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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Epic, isn't it.

If you have read it though you would see that its not all about Rangers but rather how the events of the past few months have effected every club in Scottish football in some form or other. I think when its done it maybe should be published, because there is some tremendous input from football fans from all clubs and it is a great insight into the minds of those that go to watch the nations favourite sport.

It's human nature to not look away when a train smash is happening in front of you.

The strangest part of the whole saga is the blind acceptance of Charles Green. After the events of Murray and Whyte, you would assume that Green Rangers would be treated with some scepticism. There are still so many unanswered questions out there, I would have thought the Green Rangers fans would be bombarding forums such as RM.

Oldco got into the state they ended up in precisely because of the culture of not asking hard questions. (A culture that may have been led by the likes of James Traynor, but it was also assisted by various stakeholders at Oldco).

However, it just seems to be another big love-in at Ibrox, with everything on the periphery being ignored.

I've no axe to grind with ordinary Rangers fans. If you pay your money, week in week out to support the club, then you deserve to at least be told what is going on.

I have no doubt that the Scottish media are going to find it hard to get out of the culture of sucking up to Ibrox in the hope of being thrown scraps from the table and it's no surprise to me that many of them are still not pushing for answers, but to be honest, the biggest part of this whole debacle that I can't fathom is why Rangers supporters aren't demanding more clarity about the current set up.

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Today's Scotsman has Green's full speech to ST purchasers yesterday:

"We're not having - excuse my French - the P taken out of us any more. It's finished.

"I'll give you an example. This morning, I had a phone call from the SPL telling us we can't put our old games on the website because we don't own the archive rights. 'And by the way, Charles, don't get angry. You shouldn't think we are being vindictive, it's just what the agreement says'.

"Tell me how I took that? I was walking on the ceiling.

"I think there is an agenda.

"There's still battles to be won. I shan't let you down. I said to someone earlier that when everyone was against us we stayed. People are now warming to us and we are staying. But if we leave fans to one side for a moment, while that lot are against us I'm not leaving.

"There's no-one spoke for this club for three or four years. It's not had anyone standing up.

"I am going to get fined every week, I suspect, or I will get banned."

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The statement from Tannadice has got me thinking - surely once again, serious questions have to be asked about the media and their reporting of the whole story.

Charles Green says they have paid all their footballing debts - all the media outlets report this as 100% fact. The BBC at least stated that it was Scottish debts, but not one of these "journalists" thought to phone Mad Vlad or Stephen Thompson to see if the brown envelope had arrived.

Constant acceptance of Rangers' statements when they are less than true, total lies written in some cases (Craig Whyte billionaire, Sky pulling out), and utter nonsense portrayed as serious journalism - it's ridiculous.

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It's human nature to not look away when a train smash is happening in front of you.

The strangest part of the whole saga is the blind acceptance of Charles Green. After the events of Murray and Whyte, you would assume that Green Rangers would be treated with some scepticism. There are still so many unanswered questions out there, I would have thought the Green Rangers fans would be bombarding forums such as RM.

Oldco got into the state they ended up in precisely because of the culture of not asking hard questions. (A culture that may have been led by the likes of James Traynor, but it was also assisted by various stakeholders at Oldco).

However, it just seems to be another big love-in at Ibrox, with everything on the periphery being ignored.

I've no axe to grind with ordinary Rangers fans. If you pay your money, week in week out to support the club, then you deserve to at least be told what is going on.

I have no doubt that the Scottish media are going to find it hard to get out of the culture of sucking up to Ibrox in the hope of being thrown scraps from the table and it's no surprise to me that many of them are still not pushing for answers, but to be honest, the biggest part of this whole debacle that I can't fathom is why Rangers supporters aren't demanding more clarity about the current set up.

I would look upon it more like survival instinct rather than human nature.

Charles Greene has come up roses on this one, never before has one of the most despised business men ever to go near a football club been accepted with open arms and shit eating grins by another without question. Might be alright now but the guy has previous and his loyalty only goes as far as how much he can make out of the venture, you only have to look at the number of companies he has passed through.

Rangers fans should be demanding more clarity after all its them that has created the circumstances in which the club can move forward by snapping up those season tickets.

Question is has the money from season tickets been used to pay the high earners at the club, some of the debts to other clubs and the running costs?. What's left and has there been more borrowing?.

Puzzled though because I heard a little story about Sevco's credit or rather lack of it and a golf trip up to Inverness after the Brechin game. Don't know whether they went or not but apparently the Kingsmills Hotel in Inverness refused them unless they gave cash upfront.:unsure:

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The statement from Tannadice has got me thinking - surely once again, serious questions have to be asked about the media and their reporting of the whole story.

Charles Green says they have paid all their footballing debts - all the media outlets report this as 100% fact. The BBC at least stated that it was Scottish debts, but not one of these "journalists" thought to phone Mad Vlad or Stephen Thompson to see if the brown envelope had arrived.

Constant acceptance of Rangers' statements when they are less than true, total lies written in some cases (Craig Whyte billionaire, Sky pulling out), and utter nonsense portrayed as serious journalism - it's ridiculous.

Ultimately, most have very little interest in whether it's true - their main concern is simply conveying it so that it seems to be true.

As we've seen throughout - they're often simply a willing mouthpiece/propaganda outlet.

