-EBT and that history will still exist, just as the history of Third Lanark exists. A new history begins for the new club, that's all and Sevco start from scratch. Rangers will still have 49 titles, it just won't be "54 and counting" any more. Those titles and cups won by Rangers during the EBT period should simply be recorded as "stripped" from Rangers, or "not awarded". That way a reminder will exist in the records which may act as a warning to other clubs who want to follow such a path in future.

Orgasmic celebrations if the die. Get them to f*ck. Scottish football was already in the grubber before they started all this disgusting mess, and they are revelling in it. For once,highly unlikely I know, do the right thing and start application proceedings NOW. They shouldve been thrown out altogether and NOT given a lifeline.DIE! DIE!

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So the tv money stays almost the exact same then, wonder how the succulents will spin that .

There will be a slight decrease in what the SPL clubs see, because the SPL had to buy the SFL's TV rights.

But I suspect they will have been the only serious bidder, because Sky and ESPN knew that they'd end up with the matches anyway.

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There will be a slight decrease in what the SPL clubs see, because the SPL had to buy the SFL's TV rights.

But I suspect they will have been the only serious bidder, because Sky and ESPN knew that they'd end up with the matches anyway.

Away and don't talk crap, plenty of wonga for Newco going through the divisions, apart from the games against Celtic the TV audiences will be comparable with Oldco in the SPL.

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It had better be considerably more than their settlement or plenty of innovative changes to structure, voting etc.

Well according to yesterdays "Daily Retard", its this;

"THE SPL and SFL were last night close to agreeing a £1.2million deal with Sky for the rights to show 45 Rangers matches over the next three seasons.

An announcement on the deal – believed to work out at an average of £27,000 a game – is expected within the next 48 hours."

So, if the money is shared out equally between all SFL clubs, we all get a massive £13,333 a season. Someone should tell the fucking idiots who run our game, that they are supposed to SELL Scottish football, not just give it away.

ps I wonder if that deal would include showing some SFL football that does not involve Sevco?

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Away and don't talk crap, plenty of wonga for Newco going through the divisions, apart from the games against Celtic the TV audiences will be comparable with Oldco in the SPL.

Sky and ESPN knew that they would get Sevco's matches if the SPL won the rights. So why would they bother bidding and go to the hassle of renegotiating the SPL contract? It's win-win for them -- let someone else do the donkey-work and sit back while knowing you've got them over a barrel.

Who else would bid? BBC Alba on its budget of two buttons and a hairpin?

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Excuse me, but Team GB represent at least 2 willing parts of the United Kingdom and those of us down here in England (and I presume Wales) are willing to support them as we recognise that they represent us. They do not represent any of the bigoted bile that your average ORC spouts or believes in and for making that assumption I have given you a nice big red one. If you and your fellow Scottish fans are happy to go along with the stance that all those clever logical and morally superior administrators at the SFA have decided for you then that's fine, after all these people are beyond reproach and have shown themselves to be so over a long period of time and clearly have their finger on the pulse of Scottish football and the wishes of its fans, but don't try and politicise what is effectively now a joint English and Welsh side for your own ends.

Aye. Get to f**k. Its presumption like that that makes Team GB such a vile and stupid construct.

Here's some reaction from Twitter showing the harmony Team GB have brought to the "nation".

@ManicMummyat40 Ryan Giggs should be ashamed of himself – sing the National Anthem! #englishandproud #olympics2012 @djmickbrown great to see giggs and bellamy not singing our national anthem..tossers..if they dont want to b part of it properly then please go home.

‏@richardgorman1 Giggs captain? Sing the nation anthem you welsh sheep shagging no mark

‏@ItsCareyBear Ryan giggs not singing the english national anthem #welshcunt

@BiHo1984 Shameful that Giggs and Bellamy weren't singing the anthem before #GBRvBRA.. Definitely shouldn't have invited these sheep-shaggers to play.

@Alanmc87 Giggs and bellamy not singing anthem..welsh b*****ds!!! Ah 1-0 Brazil

‏@BillyRTaylor Lol Giggs won't sing the anthem, welsh c**t

@ricky_aj_hall Giggs and bellamy not singing the national anthem? Fucking die u horrible c***s! Neymar with the headband reminds me of a young ricky hall

@itisnate Giggs your captaining GB and you don't sing the anthem you welsh twat and pearce you ugly twat you should of picked beckham #TeamGB

‏@StJakey Ryan Giggs you stupid Welsh c**t.. He shouldn't Captain the Great Britain team if your not going to sing the Anthem! And you Bellamy #c***s


Edited by Macshimmy
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Today marks the date of the worlds most entertaining sporting spectacle - The Rangers go tits up! Let's hope the Olympics doesn't steal the limelight!

Jeez, where do you get your optimism? As much as I would like to see it, there is no way Rangers will be allowed to die. The SFA and SPL will not allow it.

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Cold reality is going to set in when my alarm goes off in a few hours. Allow me a brief interlude of fantasy and naive hope..

(msg to self, never post when pished)

That's what the delete button's for.

I've used it, but you've got to be quick.

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Well according to yesterdays "Daily Retard", its this;

"THE SPL and SFL were last night close to agreeing a £1.2million deal with Sky for the rights to show 45 Rangers matches over the next three seasons.

An announcement on the deal – believed to work out at an average of £27,000 a game – is expected within the next 48 hours."

So, if the money is shared out equally between all SFL clubs, we all get a massive £13,333 a season. Someone should tell the fucking idiots who run our game, that they are supposed to SELL Scottish football, not just give it away.

ps I wonder if that deal would include showing some SFL football that does not involve Sevco?

We would have been better just letting everyone shag our arse weeks ago rather than all the bluster .

We're now virtually at the status quo with a shiny club debt free and SPL clubs getting it easier than ever.

When offered that pittance the retort should have been "shove your cash up your arse and fcuk off, you will not be showing any SFL games".

I don't even think these fcukers could work in Asda without being shown up.

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Jeez, where do you get your optimism? As much as I would like to see it, there is no way Rangers will be allowed to die. The SFA and SPL will not allow it.

In the hypothetical scenario that The Green Brigade can't afford to keep throwing money at TRFC long enough to get them to the SPL, and they can't get bank credit facilities, let's assume that they accept BK's offer of £5.6 million. By some of the calculations posted here yesterday, that's still not enough to keep them in credit for 3 years. They would surely then be back in the same situation they were in earlier this year, in admin, waiting on the next batch of cavalry coming over the hill, mibbe The Cardigan Crew, who would surely have to adopt a different business model, i.e. cut the big earners but risk upsetting the Berrs by not being at all successful, they'd just have to accept survival as thebest they could get.

But, if there's no cavalry, the SPL and SFA WOULD have to let them go, like Kate did with Leo in Titanic, cos there ain't such a thing as "government rescues" in sport, I'm thinking of the type of thing that used to happen with BL etc in the 70s.

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Advice needed, off out tonight wifes side family, one of brother in laws is a sevco fan but before it he was an Airdrieonian. Given his track record what is the best way to go about getting him to become a Celtic fan?

Who gave him the bus fare??

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Advice needed, off out tonight wifes side family, one of brother in laws is a sevco fan but before it he was an Airdrieonian. Given his track record what is the best way to go about getting him to become a Celtic fan?


Holy shit, is he half-albatross?

To answer your question, point out that Celtic will probably hoover up the vast majority of the trophies over the next 4 years minimum. He's a fan of ex-Rangers so i'd imagine he'll follow the silverware.

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Advice needed, off out tonight wifes side family, one of brother in laws is a sevco fan but before it he was an Airdrieonian. Given his track record what is the best way to go about getting him to become a Celtic fan?

Ask for a jug of water, turn it into wine, then offer him a slice of breid.

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