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The statement from Tannadice has got me thinking - surely once again, serious questions have to be asked about the media and their reporting of the whole story.

Charles Green says they have paid all their footballing debts - all the media outlets report this as 100% fact. The BBC at least stated that it was Scottish debts, but not one of these "journalists" thought to phone Mad Vlad or Stephen Thompson to see if the brown envelope had arrived.

Constant acceptance of Rangers' statements when they are less than true, total lies written in some cases (Craig Whyte billionaire, Sky pulling out), and utter nonsense portrayed as serious journalism - it's ridiculous.

Journalists don't seem to do much investigation either way, the report about Thompson's statement declared that ICT were still owed money but as far as I know, from conversations with the club and ST that debt was paid weeks ago. Journalists just print what they think will get more of an audience regardless of factual accuracy.

They can't even see a good story when it jumps up and bites them in the face. For the Charles Green story in the record I would have focused on the fact that the owner of Sevco has admitted that he does not consider the debts of the old club to be continued to the new club but has only paid them so that the new club can be given a good start. Far more newsworthy than reporting his lies as fact, straight from the horses mouth and would certainly shift a few more copies.

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Closing on 3,300 pages on The Rangers. A thread that shadows everything else.

I can understand this passionate fascination for our greatest of clubs.

Get used to it; the legal proceedings that haven't even started will run for years. This is not about the new team in the SFL3, this is about the old rangers , how they got into such a financial mess that they were liquidated, how their fans kept funding charlatan after charlatan, how scottish fitba dealt with it, how corruption can't get away with it so easily these days, MSM vs the internet warriors etc etc. Great entertainment, important for scottish fitba and lessons to be learned for all. Enjoy.

And this shouldn't be in the SFL3 forum, sevco's part in this is minor compared to rangers.

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Charles Green appears as transparent as the stand up guy Craigy Whyte. He is pandering to the orcs & to the media with lies & spin in much the same way Whyte did. Are they all so blind as to fall for it?

Orcs not the sharpest tools in the box

Edited by old school
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The statement from Tannadice has got me thinking - surely once again, serious questions have to be asked about the media and their reporting of the whole story.

Charles Green says they have paid all their footballing debts - all the media outlets report this as 100% fact. The BBC at least stated that it was Scottish debts, but not one of these "journalists" thought to phone Mad Vlad or Stephen Thompson to see if the brown envelope had arrived.

Constant acceptance of Rangers' statements when they are less than true, total lies written in some cases (Craig Whyte billionaire, Sky pulling out), and utter nonsense portrayed as serious journalism - it's ridiculous.

You're right that it's ridiculous.

Has he paid it, or hasn't he?

This shouldn't be a complicated investigation for any half decent investigative journalist. The fact that no one seems to have an answer says all that needs to be said about how fat, lazy and second rate the Scottish media is becoming.

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You're right that it's ridiculous.

Has he paid it, or hasn't he?

This shouldn't be a complicated investigation for any half decent investigative journalist. The fact that no one seems to have an answer says all that needs to be said about how fat, lazy and second rate the Scottish media is ----------.

Sorted that for you.

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Charles Green appears as transparent as the stand up guy Craigy Whyte. He is pandering to the orcs & to the media with lies & spin in much the same way Whyte did. Are they all so blind as to fall for it?

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What Green will next say is that he gave the money over to the powers that be at Hampden and that they were going to hand it over to the clubs, and therefore it's not his fault that the clubs haven't got their money it's the SFA/SPL.

They in turn will say they have no idea what Green is on about as they haven't been in contact with him for ages.

But it doesn't matter what Green says anymore. He has whipped up a distrust of everything SFA/SPL with the SevCo fans and whilst they may not trust him, they certainly trust the SFA/SPL even less.

The guy is begging for the fans to buy season tickets, and you now have clowns like Sandaza coming out and saying that they can do the quadruple this season and that the reason he signed for the club was because of it's season ticket sales!!! blink.gif

SevCo and it's fans are like the very fat guy that goes to the doctor's complaining of shortness of breath. The doc tells him he is obese and needs to lose weight. The guy, says he is more worried that he can't breath. Doc, again states that this is due to him being fat and MUST lose weight. Fatty then leaves doctor's still puzzled about how his breathing can be affected by his weight, and feels a bit down that the doc couldn't couldn't help. So he goes to McDs to cheer himself up. He then tries another doctor, and is told the same thing, and another, another. All tell him it is because he is fat. Eventually he ends up in hospital critically ill, but when his equally fat mates turn up they bring him a McDs to cheer him up!!!

The point is no one at SevCo or it's fans actually wants to hear the truth. They fear if they hear the truth then it will be come true only because they heard it. Yet it would still have happened anyway.

Green needs to show written proof of these debts having been paid. He needs to show proof of where the fans money is going.

The fans are under the illusion that if they do all they can, and give every last penny they have to the club, then it will rise up "again". But yet none of them have any idea where their money is going.

Some SevCo fans on here are too busy slagging off everyone for their grammar or comments, because they would rather return to type than question if their loyalty to the club is warranted. There comes a point sometimes when no matter how loyal you are to a friend, you just can't defend them anymore.

SevCo are relying on the fans to remain "Rangers 'til I die."

Is it loyalty or blind faith?

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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